Dear white people, you don't get discriminated against, so shut up

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So white ppl are more intelligent than black people ? That's your claim. Right ?
As a group, white people have done more in the way of inventions, discoveries, medical advances... then blacks.

No they haven't.
Yes they have. By far. The last thing a black person invented was probably the 'fro comb, back in the 70s. :biggrin:

No so.
So who's the black Elon Musk, or the black Steve Jobs, or the black Bill Gates...? :dunno:

So who is the white Dr. Patricia Bath, Dr. Charles Drew, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, and there is no Steve Jobs or Bill Gates without Otis Boykin or Dr. Mark Dean. Where is the white Dr. Philip Egmeagwali?

You're ignorant.
As a group, white people have done more in the way of inventions, discoveries, medical advances... then blacks.

No they haven't.
Yes they have. By far. The last thing a black person invented was probably the 'fro comb, back in the 70s. :biggrin:

No so.
So who's the black Elon Musk, or the black Steve Jobs, or the black Bill Gates...? :dunno:

So who is the white Dr. Patricia Bath, Dr. Charles Drew, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, and there is no Steve Jobs or Bill Gates without Otis Boykin or Dr. Mark Dean. Where is the white Dr. Philip Egmeagwali?

You're ignorant.
Since I've never heard of any of these people, I'm deducing that they aren't of the same stature as the whites that I mentioned.

Just for fun I looked up one of the people you mention. Here goes:

"Philip Emeagwali is a Nigerian computer scientist. He has been living in the United States for many years. An Igbo,[1] he won the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize ($1,000) for price-performance in high-performance computing applications, in an oil reservoir modeling calculation using a novel mathematical formulation and implementation."

And he had to come here to study... And you compare him to Steve Jobs or Bill Gates? :cuckoo:
Another solid stat you obviously refuse to acknolwedge
It's not about me refuting.

It's about you proving your point. Otherwise I could spend days trying to refute people who think the Earth is flat.

It's about you. You to prove

But as to u saying "Asian are the most intelligent"

Answer me these questions

Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

That’s why Japan is one of the only (or the only) “super powesr” that doesn’t have any nuclear weapons (and It won’t be allowed to have any). But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Germany ALSO lost the war but it has nuclear weapons and no one worries about them having them in spite of Hitler’s campaign to dominate the planet. Why? Because Germany is a “white nation.”

If you look at the nations where possession of nuclear weapons is a “problem” for the U.S. or Israel or NATO — they are always NON-WHITE nations.

And that’s why Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power to refuse to do it.

But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Japan can’t build anything — even a convenience store — in the U.S. without permission from US government so how can they build, even expand a military presence in Japan without their permission? Because Japan is not just a U.S. colony it is a non-white nation under the system of white supremacy.

But Asians are more intelligent. Right ?

Also to claim superior Asian genes or culture requires you to ignore the rampant poverty of persons from the same backgrounds in their countries of origin.

There is no shortage poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong: testament to the absurdity of cultural superiority claims for Asians as a group.

My God, that was incredibly stupid....
So who's the black Elon Musk, or the black Steve Jobs, or the black Bill Gates...? :dunno:
Your not on there team !!

What ? You think Bill Gates thinks your on his team ? Go and ask your white brother "Bill Gates" for a mill....Yeah...See how you get on ?

I mean. He's your white brother. Right ? Should be no problem. Right ?

Everyone from Bill Gates to Warren Buffett needed a substantial amount of money to start up their companies. The co-founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg went to Harvard. the list goes on, most wealth is inherited and their success was due to their parents bank account, connections and a bit a luck but had little to do with his intelligence and hard work.

So according to your logic then you must assume then that had Gates, Buffett, ZuckerBerg or Jobs been born to some poor white family then they would have still gone to achieve the success they have attained because all that white male high IQ genius, you claim they must have, would have made this possible ?....Yeah right

Steve Jobs was just another tech CEO. If Steve Jobs was not put up for adoption and his father returned with him back to Syria, then Steve Jobs today would have be some 60 something year old man in Syria named Mr Jandali. Maybe he would be Dr Jandali, but it is highly unlikely he would founded one of the world’s top computer companies.

