Debbie Wasserman Schultz Actually Right About Something?

Hustler should have Photoshopped Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a dick in her mouth.





She probably thinks it's bad for her teeth. :eusa_shifty:
One day until what DNC front woman Debbie Wasserman Schultz correctly dubbed a dry run for the upcoming presidential election, the attempt by the unions and the left to recall the lawfully elected governor of Wisconsin. Though, after taking a full appraisal of the situation, she desperately tried to backtrack those statements. Every single poll has Walker leading RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Wisconsin Governor Recall Election - Walker vs. Barrett

After months of union-funded advertising, tens of millions of dollars being funneled into Wisconsin just to get the recall effort off the ground, near around-the-clock MSNBC coverage and support, union protests screaming and shouting and threatening violence it all culminates in tomorrow's election.

Directly following Wisconsin's notorious union legislation battle half of Wisconsin's teachers quit the teacher's union. Wisconsin Teachers Quit in Droves After Union Loss - Battered morale, bigger classes trigger retirements

Following Scott Walkers' policy victories in the state legislature, enacting nearly all of his initiatives, the state has a balanced budget and unemployment is coming down.

Tomorrow's Wisconsin election is a defining moment for this country. To my liberal friends, I say fear not. When all hope is lost for the left, let Al Sharpton's immortal words give you inspiration and confidence, "Resist we much!!"

2011-AUG 'Resist We Much' Classic Al Sharpton - YouTube

it will be fun to hear dws say: "a loss in wisconson is good for da democrat porty and pwesident obama because it emphiisizes the need fo govornmental collective porty bogarning, the pwesident's policies are woerkink now and we ah beginning to teurn the cona. amerikens deseuv the strong ledaship and they like moving forwadd"
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Hustler should have Photoshopped Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a dick in her mouth.

No. They shouldn't. They shouldnt do that to anyone.

In fact, they should close their door and donate their ill gotten gains to charity to actually fix the worlds problems instead of contribute to them.
Walker is outspending Barrett 8 to 1. The GOP can't possibly outspend the Democrats 8 to 1 in November.

If outspending your opponent 8 to 1 is what it takes for a Republican incumbent JUST to hang on in a recall election,

and if that template is a dry run for November, then the Democrats are in excellent shape.

Denial is not healthy.
If Walker wasn't worried about the recall why IS he out spending the opposition by so much?
One day until what DNC front woman Debbie Wasserman Schultz correctly dubbed a dry run for the upcoming presidential election, the attempt by the unions and the left to recall the lawfully elected governor of Wisconsin. Though, after taking a full appraisal of the situation, she desperately tried to backtrack those statements. Every single poll has Walker leading RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Wisconsin Governor Recall Election - Walker vs. Barrett

I'm having a hard time buying the line that the recall is a dry run for November considering:

RCP has Walker up 6.7%

RCP has Obama up 4.7% in WI
One day until what DNC front woman Debbie Wasserman Schultz correctly dubbed a dry run for the upcoming presidential election, the attempt by the unions and the left to recall the lawfully elected governor of Wisconsin. Though, after taking a full appraisal of the situation, she desperately tried to backtrack those statements. Every single poll has Walker leading RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Wisconsin Governor Recall Election - Walker vs. Barrett

I'm having a hard time buying the line that the recall is a dry run for November considering:

RCP has Walker up 6.7%

RCP has Obama up 4.7% in WI

Walker's election is tomorrow, Obama's isn't until November. 5 months ago, Walker wasn't leading by much. :)

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