Dear white people, you don't get discriminated against, so shut up

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Another solid stat you obviously refuse to acknolwedge
It's not about me refuting.

It's about you proving your point. Otherwise I could spend days trying to refute people who think the Earth is flat.

It's about you. You to prove

But as to u saying "Asian are the most intelligent"

Answer me these questions

Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

That’s why Japan is one of the only (or the only) “super powesr” that doesn’t have any nuclear weapons (and It won’t be allowed to have any). But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Germany ALSO lost the war but it has nuclear weapons and no one worries about them having them in spite of Hitler’s campaign to dominate the planet. Why? Because Germany is a “white nation.”

If you look at the nations where possession of nuclear weapons is a “problem” for the U.S. or Israel or NATO — they are always NON-WHITE nations.

And that’s why Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power to refuse to do it.

But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan can’t build anything — even a convenience store — in the U.S. without permission from US government so how can they build, even expand a military presence in Japan without their permission? Because Japan is not just a U.S. colony it is a non-white nation under the system of white supremacy.

But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Also to claim superior Asian genes or culture requires you to ignore the rampant poverty of persons from the same backgrounds in their countries of origin.

There is no shortage poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong: testament to the absurdity of cultural superiority claims for Asians as a group.

LOL you're arguing with proven stats Paul, this seems to elude you
The paper, "Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability," by J. Philippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario.
I'm not bothered about these guys running around trying to prove how stupid black people are. But this link did standout to me.

Phillipe J. Rushton is dead.

But Rushton was the president of Pioneer Fund which is an American foundation that has poured millions into scientific racism. The fund started as part of the eugenics movement of the early 1900s and is still with us.

Much of the science in “The Bell Curve” was paid for by the Pioneer Fund. So you citing him is like me citing Ronald McDonald in a piece he wrote about vegetarians.

But this is the man (Rushton) who went to the Eaton Centre in Toronto and asked random men their genital size and how far they could ejaculate.

And this is the best you have to offer ?

It's a case of “I have a small dick but at least I’m smarter than those men with big ones”.

That’s what it boils down to black men’s sexuality and theirs and your feelings of inferiority.
AND YOU CAN NATURALLY DISPROVE THE ACADEMIC STATS? I'M ALL EARS PAUL...face the inexorably fact that you are an angry Black man without an argument...since I don't subscribe to the idea of 'race' because there is no scientific basis to support it my identity is irrelevant to the argument you press in desperation...all you need to know is that I'm not White low-brow...
And I say to you before and I'll repeat what I have written.

If you are trying to ground IQ as a genetic product of race. The very first thing you need to do is offer up a genetic definition of race.

Something no one has done. Nor done nor has any study.

But I’ll sit back, and invite you to give me a definition. Mainly because your pathetic attempts to define race will point out just how subjective such definitions are. In close to a decade of debating race and IQ with people like you.

I have yet to see any one of them, no matter what their scientific credentials (I repeat) no matter what their scientific credentials - offer up an acceptably neutral definition of race.

It's not enough to say "Blacks have a lower IQ. Now prove me wrong"

You have to show that human variation is great enough to account for differences of IQ.
You have to show that the veracity of IQ as a legitimate measurement.
You have to show and provided an inextricable link between genetics, race, and IQ outside of methodologically flawed correlations.

You are making an explicatory argument. You’re saying black IQ is lower, in general, because blacks are “naturally” less intelligent.

That's an exceptionally radical statement.

So you're going to need exceptionally radical proof to back it up.

Alfred Binet created IQ test to see which children weren’t profiting from the Parisian school system (not so that they could be labeled stupid) so new educational programs could be created to help those children.

Even back then he was afraid that his tests would be misused for the wrong reasons and he He must have been psychic because once certain people got a hold of it, they took on a whole new meaning.

And let's look at the people who try promote this over the years

Steve Sailer, journalist/computer salesman.
J. Philippe Rushton, psychologist.
Francis Fukuyama, political economist.
Steve Hsu, astrophysicist.
Richard Herrnstein, psychologist.
Charles Murray, political scientist (Author of Bell Curve)
Arthur Jensen, psychology professor. (Author of Bell Curve)

You notice anything strange?

No biologists. No anthropologists. No neurologists. No geneticists in sight.

But yet you take there words over people who study these things for a living ?

And that's why in neurology no one takes IQ seriously.

It is archaic and only really useful to social scientists. And people like you who need simple explanations for complex things.

Neurologists have a better understanding of how the brain works because they spend decades of their lives studying it have little to no use for it, but to the public at large it is so important.

