Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?


Irony: A thread titled 'Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?' running strong after 128 pages and 29 days.

The only truth to this thread is that it's posed as a question.

Like I am not aware of plate tectonics lol. That still does not explain marine fossils on mountain tops.

Like you are aware of plate tectonics, lol.

Regarding plate tectonics, do a search with terms such as "uplift" and "subsidence". Fossil sea shells on mountain peaks are not uncommon when those peaks were much lower in the distant past.

Did you ever get through 7th grade earth science?

Being a believer I would expect to find marine fossils on mountains so it fit's my theory. Fossils of sea creatures are found well above sea level on every continent. Heck the Himalayas at 0ver 29,000 feet they are found.

God spoke about plate tectonics here Psa 104:8 (The mountains rose, the valleys sank down) Unto the place which thou hadst founded for them.

So there were two reasons that plate tectonics took place there was water added from the rain and the great fountains of the deep were broken open adding molten rock could cause the ocean floor to rise.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

This is what caused the flood and plate tectonics. The marine fossils were swept over the mountains that is why they are found on mountain tops.

There was no biblical flood. Your wishing it were true is irrelevant.
Who was "provoked".

No one was "provoked", right?

Did it occur to you that there might be something phony about an article entitled "25 Greatest Scientific Hoaxes In History", when the very first article was about crop circles?

It never occurred to you that crop circles have nothing to do with science experimentation and that they were long ago identified as pranks?

Why is there a theory about aliens coming to earth and this is consider evidence for the theory ? You have yet to address the rest of the hoaxes.

I'm not interested in responding to every silly collection of cut and paste nonsense you scour from the web.

So the answer is a blunt "no". No reputable scientists were "provoked" to admit that crop circles were the result of space aliens.
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Like you are aware of plate tectonics, lol.

Regarding plate tectonics, do a search with terms such as "uplift" and "subsidence". Fossil sea shells on mountain peaks are not uncommon when those peaks were much lower in the distant past.

Did you ever get through 7th grade earth science?

Being a believer I would expect to find marine fossils on mountains so it fit's my theory. Fossils of sea creatures are found well above sea level on every continent. Heck the Himalayas at 0ver 29,000 feet they are found.

God spoke about plate tectonics here Psa 104:8 (The mountains rose, the valleys sank down) Unto the place which thou hadst founded for them.

So there were two reasons that plate tectonics took place there was water added from the rain and the great fountains of the deep were broken open adding molten rock could cause the ocean floor to rise.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

This is what caused the flood and plate tectonics. The marine fossils were swept over the mountains that is why they are found on mountain tops.

There was no biblical flood. Your wishing it were true is irrelevant.

I'll bet you a dollar that there was a flood.

And I'll bet another that it consumed the WHOLE world of some Monkeys...
I'll bet a third that the Monkeys told the story to any Monkeys who'd listen, and I'll make it four questions for five dollars that Monkeys can imagine.
[ame=]"Imagine" - John Lennon - YouTube[/ame]
Boss: What other animals don't have, is spirituality. This is our most defining attribute.

how sad for the Boss ... happy oblivion.

I am puzzled by this, what do you mean?

are you agreeing with Genesis: "and let them have dominion" ... as defining Spirituality rather than as an inclusion for all of Creation ?

at any rate the Everlasting would be exceedingly boring for some that it would be relegated to mankind alone .... all of Creation throughout the Universe might be a little more appealing, for those who accomplish the task.

if you produced 4.5 billion year old human remains from "The Beginning" I still would not read the Bible - Spirituality for humans did not start in the present Physiological form but rather as with all life forms on Earth in something entirely different.

Irony: A thread titled 'Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?' running strong after 128 pages and 29 days.

The only truth to this thread is that it's posed as a question.