Thus take the average drug dealer born in the ghetto and put them into an upper middle class family all of the sudden they’ll become a fortune five hundred CEO. The same type of person that has the personality and skills to run a criminal entrepreneurship can easily run a legal one, but many will never have the opportunity that will allow them to earn the credentials necessary to do so. Simply because of where they were born in life.
No they haven't.
Yes they have. By far. The last thing a black person invented was probably the 'fro comb, back in the 70s. :biggrin:

No so.
So who's the black Elon Musk, or the black Steve Jobs, or the black Bill Gates...? :dunno:

So who is the white Dr. Patricia Bath, Dr. Charles Drew, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, and there is no Steve Jobs or Bill Gates without Otis Boykin or Dr. Mark Dean. Where is the white Dr. Philip Egmeagwali?

You're ignorant.
Since I've never heard of any of these people, I'm deducing that they aren't of the same stature as the whites that I mentioned.

Just for fun I looked up one of the people you mention. Here goes:

"Philip Emeagwali is a Nigerian computer scientist. He has been living in the United States for many years. An Igbo,[1] he won the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize ($1,000) for price-performance in high-performance computing applications, in an oil reservoir modeling calculation using a novel mathematical formulation and implementation."

And he had to come here to study... And you compare him to Steve Jobs or Bill Gates? :cuckoo:


Emeagwali is credited for making the fastest computer. Number 1 he entered college at 17 years of age. When did you? Did you even go?

As for me comparing hm to ates, I dont have to:

Dr. Philip Emeagwali, who has been called the "Bill Gates of Africa,"

The noted black inventor received acclaim based, at least in part, on his study of nature, specifically bees. Emeagwali saw an inherent efficiency in the way bees construct and work with honeycomb and determined computers that emulate this process could be the most efficient and powerful. In 1989, emulating the bees' honeycomb construction, Emeagwali used 65,000 processors to invent the world's fastest computer, which performs computations at 3.1 billion calculations per second.

Dr. Philip Emeagwali's resume is loaded with many other such feats, including ways of making oil fields more productive – which has resulted in the United States saving hundreds of millions of dollars each year. As one of the most famous African-American inventors of the 20th century, Dr. Emeagwali also has won the Gordon Bell Prize – the Nobel Prize for computation. His computers are currently being used to forecast the weather and to predict the likelihood and effects of future global warming.

Your Wikipedia entry just doesn't cut it.

Dr, Mark Dean-Dr. Mark Dean started working at IBM in 1980 and was instrumental in the invention of the Personal Computer (PC). He holds three of IBM's original nine PC patents and currently holds more than 20 total patents. The famous African-American inventor never thought the work he was doing would end up being so useful to the world, but he has helped IBM make instrumental changes in areas ranging from the research and application of systems technology circuits to operating environments. One of his most recent computer inventions occurred while leading the team that produced the 1-Gigahertz chip, which contains one million transistors and has nearly limitless potential.

Almost everybody knows who Charles Drew is and yes, I compare a man who invented the PC, a man who built the fasted computer, a woman who invented laser cataract surgery, a man who invented open heart surgery and a man who created blood plasma above Gates or Jobs. Just because you don't know doesn't mean they are held in less esteem than those whites who really did much less. So if you don't know what you're talking about, then don't ask dumb ass questions.

You are ignorant.
Talk about 'recessives'...gaze back at the grim spectacle of Black culture in America: the mutants shoot one another in an almost recreational sense...illiteracy rates are astounding...academic performance relegates them to the bottom of the chart... Black fathers abandon their children at appalling rates...our prison system is bubbling over with violent Black felons...these predators prey on all of us when it get dark...their gene-pool is self-negating...
My Asian white supremacist.

Being an Asian man must suck because the reality you find yourself in is that women don’t want you for anything except the occasional help on a computer or numbers-related problem.

Asian men are the world’s Least Fuckable Man.

And you know that don't ya ?

Your Asian females are producing half-white babies at a spiraling rate. Women of other races would sooner fk a cucumber than to be seen with you in broad daylight.

And you know that don't ya ?

You are, for all intents and purposes, an uncool, unsexable, unfriendable, school-sentimental, library-loitering, grade-greedy, work-wallowing boob of a fucking loser.

Men don’t respect you.

You don't hate on loser. There is a reason why black men cope so much heat from all races.

Asian men social value is zero. I can remember at school. The Asian kids wanted to walk home with us black kids because they were scared of getting beating up by the white kids.

That's how beta Asian men are.

So you can talk about High Asian IQ but that's just an overcompensation for your feelings of worthlessness and self-hate engulfing you as a whole.
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So who's the black Elon Musk, or the black Steve Jobs, or the black Bill Gates...? :dunno:
Your not on there team !!

