Dear white people, you don't get discriminated against, so shut up

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Her shortsightedness is only overshadowed by her stupidity.

She will make the claim that white people are not discriminated against so shut up. First of all that makes her a bigot. Secondly, if I as a white man, can't understand a black person then why and how can a black person understand me? I was in Scotland, years ago, and the people were either very nice or discriminated against Americans, depended mostly on age. So yeah white folks do get discriminated against as it was pointed out in a previous post.

But I will tell you one thing, folks like her and liberals make me want to discriminate everyday. If it were not for the fact that that vast majority of blacks, that I have met, are not like her I would loss all faith that things could ever change.

You show me where whites are actually being discriminated against. Because whites with good sense can't find any evidence. You are not discriminated against when you have the majority of everything. Scotland is not America. OK? Last whites and blacks in this country have different experiences of the system and of how America has operated. At the same time we grow up and are educated in a system hat is based upon white philosophy. mores and laws. We must survive in that system by avoiding by standards set by whites. To do that you must understand whites. Whites do not have to do the same. so they don't have to understand us, our history, or why we feel as we do. Therefore they want to make false equivalences of how we can't understand how it is to be white like whites have endured the same things blacks have.

Whites suffer from imaginary discrimination based upon an attitude of entitlement. If whites don't get every job no matter if 90 percent of the employees are white that's discrimination. Yet blacks fought based on a zero blacks policy, not at 90 percent of blacks get everything and because we can't get 100 percent we are being discriminated against.

I am a man btw but you will continue saying I am she like that means something when it only show that you are a sexiist.
Her shortsightedness is only overshadowed by her stupidity.

She will make the claim that white people are not discriminated against so shut up. First of all that makes her a bigot. Secondly, if I as a white man, can't understand a black person then why and how can a black person understand me? I was in Scotland, years ago, and the people were either very nice or discriminated against Americans, depended mostly on age. So yeah white folks do get discriminated against as it was pointed out in a previous post.

But I will tell you one thing, folks like her and liberals make me want to discriminate everyday. If it were not for the fact that that vast majority of blacks, that I have met, are not like her I would loss all faith that things could ever change.

You show me where whites are actually being discriminated against. ....

I've repeatedly done that. YOu just deny the evidence no matter how compelling.

Often by playing incredibly stupid.
Her shortsightedness is only overshadowed by her stupidity.

She will make the claim that white people are not discriminated against so shut up. First of all that makes her a bigot. Secondly, if I as a white man, can't understand a black person then why and how can a black person understand me? I was in Scotland, years ago, and the people were either very nice or discriminated against Americans, depended mostly on age. So yeah white folks do get discriminated against as it was pointed out in a previous post.

But I will tell you one thing, folks like her and liberals make me want to discriminate everyday. If it were not for the fact that that vast majority of blacks, that I have met, are not like her I would loss all faith that things could ever change.

You show me where whites are actually being discriminated against. Because whites with good sense can't find any evidence. You are not discriminated against when you have the majority of everything. Scotland is not America. OK? Last whites and blacks in this country have different experiences of the system and of how America has operated. At the same time we grow up and are educated in a system hat is based upon white philosophy. mores and laws. We must survive in that system by avoiding by standards set by whites. To do that you must understand whites. Whites do not have to do the same. so they don't have to understand us, our history, or why we feel as we do. Therefore they want to make false equivalences of how we can't understand how it is to be white like whites have endured the same things blacks have.

Whites suffer from imaginary discrimination based upon an attitude of entitlement. If whites don't get every job no matter if 90 percent of the employees are white that's discrimination. Yet blacks fought based on a zero blacks policy, not at 90 percent of blacks get everything and because we can't get 100 percent we are being discriminated against.

I am a man btw but you will continue saying I am she like that means something when it only show that you are a sexiist.
You show me where blacks are being discriminated against first.

Look at sports, football is comprised of 90 percent black, I am assuming. Whites, by the definition from blacks, are obviously discriminated against.

Same with TV. Watch the ads that come on, fully half the people are now black, that means that the majority of the population was discriminated against to make that happen.
Her shortsightedness is only overshadowed by her stupidity.

She will make the claim that white people are not discriminated against so shut up. First of all that makes her a bigot. Secondly, if I as a white man, can't understand a black person then why and how can a black person understand me? I was in Scotland, years ago, and the people were either very nice or discriminated against Americans, depended mostly on age. So yeah white folks do get discriminated against as it was pointed out in a previous post.

But I will tell you one thing, folks like her and liberals make me want to discriminate everyday. If it were not for the fact that that vast majority of blacks, that I have met, are not like her I would loss all faith that things could ever change.

