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Debate on climate and warming? Not really.

I like how Trump flushed most of the "Climate Change" turds right down the old Crapper. :badgrin:
Ah yes, another Putin ass kisser admiring Lysenkoism. Well, turd face, you are creating a situation where we will have good scientists leaving this nation, for other nations that have more scientific freedom. And that is what you fecal brains want. A dumber and meaner America.

Stick your pseudo-science wealth redistribution scam right into ye olde keister, buddy.
I like how Trump flushed most of the "Climate Change" turds right down the old Crapper. :badgrin:

So, let me get this straight, the weather changes so you should get my money and make necessities more expensive for me and make it harder to find work?

What's not to like about that? :alcoholic:


LOL Look, you semi-literate cocksuck, I am 73 years old, and get job offers every day in my e-mail. In the crafts, millwrighting, electricians, and automation people, there are about 6 million jobs going begging. Many of these jobs, like the one I have at present, go to about 100K a year. If you find it hard to get work, then look in the mirror. Plenty of jobs out there, but no need for unskilled dummies.
Jake, please tell the class how we had accurate temperature reading of the "excess heat" stored in the deep ocean back in 1600, and 10,000 BCE, for example
I see you are too stupid to understand how we know what we know about what the planet was like thousands & millions years ago.

Hey twit...they couldn't even accurately predict the snow amounts for this week....and yet they are going to be dead on 100 years from now.....you are the dumb one......
Now you call WEATHER climate. You are the dumbest, most uninformed jackass on this site.
You can't stop lying can you. The other day you said I was the dumbest most uninformed jackass on the site. But you are correct. People do certainly need to be informed, just like all those people who were informed that the Earth was flat, and were informed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, that were informed there are only 3 elements and that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Yes, being informed is very important.
If you really think that, why are you such an ignorant ass? That instrument right in front of you can connect you to what real scientists provide us in evidence.
But it cannot ascertain the truth of it. Stop lying.
Stop the presses? The ignorant right has declared we know nothing about our planet's history. NOTHING. Because they did not accurately measure & leave us a detailed climate record.

You ignorant fucks need to make up your mind.

First you say "OMG OMG OMG our climate has always changed" Something you would not know unless we had a climate record.

Not you asswipes claim that we have zero knowledge of the past.

This should be a sign of how stupid you & your argument against Global Warming is.
We have declared no such thing. We have declared that you don't have a data set to correctly predict climate change.
30 years ago, the scientists said we were warming because of GHGs. The deniers stated that we were not warming, that there was no change. Now the deniers are saying, "OK, there is warming, but it is natural, and will turn to cooling anyway". The deniers are still full of shit.
Can't prove anything other than you have the company narrative down pat.
I like how Trump flushed most of the "Climate Change" turds right down the old Crapper. :badgrin:
Ah yes, another Putin ass kisser admiring Lysenkoism. Well, turd face, you are creating a situation where we will have good scientists leaving this nation, for other nations that have more scientific freedom. And that is what you fecal brains want. A dumber and meaner America.
You sound constipated. Are you OK over there? It seems like you have some pressure built up or something.
I like how Trump flushed most of the "Climate Change" turds right down the old Crapper. :badgrin:

So, let me get this straight, the weather changes so you should get my money and make necessities more expensive for me and make it harder to find work?

What's not to like about that? :alcoholic:


LOL Look, you semi-literate cocksuck, I am 73 years old, and get job offers every day in my e-mail. In the crafts, millwrighting, electricians, and automation people, there are about 6 million jobs going begging. Many of these jobs, like the one I have at present, go to about 100K a year. If you find it hard to get work, then look in the mirror. Plenty of jobs out there, but no need for unskilled dummies.

I never said I had trouble finding work. I said people with schemes like "global warming" make it harder for people to find work.

My electric bill's higher due to global warming policies and it makes me mad!

Contrary to what you might believe, you sir, are a party of one. There happen to be other people with a stake in this game.

Everyone else in the U.S. population, for instance.
Last edited:
Solar and wind power cheaper than fossil fuels for the first time - Governors' Wind Energy Coalition

Solar and wind power cheaper than fossil fuels for the first time

Source: By Andrew Griffin, The Independent • Posted: Thursday, January 5, 2017
Solar energy is now cheaper than traditional fossil fuels.

Solar and wind is now either the same price or cheaper than new fossil fuel capacity in more than 30 countries, according to a new report from the World Economic Forum. The influential foundaton has described the change as a “tipping point” that could make fighting climate change into a profitable form of business for energy companies.