What ? You think Bill Gates thinks your on his team ? Go and ask your white brother "Bill Gates" for a mill....Yeah...See how you get on ?

I mean. He's your white brother. Right ? Should be no problem. Right ?

Everyone from Bill Gates to Warren Buffett needed a substantial amount of money to start up their companies. The co-founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg went to Harvard. the list goes on, most wealth is inherited and their success was due to their parents bank account, connections and a bit a luck but had little to do with his intelligence and hard work.

So according to your logic then you must assume then that had Gates, Buffett, ZuckerBerg or Jobs been born to some poor white family then they would have still gone to achieve the success they have attained because all that white male high IQ genius, you claim they must have, would have made this possible ?....Yeah right

Steve Jobs was just another tech CEO. If Steve Jobs was not put up for adoption and his father returned with him back to Syria, then Steve Jobs today would have be some 60 something year old man in Syria named Mr Jandali. Maybe he would be Dr Jandali, but it is highly unlikely he would founded one of the world’s top computer companies.

Thus take the average drug dealer born in the ghetto and put them into an upper middle class family all of the sudden they’ll become a fortune five hundred CEO. The same type of person that has the personality and skills to run a criminal entrepreneurship can easily run a legal one, but many will never have the opportunity that will allow them to earn the credentials necessary to do so. Simply because of where they were born in life.
Nothing but excuses from you, you're pathetic. Steve Jobs was an immigrant who came here long after blacks were already established here, and surpassed them ALL in one lifetime. Pull your pants up and go visit your kids.
Yes they have. By far. The last thing a black person invented was probably the 'fro comb, back in the 70s. :biggrin:

No so.
So who's the black Elon Musk, or the black Steve Jobs, or the black Bill Gates...? :dunno:

So who is the white Dr. Patricia Bath, Dr. Charles Drew, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, and there is no Steve Jobs or Bill Gates without Otis Boykin or Dr. Mark Dean. Where is the white Dr. Philip Egmeagwali?

You're ignorant.
Since I've never heard of any of these people, I'm deducing that they aren't of the same stature as the whites that I mentioned.

Just for fun I looked up one of the people you mention. Here goes:

"Philip Emeagwali is a Nigerian computer scientist. He has been living in the United States for many years. An Igbo,[1] he won the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize ($1,000) for price-performance in high-performance computing applications, in an oil reservoir modeling calculation using a novel mathematical formulation and implementation."

And he had to come here to study... And you compare him to Steve Jobs or Bill Gates? :cuckoo:


Emeagwali is credited for making the fastest computer. Number 1 he entered college at 17 years of age. When did you? Did you even go?

As for me comparing hm to ates, I dont have to:

Dr. Philip Emeagwali, who has been called the "Bill Gates of Africa,"

The noted black inventor received acclaim based, at least in part, on his study of nature, specifically bees. Emeagwali saw an inherent efficiency in the way bees construct and work with honeycomb and determined computers that emulate this process could be the most efficient and powerful. In 1989, emulating the bees' honeycomb construction, Emeagwali used 65,000 processors to invent the world's fastest computer, which performs computations at 3.1 billion calculations per second.

Dr. Philip Emeagwali's resume is loaded with many other such feats, including ways of making oil fields more productive – which has resulted in the United States saving hundreds of millions of dollars each year. As one of the most famous African-American inventors of the 20th century, Dr. Emeagwali also has won the Gordon Bell Prize – the Nobel Prize for computation. His computers are currently being used to forecast the weather and to predict the likelihood and effects of future global warming.

Your Wikipedia entry just doesn't cut it.

Dr, Mark Dean-Dr. Mark Dean started working at IBM in 1980 and was instrumental in the invention of the Personal Computer (PC). He holds three of IBM's original nine PC patents and currently holds more than 20 total patents. The famous African-American inventor never thought the work he was doing would end up being so useful to the world, but he has helped IBM make instrumental changes in areas ranging from the research and application of systems technology circuits to operating environments. One of his most recent computer inventions occurred while leading the team that produced the 1-Gigahertz chip, which contains one million transistors and has nearly limitless potential.

Almost everybody knows who Charles Drew is and yes, I compare a man who invented the PC, a man who built the fasted computer, a woman who invented laser cataract surgery, a man who invented open heart surgery and a man who created blood plasma above Gates or Jobs. Just because you don't know doesn't mean they are held in less esteem than those whites who really did much less. So if you don't know what you're talking about, then don't ask dumb ass questions.