There is nothing ironic about it. The majority of the posts are from people who reject spiritual nature, as the OP argument correctly identifies and deals with in the first two paragraphs. None of the points in the OP argument have been refuted, every counterpoint has been found illogical or unreasonable. In the absence of anything to counter the OP argument, some are inclined to hoist their uninformed opinions as flags of victory, and throw out a few insults or ridicule for good measure. Detractors have attempted to derail the debate, change the subject, turn this into a religious argument, raise superfluous nonsense, attack me personally, denigrate religion, dismiss the points made in the argument without any basis, reject common sense and logic, reject human nature and science itself... anything and everything, except admitting the argument was valid. At least you aren't resorting to any of that, you just dance in now and again, to proclaim god is not real because you say so, and laugh at the idea.

Irony: A thread titled 'Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?' running strong after 128 pages and 29 days.

The only truth to this thread is that it's posed as a question.


Maybe it's a clever attempt to offer the dogged determination of believers to defend their faith, in the face of all reason and logic, as the 'proof' in question.
how sad for the Boss ... happy oblivion.

I am puzzled by this, what do you mean?

are you agreeing with Genesis: "and let them have dominion" ... as defining Spirituality rather than as an inclusion for all of Creation ?

at any rate the Everlasting would be exceedingly boring for some that it would be relegated to mankind alone .... all of Creation throughout the Universe might be a little more appealing, for those who accomplish the task.

if you produced 4.5 billion year old human remains from "The Beginning" I still would not read the Bible - Spirituality for humans did not start in the present Physiological form but rather as with all life forms on Earth in something entirely different.

You seem to be speaking in some kind of code language or broken sentences that don't make sense. I'm not sure what you are trying to say, none of this makes any sense to me.

If you can form coherent sentences and try again, it would be appreciated. I actually thought you made one of the most brilliant observations in the thread the other day, when you stated that "life itself, is spiritual." Maybe that was accidental, or maybe you meant something entirely different, but it's still a great observation.

4.5 billion years ago, the Earth was uninhabitable. It took at least a billion years or more, for the planet to cool down, the atmosphere to stabilize and conditions for supporting life to exist. The Bible only came along a couple thousand years ago, it is a religious book, inspired through spirituality. The Bible can be completely incorrect about god, and a spiritual power still exists. I'm not here to defend The Bible or any other religious teaching. My focus has been on the attribute of human spirituality, which has existed as long as humans have existed.

We connect to something spiritually, we always have and always will. Religions are merely evidence of this profound connection, whether they are correct or incorrect in depicting god. The fact that we can make this connection to some power greater than self, is what has enabled our advancement as a species. We're the only species with the capacity to connect spiritually, to a higher power.
I am puzzled by this, what do you mean?

are you agreeing with Genesis: "and let them have dominion" ... as defining Spirituality rather than as an inclusion for all of Creation ?

at any rate the Everlasting would be exceedingly boring for some that it would be relegated to mankind alone .... all of Creation throughout the Universe might be a little more appealing, for those who accomplish the task.

if you produced 4.5 billion year old human remains from "The Beginning" I still would not read the Bible - Spirituality for humans did not start in the present Physiological form but rather as with all life forms on Earth in something entirely different.

You seem to be speaking in some kind of code language or broken sentences that don't make sense. I'm not sure what you are trying to say, none of this makes any sense to me.

If you can form coherent sentences and try again, it would be appreciated. I actually thought you made one of the most brilliant observations in the thread the other day, when you stated that "life itself, is spiritual." Maybe that was accidental, or maybe you meant something entirely different, but it's still a great observation.

4.5 billion years ago, the Earth was uninhabitable. It took at least a billion years or more, for the planet to cool down, the atmosphere to stabilize and conditions for supporting life to exist. The Bible only came along a couple thousand years ago, it is a religious book, inspired through spirituality. The Bible can be completely incorrect about god, and a spiritual power still exists. I'm not here to defend The Bible or any other religious teaching. My focus has been on the attribute of human spirituality, which has existed as long as humans have existed.

