Decision reached in Arbrey case

Possibly the former DA and investigating team from the county are upset. They decided there was no need to press charges. Boy, do they look like racist scum bags. How could they not press charges?
I donā€™t know. Honestly, Iā€™m aware primarily from reviewing the tapes. Maybe there was more to it. If so, I never caught wind of it.

I have a bias. I think prosecutors should investigate and then, if the evidence warrants, they should prosecute. Defense attorneys have less flexibility for obvious reasons.
There was no reason for them to bother Aubery in the first place.

What was a black man supposed to think when white men, in Georgia, in a pickup truck, with a shotgun pulled him over? He just assumed they were going to kill him.

And they did kill him.

O gee. What should arbury have done. Maybe talk to them? But he took off like a rabbit. They have a short video of him doing so. Usually when somebody runs, it means they are guilty. Of trespassing at the very least. So don't play that "race card" BS with me. Slavery ended a long time ago. If any blacks since then thought they were being mistreated there, they would have moved out of Georgia a long time ago.
Not what you said. You just changed lanes.

But you're getting warmer. Not quite there yet though.

Yea, whatever.

The guy did nothing wrong. It's absurd he was convicted of that. So if I drive by and film someone getting killed I can go to jail? Did the person filming that cop with his knee on that negros neck go to jail? No. Why not?
I would not have done what those three guys did. I damn sure would not have gotten out of a vehicle with a shotgun and confronted Aubrey.

I might have followed him from a distance, called the cops, kept an eye on him till the cops got there, but these guys fucked up royally, and now they're going to the pen. If it's true from what I heard any of them were former LEO's, they may as well expect for have to fight, fuck, and pay protection for a very long time at a serious expense.

They should have known better.

I don't care about Aubrey's record, if he actually was casing the place and even stole something.

These guys fucked up simply by chasing and attempting to detain him.


You are right. They did fuck up. But when arbery attacked a person with a shotgun, he fucked up even worse. He could have kept running. But he didn't. He decided to go into attack mode instead. Humanity is far better off without somebody lacking any sense to that degree being around. So Travis actually did humanity a favor.
Yet convicted of five or six felonies, including murder. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. You seem to be proud of that fact.

Yes and I don't agree with anything he was convicted of. False imprisonment? LOL FROM INSIDE HIS OWN CAR? With a cell phone in his hand? If it weren't so serious it would be funny.
O gee. What should arbury have done. Maybe talk to them? But he took off like a rabbit. They have a short video of him doing so. Usually when somebody runs, it means they are guilty. Of trespassing at the very least. So don't play that "race card" BS with me. Slavery ended a long time ago. If any blacks since then thought they were being mistreated there, they would have moved out of Georgia a long time ago.

Yep, they're free to leave America at any time. And we should be willing to pay for them to leave, of course renouncing their 14th Amendment citizenship forever. And watch the crime rates plunge the more of them that accept the offer (blacks, at 12% of the population, are responsible for 50% of murders and at least 33% of violent crimes).

And repeal the 14th Amendment too.
ā€œYou canā€™t claim self-defense if you are starting the confrontation. This isnā€™t the Wild West.ā€

Thats what the prosecutor said.
But you can claim self defense if you are being attacked. You must have seen the video. At no point was Travis going toward arbery. And arbery was actually punching Travis at one point. Though according to you, Travis was punching arbery in the fist with his face.
You know what let me tell you something and the fact is I am one of the biggest racist bigots you will ever meet!

You will hear every type of racial slur you can think of from the N word to using the word Flip when describing a damn Filipino, so let me just put this kindly as can be those three idiots that were found guilt deserve the guilty verdict because they ( at least the father and son ) chased down a man of color and provoked a confrontation with him that got him killed just because he was not the right skin color in Waycross!

I am unsure if they still have that demolition derby race track out there but when I lived there they did!

So I am glad those morons are going off to State and getting what they deserve!

I had to look TWICE to see which "biggest racial bigot" was writing this.. You could get a warning for impersonating a racist bigot.

