Debunking White Racist Opinions

did you ever think that the White guys allowed themselves to be humiliated to PROTECT the Black women they were with from you and your thug friends? A real man will accept things to protect others that he wouldn't accept to protect himself.

Nope. The white dude was scared. And to be honest it was pretty much me. Some of my friends thought it was wrong but I didn't give a fk
did you ever think that the White guys allowed themselves to be humiliated to PROTECT the Black women they were with from you and your thug friends? A real man will accept things to protect others that he wouldn't accept to protect himself.

Nope. The white dude was scared. And to be honest it was pretty much me. Some of my friends thought it was wrong but I didn't give a fk
So what if he was scared. Four on one is bad odds. It also makes you look like a coward. You would have impressed me if you had gone up to four guys (race doesn’t matter) and intimidated them into tying your shoes. All your example shows is that you have always been as bigoted racist thug jerk as you show yourself to be on these boards daily. You remind me of the gang members in the neighborhood I grew up in, they wouldn’t fight at fair odds either.
The students must have been white, to justify such an extreme sentence. Fla. Janitor Sentenced to 60 Years for Hiding Camera in Girls Bathroom

Did some research and what did I see ?

The girl's varsity polo team (top) and the girl's dance team (bottom) at Oviedo High School in Florida. ONE 'Black' token each.


He def need his a*s beat & jail time too. This is what happens when you turn down a plea. What he did was disgusting & an utter violation but compare that Black man's sentence and contrast with these white men lack thereof sentencing below:

The students must have been white, to justify such an extreme sentence. Fla. Janitor Sentenced to 60 Years for Hiding Camera in Girls Bathroom

Did some research and what did I see ?

The girl's varsity polo team (top) and the girl's dance team (bottom) at Oviedo High School in Florida. ONE 'Black' token each.

View attachment 544310

He def need his a*s beat & jail time too. This is what happens when you turn down a plea. What he did was disgusting & an utter violation but compare that Black man's sentence and contrast with these white men lack thereof sentencing below:

View attachment 544312View attachment 544313View attachment 544314
The students must have been white, to justify such an extreme sentence. Fla. Janitor Sentenced to 60 Years for Hiding Camera in Girls Bathroom

Did some research and what did I see ?

The girl's varsity polo team (top) and the girl's dance team (bottom) at Oviedo High School in Florida. ONE 'Black' token each.

View attachment 544310

He def need his a*s beat & jail time too. This is what happens when you turn down a plea. What he did was disgusting & an utter violation but compare that Black man's sentence and contrast with these white men lack thereof sentencing below:

View attachment 544312View attachment 544313View attachment 544314
I think letting anyone free for committing these crimes is heinous. They deserve the death penalty.
You would not say that if he was white
I can only speak for myself, but the race, religion or nationality of a criminal mean nothing to me. All criminals should get a fair trial and face the most severe punishment that is legal if convicted.
I can only speak for myself, but the race, religion or nationality of a criminal mean nothing to me.

I don't believe you.

Canon Shooter
We certainly would...

Yeah right

You know, one of the most puzzling things about USMB is your presence on it.

You don't ever want to debate anything. You don't ever want to have discussions about anything, nor do you ever want to ever enter into a conversation. You just want to belch up your hateful vitriol and not be challenged. You want people to accept what you say as the gospel truth, for no other reason than you said it. And, anytime someone says they would do or say something, like hold a white person to a particular standard, you respond with "I don't believe you" or "Yeah, right".

You actually serve no purpose here. None whatsoever. USMB is a lesser place for your presence. You're a detriment to any and every thread you participate in. It's almost puzzling that you're permitted to remain here. The level of racism you possess makes the KKK look like the Rainbow Coalition.

I guess the question which needs to be asked, with regards to why you're here, to your never-ending racist messages and an apparent inability to act like an adult and have actual discussions is this: Why are you here?
There was no black supremacist president or AG no matter how much you try using Pauls argument against him. Whites are nt denied jobs due to theor skin color more than blacks. Everything you say here is incorrect and facts prove it. Your opijnion is not fact white man. Learn that.
My gawd you are stupid as fuck. Whites are denied all sorts of jobs based on skin color in favor of affirmative action that hires less qualified because they have more pigmentation.
"The Democrats have been fooling blacks for 60 years. Give them a little welfare, tell them the White Man is keeping them down and blacks keep voting for Democrats."

Slavery is said to have ended in 1863. Because Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks sided with the republican party. From 1863 until 1936, 73 years, blacks voted and specifially supported the republican party. What did blacks get in return from the republican party after the emancipation proclamation?

Can any republican here answer that?

In 1936 because of a broken promise by a republican president to include blacks in his administration and to provide southern blacks with lands that white farmers gave up on during the Mississippi flood, a leading black republican left the party and millions of blacks followed him.

Still some blacks remained faithful to the republican party for the next 28 years when republicans nominated a man who opposed the 1964 civil rights act, and at the point in his nomination address when he declared that extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, he cemented a black exodus from the republican party.

All told that's 101 years that blacks supported the republican party, and the party did nothing for blacks after the emancipation proclamation. All during Jim Crow blacks were republicans. Republicans did not desegregate the military or end jim crow in public accomodations. Blacks blindly voted for republicans for most of that 101 years because they are the party that Abraham Lincoln belonged to.