You are ignorant.
Plenty of whites doctors invented medical devices or procedures... I bet more so than blacks.

Tesla and Einstein were scientists as well. Ever heard of them?

And I never said that black people can't do shit on the invention side, just that you haven't done nearly as much shit as whites. Fact.
So who's the black Elon Musk, or the black Steve Jobs, or the black Bill Gates...? :dunno:

So who is the white Dr. Patricia Bath, Dr. Charles Drew, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, and there is no Steve Jobs or Bill Gates without Otis Boykin or Dr. Mark Dean. Where is the white Dr. Philip Egmeagwali?

You're ignorant.
Since I've never heard of any of these people, I'm deducing that they aren't of the same stature as the whites that I mentioned.

Just for fun I looked up one of the people you mention. Here goes:

"Philip Emeagwali is a Nigerian computer scientist. He has been living in the United States for many years. An Igbo,[1] he won the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize ($1,000) for price-performance in high-performance computing applications, in an oil reservoir modeling calculation using a novel mathematical formulation and implementation."

And he had to come here to study... And you compare him to Steve Jobs or Bill Gates? :cuckoo:


Emeagwali is credited for making the fastest computer. Number 1 he entered college at 17 years of age. When did you? Did you even go?

As for me comparing hm to ates, I dont have to:

Dr. Philip Emeagwali, who has been called the "Bill Gates of Africa,"

The noted black inventor received acclaim based, at least in part, on his study of nature, specifically bees. Emeagwali saw an inherent efficiency in the way bees construct and work with honeycomb and determined computers that emulate this process could be the most efficient and powerful. In 1989, emulating the bees' honeycomb construction, Emeagwali used 65,000 processors to invent the world's fastest computer, which performs computations at 3.1 billion calculations per second.

Dr. Philip Emeagwali's resume is loaded with many other such feats, including ways of making oil fields more productive – which has resulted in the United States saving hundreds of millions of dollars each year. As one of the most famous African-American inventors of the 20th century, Dr. Emeagwali also has won the Gordon Bell Prize – the Nobel Prize for computation. His computers are currently being used to forecast the weather and to predict the likelihood and effects of future global warming.

Your Wikipedia entry just doesn't cut it.

Dr, Mark Dean-Dr. Mark Dean started working at IBM in 1980 and was instrumental in the invention of the Personal Computer (PC). He holds three of IBM's original nine PC patents and currently holds more than 20 total patents. The famous African-American inventor never thought the work he was doing would end up being so useful to the world, but he has helped IBM make instrumental changes in areas ranging from the research and application of systems technology circuits to operating environments. One of his most recent computer inventions occurred while leading the team that produced the 1-Gigahertz chip, which contains one million transistors and has nearly limitless potential.

Almost everybody knows who Charles Drew is and yes, I compare a man who invented the PC, a man who built the fasted computer, a woman who invented laser cataract surgery, a man who invented open heart surgery and a man who created blood plasma above Gates or Jobs. Just because you don't know doesn't mean they are held in less esteem than those whites who really did much less. So if you don't know what you're talking about, then don't ask dumb ass questions.

You are ignorant.
Plenty of whites doctors invented medical devices or procedures... I bet more so than blacks.

Tesla and Einstein were scientists as well. Ever heard of them?

And I never said that black people can't do shit on the invention side, just that you haven't done nearly as much shit as whites. Fact.

As group if we look at the advancements of mankind during our history, I don't really think you can say that.
Nothing but excuses from you, you're pathetic. Steve Jobs was an immigrant who came here long after blacks were already established here, and surpassed them ALL in one lifetime. Pull your pants up and go visit your kids.
Those who rush to claim the superiority of their own group have themselves rarely accomplished anything.

You can't even see how inferior you sound by the way you try to live off the "achievements" of others with whom you share nothing more than a same skin color.

Why don't you show everyone in USMB what you have done in the fields of science and technology, such that you could point to you own life as evidence of white superiority ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Because this is what we'll get



You see it's never the inventor who proclaims their work to be evidence of ethnic superiority;

It's only those who secretly harbor suspicions of their own inferiority.
  • You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait the world over, and that white people are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation.
  • You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);
  • You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,
  • You see a world in which global white supremacy is everywhere being challenged. In which the white world’s militaries are incapable of subduing a rag-tag bunch of insurgents, with darker skin.
I get it. Dude. I get it.