Personally, I think that a couple weeks AFTER the story broke, most people who screamed innocence and stayed up all night looking at video frame to frame on USMB trying to "find a hammer in his hand that he STOLE from the construction site" --- MOST of these trogs realized how this SHOULD end.. And MOST of THEM have pedigreed racist bigot papers.
NewsVine_Mariyam I posted a simple straightforward fact that information about Arbrey's mental health and criminal record were not allowed and you deflected with an irrelevant cherry picked list of White killers. Tone down your anger and make relevant posts.
I am aware that there is already a thread about this. But I just had to say something. I figured here would be a good place. First, whatever happened to Georgia's "Stand Your Ground" law. I guess it couldn't stand up to black appeasement. Also, they have arbery on video casing out a construction site. Was he there just to admire the workmanship? Or could he have been looking for something to steal later. If it was a bet, where would you place your money. The McMichaels knew what he was up to. Apparently because he wasn't stealing anything at the time, they had no "legal" right to attempt a citizens arrest. What. You're going to convict 3 people of murder over a technicality. And what of the person who just recorded the event. William Bryan. Wouldn't he have had to have known a "murder" was going to happen to be convicted as an accomplice?

Except there was no evidence he was stealing anything or doing anything other than going on a jog. You know, something white people can do and take for granted.

There's no "stand your ground" issue here. If anyone had a stand your ground defense, it was Aubery for being chased down.

Also, it doesn't matter if the McMichaels were justified in attempting a citizens arrest or not. The point is that Travis McMichael had a gun. Under the universal law of any living being, he had a duty and a RIGHT to not let some aggressive and possibly otherwise criminal take it from him. Even if it means shooting them! What the video of the incident clearly shows is that Travis McMichael was acting in self defense. Though if it was me, I would have blown arbery's worthless ass away sooner. I wouldn't have given him the chance to punch me who knows how many times like Travis did.

A jury didn't see it that way... They saw three rednecks chase down and murder a black man.

But now I guess the legal precedent has been set. If you are a White person with a gun for whatever reason and an aggressive black person tries to take it from you, you are legally obliged to give it to them rather than shoot them to most likely protect your own life. I know that "blame Whity" has been drilled into most people's brains. (Incredibly even into many White people's brains) But in my opinion, (if I am allowed to have one) anybody who thinks that is how things should work, you are something far worse than a moron.

Well, simple enough. you could pass common sense gun laws and not worry about this sort of thing.

Or you could try not chasing the man down, because that was stupid.
I had to look TWICE to see which "biggest racial bigot" was writing this.. You could get a warning for impersonating a racist bigot.

Personally, I think that a couple weeks AFTER the story broke, most people who screamed innocence and stayed up all night looking at video frame to frame on USMB trying to "find a hammer in his hand that he STOLE from the construction site" --- MOST of these trogs realized how this SHOULD end.. And MOST of THEM have pedigreed racist bigot papers.

As I wrote you donā€™t chase down someone and let the law deal with itā€¦

In the end they Cowboy themselves into jail and I will not lose sleep over itā€¦
I would not have done what those three guys did. I damn sure would not have gotten out of a vehicle with a shotgun and confronted Aubrey.

I might have followed him from a distance, called the cops, kept an eye on him till the cops got there, but these guys fucked up royally, and now they're going to the pen. If it's true from what I heard any of them were former LEO's, they may as well expect for have to fight, fuck, and pay protection for a very long time at a serious expense.

They should have known better.

I don't care about Aubrey's record, if he actually was casing the place and even stole something.

These guys fucked up simply by chasing and attempting to detain him.

Pete I agree, and that was my opinion when I first saw this case, and the event that led up to the case.

I am a little taken back however, otherwise about the videographer being convicted of a murder charge if he didn't actually participate in the actual detainment, harassment or demise of Arbery in which ultimately would have led to his death in the situation.

If a person videos an event, and I'm guessing does so for evidentiary purposes, otherwise just encase law enforcement requires that video for a clear picture of what happened, then just because you video taped or created such critical evidence for later use in an investigation and/or court case, then how are you charged for murder in such a way because you were the one that video taped the event ?? I know these questions were probably answered in the trial, but unfortunately I didn't get to watch the entire trial.

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