We connect to something spiritually, we always have and always will. Religions are merely evidence of this profound connection, whether they are correct or incorrect in depicting god. The fact that we can make this connection to some power greater than self, is what has enabled our advancement as a species. We're the only species with the capacity to connect spiritually, to a higher power.

Too bad you cannot prove that "connection" actually exists even with your bogus "spiritual evidence".
Being a believer I would expect to find marine fossils on mountains so it fit's my theory. Fossils of sea creatures are found well above sea level on every continent. Heck the Himalayas at 0ver 29,000 feet they are found.

God spoke about plate tectonics here Psa 104:8 (The mountains rose, the valleys sank down) Unto the place which thou hadst founded for them.

So there were two reasons that plate tectonics took place there was water added from the rain and the great fountains of the deep were broken open adding molten rock could cause the ocean floor to rise.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

This is what caused the flood and plate tectonics. The marine fossils were swept over the mountains that is why they are found on mountain tops.

There was no biblical flood. Your wishing it were true is irrelevant.

I'll bet you a dollar that there was a flood.

And I'll bet another that it consumed the WHOLE world of some Monkeys...
I'll bet a third that the Monkeys told the story to any Monkeys who'd listen, and I'll make it four questions for five dollars that Monkeys can imagine.
[ame=]"Imagine" - John Lennon - YouTube[/ame]
The problem that we're left with regarding the biblical flood is that there is just no evidence for it.

Not surprisingly, the biblical flood tale is just one of many. Tales and fables tend to expand, become larger than life and change as they're past from person to person.

Pick a flood - any flood.

Flood Stories from Around the World
Being a believer I would expect to find marine fossils on mountains so it fit's my theory. Fossils of sea creatures are found well above sea level on every continent. Heck the Himalayas at 0ver 29,000 feet they are found.

God spoke about plate tectonics here Psa 104:8 (The mountains rose, the valleys sank down) Unto the place which thou hadst founded for them.

So there were two reasons that plate tectonics took place there was water added from the rain and the great fountains of the deep were broken open adding molten rock could cause the ocean floor to rise.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

This is what caused the flood and plate tectonics. The marine fossils were swept over the mountains that is why they are found on mountain tops.

There was no biblical flood. Your wishing it were true is irrelevant.

I'll bet you a dollar that there was a flood.

And I'll bet another that it consumed the WHOLE world of some Monkeys...
I'll bet a third that the Monkeys told the story to any Monkeys who'd listen, and I'll make it four questions for five dollars that Monkeys can imagine.
[ame=]"Imagine" - John Lennon - YouTube[/ame]

I really like the Beatles (historically speaking) but John Lennon is dead. That should tell you something. Pictures of young people cavorting are nice, but the reality is the young get old and the cavorting returns to a slowed craw... If one doesn't have heaven one has nothing to look forward to.
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Like you are aware of plate tectonics, lol.

Regarding plate tectonics, do a search with terms such as "uplift" and "subsidence". Fossil sea shells on mountain peaks are not uncommon when those peaks were much lower in the distant past.

Did you ever get through 7th grade earth science?

Being a believer I would expect to find marine fossils on mountains so it fit's my theory. Fossils of sea creatures are found well above sea level on every continent. Heck the Himalayas at 0ver 29,000 feet they are found.

God spoke about plate tectonics here Psa 104:8 (The mountains rose, the valleys sank down) Unto the place which thou hadst founded for them.

So there were two reasons that plate tectonics took place there was water added from the rain and the great fountains of the deep were broken open adding molten rock could cause the ocean floor to rise.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

This is what caused the flood and plate tectonics. The marine fossils were swept over the mountains that is why they are found on mountain tops.

There was no biblical flood. Your wishing it were true is irrelevant.

Geological evidence of the flood you say that didn't happen.

