Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

belief is only proof of belief
not the thing, god, entity, believed in.
the same logic applies to spirituality..
it only proves itself.
as does faith..
as does behavior.
without empirical, quantifiable, evidence.
it's all as ephemeral as a dream..

do you want fries with that!

You refuse the evidence because it is not physically measurable. Spiritual entities are not physical in nature, logic dictates, they would not provide physical evidence. You are demanding something illogical to prove "existence" which means something completely different with regard to spiritual existence.

We can look at physical science to see if there is any recorded instance of a living thing, exhibiting an inherent behavior for all of it's existence, without any reason. We don't see other creatures duped into believing falsehoods and myths for their entire existence. Even the simplest, least intelligent forms of life, follow form and function. Regardless of how much you hate and loathe religious belief, human spirituality has always been vital to who we are and what we are. This is empirical evidence.

Hold the fries, I am having a salad!
All are covered in the first two paragraphs of the OP.

Thread success!

no they weren't.

Sorry... I am at my quota for responding to jackasses today. Maybe tomorrow?

You're the jackass.

God was NOT defined in the OP.
Spiritual proof was NOT defined in the OP.
Definitive proof was NOT defined in the OP.

Saying they were doesn't make it so, dipstick.
Ok Boss it seems we ran into an impasse regarding this issue. I think what hurts your argument boss is you claim that spirituality exists as it is intrinsically tied to the human species based on your example of the ancient culture practicing spiritualized rituals then you claim that spirituality cannot be physically measured but somehow spirituality is intrinsic in the human species?

You cant have it both ways.
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This is useless. Boss has a mental allergy to sound or valid reasoning. It is anathema to him.
Ok Boss it seems we ran into an enpasse regarding this issue. I think what hurts your argument boss is you claim that spirituality exists as it is intrinsically tied to the human species based on your example of the ancient culture practicing spiritualized rituals then you claim that spirituality cannot be physically measured but somehow spirituality is intrinsic in the human species?

You cant have it both ways.

I'm not trying to have it both ways. Behavior is certainly observable and measurable.

This behavioral attribute has existed in man for as long as man has existed. It is the most prominent and distinctly unique attribute we humans possess. To argue that it is largely insignificant, a delusion, a myth or fallacy we were conditioned into, is actually in contradiction to the theories of Darwin, as well as everything we know about animal behavior. The ONLY basis of support for this frankly illogical conclusion, is that physical science offers no physical proof of spiritual entities.
Ok Boss it seems we ran into an enpasse regarding this issue. I think what hurts your argument boss is you claim that spirituality exists as it is intrinsically tied to the human species based on your example of the ancient culture practicing spiritualized rituals then you claim that spirituality cannot be physically measured but somehow spirituality is intrinsic in the human species?

You cant have it both ways.

I'm not trying to have it both ways. Behavior is certainly observable and measurable.

This behavioral attribute has existed in man for as long as man has existed. It is the most prominent and distinctly unique attribute we humans possess. To argue that it is largely insignificant, a delusion, a myth or fallacy we were conditioned into, is actually in contradiction to the theories of Darwin, as well as everything we know about animal behavior. The ONLY basis of support for this frankly illogical conclusion, is that physical science offers no physical proof of spiritual entities.[/QUOTE]

Boss are you not understanding what I am saying?

You are arguing that spirituality cannot be physically measured, but then you go on to say that spirituality is intrinsic in the human species. If there is something the human species that is a subconscious force that drives the human then it is a measurable thing! Just because you can't test it in a lab does not mean it can't be measured. Human behavior and neurocognitive function does it naturally.
Ok Boss it seems we ran into an enpasse regarding this issue. I think what hurts your argument boss is you claim that spirituality exists as it is intrinsically tied to the human species based on your example of the ancient culture practicing spiritualized rituals then you claim that spirituality cannot be physically measured but somehow spirituality is intrinsic in the human species?

You cant have it both ways.

I'm not trying to have it both ways. Behavior is certainly observable and measurable.

This behavioral attribute has existed in man for as long as man has existed. It is the most prominent and distinctly unique attribute we humans possess. To argue that it is largely insignificant, a delusion, a myth or fallacy we were conditioned into, is actually in contradiction to the theories of Darwin, as well as everything we know about animal behavior. The ONLY basis of support for this frankly illogical conclusion, is that physical science offers no physical proof of spiritual entities.[/QUOTE]

Boss are you not understanding what I am saying?

