Deficit will fall 1.7 trillion in a year - the steepest deficit decline in American history

I am an anti-Trump leftist, but the reality is that Trump was reducing the deficit until covid, and we are not at all reducing the deficit due to the foolish money we are pouring into the Ukraine.

The height of the nation’s deficit came in 2020. That means it was already going up before the deficit started. Either way, the debt is not the same as the deficit.
the miracle years?.....
Barack inherited the great recession from bush, rebuilt the economy bringing unemployment down over 50%, created Obama care which helps millions of people, and has stabilized health care costs. He led a very peaceful and serious administration, without scandals, insurrection or fraud, also awarded Nobel Peace Price....

Slower? How the hell do you figure?

Billions to Ukraine.

$300 Billion to pay off Student Debt

The budget deficit soared to $3.1 TRILLION due to the (failed) COVID Relief spending


There are approximately 3.7 million unlawful immigrant households in the U.S. These households impose a net fiscal burden of around $54.5 billion per year. (Whose pockets is that coming out of? The governmennt's? Oh wait, the govt has no f* money it does not take from US...)

It's called Federal budget deficit.

This is a fact and not subject to your half-baked opinion based on whatever items happens to pop into your silly head.
It's called Federal budget deficit.

This is a fact and not subject to your half-baked opinion based on whatever items happens to pop into your silly head.
It all adds up, snowflake. $30.988 TRILLION did not suddenly appear overnight.

Politicians seemingly don't understand - when creating their pork-filled, self-aiding/enriching BS spending bills,when paying BILLIONS each year for the illegals already here and more they bring in we can't afford, and while doing stupid shit like taking $300 BILLION from ALL tax payers (or adding it to the debt) and giving it to SOME Americans to pay off their self-aquired educational debt - that the United States is BROKE!

We're not even 'BROKE' - we would have to pay off $30.988 TRILLION in debt just to BE 'BROKE'.

This is, of course, what you get when you allow CORRUPT, SELF-ENRICHING, RE-ELECTION-FOCUSED LAWYERS to create the US Govt budget and not 1 CPA involved to keep them in check or having the hard task and authority to tell them 'NO' when they want to spend more than we collect in taxes!

Of a the different programs already created that tax dollars have to go to funding, WHY is there not a program to pay off our debt that money automatically goes to?

Every US citizen is forced every month to PAY THEIR BILLS or adhere to a budget that includes paying down what we owe.

The fact that there is no serious plan/ effort to pay down / off our debt and that it just keeps ridiculously going up proves our politicians don't really give a damn about the national debt and have no serious interest in reducing it / paying it off ... OR even prevent from increasing!

In a year and a half under Joe Biden the national debt has increased by $3.3 TRILLION dollars, from $27.6 Trillion to $30.988 Trillion.

Global warming is going to destroy the planet?

The US, $30.988 TRILLION in debt, can't afford to save ITSELF let alone the entire f*ing planet by ourselves!
Like clockwork.

The thing is, they're dead serious. They talk themselves into believing this stuff the moment they think it.
Sorta like how snowflakes believe everything Democrats and the fake news say as soon as they say it....until the Democrats and fake news media admit they lied.

Case in point, dupes, sheep, and snowflakes on this board rabidly defended the Democrats' latest massive spending bill as one that would reduce inflation because that's what Democrats and their fake news told them it would do. They didn't even bother to read the damn thing themselves - they just rattled off the Democrat and fake news talking points...

EVEN NOW, AFTER MSNBC, CNN, & OTHERS HAVE ADMITTED CALLING THE BILL 'DEFICIT REDUCTION' WAS JUST A 'MARKETING TOOL' to fool the dupes, sheep, and snowflakes into supporting it, almost all of them reject the truth from their fake news media and STILL defend Joe, the Democrats, and the bill.
Sorta like how snowflakes believe everything Democrats and the fake news say as soon as they say it....until the Democrats and fake news media admit they lied.

Case in point, dupes, sheep, and snowflakes on this board rabidly defended the Democrats' latest massive spending bill as one that would reduce inflation because that's what Democrats and their fake news told them it would do. They didn't even bother to read the damn thing themselves - they just rattled off the Democrat and fake news talking points...