By trying to prove that black ppl are the inferior ones, you can protect yourself from the insecurity that truly gnaws away at you.

Because if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this:

Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are.

They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently. People like you who try to prove how great they are, are almost always trying to convince yourselves. And given your persistence, you are finding the job harder than you imagined.
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Nothing but excuses from you, you're pathetic. Steve Jobs was an immigrant who came here long after blacks were already established here, and surpassed them ALL in one lifetime. Pull your pants up and go visit your kids.
Those who rush to claim the superiority of their own group have themselves rarely accomplished anything.

You can't even see how inferior you sound by the way you try to live off the "achievements" of others with whom you share nothing more than a same skin color.

Why don't you show everyone in USMB what you have done in the fields of science and technology, such that you could point to you own life as evidence of white superiority ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Because this is what we'll get



You see it's never the inventor who proclaims their work to be evidence of ethnic superiority;

It's only those who secretly harbor suspicions of their own inferiority.
  • You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait the world over, and that white people are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation.
  • You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);
  • You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,
  • You see a world in which global white supremacy is everywhere being challenged. In which the white world’s militaries are incapable of subduing a rag-tag bunch of insurgents, with darker skin.
I get it. Dude. I get it.

By trying to prove that black ppl are the inferior ones, you can protect yourself from the insecurity that truly gnaws away at you.

Because if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this:

Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are.

They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently. People like you who try to prove great they are, are almost always trying to convince yourselves. And given your persistence, you are finding the job harder than you imagined.

So who's the black Elon Musk, or the black Steve Jobs, or the black Bill Gates...? :dunno:

So who is the white Dr. Patricia Bath, Dr. Charles Drew, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, and there is no Steve Jobs or Bill Gates without Otis Boykin or Dr. Mark Dean. Where is the white Dr. Philip Egmeagwali?

You're ignorant.
Since I've never heard of any of these people, I'm deducing that they aren't of the same stature as the whites that I mentioned.

Just for fun I looked up one of the people you mention. Here goes:

"Philip Emeagwali is a Nigerian computer scientist. He has been living in the United States for many years. An Igbo,[1] he won the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize ($1,000) for price-performance in high-performance computing applications, in an oil reservoir modeling calculation using a novel mathematical formulation and implementation."

And he had to come here to study... And you compare him to Steve Jobs or Bill Gates? :cuckoo:


Emeagwali is credited for making the fastest computer. Number 1 he entered college at 17 years of age. When did you? Did you even go?

As for me comparing hm to ates, I dont have to:

Dr. Philip Emeagwali, who has been called the "Bill Gates of Africa,"

The noted black inventor received acclaim based, at least in part, on his study of nature, specifically bees. Emeagwali saw an inherent efficiency in the way bees construct and work with honeycomb and determined computers that emulate this process could be the most efficient and powerful. In 1989, emulating the bees' honeycomb construction, Emeagwali used 65,000 processors to invent the world's fastest computer, which performs computations at 3.1 billion calculations per second.

Dr. Philip Emeagwali's resume is loaded with many other such feats, including ways of making oil fields more productive – which has resulted in the United States saving hundreds of millions of dollars each year. As one of the most famous African-American inventors of the 20th century, Dr. Emeagwali also has won the Gordon Bell Prize – the Nobel Prize for computation. His computers are currently being used to forecast the weather and to predict the likelihood and effects of future global warming.

Your Wikipedia entry just doesn't cut it.

Dr, Mark Dean-Dr. Mark Dean started working at IBM in 1980 and was instrumental in the invention of the Personal Computer (PC). He holds three of IBM's original nine PC patents and currently holds more than 20 total patents. The famous African-American inventor never thought the work he was doing would end up being so useful to the world, but he has helped IBM make instrumental changes in areas ranging from the research and application of systems technology circuits to operating environments. One of his most recent computer inventions occurred while leading the team that produced the 1-Gigahertz chip, which contains one million transistors and has nearly limitless potential.

Almost everybody knows who Charles Drew is and yes, I compare a man who invented the PC, a man who built the fasted computer, a woman who invented laser cataract surgery, a man who invented open heart surgery and a man who created blood plasma above Gates or Jobs. Just because you don't know doesn't mean they are held in less esteem than those whites who really did much less. So if you don't know what you're talking about, then don't ask dumb ass questions.