You show me where whites are actually being discriminated against. ....

I've repeatedly done that. YOu just deny the evidence no matter how compelling.

Often by playing incredibly stupid.

No you haven'r. What you have done is use one study where whites were the majority of all college admittees to claim discrimination against whites because every white person who applied did not get into an ivy league college. You are not discriminated against when you are the mother fucking majority of anything fool.
Her shortsightedness is only overshadowed by her stupidity.

She will make the claim that white people are not discriminated against so shut up. First of all that makes her a bigot. Secondly, if I as a white man, can't understand a black person then why and how can a black person understand me? I was in Scotland, years ago, and the people were either very nice or discriminated against Americans, depended mostly on age. So yeah white folks do get discriminated against as it was pointed out in a previous post.

But I will tell you one thing, folks like her and liberals make me want to discriminate everyday. If it were not for the fact that that vast majority of blacks, that I have met, are not like her I would loss all faith that things could ever change.

You show me where whites are actually being discriminated against. Because whites with good sense can't find any evidence. You are not discriminated against when you have the majority of everything. Scotland is not America. OK? Last whites and blacks in this country have different experiences of the system and of how America has operated. At the same time we grow up and are educated in a system hat is based upon white philosophy. mores and laws. We must survive in that system by avoiding by standards set by whites. To do that you must understand whites. Whites do not have to do the same. so they don't have to understand us, our history, or why we feel as we do. Therefore they want to make false equivalences of how we can't understand how it is to be white like whites have endured the same things blacks have.

Whites suffer from imaginary discrimination based upon an attitude of entitlement. If whites don't get every job no matter if 90 percent of the employees are white that's discrimination. Yet blacks fought based on a zero blacks policy, not at 90 percent of blacks get everything and because we can't get 100 percent we are being discriminated against.

I am a man btw but you will continue saying I am she like that means something when it only show that you are a sexiist.
You show me where blacks are being discriminated against first.

Look at sports, football is comprised of 90 percent black, I am assuming. Whites, by the definition from blacks, are obviously discriminated against.

Same with TV. Watch the ads that come on, fully half the people are now black, that means that the majority of the population was discriminated against to make that happen.

This is fucking stupid and I knew your ignorant ass would try this argument. How does he NFL pick those who make the team? And half the people on TV ads aren't black. So again show me where whites are being discriminated against because you are talking about NFL players but not administration or ownership. And when you talk about looking at sports the NFL is not the only one, There is hockey, where are the blacks? Golf. Where are the blacks? Tennis. Where are the blacks? Baseball. Figure skating, bowling, skiing and many other sports that are primarily white so then your argument about spirts discriminating against whites is bullshit.
Her shortsightedness is only overshadowed by her stupidity.

She will make the claim that white people are not discriminated against so shut up. First of all that makes her a bigot. Secondly, if I as a white man, can't understand a black person then why and how can a black person understand me? I was in Scotland, years ago, and the people were either very nice or discriminated against Americans, depended mostly on age. So yeah white folks do get discriminated against as it was pointed out in a previous post.

But I will tell you one thing, folks like her and liberals make me want to discriminate everyday. If it were not for the fact that that vast majority of blacks, that I have met, are not like her I would loss all faith that things could ever change.

You show me where whites are actually being discriminated against. ....

I've repeatedly done that. YOu just deny the evidence no matter how compelling.

Often by playing incredibly stupid.

No you haven'r. What you have done is use one study where whites were the majority of all college admittees to claim discrimination against whites because every white person who applied did not get into an ivy league college. You are not discriminated against when you are the mother fucking majority of anything fool.

You can certainly be discriminated against when you are the majority. That you can say something so idiotic and expect to be taken seriously is evidence of the completely corruption and dishonesty of the left.
Poland doesn't have a rampant HIV / AIDS problem.

I think you're thinking of Russia, or Ukraine.

But, none the less Simon Mol a scummy Black, spread HIV / AIDS to many Polish girls, and even told them it was racist to use a condom.
O. Please. He (Simon Mol) probably told them that he was HIV.

They just wanted one taste of a real man in them, even if it costed them there life, because there are no real men in Poland. You white boys need to fix up.

Yes of course...the 'real men' you reflect upon are far too busy languishing in prison, abandoning their children...committing violent crime...collecting and or bitching about welfare supplements...whining about 'whitey holdin them down...shooting one another...or just plain dazed at the complexities of a world in which they cannot assimilate because they are too stupid and violent...are these your 'real men' Goober?
Her shortsightedness is only overshadowed by her stupidity.

