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Debate on climate and warming? Not really.

The science overrules the far and alt right opinions. End of debate.
2 decades, no "warming"




But....but....they say the warming is hiding in the ocean...it is simply waiting to see its shadow....
My goodness, you are such a stupid fuck in every thing you post on. You might say that these charts are the shadow of the increasing warmth;


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How does reducing emissions hurt you?

It costs me money that I worked hard to earn. It also leads to deaths in undeveloped countries.
What a stupid thing to claim. Wind and solar are both cheaper per kw than any other forms of power at present. And the new grid scale batteries will lower the price of electricity even more. How is less costly electricity costing you money?

As for the third world nations, many of them do not have fossil fuel reserves, and the ones that do do not have the money to develop them and the infrastructure needed for coal or gas. However, solar and wind are very scalable, from single family installations to village or region scale. And, once built, do not require addtional money, no fuel required, and no toxic byproducts.

Jake is not interested in the truth. It is very strange though since he is "The Last Of The Republicans" If J.F. Cooper were alive today he would write a novel about him under that title.

Unfortunetly, you deniers will not be the last of the imbeciles living in an alternative universe, quoting 'alternative facts', until reality smacks you in the face.
How does reducing emissions hurt you?

It costs me money that I worked hard to earn. It also leads to deaths in undeveloped countries.
What a stupid thing to claim. Wind and solar are both cheaper per kw than any other forms of power at present. And the new grid scale batteries will lower the price of electricity even more. How is less costly electricity costing you money?

As for the third world nations, many of them do not have fossil fuel reserves, and the ones that do do not have the money to develop them and the infrastructure needed for coal or gas. However, solar and wind are very scalable, from single family installations to village or region scale. And, once built, do not require addtional money, no fuel required, and no toxic byproducts.

Because it isn't working now......and has to be backed up with reliable coal and natural gas dumb fuck......Germany is having shortages because of this, dumb fuck.

Jake is not interested in the truth. It is very strange though since he is "The Last Of The Republicans" If J.F. Cooper were alive today he would write a novel about him under that title.

Unfortunetly, you deniers will not be the last of the imbeciles living in an alternative universe, quoting 'alternative facts', until reality smacks you in the face.

Look, I am prepared. I already have my Jon boat ready to launch when Florida goes under water. I will paddle up to the Rockies, how is that for a plan?
2 decades, no "warming"




But....but....they say the warming is hiding in the ocean...it is simply waiting to see its shadow....
My goodness, you are such a stupid fuck in every thing you post on. You might say that these charts are the shadow of the increasing warmth;

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

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38 years of records........out of the entire life of the planet....really.....? And during the middle ages...what satellite data did they have on ice in the Arctic? Moron.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
GloBull warming is a huge wealth redistribution scam.

End of debate
Global arming deniers are dumber than shit. Thanks for proving that.

Yeah...except for the fact that the warming stopped, the computer models have been wrong, and that the man made global warming religionists keep destroying, hiding and changing data.......all in the name of scientific truth....
My, my, 2a, that is all you have, lies. Here is a paper by Dr. James Hansen from 1981, is which he makes some very accurate predictions. You can see the whole paper at the link.

Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.


In 2007 the Northwest Passage opened up, and last year a very large luxury cruise ship transited the Passage.
Anyone who tells you that climate is changing all the time, have them refer to the image below. Follow the curve.


Jake, please tell the class how we had accurate temperature reading of the "excess heat" stored in the deep ocean back in 1600, and 10,000 BCE, for example
I see you are too stupid to understand how we know what we know about what the planet was like thousands & millions years ago.

Clearly, please educate me. How did you get those deep ocean heat readings back in 60BCE?
From proxies in the sediment cores retrieved from the ocean bottom, you semi-literate ass.
2 decades, no "warming"




But....but....they say the warming is hiding in the ocean...it is simply waiting to see its shadow....
My goodness, you are such a stupid fuck in every thing you post on. You might say that these charts are the shadow of the increasing warmth;

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Image 2 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


Image 1 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


Image 4 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


Image 3 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


38 years of records........out of the entire life of the planet....really.....? And during the middle ages...what satellite data did they have on ice in the Arctic? Moron.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
You are the moron. You think that everyone is as stupid and ignorant as you obviously are. We have ice cores from Greenland and the Antarctic, some of which go back 800,000 years. We have ocean sediments that go back tens of millions of years. And we can measure isotopic ratios in the fossils of shell many millions of years old. And even ratios in rock that was ocean bottom sediment hundreds of millions of years old.

