Declassified JFK Files Reveal Soviet Intelligence Secretly Urged President Lyndon B. Johnson To Investigate JFK’s Assassination


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Declassified JFK Files Reveal Soviet Intelligence Secretly Urged President Lyndon B. Johnson To Investigate JFK’s Assassination,

Johnson Later Emphatically REFUSED Independent Investigation

17 Jul 223 ~~ By Antony Scott

On June 27th, the Biden administration finally released over 1,000 documents pertaining to JFK’s assassination in accordance with the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act.
Despite releasing several previously hidden documents the Biden administration at the midnight hour ultimately decided to postpone releasing all of the classified documents.
Most of the documents released by the Biden administration were already well-known public knowledge however there are some gems hidden in some of the newly declassified files.
One document, which was a CIA memo of a meeting with President Johnson on December 6, 1963, reveals agents told the president that “The Soviet Intelligence Service, on orders from Moscow, was attempting to stimulate communications from India to him, Chief Justice Warren, and the Attorney General, urging a full probe into the assassination of the President.”
The CIA noted that the report stemmed from “very reliable penetration” and that they evaluated the messenger quite highly.

The new message reveals, that even the Soviets had some doubts that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only killer of President Kennedy.

It was reported Johnson even had “contempt” of the plan for independent investigators to get to the bottom of Kennedy’s assassination.
The request by the Department of Justice was on November 26th just four days after Kennedy’s assassination.
You can read the entire declassified document here:

I know exactly were I was on that day when JFK was assassinated and familiar with all the theories' on why and who was responsible for JFK`s untimely death.
My personal conclusion is irrelevant.
The evidence however, sows that the CIA and LBJ were more involved before, during and after JFK`s death than we have been led to believe.
Dulles, LBJ, Sam Giancana and a bunch of pissed off Cubans all came together to create the plan and implement it.
Amongst other points of contention, JFK ad seriously contemplated dismantling the CIA, his brother RFK was after the mob, and he had the oil and gas people pissed off. Additionally, Johnson couldn't stand him and he and his cronies plotted. The rest is history.
Dulles, LBJ, Sam Giancana and a bunch of pissed off Cubans all came together to create the plan and implement it.
And nobody mentioned a word about it ever again! Everyone took the secret to their grave I tell ya!!!!


I, too, do not buy the "lone-nut" theory. We have more nuts than ever and we have almost universal access to as much weaponry as you can afford today. If the "lone nut" theory were in fact valid, we'd have political assassinations nearly year if not more often.

For a conspiracy of this magnitude of illegality to work would require that there be a number of actors you could count on one hand and have a finger or two left over.

Soviet Intelligence Secretly Urged President Lyndon B. Johnson To Investigate JFK’s Assassination​

Why would LBJ do that when he offed JFK in the first place?

The evidence however, sows that the CIA and LBJ were more involved before, during and after JFK`s death than we have been led to believe.
Dulles, LBJ, Sam Giancana and a bunch of pissed off Cubans all came together to create the plan and implement it.
Amongst other points of contention, JFK ad seriously contemplated dismantling the CIA, his brother RFK was after the mob, and he had the oil and gas people pissed off. Additionally, Johnson couldn't stand him and he and his cronies plotted. The rest is history.
I question whether Trump will live if he manages to get reelected!
Why would LBJ do that when he offed JFK in the first place?

I question whether Trump will live if he manages to get reelected!

I wouldn't doubt Democrats would assassinate TRump if they thought they could get away with it; they would hire some of thier Iranian buddies to do it, in exchange for another few pallets of American dollars.
For a conspiracy of this magnitude of illegality to work would require that there be a number of actors you could count on one hand and have a finger or two left over.

lol rubbish. Involving those organizations would require some thousands of people, almost all of them feckless sociopaths who would rat out their mothers to score some advantages or other.
I wouldn't doubt Democrats would assassinate TRump if they thought they could get away with it; they would hire some of thier Iranian buddies to do it, in exchange for another few pallets of American dollars.

They'd do it for free; as would most Americans
I wouldn't doubt Democrats would assassinate TRump if they thought they could get away with it; they would hire some of thier Iranian buddies to do it, in exchange for another few pallets of American dollars.

