Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Heck if the great fountains of the deep broke up would that not have produced earthquakes and what do earthquakes produce in the oceans ? That is right tsunamis.

Hmm yeah plenty of evidence God has given you proving his existence and the words of the bible.

Heck. That was nonsense.
Dear, you are perhaps the last person on the planet I would believe spewing a slogan such as "if you want the truth".

Why would you think there is anything remarkable about marine and land animal fosills in the same strata?

Lordy, man. You really never did pass 7th grade earth science, right? I suppose science is was not thought to be real important at your madrassah.

I possess a degree in science that I am very proud of thank you. You once again did not look at the evidence that supports the global flood because you really don't want the truth. Marine and land Fossils found buried together in 7 different layers of strata world wide your beliefs just got blown up. An intelligent person takes correction and accepts it or atleast say's this raises doubt on what they have been taught.

You wanted evidence of the global flood you have it. Imagine that,creationist's using scientific evidence to verify the truth of the bible.

You have previously offered nothing but silliness from Harun Yahya as "proof" of the biblical flood.

Imagine that. A Christian fundie making unsubstantiated claims.

Your Ideological agenda comes through loud and clear once again.
I possess a degree in science that I am very proud of thank you. You once again did not look at the evidence that supports the global flood because you really don't want the truth. Marine and land Fossils found buried together in 7 different layers of strata world wide your beliefs just got blown up. An intelligent person takes correction and accepts it or atleast say's this raises doubt on what they have been taught.

You wanted evidence of the global flood you have it. Imagine that,creationist's using scientific evidence to verify the truth of the bible.

You have previously offered nothing but silliness from Harun Yahya as "proof" of the biblical flood.

Imagine that. A Christian fundie making unsubstantiated claims.

Your Ideological agenda comes through loud and clear once again.

Nonsense. I'm not the one cutting and pasting from religious fundamentalist websites.
Too bad you cannot prove that "connection" actually exists even with your bogus "spiritual evidence".

Eyewitness testimony from billions of people across thousands of years, is mighty compelling evidence, in my opinion. Too bad you can't disprove their testimony.
You have previously offered nothing but silliness from Harun Yahya as "proof" of the biblical flood.

Imagine that. A Christian fundie making unsubstantiated claims.

Your Ideological agenda comes through loud and clear once again.

Nonsense. I'm not the one cutting and pasting from religious fundamentalist websites.

What did I copy and paste from religious websites they were videos on youtube.

When you copy and paste you do it from anti religious sites but your refusal to address the evidence presented is revealing your anti God agenda.
Heck. That was nonsense.

What was nonsense ?

What you wrote. Did you somehow miss that I was responding to what you wrote?

Do you need pictures of the vents in the oceans to confirm what I am saying from a nonreligious site they got pictures of these vents in the ocean floor and I have posted them before is your memory slipping ?
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Your Ideological agenda comes through loud and clear once again.

Nonsense. I'm not the one cutting and pasting from religious fundamentalist websites.

What did I copy and paste from religious websites they were videos on youtube.

When you copy and paste you do it from anti religious sites but your refusal to address the evidence presented is revealing your anti God agenda.

Oh. Well, if it's a video on YouTube, it must be true.

I'll also acknowledge a refusal to address evidence for Leprechauns, fairies, the Loch Ness monster, etc., as claims of evidence have been debunked.... as yours have.

I don't have an anti gawds agenda as much as I have an anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-knowledge and anti-human agenda as is so typical of religious zealots.
What was nonsense ?

What you wrote. Did you somehow miss that I was responding to what you wrote?

Do you need pictures of the vents in the oceans to confirm what I am saying from a nonreligious site they got pictures of these vents in the ocean floor and I have posted them before is your memory slipping ?

pictures of vents in the ocean floors - Google Search

Oh please. Not your silly "vents" thing again.
Nonsense. I'm not the one cutting and pasting from religious fundamentalist websites.

What did I copy and paste from religious websites they were videos on youtube.

When you copy and paste you do it from anti religious sites but your refusal to address the evidence presented is revealing your anti God agenda.