Because the public is only concerned with what feels like it should be true rather than what is actually the case in reality.

In this context 'race' serves merely as a group can offer the group ID in any label you prefer, however there is no statistical doubt that Black are less intelligent than whites, and conversely whites are less intelligent than East Asians...capish?

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

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April 26, 2005

A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic.

The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world to contrast "a hereditarian model (50% genetic-50% cultural) and a culture-only model (0% genetic-100% cultural)."

The paper, "Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability," by J. Philippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario and Arthur R. Jensen of the University of California at Berkeley, appeared with a positive commentary by Linda Gottfredson of the University of Delaware, three critical ones (by Robert Sternberg of Yale University, Richard Nisbett of the University of Michigan, and Lisa Suzuki & Joshua Aronson of New York University), and the authors' reply.

"Neither the existence nor the size of race differences in IQ are a matter of dispute, only their cause," write the authors. The Black-White difference has been found consistently from the time of the massive World War I Army testing of 90 years ago to a massive study of over 6 million corporate, military, and higher-education test-takers in 2001.

"Race differences show up by 3 years of age, even after matching on maternal education and other variables," said Rushton. "Therefore they cannot be due to poor education since this has not yet begun to exert an effect. That's why Jensen and I looked at the genetic hypothesis in detail. We examined 10 categories of evidence."

1. The Worldwide Pattern of IQ Scores. East Asians average higher on IQ tests than Whites, both in the U. S. and in Asia, even though IQ tests were developed for use in the Euro-American culture. Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; and for Blacks about 85 in the U.S. and 70 in sub-Saharan Africa.

2. Race Differences are Most Pronounced on Tests that Best Measure the General Intelligence Factor (g). Black-White differences, for example, are larger on the Backward Digit Span test than on the less g loaded Forward Digit Span test.

3. The Gene-Environment Architecture of IQ is the Same in all Races, and Race Differences are Most Pronounced on More Heritable Abilities. Studies of Black, White, and East Asian twins, for example, show the heritability of IQ is 50% or higher in all races.

4. Brain Size Differences. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) find a correlation of brain size with IQ of about 0.40. Larger brains contain more neurons and synapses and process information faster. Race differences in brain size are present at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites who average 5 cubic inches more than Blacks.

5. Trans-Racial Adoption Studies. Race differences in IQ remain following adoption by White middle class parents. East Asians grow to average higher IQs than Whites while Blacks score lower. The Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption Study followed children to age 17 and found race differences were even greater than at age 7: White children, 106; Mixed-Race children, 99; and Black children, 89.

6. Racial Admixture Studies. Black children with lighter skin, for example, average higher IQ scores. In South Africa, the IQ of the mixed-race "Colored" population averages 85, intermediate to the African 70 and White 100.

7. IQ Scores of Blacks and Whites Regress toward the Averages of Their Race. Parents pass on only some exceptional genes to offspring so parents with very high IQs tend to have more average children. Black and White children with parents of IQ 115 move to different averages--Blacks toward 85 and Whites to 100.

8. Race Differences in Other "Life-History" Traits. East Asians and Blacks consistently fall at two ends of a continuum with Whites intermediate on 60 measures of maturation, personality, reproduction, and social organization. For example, Black children sit, crawl, walk, and put on their clothes earlier than Whites or East Asians.

9. Race Differences and the Out-of-Africa theory of Human Origins. East Asian-White-Black differences fit the theory that modern humans arose in Africa about 100,000 years ago and expanded northward. During prolonged winters there was evolutionary selection for higher IQ created by problems of raising children, gathering and storing food, gaining shelter, and making clothes.

10. Do Culture-Only Theories Explain the Data? Culture-only theories do not explain the highly consistent pattern of race differences in IQ, especially the East Asian data. No interventions such as ending segregation, introducing school busing, or "Head Start" programs have reduced the gaps as culture-only theory would predict.

This is about as much academic research as the color of crime. A child can be black but because they are lighter their IQ's are higher.:badgrin:
Another solid stat you obviously refuse to acknolwedge
It's not about me refuting.

It's about you proving your point. Otherwise I could spend days trying to refute people who think the Earth is flat.

It's about you. You to prove

But as to u saying "Asian are the most intelligent"

Answer me these questions

Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

That’s why Japan is one of the only (or the only) “super powesr” that doesn’t have any nuclear weapons (and It won’t be allowed to have any). But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Germany ALSO lost the war but it has nuclear weapons and no one worries about them having them in spite of Hitler’s campaign to dominate the planet. Why? Because Germany is a “white nation.”