She will make the claim that white people are not discriminated against so shut up. First of all that makes her a bigot. Secondly, if I as a white man, can't understand a black person then why and how can a black person understand me? I was in Scotland, years ago, and the people were either very nice or discriminated against Americans, depended mostly on age. So yeah white folks do get discriminated against as it was pointed out in a previous post.

But I will tell you one thing, folks like her and liberals make me want to discriminate everyday. If it were not for the fact that that vast majority of blacks, that I have met, are not like her I would loss all faith that things could ever change.

You show me where whites are actually being discriminated against. Because whites with good sense can't find any evidence. You are not discriminated against when you have the majority of everything. Scotland is not America. OK? Last whites and blacks in this country have different experiences of the system and of how America has operated. At the same time we grow up and are educated in a system hat is based upon white philosophy. mores and laws. We must survive in that system by avoiding by standards set by whites. To do that you must understand whites. Whites do not have to do the same. so they don't have to understand us, our history, or why we feel as we do. Therefore they want to make false equivalences of how we can't understand how it is to be white like whites have endured the same things blacks have.

Whites suffer from imaginary discrimination based upon an attitude of entitlement. If whites don't get every job no matter if 90 percent of the employees are white that's discrimination. Yet blacks fought based on a zero blacks policy, not at 90 percent of blacks get everything and because we can't get 100 percent we are being discriminated against.

I am a man btw but you will continue saying I am she like that means something when it only show that you are a sexiist.
You show me where blacks are being discriminated against first.

Look at sports, football is comprised of 90 percent black, I am assuming. Whites, by the definition from blacks, are obviously discriminated against.

Same with TV. Watch the ads that come on, fully half the people are now black, that means that the majority of the population was discriminated against to make that happen.

This is fucking stupid and I knew your ignorant ass would try this argument. How does he NFL pick those who make the team? And half the people on TV ads aren't black. So again show me where whites are being discriminated against because you are talking about NFL players but not administration or ownership. And when you talk about looking at sports the NFL is not the only one, There is hockey, where are the blacks? Golf. Where are the blacks? Tennis. Where are the blacks? Baseball. Figure skating, bowling, skiing and many other sports that are primarily white so then your argument about spirts discriminating against whites is bullshit.
So easily triggered, it is hardly worth the lack of effort.

Here is one example of TV: Why does Family Feud always have a black family vs. a white family?

As for the NFL, yes it is decided how everything should be decided, by skill and speed.

Now, how do you compare that to affirmative action? Dropping of standards so more black pass then they jump ahead of whites? Isn't that blatant racism? Of course it isn't in your trigger world.
You probably think a man has to resemble a Gorilla to be a real man.
Black men look better than white men and age better too.

Odds Favor White Men, Asian Women On Dating App

But still "Black men look better than white men and age better too"
I am smashing that stereotype pretty hard single-handedly considering my youngest sister’s friends thought I was their age or younger when I am actually 9 years older than them.

If white people stay out of the sun for excessive periods of time they age like everyone else.
Poland doesn't have a rampant HIV / AIDS problem.

I think you're thinking of Russia, or Ukraine.

But, none the less Simon Mol a scummy Black, spread HIV / AIDS to many Polish girls, and even told them it was racist to use a condom.
O. Please. He (Simon Mol) probably told them that he was HIV.

They just wanted one taste of a real man in them, even if it costed them there life, because there are no real men in Poland. You white boys need to fix up.
How would you know what a real man is little fairy?
if white men were real men, they would not need a system of white supremacy to prop them up.
Poland doesn't have a rampant HIV / AIDS problem.

I think you're thinking of Russia, or Ukraine.

But, none the less Simon Mol a scummy Black, spread HIV / AIDS to many Polish girls, and even told them it was racist to use a condom.
O. Please. He (Simon Mol) probably told them that he was HIV.

They just wanted one taste of a real man in them, even if it costed them there life, because there are no real men in Poland. You white boys need to fix up.
How would you know what a real man is little fairy?
if white men were real men, they would not need a system of white supremacy to prop them up.

NOte: We don't.

You and your lefty allies are the ones that want discrimination in your favor so that you can compete.

I await your bat shit crazy lies about why that is not the case.
Poland doesn't have a rampant HIV / AIDS problem.

I think you're thinking of Russia, or Ukraine.

But, none the less Simon Mol a scummy Black, spread HIV / AIDS to many Polish girls, and even told them it was racist to use a condom.
O. Please. He (Simon Mol) probably told them that he was HIV.

