Define Russian collusion? Did Trump have Putin scare democrats away from polls?


He also made it rain in Detroit City and caused Hillary to forget where Wisconsin was on the map

Damned clever those Russians are...
One pushed me in the voting booth and made my hand go to Hitlery, but I fought and fought and the police came with some vodka and distracted Vladimer Russninsky so I could vote...
Can you also remind me why Trump can not beat Billary Cliton?
It is the right wing that claim illegals voted. Now, y'all have to prove illegals Only voted blue and not red, even in low population red States.
You can never rise to the level of Corky Romano

Let person A be Trump or a Trump associate. Let person B be Putin or a Putin Associate.

Collusion conversation:
B: We have some information from the Clinton campaign.
A: What informational?
B: Emails from the DMC, we phished them. The password was PASSWORD.
A: Do you have anything that will help against the Hillary Campaign.
B: We have incriminating emails, and we get more every day. They don't know that we can see everything they email.
A: If you help Trump get elected, we will make it worth your while.
B: How about relieving some santions?
A: You scratch our back, we will scratch your back.
B: We will send the emails to you.
A: No, that would not look right. The emails must be sent to a third party to incrimate HRC in the eyes of the voters.
B: The New York Times?
A: No, they will simply sit on it until after the election. HRC has them in her back pocket. It will be better if you release it to wicky leaks.

And because of this agreement between the Trump Campaign and the Russians, the dirt on Hillary, all of which is true, is released by the Russians to WL.
Let person A be Trump or a Trump associate. Let person B be Putin or a Putin Associate.

Collusion conversation:
B: We have some information from the Clinton campaign.
A: What informational?
B: Emails from the DMC, we phished them. The password was PASSWORD.
A: Do you have anything that will help against the Hillary Campaign.
B: We have incriminating emails, and we get more every day. They don't know that we can see everything they email.
A: If you help Trump get elected, we will make it worth your while.
B: How about relieving some santions?
A: You scratch our back, we will scratch your back.
B: We will send the emails to you.
A: No, that would not look right. The emails must be sent to a third party to incrimate HRC in the eyes of the voters.
B: The New York Times?
A: No, they will simply sit on it until after the election. HRC has them in her back pocket. It will be better if you release it to wicky leaks.

And because of this agreement between the Trump Campaign and the Russians, the dirt on Hillary, all of which is true, is released by the Russians to WL.
The above is an example of possible collusion. I don't think it happened, and if it did, very unlikely to prove.
Comey said that the Russians hacked thousands of sites. The dems bought fireworks instead of a good spyware package, they lost the election. The GOP site was apparently better protected from hackers. If the Trump team tried to get some of the hacked emails, is that a crime? It only would have proved how crooked the dems are.
The dems can't whine about Russian "interference" if they PROVED that the dems were cheating (via Podesta's emails). Its like a thief whining about video cameras showing them stealing stuff.
Let person A be Trump or a Trump associate. Let person B be Putin or a Putin Associate.

Collusion conversation:
B: We have some information from the Clinton campaign.
A: What informational?
B: Emails from the DMC, we phished them. The password was PASSWORD.
A: Do you have anything that will help against the Hillary Campaign.
B: We have incriminating emails, and we get more every day. They don't know that we can see everything they email.
A: If you help Trump get elected, we will make it worth your while.
B: How about relieving some santions?
A: You scratch our back, we will scratch your back.
B: We will send the emails to you.
A: No, that would not look right. The emails must be sent to a third party to incrimate HRC in the eyes of the voters.
B: The New York Times?
A: No, they will simply sit on it until after the election. HRC has them in her back pocket. It will be better if you release it to wicky leaks.

And because of this agreement between the Trump Campaign and the Russians, the dirt on Hillary, all of which is true, is released by the Russians to WL.

Interesting scenario, although it would be more likely that the Russians would have contacted Hillary's Campaign and tried to blackmail them. Besides, Hillary's own email scandal was much more damaging than the DNC emails.
Comey said that the Russians hacked thousands of sites. The dems bought fireworks instead of a good spyware package, they lost the election. The GOP site was apparently better protected from hackers. If the Trump team tried to get some of the hacked emails, is that a crime? It only would have proved how crooked the dems are.
The dems can't whine about Russian "interference" if they PROVED that the dems were cheating (via Podesta's emails). Its like a thief whining about video cameras showing them stealing stuff.
apples and oranges.
Define Russian collusion? Did Trump have Putin scare democrats away from polls?
Not scared, but DISQUALIFIED from voting.
The Russians hacked more than 20 states voter registration rolls and the GOP used Kris Kobach's Crosscheck Minority Voter Suppression List to disqualify over 7 million minorities from voting by claiming that they were registered to vote in more than one state. Funny thing is people who were ACTUALLY registered to vote in more than one state, like Steve Bannon, Tiffany Trump, Jared Kushner, Steven Mnuchin, etc., never showed up on Kobach's Crosscheck list!!!!!! humm
Are you saying Trump DIDNT use the stolen emails against Hillary ?
First about the hacked e-mails no one in the DNC or the Clinton camp ever disputed the content of them was accurate and we all knew even before this how easily e-mails can be hacked so they should have been much more careful about what they were writing in them. Second if someone had hacked and leaked e-mails from the RNC and the Trump campigan the Clintons would have used them to their advantage look at the Billy Bush recording that NBC had for years that somehow magically found it's way to the Washington Post and was released to the public about a month before the election I believe in the political world they call that an October surprise. I'm not accusing the Clintons or the DNC of working with NBC or the Post to get that recording released when it was but they were more than willing to use it to their advantage.
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Define Russian collusion? Did Trump have Putin scare democrats away from polls?
Not scared, but DISQUALIFIED from voting.
The Russians hacked more than 20 states voter registration rolls and the GOP used Kris Kobach's Crosscheck Minority Voter Suppression List to disqualify over 7 million minorities from voting by claiming that they were registered to vote in more than one state. Funny thing is people who were ACTUALLY registered to vote in more than one state, like Steve Bannon, Tiffany Trump, Jared Kushner, Steven Mnuchin, etc., never showed up on Kobach's Crosscheck list!!!!!! humm

Define Russian collusion? Did Trump have Putin scare democrats away from polls?
Not scared, but DISQUALIFIED from voting.
The Russians hacked more than 20 states voter registration rolls and the GOP used Kris Kobach's Crosscheck Minority Voter Suppression List to disqualify over 7 million minorities from voting by claiming that they were registered to vote in more than one state. Funny thing is people who were ACTUALLY registered to vote in more than one state, like Steve Bannon, Tiffany Trump, Jared Kushner, Steven Mnuchin, etc., never showed up on Kobach's Crosscheck list!!!!!! humm

Dude no one is saying this but you are delusional.

On top of that the Russians hacked the fucking Pentagon hundreds of times during Obummas administration and the MEDIA NEVER REPORTED IT

The Russians hack the USA 365 days a year, so get over it, this is not even news
Russia tried to influence the election at a time when the Trump campaign was having high level meetings with Russian officials.

Russian hackers did, in fact, hack the political opponents, of the Trump campaign and released the data.

When asked about meetings with Russian officials, twice Trump nominees lied about either having the meetings at all or the nature of the meetings; one was to the US Senate which had to confirm the nominee.

During the election campaign, the director had to resign over ties to Russia.

Since the campaign, it was uncovered that Trump son-in-law—you guessed it—had another secret meeting with the Rookies.

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