If you look at the nations where possession of nuclear weapons is a “problem” for the U.S. or Israel or NATO — they are always NON-WHITE nations.

And that’s why Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power to refuse to do it.

But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan can’t build anything — even a convenience store — in the U.S. without permission from US government so how can they build, even expand a military presence in Japan without their permission? Because Japan is not just a U.S. colony it is a non-white nation under the system of white supremacy.

But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Also to claim superior Asian genes or culture requires you to ignore the rampant poverty of persons from the same backgrounds in their countries of origin.

There is no shortage poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong: testament to the absurdity of cultural superiority claims for Asians as a group.

Paul: "
Another solid stat you obviously refuse to acknolwedge
It's not about me refuting.

It's about you proving your point. Otherwise I could spend days trying to refute people who think the Earth is flat.

It's about you. You to prove

But as to u saying "Asian are the most intelligent"

Answer me these questions

Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

That’s why Japan is one of the only (or the only) “super powesr” that doesn’t have any nuclear weapons (and It won’t be allowed to have any). But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Germany ALSO lost the war but it has nuclear weapons and no one worries about them having them in spite of Hitler’s campaign to dominate the planet. Why? Because Germany is a “white nation.”

If you look at the nations where possession of nuclear weapons is a “problem” for the U.S. or Israel or NATO — they are always NON-WHITE nations.

And that’s why Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power to refuse to do it.

But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan can’t build anything — even a convenience store — in the U.S. without permission from US government so how can they build, even expand a military presence in Japan without their permission? Because Japan is not just a U.S. colony it is a non-white nation under the system of white supremacy.

But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Also to claim superior Asian genes or culture requires you to ignore the rampant poverty of persons from the same backgrounds in their countries of origin.

There is no shortage poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong: testament to the absurdity of cultural superiority claims for Asians as a group.

Paul: "Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?"

Right low-brow...your argument is appear to posit that higher genetic intelligence should provide immunization against geo/military incursions...Jews have been expelled and persecuted for centuries by a spate of European nations, doesn't alter the fact that they register a genetically higher IQ...
Another solid stat you obviously refuse to acknolwedge
It's not about me refuting.

It's about you proving your point. Otherwise I could spend days trying to refute people who think the Earth is flat.

It's about you. You to prove

But as to u saying "Asian are the most intelligent"

Answer me these questions

Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

That’s why Japan is one of the only (or the only) “super powesr” that doesn’t have any nuclear weapons (and It won’t be allowed to have any). But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Germany ALSO lost the war but it has nuclear weapons and no one worries about them having them in spite of Hitler’s campaign to dominate the planet. Why? Because Germany is a “white nation.”

If you look at the nations where possession of nuclear weapons is a “problem” for the U.S. or Israel or NATO — they are always NON-WHITE nations.

And that’s why Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power to refuse to do it.

But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan can’t build anything — even a convenience store — in the U.S. without permission from US government so how can they build, even expand a military presence in Japan without their permission? Because Japan is not just a U.S. colony it is a non-white nation under the system of white supremacy.

But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Also to claim superior Asian genes or culture requires you to ignore the rampant poverty of persons from the same backgrounds in their countries of origin.

There is no shortage poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong: testament to the absurdity of cultural superiority claims for Asians as a group.

LOL you're arguing with proven stats Paul, this seems to elude you

These are not proven stats they are a joke and they will be made examples of.
Paul: "Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?"

Right low-brow...your argument is appear to posit that higher genetic intelligence should provide immunization against geo/military incursions...Jews have been expelled and persecuted for centuries by a spate of European nations, doesn't alter the fact that they register a genetically higher IQ...
Serial Killer Ted Bundy had an high IQ. According to many. It was off the wall. In the 140's. Genius level. But this was a man who used slit women from Vagina to there neck. But he's intelligent ? Right ?

Nobody said evolution stopped at the neck.

But to you, it did, because in your world, the brain decided that if you had darker skin then it should evolve differently than if you had lighter skin, or almond-shaped eyes?

Anyway gotta go,

But like Arnie "I'll be back"
The paper, "Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability," by J. Philippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario.
I'm not bothered about these guys running around trying to prove how stupid black people are. But this link did standout to me.

Phillipe J. Rushton is dead.

But Rushton was the president of Pioneer Fund which is an American foundation that has poured millions into scientific racism. The fund started as part of the eugenics movement of the early 1900s and is still with us.