But investors and energy firms are still failing to put money into such green solutions despite the fact that they are cheaper than more traditional forms of electricity generation, according to the same report.

“Renewable energy has reached a tipping point – it now constitutes the best chance to reverse global warming,” said Michael Drexler, Head of Long Term Investing, Infrastructure and Development at the World Economic Forum. “Solar and wind have just become very competitive, and costs continue to fall. It is not only a commercially viable option, but an outright compelling investment opportunity with long-term, stable, inflation-protected returns.”

Just ten years ago, generating electricity through solar cost about $600 per MWh, and it cost only $100 to generate the same amount of power through coal and natural gas. But the price of renewable sources of power plunged quickly – today it only costs around $100 the generate the same amount of electricity through solar and $50 through wind.

This is why the orange clown and his buddies are trying to destroy science in the US. The butt buddies in the energy corporations are taking a bath as the alternative energies are going to eat their lunch. And it will happen anyway, unless the people let the bozo in the White House pass laws against solar and wind power. Both solar and wind are decreasing in price, both are becoming more efficient, even as the fossil fuels go in the opposite direction.
Mr. Sheep op is spreading bullshit and lies again. All of his posts ought to be deposited directly into the Rubber Room.
LOL Look, you semi-literate cocksuck, I am 73 years old, and get job offers every day in my e-mail. In the crafts, millwrighting, electricians, and automation people, there are about 6 million jobs going begging. Many of these jobs, like the one I have at present, go to about 100K a year. If you find it hard to get work, then look in the mirror. Plenty of jobs out there, but no need for unskilled dummies.
What's the job? Triboelectric charging to utilize uncontrollably shaking hands in generating clean energy?
I like how Trump flushed most of the "Climate Change" turds right down the old Crapper. :badgrin:

So, let me get this straight, the weather changes so you should get my money and make necessities more expensive for me and make it harder to find work?

What's not to like about that? :alcoholic:


LOL Look, you semi-literate cocksuck, I am 73 years old, and get job offers every day in my e-mail. In the crafts, millwrighting, electricians, and automation people, there are about 6 million jobs going begging. Many of these jobs, like the one I have at present, go to about 100K a year. If you find it hard to get work, then look in the mirror. Plenty of jobs out there, but no need for unskilled dummies.

Those job offers as a sex worker don't count....
2 decades, no "warming"




But....but....they say the warming is hiding in the ocean...it is simply waiting to see its shadow....
My goodness, you are such a stupid fuck in every thing you post on. You might say that these charts are the shadow of the increasing warmth;

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Image 2 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


Image 1 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


Image 4 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


Image 3 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


38 years of records........out of the entire life of the planet....really.....? And during the middle ages...what satellite data did they have on ice in the Arctic? Moron.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
You are the moron. You think that everyone is as stupid and ignorant as you obviously are. We have ice cores from Greenland and the Antarctic, some of which go back 800,000 years. We have ocean sediments that go back tens of millions of years. And we can measure isotopic ratios in the fossils of shell many millions of years old. And even ratios in rock that was ocean bottom sediment hundreds of millions of years old.

All of how that is done is on the net, so why not use that instrument that you post your ignorant messages on, and actually learn something.

And then the man made global warming religionists destroy the data, change the data, or hide it.......major scandals have come out about how they handle "data" and in each one they are lying about it....so until you morons actually care about the science we don't believe you....

And the major mover of climate...the Sun.......go measure that moron...
Jake, please tell the class how we had accurate temperature reading of the "excess heat" stored in the deep ocean back in 1600, and 10,000 BCE, for example
I see you are too stupid to understand how we know what we know about what the planet was like thousands & millions years ago.

Hey twit...they couldn't even accurately predict the snow amounts for this week....and yet they are going to be dead on 100 years from now.....you are the dumb one......
Now you call WEATHER climate. You are the dumbest, most uninformed jackass on this site.
You can't stop lying can you. The other day you said I was the dumbest most uninformed jackass on the site. But you are correct. People do certainly need to be informed, just like all those people who were informed that the Earth was flat, and were informed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, that were informed there are only 3 elements and that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Yes, being informed is very important.
If you really think that, why are you such an ignorant ass? That instrument right in front of you can connect you to what real scientists provide us in evidence.
Those in denial are indeed the village idiots in this discussion. The science is clear, most scientists believe mankind contributes significantly to global warming, and that idiots say 'no' should be pointed out and ridiculed.
How does reducing emissions hurt you?

