Death penalty is wrong

Jarvis didnt kill him

When a person "contracts" to have some killed they don't pull the actual trigger either, they don’t do the actual killing. They set the ball in motion by contracting the murder and or providing the weapon used to murder the innocent victim. It is murder in all 50 states no matter how YOU slice it.

At the age of seventeen Masters was released from the California Youth Authority and immediately carried out a succession of armed robberies until, at age nineteen, he was sent to San Quentin in 1981, where he fell in with a prison gang. In 1985, a prison guard named Sergeant Howell D. Burchfield was stabbed and killed on the second tier of a cellblock while Masters was locked in his cell on the fourth tier. Three men were tried for the murder. Andre Johnson was accused of killing Burchfield, Lawrence Woodard of planning the murder with other gang members and ordering the killing, while Masters was accused of planning the murder with Woodard and Johnson and of sharpening and passing along the weapon used in the killing.
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I'm saying no such thing. I am saying that I personally know Jarvis Masters, who is a Buddhist on Death Row in San Quentin. He is a changed man. Jarvis is rare. I don't think executing him would benefit anyone. He is essentially in long term retreat.

I think he is doing the world a lot of good through the way he works with other prisoners on Death Row and his writings.

It's a shame that the man he took part in killing will never get to watch his children change from children into adults, don't you think?
He'll be executed because he is BLACK. Jarvis Masters was convicted of participating in the killing of a prison guard, Sergeant Howell Burchfield, despite the fact that he (Jarvis Masters) was in another part of the prison when the guard was killed. Now is that justice ?

No. It's not justice. The man who did the stabbing got LWOP. The other man convicted in the conspiracy got LWOP. Jarvis was accused of making the shank that was used in the murder. He got the death penalty.

Jarvis takes full responsibility for the karma that brought him to death row.
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He'll be executed because he is BLACK. Jarvis Masters was convicted of participating in the killing of a prison guard, Sergeant Howell Burchfield, despite the fact that he (Jarvis Masters) was in another part of the prison when the guard was killed. Now is that justice ?

No. It's not justice. The man who did the stabbing got LWOP. The other man convicted in the conspiracy got LWOP. Jarvis was accused of making the shank that was used in the murder. He got the death penalty.

Guess he shoulda changed sooner, huh?
He'll be executed because he is BLACK. Jarvis Masters was convicted of participating in the killing of a prison guard, Sergeant Howell Burchfield, despite the fact that he (Jarvis Masters) was in another part of the prison when the guard was killed. Now is that justice ?

No. It's not justice. The man who did the stabbing got LWOP. The other man convicted in the conspiracy got LWOP. Jarvis was accused of making the shank that was used in the murder. He got the death penalty.

Jarvis takes full responsibility for the karma that brought him to death row.

Obviously Jarvis had a really bad attorney.

However, I will give you this: I think Jarvis should have received LWOP; the man who did the stabbing should have received the death penalty.

Has Jarvis made any money from his wonderful transformation? If so, how much has gone to the guards family? Or he is tithing to Buddha instead?

Bottom line, Jarvis should be in prison until he dies.
He'll be executed because he is BLACK. Jarvis Masters was convicted of participating in the killing of a prison guard, Sergeant Howell Burchfield, despite the fact that he (Jarvis Masters) was in another part of the prison when the guard was killed. Now is that justice ?

No. It's not justice. The man who did the stabbing got LWOP. The other man convicted in the conspiracy got LWOP. Jarvis was accused of making the shank that was used in the murder. He got the death penalty.

Jarvis takes full responsibility for the karma that brought him to death row.

Obviously Jarvis had a really bad attorney.

However, I will give you this: I think Jarvis should have received LWOP; the man who did the stabbing should have received the death penalty.

Has Jarvis made any money from his wonderful transformation? If so, how much has gone to the guards family? Or he is tithing to Buddha instead?

Bottom line, Jarvis should be in prison until he dies.

The man who did the stabbing and the man who ordered the hit got LWOP. I'm researching where the book sale proceeds go. Some go to the Buddhist Peace Fellowship Prison Project. I'll get back to you.

It's night here. I'll call on Monday.
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He'll be executed because he is BLACK. Jarvis Masters was convicted of participating in the killing of a prison guard, Sergeant Howell Burchfield, despite the fact that he (Jarvis Masters) was in another part of the prison when the guard was killed. Now is that justice ?

No. It's not justice. The man who did the stabbing got LWOP. The other man convicted in the conspiracy got LWOP. Jarvis was accused of making the shank that was used in the murder. He got the death penalty.

Jarvis takes full responsibility for the karma that brought him to death row.

Obviously Jarvis had a really bad attorney.

However, I will give you this: I think Jarvis should have received LWOP; the man who did the stabbing should have received the death penalty.

Has Jarvis made any money from his wonderful transformation? If so, how much has gone to the guards family? Or he is tithing to Buddha instead?

Bottom line, Jarvis should be in prison until he dies.