You are ignorant.
Plenty of whites doctors invented medical devices or procedures... I bet more so than blacks.

Tesla and Einstein were scientists as well. Ever heard of them?

And I never said that black people can't do shit on the invention side, just that you haven't done nearly as much shit as whites. Fact.

As group if we look at the advancements of mankind during our history, I don't really think you can say that.
I just did because it's true. When black folks put a black ass on the moon, come back and we'll talk.
Nothing but excuses from you, you're pathetic. Steve Jobs was an immigrant who came here long after blacks were already established here, and surpassed them ALL in one lifetime. Pull your pants up and go visit your kids.
Those who rush to claim the superiority of their own group have themselves rarely accomplished anything.

You can't even see how inferior you sound by the way you try to live off the "achievements" of others with whom you share nothing more than a same skin color.

Why don't you show everyone in USMB what you have done in the fields of science and technology, such that you could point to you own life as evidence of white superiority ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Because this is what we'll get



You see it's never the inventor who proclaims their work to be evidence of ethnic superiority;

It's only those who secretly harbor suspicions of their own inferiority.
  • You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait the world over, and that white people are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation.
  • You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);
  • You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,
  • You see a world in which global white supremacy is everywhere being challenged. In which the white world’s militaries are incapable of subduing a rag-tag bunch of insurgents, with darker skin.
I get it. Dude. I get it.

By trying to prove that black ppl are the inferior ones, you can protect yourself from the insecurity that truly gnaws away at you.

Because if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this:

Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are.

They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently. People like you who try to prove how great they are, are almost always trying to convince yourselves. And given your persistence, you are finding the job harder than you imagined.
Actually, I'm world reknowned in my field. I know you won't believe me, but I don't care because it's true. Although plenty of successful blacks in my field. That's your only clue.
Plenty of whites doctors invented medical devices or procedures... I bet more so than blacks.

Tesla and Einstein were scientists as well. Ever heard of them?

And I never said that black people can't do shit on the invention side, just that you haven't done nearly as much shit as whites. Fact.
I do not deny white peoples inventions.

I find it funny that you cite a Jewish person as a white man (Einstein). Now because he's Jew who you think done well, now you want claim him as one of your own

White people really haven't been that inventitive

You focus on the last chapter in the book of history.

And even then that's dubious because it's not about who invents. It's about who gets the patent first. US and UK companies and business people have done it for ages. They see an idea, invention, something which is common somewhere else, go back home, patent it and claim the rights. After that they become the inventors and OWNERS of the said product, no matter how many centuries it has been used by other people in their culture.

One such example would be the case of Jagadish Chandra Bose from India who hardly got the kind of attention his peers got for works on radio transmission.

Others include scientists like S N Bose. He had to take testimonials from famous physicists like Albert Einstein to convince the authorities of the worth of his work.”)

Many others like Benjamin Banneker, George Washington Carver, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams.

You have the idea that Greece was the 1st European/White civilization. You probably also claim that Egypt contributed absolutely nothing to the creation of the Greek Civilization. And if that isn’t enough, guys like you turn around and claim Egypt as their creation as well !

Now Egypt is thousands and thousands of years older than Greece. Therefore, if Greece was the 1st European/White Civilization, to claim Egypt as a European/White Civilization one would have to be stupid enough to believe that the child(Greece)gave birth to the parent(Egypt).

Also, by documenting ancient recorded dates of the Egyptian GREAT YR, which is just under 26,000 yrs in length, it has been established that the Egyptian Civilization is at least 50,000yrs old, which coinsides with Manetho’s claim. That would make Egypt older than the White race. Furthermore, no one has explained how Europeans/Whites could have created advanced civilizations like Greece and Egypt when they had no known

2-trail and error period,
3-evidence of a written language or culture,
4-recorded history,
5-architectural achievement,
6-mathmatical system, including the zero,
7-organized government or society
8-agricultural achievement
9-religious awareness or concept of God
10-awareness of anything associated with being civilized,
11-educational system
12-evidence of having knowledge or use on anything other than stone impliments,

At the time these civilizations were created. We’re supposed to accept the EUROCENTRIC BS that has them miraculously walking out of their caves in Europe and Asian and creating an advanced civilization like Greece.

Then we’re supposed to be even dumber by believing they then migrated into Africa and created an even more advanced Egyptian Civilization that’s older than they, or before their so called 1st civilization ever existed.