Odd, first you give me a 'fake news,' then you agree with me.
The primary mission of congressional investigations is CYA. They had Americans chasing their tails over the "grassy knoll" while nobody ever asked why the hell the CIA welcomed a traitor back from the USSR after he renounced his citizenship.
And the JFK Assassination files are sealed for another 60 years because.....?

Much of what is involved still involves agents and information sources that are still alive, or that are still classified.

One thing the government almost never does is release information on living sources, or when the means used to gather the intelligence is still in operation.

For example, I still suspect a lot of the transcripts of VENONA are still classified, mostly because of some curious gaps in some of the intercepts that have been released. And even though it was finally shut down in 1980 when advances in cryptography rendered it largely useless, the program itself was not actually declassified until 1995.

Declassified JFK Files Reveal Soviet Intelligence Secretly Urged President Lyndon B. Johnson To Investigate JFK’s Assassination,

Johnson Later Emphatically REFUSED Independent Investigation

17 Jul 223 ~~ By Antony Scott

On June 27th, the Biden administration finally released over 1,000 documents pertaining to JFK’s assassination in accordance with the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act.
Despite releasing several previously hidden documents the Biden administration at the midnight hour ultimately decided to postpone releasing all of the classified documents.
Most of the documents released by the Biden administration were already well-known public knowledge however there are some gems hidden in some of the newly declassified files.
One document, which was a CIA memo of a meeting with President Johnson on December 6, 1963, reveals agents told the president that “The Soviet Intelligence Service, on orders from Moscow, was attempting to stimulate communications from India to him, Chief Justice Warren, and the Attorney General, urging a full probe into the assassination of the President.”
The CIA noted that the report stemmed from “very reliable penetration” and that they evaluated the messenger quite highly.

The new message reveals, that even the Soviets had some doubts that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only killer of President Kennedy.

It was reported Johnson even had “contempt” of the plan for independent investigators to get to the bottom of Kennedy’s assassination.
The request by the Department of Justice was on November 26th just four days after Kennedy’s assassination.
You can read the entire declassified document here:

I know exactly were I was on that day when JFK was assassinated and familiar with all the theories' on why and who was responsible for JFK`s untimely death.
My personal conclusion is irrelevant.
The evidence however, sows that the CIA and LBJ were more involved before, during and after JFK`s death than we have been led to believe.
Dulles, LBJ, Sam Giancana and a bunch of pissed off Cubans all came together to create the plan and implement it.
Amongst other points of contention, JFK ad seriously contemplated dismantling the CIA, his brother RFK was after the mob, and he had the oil and gas people pissed off. Additionally, Johnson couldn't stand him and he and his cronies plotted. The rest is history.
Anytime trollboy mushroom puts a thumbs down,that means you speak truth. :up: He is a shill from Langley thst has penetrated this site,

It all fits.Johnson’s actions are consistent with what happened with Castro afterwards.according to his closest friend,after the assassination Castro said this is bad news.
Jfk had someone send communications between him and Castro and afterwards all communications ceased with Johnson everytime he sent correspondence to him through the go between jfk used,lbj never replied back.

What surprises me is half the jfk researchers including this one don’t ever mention Nixon’s involvement in it as well,he was as much involved up to his ears in it as Johnson was.him and Nixon were the best of pals.they served in the senate together.Nixon same as Johnson also had deep ties to the mob,he had a connection to jack ruby,he pardoned him in 1947 as a congressmen.he also had deep ties to the cia running covert operations for them as vp under Eisenhower,they were so secret even Ike did not know about them,he was kept out of the loop.

Nixon lied about being in Dallas that day claiming he never was,he could not remember where he was that day unlike you and every other American.E Howard hunt Nixon’s bagman for the cia denied being in Dallas that day but On his deathbed his son made a recording where he admitted to being in Dallas thst day as part of a cia operation to kill kennedy and Johnson and Nixon were involved heavily in the planning.

Roger stone wrote a book as well exposing Nixon’s heavy involvement in it and close relationship with jack ruby and the mob,
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