Zone1 Decline of Christianity a good or a bad thing?

Obviously Christianity declined alot since the middle ages, a good or a bad thing?

My opinion is:

A little bit good (because introduction of religious freedom, yes religious freedom was not always taken for granted, for example only in the 18th or 17th century with the englightened absolute monarchs, the jews got religious freedom, then you wont probably want to have witch hunts, or something)

but it gone too far with extreme blasphemy, and satanistic values, yes we live in the age of satan, it is already more and more open, maybe there will be a openly satanic dictatorship in the future
How is decline of church going related to freedom issue?
How is decline of church going related to freedom issue?
that is what they call shooting at a strawman, that the church has less power is related to freedom, not whether people go sundays to church or not
Secular societies have no problem with morality.

Humanism is the source of morals but religion has claimed the idea of morality as its own but the reality is morals are a product of reason not some deity.
Morals are formed by those we respect and appear to be in authority over us.

Therefore, morality tends to be created in people via parents, teachers, lawmakers, preachers, even peers, etc.

The question then becomes, which source has the most influence over you?

I think for most, this comes down to parents, peers, but mostly the state.

Take slavery, for example. Before slavery was legalized, the general consensus was that it was not ideal, but OK. However, after it was made illegal till present day, the thought of slavery is repugnantly evil to everyone.

The same can be said of abortion. Before Roe vs. Wade, abortion was seen as immoral, but decades after being made legal, it is seen as slavery was back in the day. Abortion is seen as not ideal, but OK.

This proves human beings are lemmings.

So, if you prefer the morality generated from a society that leaves God and religion out of the mix, like Mort, then you prefer a society with abortion on demand and having children transition into another sex before they are even old enough to have sex, and sterilize them for life in the process so they can't reproduce.

Mort enjoys this. Now it is even hip to persecute Jews.
Obviously Christianity declined alot since the middle ages, a good or a bad thing?

Its not "obvious" at all. Perhaps in your country , Morty. But here in the USA , we've had a some "great awakenings", and Christianity is doing very well in tremendous nations like Nigeria and Zambia in the current era.

Interest in Almighty God waxes and wanes over time, and a lot more frequently than you give it credit for.

The First Great Awakening in generally given the impetus for the American Revolution, which is a good thing, no?
The sooner we can get rid of superstition and quaint Cultist Religion , the sooner we can raise real spiriual understanding .
that is what they call shooting at a strawman, that the church has less power is related to freedom, not whether people go sundays to church or not

In the OP ... you brought up the Middle Ages ... and then it was summary execution to skip church on Sunday ... the community would hunt you down and kill you ... and that's NOT the part Martin Luther objected to ...

Back then, Church and State were the same thing ... in fact, to this very day Charles III is both King of the United Kingdom and Head of the Church of England (dux de jure) ... the first chance the American Colonists had to break that mold, they did ...

It's supposed to be a choice ... so it's not for us to punish those who turn their backs on God ... I'm glad the haters are leaving, they can take their filthy lucre with them ... we don't want it ...

Christ threw the money-changers out of the Temple ... why are folks inviting them back in? ...
In the OP ... you brought up the Middle Ages ... and then it was summary execution to skip church on Sunday ... the community would hunt you down and kill you ... and that's NOT the part Martin Luther objected to ...

Back then, Church and State were the same thing ... in fact, to this very day Charles III is both King of the United Kingdom and Head of the Church of England (dux de jure) ... the first chance the American Colonists had to break that mold, they did ...

It's supposed to be a choice ... so it's not for us to punish those who turn their backs on God ... I'm glad the haters are leaving, they can take their filthy lucre with them ... we don't want it ...

Christ threw the money-changers out of the Temple ... why are folks inviting them back in? ...
Ok maybe i was not clear enough, i should have be more clear and written maybe more. sorry. I thought it is obvious what im saying. In America it was always a free choice, america is founded on liberal principles.
Obviously Christianity declined alot since the middle ages, a good or a bad thing?
Ethics are a preferable alternative to morals

While they’re closely related concepts, morals refer mainly to guiding principles, and ethics refer to specific rules and actions, or behaviors.

if a consideration of all three desert religions, 4th century christianity is detached from the state gov't opposite the other two as being one in the same that is the proper role for what constitutes religion and the essential necessities granted society by gov't.

decline of the 1st century events peaked in the 4th century distortion of the christian bible that is the decline of that religion since that time and with it religion itself - through the tyranny of an execution.

a proper religion as the goal of the 1st century has yet to be achieved.
The sooner we can get rid of superstition and quaint Cultist Religion , the sooner we can raise real spiriual understanding .
What is needed is a thorough teaching of the Bible, and better understanding of our story and of God.
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Morals are formed by those we respect and appear to be in authority over us.

Therefore, morality tends to be created in people via parents, teachers, lawmakers, preachers, even peers, etc.

The question then becomes, which source has the most influence over you?

I think for most, this comes down to parents, peers, but mostly the state.

Take slavery, for example. Before slavery was legalized, the general consensus was that it was not ideal, but OK. However, after it was made illegal till present day, the thought of slavery is repugnantly evil to everyone.

The same can be said of abortion. Before Roe vs. Wade, abortion was seen as immoral, but decades after being made legal, it is seen as slavery was back in the day. Abortion is seen as not ideal, but OK.

This proves human beings are lemmings.

So, if you prefer the morality generated from a society that leaves God and religion out of the mix, like Mort, then you prefer a society with abortion on demand and having children transition into another sex before they are even old enough to have sex, and sterilize them for life in the process so they can't reproduce.

Mort enjoys this. Now it is even hip to persecute Jews.

Morals are formed by those we respect and appear to be in authority over us.

Therefore, morality tends to be created in people via parents, teachers, lawmakers, preachers, even peers, etc.

The question then becomes, which source has the most influence over you?

I think for most, this comes down to parents, peers, but mostly the state.

Take slavery, for example. Before slavery was legalized, the general consensus was that it was not ideal, but OK. However, after it was made illegal till present day, the thought of slavery is repugnantly evil to everyone.

The same can be said of abortion. Before Roe vs. Wade, abortion was seen as immoral, but decades after being made legal, it is seen as slavery was back in the day. Abortion is seen as not ideal, but OK.

This proves human beings are lemmings.

So, if you prefer the morality generated from a society that leaves God and religion out of the mix, like Mort, then you prefer a society with abortion on demand and having children transition into another sex before they are even old enough to have sex, and sterilize them for life in the process so they can't reproduce.

Mort enjoys this. Now it is even hip to persecute Jews.
you can't pin down the origin of morals that neatly
Ok maybe i was not clear enough, i should have be more clear and written maybe more. sorry. I thought it is obvious what im saying. In America it was always a free choice, america is founded on liberal principles.

Ah ... so you're speaking to the Humanist Movements of the 18th Century ... like the Freemasons ... these are the folks that fled Europe to get away from the Wars of Religion ... and State Church ...

Christianity has seen a massive resurgence here in the United States since then ... and has proliferated in both size and scope across the continent ... I lived in a community of 2,000 people with 25 churches ... across the entire protestant spectrum, even Methodists [shivers] ...

Catholics say that's bad ... I think everyone else says it's good ... do you hold Charles III or Joe Biden as God's only representative here on Earth? ...

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