[ame=]Origins - The Worldwide Flood - Geologic Evidences - Pt 1 with Dr. Andrew Snelling - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Origins - The Worldwide Flood - Geologic Evidences - Pt 2 with Dr. Andrew Snelling - YouTube[/ame]
No one was "provoked", right?

Did it occur to you that there might be something phony about an article entitled "25 Greatest Scientific Hoaxes In History", when the very first article was about crop circles?

It never occurred to you that crop circles have nothing to do with science experimentation and that they were long ago identified as pranks?

Why is there a theory about aliens coming to earth and this is consider evidence for the theory ? You have yet to address the rest of the hoaxes.

I'm not interested in responding to every silly collection of cut and paste nonsense you scour from the web.

So the answer is a blunt "no". No reputable scientists were "provoked" to admit that crop circles were the result of space aliens.

What copy and paste ?
There was no biblical flood. Your wishing it were true is irrelevant.

I'll bet you a dollar that there was a flood.

And I'll bet another that it consumed the WHOLE world of some Monkeys...
I'll bet a third that the Monkeys told the story to any Monkeys who'd listen, and I'll make it four questions for five dollars that Monkeys can imagine.
[ame=]"Imagine" - John Lennon - YouTube[/ame]
The problem that we're left with regarding the biblical flood is that there is just no evidence for it.

Not surprisingly, the biblical flood tale is just one of many. Tales and fables tend to expand, become larger than life and change as they're past from person to person.

Pick a flood - any flood.

Flood Stories from Around the World

Hollie if you want the truth you will watch these videos. You have both marine fossils and dry land fossils buried together in strata.
Hollie if you want the truth you will watch these videos. You have both marine fossils and dry land fossils buried together in strata.

Dear, you are perhaps the last person on the planet I would believe spewing a slogan such as "if you want the truth".

Why would you think there is anything remarkable about marine and land animal fosills in the same strata?

Lordy, man. You really never did pass 7th grade earth science, right? I suppose science was not thought to be real important at your madrassah.
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Hollie if you want the truth you will watch these videos. You have both marine fossils and dry land fossils buried together in strata.

Dear, you are perhaps the last person on the planet I would believe spewing a slogan such as "if you want the truth".

Why would you think there is anything remarkable about marine and land animal fosills in the same strata?

Lordy, man. You really never did pass 7th grade earth science, right? I suppose science is was not thought to be real important at your madrassah.

I possess a degree in science that I am very proud of thank you. You once again did not look at the evidence that supports the global flood because you really don't want the truth. Marine and land Fossils found buried together in 7 different layers of strata world wide your beliefs just got blown up. An intelligent person takes correction and accepts it or atleast say's this raises doubt on what they have been taught.

You wanted evidence of the global flood you have it. Imagine that,creationist's using scientific evidence to verify the truth of the bible.
Heck if the great fountains of the deep broke up would that not have produced earthquakes and what do earthquakes produce in the oceans ? That is right tsunamis.

Hmm yeah plenty of evidence God has given you proving his existence and the words of the bible.
Hollie if you want the truth you will watch these videos. You have both marine fossils and dry land fossils buried together in strata.

Dear, you are perhaps the last person on the planet I would believe spewing a slogan such as "if you want the truth".

Why would you think there is anything remarkable about marine and land animal fosills in the same strata?

Lordy, man. You really never did pass 7th grade earth science, right? I suppose science is was not thought to be real important at your madrassah.

I possess a degree in science that I am very proud of thank you. You once again did not look at the evidence that supports the global flood because you really don't want the truth. Marine and land Fossils found buried together in 7 different layers of strata world wide your beliefs just got blown up. An intelligent person takes correction and accepts it or atleast say's this raises doubt on what they have been taught.

You wanted evidence of the global flood you have it. Imagine that,creationist's using scientific evidence to verify the truth of the bible.

You have previously offered nothing but silliness from Harun Yahya as "proof" of the biblical flood.

Imagine that. A Christian fundie making unsubstantiated claims.

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