Much of the science in “The Bell Curve” was paid for by the Pioneer Fund. So you citing him is like me citing Ronald McDonald in a piece he wrote about vegetarians.

But this is the man (Rushton) who went to the Eaton Centre in Toronto and asked random men their genital size and how far they could ejaculate.

And this is the best you have to offer ?

It's a case of “I have a small dick but at least I’m smarter than those men with big ones”.

That’s what it boils down to black men’s sexuality and theirs and your feelings of inferiority.

LOL!!!! the inarguable proof that Blacks are stupid are the dramatic contrasts between their grim economic and academic performance and the sheer weight of criminal activity skewed to them
The paper, "Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability," by J. Philippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario.
I'm not bothered about these guys running around trying to prove how stupid black people are. But this link did standout to me.

Phillipe J. Rushton is dead.

But Rushton was the president of Pioneer Fund which is an American foundation that has poured millions into scientific racism. The fund started as part of the eugenics movement of the early 1900s and is still with us.

Much of the science in “The Bell Curve” was paid for by the Pioneer Fund. So you citing him is like me citing Ronald McDonald in a piece he wrote about vegetarians.

But this is the man (Rushton) who went to the Eaton Centre in Toronto and asked random men their genital size and how far they could ejaculate.

And this is the best you have to offer ?

It's a case of “I have a small dick but at least I’m smarter than those men with big ones”.

That’s what it boils down to black men’s sexuality and theirs and your feelings of inferiority.

Paul "
It's a case of “I have a small dick but at least I’m smarter than those men with big ones”.

That’s what it boils down to black men’s sexuality and theirs and your feelings of inferiority.[/QUOTE]

Sincere thanks for basically proving my point you angry, bitter moron...accept the fact that you cannot accept facts...LOL:badgrin:
Paul: "Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?"

Right low-brow...your argument is appear to posit that higher genetic intelligence should provide immunization against geo/military incursions...Jews have been expelled and persecuted for centuries by a spate of European nations, doesn't alter the fact that they register a genetically higher IQ...
Serial Killer Ted Bundy had an high IQ. According to many. It was off the wall. In the 140's. Genius level. But this was a man who used slit women from Vagina to there neck. But he's intelligent ? Right ?

Nobody said evolution stopped at the neck.

But to you, it did, because in your world, the brain decided that if you had darker skin then it should evolve differently than if you had lighter skin, or almond-shaped eyes?

Anyway gotta go,

But like Arnie "I'll be back"

Another solid stat you obviously refuse to acknolwedge
It's not about me refuting.

It's about you proving your point. Otherwise I could spend days trying to refute people who think the Earth is flat.

It's about you. You to prove

But as to u saying "Asian are the most intelligent"

Answer me these questions

Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

That’s why Japan is one of the only (or the only) “super powesr” that doesn’t have any nuclear weapons (and It won’t be allowed to have any). But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Germany ALSO lost the war but it has nuclear weapons and no one worries about them having them in spite of Hitler’s campaign to dominate the planet. Why? Because Germany is a “white nation.”

If you look at the nations where possession of nuclear weapons is a “problem” for the U.S. or Israel or NATO — they are always NON-WHITE nations.

And that’s why Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power to refuse to do it.

But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan can’t build anything — even a convenience store — in the U.S. without permission from US government so how can they build, even expand a military presence in Japan without their permission? Because Japan is not just a U.S. colony it is a non-white nation under the system of white supremacy.

But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Also to claim superior Asian genes or culture requires you to ignore the rampant poverty of persons from the same backgrounds in their countries of origin.

There is no shortage poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong: testament to the absurdity of cultural superiority claims for Asians as a group.

LOL you're arguing with proven stats Paul, this seems to elude you

These are not proven stats they are a joke and they will be made examples of.

Paul: "Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?"

Right low-brow...your argument is appear to posit that higher genetic intelligence should provide immunization against geo/military incursions...Jews have been expelled and persecuted for centuries by a spate of European nations, doesn't alter the fact that they register a genetically higher IQ...
Serial Killer Ted Bundy had an high IQ. According to many. It was off the wall. In the 140's. Genius level. But this was a man who used slit women from Vagina to there neck. But he's intelligent ? Right ?

Nobody said evolution stopped at the neck.

But to you, it did, because in your world, the brain decided that if you had darker skin then it should evolve differently than if you had lighter skin, or almond-shaped eyes?

Anyway gotta go,

But like Arnie "I'll be back"

Youre beginning to become unhinged. Stop typing in all caps. You will bust a blood vessel in your head and have an aneurysm.
Paul: "Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?"