It costs me money that I worked hard to earn. It also leads to deaths in undeveloped countries.
What a stupid thing to claim. Wind and solar are both cheaper per kw than any other forms of power at present. And the new grid scale batteries will lower the price of electricity even more. How is less costly electricity costing you money?

As for the third world nations, many of them do not have fossil fuel reserves, and the ones that do do not have the money to develop them and the infrastructure needed for coal or gas. However, solar and wind are very scalable, from single family installations to village or region scale. And, once built, do not require addtional money, no fuel required, and no toxic byproducts.

Because it isn't working now......and has to be backed up with reliable coal and natural gas dumb fuck......Germany is having shortages because of this, dumb fuck.
LOL What a fucking dumb liar you are.

Germany had so much renewable energy on Sunday that it had to pay people to use electricity

On Sunday, May 8, Germany hit a new high in renewable energy generation. Thanks to a sunny and windy day, at one point around 1pm the country’s solar, wind, hydro and biomass plants were supplying about 55 GW of the 63 GW being consumed, or 87%.

Power prices actually went negative for several hours, meaning commercial customers were being paid to consume electricity.

Germany Made $2 Billion Selling Energy to Neighbors - Understand Solar

In 2015, Fraunhofer scientists anticipate a record export surplus of up to 40 TWh electricity for Germany

Germany will have earned close to $2 billion from energy exports according to Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE based on energy data reported to the German government. The data on Germany’s imports and exports of various sources of energy are displayed in graphical form by Fraunhofer scientists.

The data has revealed consistent revenue that mounts into the billions, coming from exported German electricity. In 2014 revenues amounted to nearly $2 billion dollars, and are expected to remain at this level in 2015 as well.

Germany also imports electricity from its neighbors, but the data shows Germany has been able to export at a higher market price than it pays for imported electricity.

The graphical analysis also shows that, on average, market prices were higher for electricity exported from Germany than for electricity imported into Germany. Within Germany there had been concern that it might be selling cheap, buying high, but the data put that argument to rest.

Moron...they have extra energy because they need traditional sources to cover for the wind and solar....moron....

Loading up on wind and solar is causing new problems for Germany

After years of declines, Germany’s carbon emissions rose slightly in 2015, largely because the country produces much more electricity than it needs.

That’s happening because even if there are times when renewables can supply nearly all of the electricity on the grid, the variability of those sources forces Germany to keep other power plants running.

And in Germany, which is phasing out its nuclear plants, those other plants primarily burn dirty coal.
I like how Trump flushed most of the "Climate Change" turds right down the old Crapper. :badgrin:

So, let me get this straight, the weather changes so you should get my money and make necessities more expensive for me and make it harder to find work?

What's not to like about that? :alcoholic:


LOL Look, you semi-literate cocksuck, I am 73 years old, and get job offers every day in my e-mail. In the crafts, millwrighting, electricians, and automation people, there are about 6 million jobs going begging. Many of these jobs, like the one I have at present, go to about 100K a year. If you find it hard to get work, then look in the mirror. Plenty of jobs out there, but no need for unskilled dummies.

Contrary to what you might believe, you sir, are a party of one. There happen to be other people with a stake in this game.

Everyone else in the U.S. population, for instance.
Why yes, there are. Like those ultra-liberal Texans.

Texas City Leads The Way On Renewable Energy

ROSS: So I think people all over the country wonder, how is it that such a red city like Georgetown, such a conservative place, was one of the first cities in the country to be powered 100 percent by renewable energy?

ROSS: You know, because it's our love of green - green rectangles and green energy.

SHAPIRO: (Laughter) Green rectangles meaning dollar bills.

ROSS: Yes, so - yeah, if you got an Andrew Jackson or a Benjamin Franklin on - well, I prefer, you know - Benjamin Franklin's my favorite. But really with the first and foremost, it was a business decision.

SHAPIRO: When the old power contract was up in 2012, Georgetown city managers sat down to look at their options. They realized that wind and solar power are more predictable. The prices don't swing up and down like oil and gas. So the city can sign a contract today and know what the bill is going to be for the next 25 years. That's especially appealing in a place like Georgetown where a lot of retirees live on fixed incomes.

We're driving up to this municipal building in Georgetown, Texas, and the roof is covered in solar panels.

For further information;

I see you are too stupid to understand how we know what we know about what the planet was like thousands & millions years ago.