EVEN NOW, AFTER MSNBC, CNN, & OTHERS HAVE ADMITTED CALLING THE BILL 'DEFICIT REDUCTION' WAS JUST A 'MARKETING TOOL' to fool the dupes, sheep, and snowflakes into supporting it, almost all of them reject the truth from their fake news media and STILL defend Joe, the Democrats, and the bill.
I can understand your need to change the subject.

Too bad for you. Good news for America.
Barack inherited the great recession from bush, rebuilt the economy bringing unemployment down over 50%, created Obama care which helps millions of people, and has stabilized health care costs. He led a very peaceful and serious administration, without scandals, insurrection or fraud, also awarded Nobel Peace Price....

View attachment 686591
he stuck a flag in your ass didnt he? do realize there were many people who didnt do well under obama......peaceful administration?.....the peace prize?....for what?...
Like clockwork.

The thing is, they're dead serious. They talk themselves into believing this stuff the moment they think it.
BTW, Mac1958, as I just demonstrated, your post is another great example of the continued Democrat / snowflake failed tactic of attempting to accuse others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done, are doing, and continue to do.
They pulled this shit with Barry the Boiking....Blow the debt up your first year,

Funny how the Neo-GOP conveniently forget the Bush Recession of 2008 and why the deficit blew up in 2009. Same reason they ignore the record breaking economy of Obama from 2010 till the Trump/Pandemic shut it down.
I can understand your need to change the subject.
No one is changing the subject. I just gave another very relevant example - LIKE YOU - of how dupes, 'like clockwork', rattle off BS they have heard instead of fact.

It's not that you don't understand it. It's that you DON'T / DIDN'T LIKE T.
BTW, Mac1958, as I just demonstrated, your post is another great example of the continued Democrat / snowflake failed tactic of attempting to accuse others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done, are doing, and continue to do.
I'm sure that post means something to you. That's nice.
It all adds up, snowflake. $30.988 TRILLION did not suddenly appear overnight.

Politicians seemingly don't understand - when creating their pork-filled, self-aiding/enriching BS spending bills,when paying BILLIONS each year for the illegals already here and more they bring in we can't afford, and while doing stupid shit like taking $300 BILLION from ALL tax payers (or adding it to the debt) and giving it to SOME Americans to pay off their self-aquired educational debt - that the United States is BROKE!

We're not even 'BROKE' - we would have to pay off $30.988 TRILLION in debt just to BE 'BROKE'.

This is, of course, what you get when you allow CORRUPT, SELF-ENRICHING, RE-ELECTION-FOCUSED LAWYERS to create the US Govt budget and not 1 CPA involved to keep them in check or having the hard task and authority to tell them 'NO' when they want to spend more than we collect in taxes!

Of a the different programs already created that tax dollars have to go to funding, WHY is there not a program to pay off our debt that money automatically goes to?

Every US citizen is forced every month to PAY THEIR BILLS or adhere to a budget that includes paying down what we owe.

The fact that there is no serious plan/ effort to pay down / off our debt and that it just keeps ridiculously going up proves our politicians don't really give a damn about the national debt and have no serious interest in reducing it / paying it off ... OR even prevent from increasing!

In a year and a half under Joe Biden the national debt has increased by $3.3 TRILLION dollars, from $27.6 Trillion to $30.988 Trillion.

Global warming is going to destroy the planet?

The US, $30.988 TRILLION in debt, can't afford to save ITSELF let alone the entire f*ing planet by ourselves!
Holy rambling batman.

As a matter of fact, deficts are reducing from pandemic highs. It doesn't mean debt is being paid off as you said, it means debt is still increasing.

Maybe you should find some way to accept and agree with facts without blowing your gasket and writing up a page of irrelevant tangents.
Last edited: means debt is still increasing.
That is what I said, genius...So you just agreed with me.

Again, Biden has added $3.3 trillion to the National debt, from $27.6 Trillion to $30.988 Trillion, proving Democrats / politicians don't understand the nation is beyond being 'broke' or that they just don't care, as they keep ramming their massive spending bills through.

Thank you for the support.

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