Right low-brow...your argument is appear to posit that higher genetic intelligence should provide immunization against geo/military incursions...Jews have been expelled and persecuted for centuries by a spate of European nations, doesn't alter the fact that they register a genetically higher IQ...
Serial Killer Ted Bundy had an high IQ. According to many. It was off the wall. In the 140's. Genius level. But this was a man who used slit women from Vagina to there neck. But he's intelligent ? Right ?

Nobody said evolution stopped at the neck.

But to you, it did, because in your world, the brain decided that if you had darker skin then it should evolve differently than if you had lighter skin, or almond-shaped eyes?

Anyway gotta go,

But like Arnie "I'll be back"

Youre beginning to become unhinged. Stop typing in all caps. You will bust a blood vessel in your head and have an aneurysm.

As a group, white people have done more in the way of inventions, discoveries, medical advances... then blacks.
So in your opinion because you believe what you just said, that means you think white people are more intelligent. Right ?
As a group, yes. More schooling=more intelligent.
No thats wrong. More schooling means you have more information. Intelligence is the ability to learn. Obviously you lack intelligence because dictionaries are free and you should know the difference. There are plenty of people that have zero institutionalized schooling but are incredibly intelligent.
You're thinking of "street smart". That only works in the 'hood.
Since whites have to hire more than just white people other white scream "no fair! I remember when we took ALL the jobs!"

I'm not white and I don't believe anybody should be hired based on their skin pigmentation. In fact, I would be insulted if I found out I was hired to fill a racial quota.
Blacks haven't invented anything in a long time. As a group, their intelligence is lower.
So white ppl are more intelligent than black people ? That's your claim. Right ?
As a group, white people have done more in the way of inventions, discoveries, medical advances... then blacks.

No they haven't.
Yes they have. By far. The last thing a black person invented was probably the 'fro comb, back in the 70s. :biggrin:
Blacks haven't invented anything in a long time. As a group, their intelligence is lower.
So white ppl are more intelligent than black people ? That's your claim. Right ?
As a group, white people have done more in the way of inventions, discoveries, medical advances... then blacks.

No they haven't.
Yes they have. By far. The last thing a black person invented was probably the 'fro comb, back in the 70s. :biggrin:

No so.
Since whites have to hire more than just white people other white scream "no fair! I remember when we took ALL the jobs!"

I'm not white and I don't believe anybody should be hired based on their skin pigmentation. In fact, I would be insulted if I found out I was hired to fill a racial quota.

Well no one would tell you that because it doesn't work like that.
Since whites have to hire more than just white people other white scream "no fair! I remember when we took ALL the jobs!"

I'm not white and I don't believe anybody should be hired based on their skin pigmentation. In fact, I would be insulted if I found out I was hired to fill a racial quota.

So if whites have hired each other for 241 years because of skin color how do you create a plan that is going to stop that from happening ? Do you just suddenly say that race will no longer be considered and you expect whites, who have used race to get ahead even to the point of having Asians such as yourself argue for them, to just stop the practice of hiring whites first and only? Do you lack the intelligence to see what a ruse this is and why it's being done like this?
Since whites have to hire more than just white people other white scream "no fair! I remember when we took ALL the jobs!"

I'm not white and I don't believe anybody should be hired based on their skin pigmentation. In fact, I would be insulted if I found out I was hired to fill a racial quota.

So if whites have hired each other for 241 years because of skin color how do you create a plan that is going to stop that from happening ? Do you just suddenly say that race will no longer be considered and you expect whites, who have used race to get ahead even to the point of having Asians such as yourself argue for them, to just stop the practice of hiring whites first and only? Do you lack the intelligence to see what a ruse this is and why it's being done like this?

This is 2017, not 1955. Stop living in the past and maybe you'll start advancing in the future.
Since whites have to hire more than just white people other white scream "no fair! I remember when we took ALL the jobs!"

I'm not white and I don't believe anybody should be hired based on their skin pigmentation. In fact, I would be insulted if I found out I was hired to fill a racial quota.

So if whites have hired each other for 241 years because of skin color how do you create a plan that is going to stop that from happening ? Do you just suddenly say that race will no longer be considered and you expect whites, who have used race to get ahead even to the point of having Asians such as yourself argue for them, to just stop the practice of hiring whites first and only? Do you lack the intelligence to see what a ruse this is and why it's being done like this?

This is 2017, not 1955. Stop living in the past and maybe you'll start advancing in the future.

LOL I might offer you the identical advice...yet another devastating do they do it???
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