Hey twit...they couldn't even accurately predict the snow amounts for this week....and yet they are going to be dead on 100 years from now.....you are the dumb one......
Now you call WEATHER climate. You are the dumbest, most uninformed jackass on this site.
You can't stop lying can you. The other day you said I was the dumbest most uninformed jackass on the site. But you are correct. People do certainly need to be informed, just like all those people who were informed that the Earth was flat, and were informed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, that were informed there are only 3 elements and that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Yes, being informed is very important.
If you really think that, why are you such an ignorant ass? That instrument right in front of you can connect you to what real scientists provide us in evidence.
Those in denial are indeed the village idiots in this discussion. The science is clear, most scientists believe mankind contributes significantly to global warming, and that idiots say 'no' should be pointed out and ridiculed.
No proof exists. Only fake computer generated data from tree rings and cave drawings.
Hey twit...they couldn't even accurately predict the snow amounts for this week....and yet they are going to be dead on 100 years from now.....you are the dumb one......
Now you call WEATHER climate. You are the dumbest, most uninformed jackass on this site.
You can't stop lying can you. The other day you said I was the dumbest most uninformed jackass on the site. But you are correct. People do certainly need to be informed, just like all those people who were informed that the Earth was flat, and were informed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, that were informed there are only 3 elements and that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Yes, being informed is very important.
If you really think that, why are you such an ignorant ass? That instrument right in front of you can connect you to what real scientists provide us in evidence.
Those in denial are indeed the village idiots in this discussion. The science is clear, most scientists believe mankind contributes significantly to global warming, and that idiots say 'no' should be pointed out and ridiculed.
No proof exists. Only fake computer generated data from tree rings and cave drawings.
And you prove my point that only the illiterate argue against the science.
I see you are too stupid to understand how we know what we know about what the planet was like thousands & millions years ago.

Hey twit...they couldn't even accurately predict the snow amounts for this week....and yet they are going to be dead on 100 years from now.....you are the dumb one......
Now you call WEATHER climate. You are the dumbest, most uninformed jackass on this site.
You can't stop lying can you. The other day you said I was the dumbest most uninformed jackass on the site. But you are correct. People do certainly need to be informed, just like all those people who were informed that the Earth was flat, and were informed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, that were informed there are only 3 elements and that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Yes, being informed is very important.
If you really think that, why are you such an ignorant ass? That instrument right in front of you can connect you to what real scientists provide us in evidence.
But it cannot ascertain the truth of it. Stop lying.
Well, if you had more than a third grade education in science, you would be able to.
GloBull warming is a huge wealth redistribution scam.

End of debate
Global arming deniers are dumber than shit. Thanks for proving that.

Yeah...except for the fact that the warming stopped, the computer models have been wrong, and that the man made global warming religionists keep destroying, hiding and changing data.......all in the name of scientific truth....
The warming has not stopped. The older models are off because we have been taking action & reducing emission growth. \

Until now when the fucking stupid have taken over our country & will reverse the progress made.

I guess you just hate your kids. You value money more than your children's future?

If you assclowns seriously feared CO2, you support more nuke plants instead of wasting billions on windmills.

Most of the progress we made lately was do to fracking, something else you assclowns have fought.
I like how Trump flushed most of the "Climate Change" turds right down the old Crapper. :badgrin:

So, let me get this straight, the weather changes so you should get my money and make necessities more expensive for me and make it harder to find work?

What's not to like about that? :alcoholic:


LOL Look, you semi-literate cocksuck, I am 73 years old, and get job offers every day in my e-mail. In the crafts, millwrighting, electricians, and automation people, there are about 6 million jobs going begging. Many of these jobs, like the one I have at present, go to about 100K a year. If you find it hard to get work, then look in the mirror. Plenty of jobs out there, but no need for unskilled dummies.

Those job offers as a sex worker don't count....
By God, thank you. I didn't know that there was a market for 73 year old studs. LOL
GloBull warming is a huge wealth redistribution scam.

End of debate
Global arming deniers are dumber than shit. Thanks for proving that.

Yeah...except for the fact that the warming stopped, the computer models have been wrong, and that the man made global warming religionists keep destroying, hiding and changing data.......all in the name of scientific truth....
The warming has not stopped. The older models are off because we have been taking action & reducing emission growth. \

Until now when the fucking stupid have taken over our country & will reverse the progress made.

I guess you just hate your kids. You value money more than your children's future?

If you assclowns seriously feared CO2, you support more nuke plants instead of wasting billions on windmills.

Most of the progress we made lately was do to fracking, something else you assclowns have fought.
Show me a nuke plant built under budget and on time, and maybe I would find some support for them. However, Nuke power is still expensive power.

I am fine with fracking, provided that no aquifers are impacted.

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