All of how that is done is on the net, so why not use that instrument that you post your ignorant messages on, and actually learn something.
Anyone who tells you that climate is changing all the time, have them refer to the image below. Follow the curve.


Your graph is very misleading on several aspects. First of all, it's only since about 1960 that we've been able to accurately take atmospheric temperature readings with reliability. Prior to this, we are relying on data that doesn't show the detail available today with sophisticated instrumentation. We simply don't know about past short-term fluctuations that may have happened. So you are left with comparing past guesstimates with detailed modern information.

You will also notice, the average temperatures of today aren't much different from the averages of 5000 B.C. long before industrialization. Guess what happened without any liberal socialist anti-capitalist intervention? The temperatures magically declined! The progression of civilization didn't have to be halted, people didn't have to be guilted into complying with governmental mandates designed to redistribute wealth under the guise of "climate change". Mother Nature handled it all by herself without any help from radical environmentalists.

The next thing... Your graph, as long and storied as it is... only represents about half of a Milankovitch Cycle. We are in-between ice ages and something miraculous happens to ice whenever we're not in an ice age... it melts. Some of us think this is a good thing because it's not fun having 3-mile-thick ice sheets covering much of North America. It's makes habitation of warm blooded mammals problematic. Others of us can't wrap their small minds around the magnitude of these lengthy cycles and become alarmed at melting ice. But it's completely a natural cycle which has been happening for billions of years.

Finally, at the end of your graph are these wild speculations which have no real basis in science or reality. Various possible scenarios that can't be supported with any relevant science other than science devoted to promoting a certain narrative of which it survives from political funding to promote. The "optimistic" and "best case" scenarios are completely unachievable, unless we're all going to revert to pre-industrial civilization... we're not going to realistically do that. Nations like China are going to laugh at your silly suggestions and developing nations simply can't afford to take the measures you recommend. So you have an unfeasible solution.

In addition, I will add that the science of botany seems to completely disagree with you about our CO2 levels. According to botanical research, we know that most plant life thrives optimally at around 600 ppm CO2 levels. (We're currently at 400 ppm) Again, you seem to be at odds with Mother Nature who's plants, until recently, were actually starving for CO2, leaving large swaths of the planet unable to support plant life of any kind. Increasing the viability of plant life means increasing food supplies and feeding the hungry. So your worries about CO2 levels are also unfounded.
You dumb ass, if this change were taking place over thousands of years, no worry. It is the rapidity of the change, in a world of 7 billion people depending on agriculture, which depends on a stable climate, that is the worry. Also, the last time the CO2 level was this high, the sea level was about 60 ft higher. Even a 3 ft level increase is going to cost us dearly in infrastructure and political upheaval.
Now the latest is the climate change alarmist are saying the missing high temperatures are hiding within our oceans BUUUUUUAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Stop the presses? The ignorant right has declared we know nothing about our planet's history. NOTHING. Because they did not accurately measure & leave us a detailed climate record.

You ignorant fucks need to make up your mind.

First you say "OMG OMG OMG our climate has always changed" Something you would not know unless we had a climate record.

Not you asswipes claim that we have zero knowledge of the past.

This should be a sign of how stupid you & your argument against Global Warming is.
We have declared no such thing. We have declared that you don't have a data set to correctly predict climate change.
30 years ago, the scientists said we were warming because of GHGs. The deniers stated that we were not warming, that there was no change. Now the deniers are saying, "OK, there is warming, but it is natural, and will turn to cooling anyway". The deniers are still full of shit.
Anyone who tells you that climate is changing all the time, have them refer to the image below. Follow the curve.