Oh. Well, if it's a video on YouTube, it must be true.

I'll also acknowledge a refusal to address evidence for Leprechauns, fairies, the Loch Ness monster, etc., as claims of evidence have been debunked.... as yours have.

I don't have an anti gawds agenda as much as I have an anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-knowledge and anti-human agenda as is so typical of religious zealots.

Address the evidence troll,wow you're thick.
What you wrote. Did you somehow miss that I was responding to what you wrote?

Do you need pictures of the vents in the oceans to confirm what I am saying from a nonreligious site they got pictures of these vents in the ocean floor and I have posted them before is your memory slipping ?

pictures of vents in the ocean floors - Google Search

Oh please. Not your silly "vents" thing again.

How did the writers of the bible know these fountains existed that deep they didn't.

Sorry but you're are the biggest Ideologue I have ever had an exchange with. Go ahead and wallow in your bed of misery :razz:
Do you need pictures of the vents in the oceans to confirm what I am saying from a nonreligious site they got pictures of these vents in the ocean floor and I have posted them before is your memory slipping ?

pictures of vents in the ocean floors - Google Search

Oh please. Not your silly "vents" thing again.

How did the writers of the bible know these fountains existed that deep they didn't.

Sorry but you're are the biggest Ideologue I have ever had an exchange with. Go ahead and wallow in your bed of misery :razz:
Not the same fountains.
What did I copy and paste from religious websites they were videos on youtube.

When you copy and paste you do it from anti religious sites but your refusal to address the evidence presented is revealing your anti God agenda.

Oh. Well, if it's a video on YouTube, it must be true.

I'll also acknowledge a refusal to address evidence for Leprechauns, fairies, the Loch Ness monster, etc., as claims of evidence have been debunked.... as yours have.

I don't have an anti gawds agenda as much as I have an anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-knowledge and anti-human agenda as is so typical of religious zealots.

Address the evidence troll,wow you're thick.

Wow you're an angry fundie.

As I've instructed you previously, I'm not interested in responding to every goofy YouTube video, Harun Yahya article and fundie website you can scour from the web.

You seem to believe that the entirety of your argument is supported by dumping a few youtube videos in a post and expecting others to spend their time responding to such silliness.
What you wrote. Did you somehow miss that I was responding to what you wrote?

Here ya go Hollie.

Expedition Explores Deepest Known Hydrothermal Vents | Deep Sea Life | LiveScience
The fountains of the deep in the bible were water fountains. Those vents in your link were not water fountains.
Try again.


When ywc uses terms such as "fountains of the deep", the source of such terminology is recognizable.

Too bad the bible didn't give us a comprehensive description of hydrothermal vents instead of language that only a fundie would accept

Irony: A thread titled 'Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?' running strong after 128 pages and 29 days.

The only truth to this thread is that it's posed as a question.


There is nothing ironic about it. The majority of the posts are from people who reject spiritual nature, as the OP argument correctly identifies and deals with in the first two paragraphs. None of the points in the OP argument have been refuted, every counterpoint has been found illogical or unreasonable. In the absence of anything to counter the OP argument, some are inclined to hoist their uninformed opinions as flags of victory, and throw out a few insults or ridicule for good measure. Detractors have attempted to derail the debate, change the subject, turn this into a religious argument, raise superfluous nonsense, attack me personally, denigrate religion, dismiss the points made in the argument without any basis, reject common sense and logic, reject human nature and science itself... anything and everything, except admitting the argument was valid. At least you aren't resorting to any of that, you just dance in now and again, to proclaim god is not real because you say so, and laugh at the idea.

Well clearly 'Definitive Proof that GOD Exists' eludes everyone posting in this thread, and that's the point. God is and will remain UNprovable.

Irony: A thread titled 'Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?' running strong after 128 pages and 29 days.

The only truth to this thread is that it's posed as a question.


Maybe it's a clever attempt to offer the dogged determination of believers to defend their faith, in the face of all reason and logic, as the 'proof' in question.

130+ pages and cooking, baby!

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