Why should we keep paying for these knuckleheads to live a cushy life (and yes, prison is a cushy life compared to living on the street not knowing where your next meal or shower will come from).
No. It's not justice. The man who did the stabbing got LWOP. The other man convicted in the conspiracy got LWOP. Jarvis was accused of making the shank that was used in the murder. He got the death penalty.

Jarvis takes full responsibility for the karma that brought him to death row.

Obviously Jarvis had a really bad attorney.

However, I will give you this: I think Jarvis should have received LWOP; the man who did the stabbing should have received the death penalty.

Has Jarvis made any money from his wonderful transformation? If so, how much has gone to the guards family? Or he is tithing to Buddha instead?

Bottom line, Jarvis should be in prison until he dies.

Why should we keep paying for these knuckleheads to live a cushy life (and yes, prison is a cushy life compared to living on the street not knowing where your next meal or shower will come from).

cause it costs more to kill them.
Obviously Jarvis had a really bad attorney.

However, I will give you this: I think Jarvis should have received LWOP; the man who did the stabbing should have received the death penalty.

Has Jarvis made any money from his wonderful transformation? If so, how much has gone to the guards family? Or he is tithing to Buddha instead?

Bottom line, Jarvis should be in prison until he dies.

Why should we keep paying for these knuckleheads to live a cushy life (and yes, prison is a cushy life compared to living on the street not knowing where your next meal or shower will come from).

cause it costs more to kill them.

How many f'ing times do I have to tell you people that bullets are cheap? Hand the gun to the closest surviving family member, and you've got free labor, to boot.

Make the inmates clean up the resulting mess.

Problem solved.
No. It's not justice. The man who did the stabbing got LWOP. The other man convicted in the conspiracy got LWOP. Jarvis was accused of making the shank that was used in the murder. He got the death penalty.

Jarvis takes full responsibility for the karma that brought him to death row.

Obviously Jarvis had a really bad attorney.

However, I will give you this: I think Jarvis should have received LWOP; the man who did the stabbing should have received the death penalty.

Has Jarvis made any money from his wonderful transformation? If so, how much has gone to the guards family? Or he is tithing to Buddha instead?

Bottom line, Jarvis should be in prison until he dies.

The man who did the stabbing and the man who ordered the hit got LWOP. I'm researching where the book sale proceeds go. Some go to the Buddhist Peace Fellowship Prison Project. I'll get back to you.

Yes...I know. My statement was about Jarvis.

While you are researching, find out why ANY of the money is going to the project. There is a widow and five kids out there who lost their father.

They should get every last penny.
Why should we keep paying for these knuckleheads to live a cushy life (and yes, prison is a cushy life compared to living on the street not knowing where your next meal or shower will come from).

cause it costs more to kill them.

How many f'ing times do I have to tell you people that bullets are cheap? Hand the gun to the closest surviving family member, and you've got free labor, to boot.

Make the inmates clean up the resulting mess.

Problem solved.

sounds good to me but it never happens that way. they appeal 20 times and 20 times it's approved. takes decades to kill them.
cause it costs more to kill them.

How many f'ing times do I have to tell you people that bullets are cheap? Hand the gun to the closest surviving family member, and you've got free labor, to boot.

Make the inmates clean up the resulting mess.

Problem solved.

sounds good to me but it never happens that way. they appeal 20 times and 20 times it's approved. takes decades to kill them.

No 20 appeals, either.

1. Period.
How many f'ing times do I have to tell you people that bullets are cheap? Hand the gun to the closest surviving family member, and you've got free labor, to boot.

Make the inmates clean up the resulting mess.

Problem solved.

sounds good to me but it never happens that way. they appeal 20 times and 20 times it's approved. takes decades to kill them.

No 20 appeals, either.

1. Period.

makes sense to me. uh shadooby shattered shattered uh shadooby.
The publishing company, which published Finding Freedom, by Jarvis Masters is Padma Publishing, a non-profit. Padma Publishing is local, and I can talk to them directly on Monday.

It is directly connected to my Buddhist Center.

Here is another article about his first book:
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The publishing company, which published Finding Freedom, by Jarvis Masters is Padma Publishing, a non-profit. Padma Publishing is local, and I can talk to them directly on Monday.

It is directly connected to my Buddhist Center.

Non-profits make money.

I bet Padma Publishing has been sending checks to the Birchfield family.

Unless they are hiding behind the non-profit label.
The publishing company, which published Finding Freedom, by Jarvis Masters is Padma Publishing, a non-profit. Padma Publishing is local, and I can talk to them directly on Monday.

It is directly connected to my Buddhist Center.

Non-profits make money.

I bet Padma Publishing has been sending checks to the Birchfield family.

Unless they are hiding behind the non-profit label.

Tibetan Treasures - Buddhist Online Catalog - Chagdud Gonpa Foundation - Nyingma Tibetan Buddhism - Dharma Items - Tibetan Art - T'hangkas
$11.96 for his book.

I'll keep the math easy. $6.96 to print and bind leaves $5.00 per book "profit."

Sell a couple of hundred and the family would get $1,000.00.

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