Deconstructing the fictitious deep state.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Is there some sort of indoctrination ceremony to become a member? If so, at what point of the term of employment does it occur? If you become a member what happens if you want to quit? Do you get surveilled so as not to reveal what happens behind closed doors? You know.......all the plotting.

Are all cabinet depts. part of it? If I work as a dairy inspection supervisor making sure the milk and cheese Americans consume is safe am I required to join? Can I? What if I don't want to?

Does the DS hold meetings to decide how they are going to do their nefarious deeds? Are they done in secret? Why haven't there been any DS whistle blowers blowing the lid off the entire enterprise?

Do they (who ever they are) implant some chip that controls your mind in order to carry out the DS's awful, anti-American agenda?

For those of you who believe there is such a thing please help me out. Explain to me how it works, please.

The "deep state" includes anyone in the Federal government who misuses their position to affect politics, from Lois Lerner misusing the IRS to harm conservative organizations, to Comey setting up General Flynn, to McCabe/Strzok/Page "not allowing Trump to win" via operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor. The FBI even falsified evidence to spy on Trump via FISA, the FBI also paid Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Deep State is real. I could probably re-name it "democrats misusing their position in government".
Is there some sort of indoctrination ceremony to become a member? If so, at what point of the term of employment does it occur? If you become a member what happens if you want to quit? Do you get surveilled so as not to reveal what happens behind closed doors? You know.......all the plotting.

Are all cabinet depts. part of it? If I work as a dairy inspection supervisor making sure the milk and cheese Americans consume is safe am I required to join? Can I? What if I don't want to?

Does the DS hold meetings to decide how they are going to do their nefarious deeds? Are they done in secret? Why haven't there been any DS whistle blowers blowing the lid off the entire enterprise?

Do they (who ever they are) implant some chip that controls your mind in order to carry out the DS's awful, anti-American agenda?

For those of you who believe there is such a thing please help me out. Explain to me how it works, please.
The advancement of the deep state since 1913 is incremental... push further after 9/11 produced Homeland Security, The Patriot Act and the TSA. Today, the DOJ chief Garland is putting people into prison for not agreeing with his political views over the constitution. We were told don't worry about it. It is for real extremists. The father of a raped teenage daughter in Virginia who complained to the school board and the law enforcement we Republicans support took him down and will kill him if necessary was there for all to see. The governor just pardoned him. If you jaywalk you will be a criminal. If you sign forms, you are a criminal even if you are innocent. The worst part is if they laugh at you. That is what keeps the anger. And the vengeance.

The "deep state" includes anyone in the Federal government who misuses their position to affect politics, from Lois Lerner misusing the IRS to harm conservative organizations, to Comey setting up General Flynn, to McCabe/Strzok/Page "not allowing Trump to win" via operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor. The FBI even falsified evidence to spy on Trump via FISA, the FBI also paid Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Deep State is real. I could probably re-name it "democrats misusing their position in government".

So, as I suspected, it's conspiratorial horse dung.
The advancement of the deep state since 1913 is incremental... push further after 9/11 produced Homeland Security, The Patriot Act and the TSA. Today, the DOJ chief Garland is putting people into prison for not agreeing with his political views over the constitution. We were told don't worry about it. It is for real extremists. The father of a raped teenage daughter in Virginia who complained to the school board and the law enforcement we Republicans support took him down and will kill him if necessary was there for all to see. The governor just pardoned him. If you jaywalk you will be a criminal. If you sign forms, you are a criminal even if you are innocent. The worst part is if they laugh at you. That is what keeps the anger. And the vengeance.
Yikes, this thread has brought out Trumpist lunacy in full force.
Is there some sort of indoctrination ceremony to become a member? If so, at what point of the term of employment does it occur? If you become a member what happens if you want to quit? Do you get surveilled so as not to reveal what happens behind closed doors? You know.......all the plotting.

Are all cabinet depts. part of it? If I work as a dairy inspection supervisor making sure the milk and cheese Americans consume is safe am I required to join? Can I? What if I don't want to?

Does the DS hold meetings to decide how they are going to do their nefarious deeds? Are they done in secret? Why haven't there been any DS whistle blowers blowing the lid off the entire enterprise?

Do they (who ever they are) implant some chip that controls your mind in order to carry out the DS's awful, anti-American agenda?

For those of you who believe there is such a thing please help me out. Explain to me how it works, please.
Do you believe the DS is fictional?
Lol. You just admitted being uninformed.

Ever heard of a potus named Ike? He warned about it over 60 years ago. Somehow you’ve been duped by a lying state run media. How does this happen?
Ike using the term "military industrial complex" was not a reference to what Steve Bannon called the deep state. Got anything else?

The "deep state" includes anyone in the Federal government who misuses their position to affect politics, from Lois Lerner misusing the IRS to harm conservative organizations, to Comey setting up General Flynn, to McCabe/Strzok/Page "not allowing Trump to win" via operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor. The FBI even falsified evidence to spy on Trump via FISA, the FBI also paid Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Deep State is real. I could probably re-name it "democrats misusing their position in government".

So when Trump abused the DoJ to try to hold on to power he was the "Deep State?"
And when McConnell refused to allow testimony at Trump's impeachments he was "Deep State?"
And when MTG was tweeting Pelosi's location to the insurrection she was "Deep State?"

So what is it called when "Republicans misusing their position in government?"

The "deep state" includes anyone in the Federal government who misuses their position to affect politics, from Lois Lerner misusing the IRS to harm conservative organizations, to Comey setting up General Flynn, to McCabe/Strzok/Page "not allowing Trump to win" via operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor. The FBI even falsified evidence to spy on Trump via FISA, the FBI also paid Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Deep State is real. I could probably re-name it "democrats misusing their position in government".

None of these are a Deep State. That's public servants..doing their jobs. :)

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