Jake, please tell the class how we had accurate temperature reading of the "excess heat" stored in the deep ocean back in 1600, and 10,000 BCE, for example
I see you are too stupid to understand how we know what we know about what the planet was like thousands & millions years ago.

Clearly, please educate me. How did you get those deep ocean heat readings back in 60BCE?
They use a complicated computer algorithm to guess at it based on tree rings and cave drawings.

Remember a couple of years back when they announced this huge spike in temps...then someone informed them their math was wrong? Priceless
Link? Or is that just another 'alternative fact'. LOL
Anyone who tells you that climate is changing all the time, have them refer to the image below. Follow the curve.


Jake, please tell the class how we had accurate temperature reading of the "excess heat" stored in the deep ocean back in 1600, and 10,000 BCE, for example
I see you are too stupid to understand how we know what we know about what the planet was like thousands & millions years ago.

Hey twit...they couldn't even accurately predict the snow amounts for this week....and yet they are going to be dead on 100 years from now.....you are the dumb one......
Now you call WEATHER climate. You are the dumbest, most uninformed jackass on this site.
You can't stop lying can you. The other day you said I was the dumbest most uninformed jackass on the site. But you are correct. People do certainly need to be informed, just like all those people who were informed that the Earth was flat, and were informed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, that were informed there are only 3 elements and that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Yes, being informed is very important.
If you really think that, why are you such an ignorant ass? That instrument right in front of you can connect you to what real scientists provide us in evidence.
I like how Trump flushed most of the "Climate Change" turds right down the old Crapper. :badgrin:

So, let me get this straight, the weather changes so you should get my money and make necessities more expensive for me and make it harder to find work?

What's not to like about that? :alcoholic:


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How does reducing emissions hurt you?

It costs me money that I worked hard to earn. It also leads to deaths in undeveloped countries.
What a stupid thing to claim. Wind and solar are both cheaper per kw than any other forms of power at present. And the new grid scale batteries will lower the price of electricity even more. How is less costly electricity costing you money?

As for the third world nations, many of them do not have fossil fuel reserves, and the ones that do do not have the money to develop them and the infrastructure needed for coal or gas. However, solar and wind are very scalable, from single family installations to village or region scale. And, once built, do not require addtional money, no fuel required, and no toxic byproducts.

Because it isn't working now......and has to be backed up with reliable coal and natural gas dumb fuck......Germany is having shortages because of this, dumb fuck.
LOL What a fucking dumb liar you are.

Germany had so much renewable energy on Sunday that it had to pay people to use electricity

On Sunday, May 8, Germany hit a new high in renewable energy generation. Thanks to a sunny and windy day, at one point around 1pm the country’s solar, wind, hydro and biomass plants were supplying about 55 GW of the 63 GW being consumed, or 87%.

Power prices actually went negative for several hours, meaning commercial customers were being paid to consume electricity.

Germany Made $2 Billion Selling Energy to Neighbors - Understand Solar

In 2015, Fraunhofer scientists anticipate a record export surplus of up to 40 TWh electricity for Germany

Germany will have earned close to $2 billion from energy exports according to Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE based on energy data reported to the German government. The data on Germany’s imports and exports of various sources of energy are displayed in graphical form by Fraunhofer scientists.

The data has revealed consistent revenue that mounts into the billions, coming from exported German electricity. In 2014 revenues amounted to nearly $2 billion dollars, and are expected to remain at this level in 2015 as well.

Germany also imports electricity from its neighbors, but the data shows Germany has been able to export at a higher market price than it pays for imported electricity.

The graphical analysis also shows that, on average, market prices were higher for electricity exported from Germany than for electricity imported into Germany. Within Germany there had been concern that it might be selling cheap, buying high, but the data put that argument to rest.
I like how Trump flushed most of the "Climate Change" turds right down the old Crapper. :badgrin:
Ah yes, another Putin ass kisser admiring Lysenkoism. Well, turd face, you are creating a situation where we will have good scientists leaving this nation, for other nations that have more scientific freedom. And that is what you fecal brains want. A dumber and meaner America.

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