They just wanted one taste of a real man in them, even if it costed them there life, because there are no real men in Poland. You white boys need to fix up.
How would you know what a real man is little fairy?
if white men were real men, they would not need a system of white supremacy to prop them up.
I guess non-white men can’t be real men then...

The only racist systems are in non-white countries.

If there was a system of white supremacy you wouldn’t see white men getting sex change operations to become part of a privileged class.

White men who are proud of their heritage and fully embrace their masculinity are the strongest men in the world.

Smart and strong white men are the worst of nightmare of the anti-white system that is in place today.
Poland doesn't have a rampant HIV / AIDS problem.

I think you're thinking of Russia, or Ukraine.

But, none the less Simon Mol a scummy Black, spread HIV / AIDS to many Polish girls, and even told them it was racist to use a condom.
O. Please. He (Simon Mol) probably told them that he was HIV.

They just wanted one taste of a real man in them, even if it costed them there life, because there are no real men in Poland. You white boys need to fix up.
How would you know what a real man is little fairy?
if white men were real men, they would not need a system of white supremacy to prop them up.

NOte: We don't.

You and your lefty allies are the ones that want discrimination in your favor so that you can compete.

I await your bat shit crazy lies about why that is not the case.
Stop with all the "leftie" talk, ur not talking to ur white mates on stormfront now.

I don't have white allies. All whites racists, granted some r more than others, but all r. The same way not every snake is deadly, but u put poison and fangs in that non poisonous snake.

What do u think that it will do next time it has the chance to kill ?
Poland doesn't have a rampant HIV / AIDS problem.

I think you're thinking of Russia, or Ukraine.

But, none the less Simon Mol a scummy Black, spread HIV / AIDS to many Polish girls, and even told them it was racist to use a condom.
O. Please. He (Simon Mol) probably told them that he was HIV.

They just wanted one taste of a real man in them, even if it costed them there life, because there are no real men in Poland. You white boys need to fix up.
How would you know what a real man is little fairy?
if white men were real men, they would not need a system of white supremacy to prop them up.

NOte: We don't.

You and your lefty allies are the ones that want discrimination in your favor so that you can compete.

I await your bat shit crazy lies about why that is not the case.
Stop with all the "leftie" talk, ur not talking to ur white mates on stormfront now.

I don't have white allies. All whites racists, granted some r more than others, but all r. The same way not every snake is deadly, but u put poison and fangs in that non poisonous snake.

What do u think that it will do next time it has the chance to kill ?

YOu talk a good game, but you want the same shit that they want and you accept it from them and carry water for them with every post on this site.

DO you deny that you want blacks to get discriminated in favor in our society?
Poland doesn't have a rampant HIV / AIDS problem.

I think you're thinking of Russia, or Ukraine.

But, none the less Simon Mol a scummy Black, spread HIV / AIDS to many Polish girls, and even told them it was racist to use a condom.
O. Please. He (Simon Mol) probably told them that he was HIV.

They just wanted one taste of a real man in them, even if it costed them there life, because there are no real men in Poland. You white boys need to fix up.
How would you know what a real man is little fairy?
if white men were real men, they would not need a system of white supremacy to prop them up.

NOte: We don't.

You and your lefty allies are the ones that want discrimination in your favor so that you can compete.

I await your bat shit crazy lies about why that is not the case.
Stop with all the "leftie" talk, ur not talking to ur white mates on stormfront now.

I don't have white allies. All whites racists, granted some r more than others, but all r. The same way not every snake is deadly, but u put poison and fangs in that non poisonous snake.

What do u think that it will do next time it has the chance to kill ?
Stop reiterating that you are unbashedly racist against white people.

We have known this for quite some time now.
O. Please. He (Simon Mol) probably told them that he was HIV.

They just wanted one taste of a real man in them, even if it costed them there life, because there are no real men in Poland. You white boys need to fix up.
How would you know what a real man is little fairy?
if white men were real men, they would not need a system of white supremacy to prop them up.

NOte: We don't.

You and your lefty allies are the ones that want discrimination in your favor so that you can compete.

I await your bat shit crazy lies about why that is not the case.
Stop with all the "leftie" talk, ur not talking to ur white mates on stormfront now.

I don't have white allies. All whites racists, granted some r more than others, but all r. The same way not every snake is deadly, but u put poison and fangs in that non poisonous snake.

What do u think that it will do next time it has the chance to kill ?
Stop reiterating that you are unbashedly racist against white people.

We have known this for quite some time now.
Have I said that white people are inferior ?

Have I said that white people are biologically less intelligent ?
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