"The problems blacks face are because of their own choices, not legislation made by whites. Blacks don't see this and fall for lies told by democrats and black activists who have an agenda."

Aside from the fact that my opinion has not been formed by reading right wing websites, but by actual experience dealing with creating programs and assistance that meets the parameters of public policy, the facts have been proven by whites themselves. So let me repost these facts compiled by CITIGROUP.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup. Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education

Now to say that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, gets a person a load of crazy, but as these numbers show, blacks have lost income and jobs because of racial discrimination since the year 2000. Not 1850, not 1900 and not 1950. Now blacks are NOT discriminating against each other, so then if white racism isn't the root cause of this what is?

/----/ Goldwater was not a racist as democRATs portray him. He felt The Civil Rights Act was a states rights issue, not the federal government's job. His mistake was, this position lumped him in with the racist democrats.
“It so happens that I am in agreement with the [anti-racial segregation] objectives of the Supreme Court as stated in the Brown decision,” writes Goldwater. “I am not prepared, however, to impose that judgment of mine on the people of Mississippi or South Carolina. . . . That is their business, not mine. I believe that the problem of race relations, like all social and cultural problems, is best handled by the people directly concerned . . . [and] should not be effected by engines of national power.” Here, Goldwater forthrightly disavows ugly racism even as he makes the philosophical case that racial justice solutions must not be imposed from above by federal governmental fiat. In the American federalist system, local authority must be respected, Goldwater argues, even when local authorities see issues in a vexing manner.
Canon Shooter
You know, one of the most puzzling things about USMB is your presence on it. You don't ever want to debate anything.

What do you want to debate ?

Canon Shooter
You don't ever want to have discussions about anything

What do you want to discuss ?

Canon Shooter
Nor do you ever want to ever enter into a conversation.

What do you want to converse about ?

Canon Shooter
You just want to belch up your hateful vitriol and not be challenged.

Seems like your talking about yourself.

Canon Shooter
You want people to accept what you say as the gospel truth, for no other reason than you said it.

Canon Shooter
And, anytime someone says they would do or say something, like hold a white person to a particular standard, you respond with "I don't believe you" or "Yeah, right".

What would you or AZrailwhale be like in the courtroom and blk man is on trial ?

He would go down.

That's how I judge it. These so called good white ppl never seem to be in the courtroom.


Whites lie on blks all the time.

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Canon Shooter
You know, one of the most puzzling things about USMB is your presence on it. You don't ever want to debate anything.

What do you want to debate ?

That's exactly my point. Debate with you is impossible, simply because you summarily dismiss any point of view which differs from yours...

Canon Shooter
You don't ever want to have discussions about anything

What do you want to discuss ?

That's exactly my point. A conversation with you is impossible, simply because you summarily dismiss any point of view which differs from yours...

Canon Shooter
Nor do you ever want to ever enter into a conversation.

What do you want to converse about ?

Again, you lack a profound inability to discuss anything. You just want to pontificate unchallenged and, when challenged, your unfettered racism comes to the fore...

Canon Shooter
You just want to belch up your hateful vitriol and not be challenged.

Seems like your talking about yourself.

Not at all. I'm the one trying to have the conversation, dumbass. You're the one who thinks you "win" every conversation by bleating out "WHITEY BAD!"

Canon Shooter
You want people to accept what you say as the gospel truth, for no other reason than you said it.

Canon Shooter
And, anytime someone says they would do or say something, like hold a white person to a particular standard, you respond with "I don't believe you" or "Yeah, right".

What would you or AZrailwhale be like in the courtroom and blk man is on trial ?

Well, if nothing else, I guess I can accept this as your tacit admission that I'm right, since you don't refute it...

He would go down.

That's how I judge it. These so called good white ppl never seem to be in the courtroom.

Whites lie on blks all the time

What do you do with all that time you save by typing "ppl"?

You've also evaded my question which, again, only serves to prove that my observations about you are completely on-point...
That's exactly my point. Debate with you is impossible, simply because you summarily dismiss any point of view which differs from yours...

That's exactly my point. A conversation with you is impossible, simply because you summarily dismiss any point of view which differs from yours...

Again, you lack a profound inability to discuss anything. You just want to pontificate unchallenged and, when challenged, your unfettered racism comes to the fore...

Not at all. I'm the one trying to have the conversation, dumbass. You're the one who thinks you "win" every conversation by bleating out "WHITEY BAD!"

Well, if nothing else, I guess I can accept this as your tacit admission that I'm right, since you don't refute it...

What do you do with all that time you save by typing "ppl"?

You've also evaded my question which, again, only serves to prove that my observations about you are completely on-point...
I actual debate with you guys too much. Look at this thread from page 11 onwards. I actually spend WAY WAY too much time debating with you idiots.
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I actual debate with you guys too much. Look at this thread from page 11 onwards. I actually spend WAY WAY too much time debating with you idiots.

There's no debate there. It's just more of your tired "I'm right and you, the white racist, are wrong."

There's no debate there because you, apparently, have no clue how to engage in it.

So, for the third time I'll ask the question which you've clumsily avoided the first two time it was asked: Seeing as all you do is dismiss opinions which differ from your own, without the benefit of debate and discussion, why are you even here?

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