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Actually, I'm world reknowned in my field. I know you won't believe me, but I don't care because it's true. Although plenty of successful blacks in my field. That's your only clue.
OK. Dude. The floor is yours.

Show everyone in USMB what you have done in the fields and science and technology that would point to you being a superior white man ?
Plenty of whites doctors invented medical devices or procedures... I bet more so than blacks.

Tesla and Einstein were scientists as well. Ever heard of them?

And I never said that black people can't do shit on the invention side, just that you haven't done nearly as much shit as whites. Fact.
I do not deny white peoples inventions.

I find it funny that you cite a Jewish person as a white man (Einstein). Now because he's Jew who you think done well, now you want claim him as one of your own

White people really haven't been that inventitive

You focus on the last chapter in the book of history.

And even then that's dubious because it's not about who invents. It's about who gets the patent first. US and UK companies and business people have done it for ages. They see an idea, invention, something which is common somewhere else, go back home, patent it and claim the rights. After that they become the inventors and OWNERS of the said product, no matter how many centuries it has been used by other people in their culture.

One such example would be the case of Jagadish Chandra Bose from India who hardly got the kind of attention his peers got for works on radio transmission.

Others include scientists like S N Bose. He had to take testimonials from famous physicists like Albert Einstein to convince the authorities of the worth of his work.”)

Many others like Benjamin Banneker, George Washington Carver, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams.

You have the idea that Greece was the 1st European/White civilization. You probably also claim that Egypt contributed absolutely nothing to the creation of the Greek Civilization. And if that isn’t enough, guys like you turn around and claim Egypt as their creation as well !

Now Egypt is thousands and thousands of years older than Greece. Therefore, if Greece was the 1st European/White Civilization, to claim Egypt as a European/White Civilization one would have to be stupid enough to believe that the child(Greece)gave birth to the parent(Egypt).

Also, by documenting ancient recorded dates of the Egyptian GREAT YR, which is just under 26,000 yrs in length, it has been established that the Egyptian Civilization is at least 50,000yrs old, which coinsides with Manetho’s claim. That would make Egypt older than the White race. Furthermore, no one has explained how Europeans/Whites could have created advanced civilizations like Greece and Egypt when they had no known

2-trail and error period,
3-evidence of a written language or culture,
4-recorded history,
5-architectural achievement,
6-mathmatical system, including the zero,
7-organized government or society
8-agricultural achievement
9-religious awareness or concept of God
10-awareness of anything associated with being civilized,
11-educational system
12-evidence of having knowledge or use on anything other than stone impliments,

At the time these civilizations were created. We’re supposed to accept the EUROCENTRIC BS that has them miraculously walking out of their caves in Europe and Asian and creating an advanced civilization like Greece.

Then we’re supposed to be even dumber by believing they then migrated into Africa and created an even more advanced Egyptian Civilization that’s older than they, or before their so called 1st civilization ever existed.

And I never denied that blacks did some good things, just that whites have surpassed the other races by putting a man on the moon, for example.
Actually, I'm world reknowned in my field. I know you won't believe me, but I don't care because it's true. Although plenty of successful blacks in my field. That's your only clue.
OK. Dude. The floor is yours.

Show everyone in USMB what you have done in the fields and science and technology that would point to you being a superior white man ?
Don't have to be in science and technology to surpass someone. Ex: the Chinese started going in to Africa to show the locals how to grow food properly. You guys can't even farm properly.
Dear white people, you're never discriminated against so shut up | Metro News

Laughably stupid given racist liberals like her demand racial discrimination in hiring and admissions and demand racial segregation on college campuses too.
Depends on how you define discrimination. I can't remember the last time a white person was "lynched". Can you?

Trump Effect: Biracial 8-year-old boy lynched by teenagers in New Hampshire

8 year old boy lynched - Google Search

Depends on how you define discrimination. I can't remember the last time a white person was "lynched". Can you?

Trump Effect: Biracial 8-year-old boy lynched by teenagers in New Hampshire

8 year old boy lynched - Google Search

You're lying as always, deantard

New Hampshire Investigates Wounding of 8-Year-Old as Possible Hate Crime

Further, this WILL turn out to be a hoax, all of this crap does.
And I never denied that blacks did some good things, just that whites have surpassed the other races by putting a man on the moon, for example.
Black people have been more inventive than whites when looking at history.

But you believe (falsely) that white people have.

You'll never convince me of your belief and I'll never convince you of my belief.

So I can agree to disagree.
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