You are arguing that spirituality cannot be physically measured, but then you go on to say that spirituality is intrinsic in the human species. If there is something the human species that is a subconscious force that drives the human then it is a measurable thing! Just because you can't test it in a lab does not mean it can't be measured. Human behavior and neurocognitive function does it naturally.

That single sentence sums up this entire thread.
Thomas Jefferson

"The Christian god is a three headed monster, cruel, vengeful, and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging, three headed beast-like god, one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites."

"When we see religion split into so many thousands of sects, and I may say Christianity
itself divided into it's thousands also, who are disputing, anathematizing, and where the
laws permit, burning and torturing one another for abstractions which no one of them
understand, and which are indeed beyond the comprehension of the human mind, into
which of the chambers of this Bedlam would a man wish to thrust himself. The sum of all religion as expressed by it's best preacher, "fear god and love thy neighbor,' contains
no mystery, needs no explanation - but this wont do. It gives no scope to make dupes;
priests could not live by it."
..........Letter to George Logan, November 12, 1816
belief is only proof of belief
not the thing, god, entity, believed in.
the same logic applies to spirituality..
it only proves itself.
as does faith..
as does behavior.
without empirical, quantifiable, evidence.
it's all as ephemeral as a dream..

do you want fries with that!

You refuse the evidence because it is not physically measurable. Spiritual entities are not physical in nature, logic dictates, they would not provide physical evidence. You are demanding something illogical to prove "existence" which means something completely different with regard to spiritual existence.

We can look at physical science to see if there is any recorded instance of a living thing, exhibiting an inherent behavior for all of it's existence, without any reason. We don't see other creatures duped into believing falsehoods and myths for their entire existence. Even the simplest, least intelligent forms of life, follow form and function. Regardless of how much you hate and loathe religious belief, human spirituality has always been vital to who we are and what we are. This is empirical evidence.

Hold the fries, I am having a salad!
wrong again it's not empirical in any sense of the word ..religious belief (FAITH SPIRTUALITY) are in lieu (instead) of evidence as there is no proof they exist as anything more than ideas or more accurately wishes..
Boss are you not understanding what I am saying?

You are arguing that spirituality cannot be physically measured, but then you go on to say that spirituality is intrinsic in the human species. If there is something the human species that is a subconscious force that drives the human then it is a measurable thing! Just because you can't test it in a lab does not mean it can't be measured. Human behavior and neurocognitive function does it naturally.

I understand what you are saying, but you are conflating spirituality and spiritual nature. It is obvious that people practice spirituality, the belief in a spiritual nature. To argue that "spirituality" doesn't exist, is stupid and ignorant, because people have been practicing spirituality forever. There is no physical proof of spiritual nature or things of a spiritual nature, and there never will be, or they would become physical.
belief is only proof of belief
not the thing, god, entity, believed in.
the same logic applies to spirituality..
it only proves itself.
as does faith..
as does behavior.
without empirical, quantifiable, evidence.
it's all as ephemeral as a dream..

do you want fries with that!

You refuse the evidence because it is not physically measurable. Spiritual entities are not physical in nature, logic dictates, they would not provide physical evidence. You are demanding something illogical to prove "existence" which means something completely different with regard to spiritual existence.

We can look at physical science to see if there is any recorded instance of a living thing, exhibiting an inherent behavior for all of it's existence, without any reason. We don't see other creatures duped into believing falsehoods and myths for their entire existence. Even the simplest, least intelligent forms of life, follow form and function. Regardless of how much you hate and loathe religious belief, human spirituality has always been vital to who we are and what we are. This is empirical evidence.

Hold the fries, I am having a salad!
wrong again it's not empirical in any sense of the word ..religious belief (FAITH SPIRTUALITY) are in lieu (instead) of evidence as there is no proof they exist as anything more than ideas or more accurately wishes..

There is no physical evidence, but spiritual nature and spiritual entities aren't physical. As the OP states, unless you accept spiritual evidence, it's not possible to prove spiritual existence. Page after page, you and others continue to reaffirm this point, and I thank you.
You refuse the evidence because it is not physically measurable. Spiritual entities are not physical in nature, logic dictates, they would not provide physical evidence. You are demanding something illogical to prove "existence" which means something completely different with regard to spiritual existence.

