Defund the FBI

I’m with easy on this one…We need to go in the alphabet agiencies with a buzz saw and remove ANYONE who has violated their oath in a partisan way, and replace them with people who will uphold the constitution…And that includes Federal judges regardless of who appointed them.
I wouldn't dare try to speak for most Americans, but I don't think they'd agree with you at all. They protect us from people like you.
How did the FBI protect Americans, especially from 'people like me', by...

Violating the Constitution

Violating the Patriot Act

Defrauding the FISA Court

Illegally spying on Americans

Illegally spying on the Pres

Participating in the failed coup

Withholding exculpatory info proving the Innocense of Americans

FBI Director Mueller withholding evidence & putting innocent Americans in jail for years

The FBI conducting its own internal investigation, leaning there was nothing tothe Russian Collusion scam BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel, yet continuing to participate in the attempted take down of Trump (according to FBI Agent Page under oath)

Leaking classified info through a 3rd party to get it to the press to help Hillary's scam begin
- Comey admitted to this. He also testified under oath that McCabe leaked info

Gained possession and has hidden Hunter Biden's laptop, has protected tve Bkdrn family from the crimes that have been exposed

Colluded with the WH & DOJ to label parents as 'Domestic terrorists' for opposing CRT, Transgender, and liberal indoctrination in schools

PLEASE tell me how these documented, recorded, reported crimes and abuses of power have 'PROTECTED' American citizens, the Consttution, the Rule of Law, and this nation....

...and don't answer with the same debunked liberal lie that none of this ever happened.
How did the FBI protect Americans, especially from 'people like me', by...

Violating the Constitution

Violating the Patriot Act

Defrauding the FISA Court

Illegally spying on Americans

Illegally spying on the Pres

Participating in the failed coup

Withholding exculpatory info proving the Innocense of Americans

FBI Director Mueller withholding evidence & putting innocent Americans in jail for years

The FBI conducting its own internal investigation, leaning there was nothing tothe Russian Collusion scam BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel, yet continuing to participate in the attempted take down of Trump (according to FBI Agent Page under oath)

Leaking classified info through a 3rd party to get it to the press to help Hillary's scam begin
- Comey admitted to this. He also testified under oath that McCabe leaked info

Gained possession and has hidden Hunter Biden's laptop, has protected tve Bkdrn family from the crimes that have been exposed

Colluded with the WH & DOJ to label parents as 'Domestic terrorists' for opposing CRT, Transgender, and liberal indoctrination in schools

PLEASE tell me how these documented, recorded, reported crimes and abuses of power have 'PROTECTED' American citizens, the Consttution, the Rule of Law, and this nation....

...and don't answer with the same debunked liberal lie that none of this ever happened.
Wow, could you imagine if the FBI did some of that?
Deserves another mention:

Have you missed the persecution since Trump became president?
I have seen the prosecution of those closest to him... Do you honestly believe the guy who hires all of the convicted and admitted felons is spotless?

Are you that daft?

That is a rhetorical clearly are.
laugh away.. It's why the left has never been able to get him...after 7 years....because he has done nothing wrong....but your side has.
You have to be close to brain-dead, your reality is nonsense. There is no logical way you can come up with any reason to support Trump. He has led the largest insurrection against our country and constitution in history., he and his followers have sold out every value that they claim to hold dear, It would just be pitiful if it wasn't for the fact how dangerous and traitorous you Trump supporters are. You have to be disposed of.
You have to be close to brain-dead, your reality is nonsense. There is no logical way you can come up with any reason to support Trump. He has led the largest insurrection against our country and constitution in history., he and his followers have sold out every value that they claim to hold dear, It would just be pitiful if it wasn't for the fact how dangerous and traitorous you Trump supporters are. You have to be disposed of.

I think Hitler's supporters said the same things. You should be ashamed of yourself. FREE SPEECH, isn't just for is for everyone....your side has even taken over Merriam Webster so that you can turn every definiton on its head.

You don't have to worry about that threat you just made. But if any conservative voices disapproval of what the FBI has done, Jackbooted thugs are sent to their homes to arrest them. This is going on in every western nation. The left has lost its mind.
It must be nice to have the media on your side, lying to the american people to cover the biden regime's asses.
We never said defund the police.
You tards sure as fuck did demanded that we defund the police. So, don’t bother lying now. No sale.

I believe the time is here to break apart a corrupted FBI. THE AGENTS aren’t the problem. Their leadership is. Break it down and rebuild it properly. And get leaders who give an actual damn about abiding by the Constitution.

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