We can look at physical science to see if there is any recorded instance of a living thing, exhibiting an inherent behavior for all of it's existence, without any reason. We don't see other creatures duped into believing falsehoods and myths for their entire existence. Even the simplest, least intelligent forms of life, follow form and function. Regardless of how much you hate and loathe religious belief, human spirituality has always been vital to who we are and what we are. This is empirical evidence.

Hold the fries, I am having a salad!
wrong again it's not empirical in any sense of the word ..religious belief (FAITH SPIRTUALITY) are in lieu (instead) of evidence as there is no proof they exist as anything more than ideas or more accurately wishes..

There is no physical evidence, but spiritual nature and spiritual entities aren't physical. As the OP states, unless you accept spiritual evidence, it's not possible to prove spiritual existence. Page after page, you and others continue to reaffirm this point, and I thank you.

Why have you not even attempted to refute my allegation that "spiritual evidence" is begging the question? Is it because you simply can not, and don't want to be seen as being unable to?
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You refuse the evidence because it is not physically measurable. Spiritual entities are not physical in nature, logic dictates, they would not provide physical evidence. You are demanding something illogical to prove "existence" which means something completely different with regard to spiritual existence.

We can look at physical science to see if there is any recorded instance of a living thing, exhibiting an inherent behavior for all of it's existence, without any reason. We don't see other creatures duped into believing falsehoods and myths for their entire existence. Even the simplest, least intelligent forms of life, follow form and function. Regardless of how much you hate and loathe religious belief, human spirituality has always been vital to who we are and what we are. This is empirical evidence.

Hold the fries, I am having a salad!
wrong again it's not empirical in any sense of the word ..religious belief (FAITH SPIRTUALITY) are in lieu (instead) of evidence as there is no proof they exist as anything more than ideas or more accurately wishes..

There is no physical evidence, but spiritual nature and spiritual entities aren't physical. As the OP states, unless you accept spiritual evidence, it's not possible to prove spiritual existence. Page after page, you and others continue to reaffirm this point, and I thank you.
bullshit! we live in a physical universe.. even thought has a physical component..
if spiritual entities existed.. they would also have a physical component..
wrong again it's not empirical in any sense of the word ..religious belief (FAITH SPIRTUALITY) are in lieu (instead) of evidence as there is no proof they exist as anything more than ideas or more accurately wishes..

There is no physical evidence, but spiritual nature and spiritual entities aren't physical. As the OP states, unless you accept spiritual evidence, it's not possible to prove spiritual existence. Page after page, you and others continue to reaffirm this point, and I thank you.

Why have you not even attempted to refute my allegation that "spiritual evidence" is begging the question? Is it because you simply can not, and don't want to be seen as being unable to?
does boss kinda smell like ywc?
wrong again it's not empirical in any sense of the word ..religious belief (FAITH SPIRTUALITY) are in lieu (instead) of evidence as there is no proof they exist as anything more than ideas or more accurately wishes..

There is no physical evidence, but spiritual nature and spiritual entities aren't physical. As the OP states, unless you accept spiritual evidence, it's not possible to prove spiritual existence. Page after page, you and others continue to reaffirm this point, and I thank you.
bullshit! we live in a physical universe.. even thought has a physical component..
if spiritual entities existed.. they would also have a physical component..

Who has established that it doesn't? Not science.

We understand a physical universe because we exist in a physical realm. Nothing has concluded there is no other possible realm other than physical. Just because you reject a spiritual realm on the basis that it doesn't provide physical evidence, doesn't mean it isn't there. Nothing has established it's not there, including physical science.
wrong again it's not empirical in any sense of the word ..religious belief (FAITH SPIRTUALITY) are in lieu (instead) of evidence as there is no proof they exist as anything more than ideas or more accurately wishes..

There is no physical evidence, but spiritual nature and spiritual entities aren't physical. As the OP states, unless you accept spiritual evidence, it's not possible to prove spiritual existence. Page after page, you and others continue to reaffirm this point, and I thank you.

Why have you not even attempted to refute my allegation that "spiritual evidence" is begging the question? Is it because you simply can not, and don't want to be seen as being unable to?

Because I don't comprehend you gibberish. Begging WHAT question? You haven't said!
I don't think there's really any refuting that gods exist. The interesting quesion is, "what is their nature?".

As others here have mentioned, there are many things in the world that exist without a physical manifestation. Ideas, patterns, stories - all of these exist with or without a physical representation. The very idea of the human soul - the thing we each are referring to when we say "I" - is no less abstract and immaterial as the notion of god.

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