Defund the FBI

no panic, shit stain....they need to investigate the pedophiles of the biden family....the corruption of the SCUM demonRATS, and the top secret papers hit-lery "washed"

Like I said, no one in the Democratic Party. Just Cori Bush.

I can pretty much guarantee you that tons of shitbird Democraps have spouted that idiotic slogan. And the ones I shared pictures of? Not likely that any the images depict any Republican spouting such crap.
Do you really want to go that route, Hoss?
“That” route? You’re still just a total asshole.

To equate someone with a swastika armband at some unidentified protest (or meeting or whatever) has anything to do with the topic is incredibly stupid of you.

Aside from being a cheap and ineffectual effort, it’s also off topic. Swastika boy is probably another DNC plant, anyway.
actually, shit stain, you fit the clown narritive.....everything you spew is laughed at

If only you would contribute something, and since you won't, you have to go. Bye ace , we will miss you totally.
Everyone if people don't contribute, dump their asses, that is the only real way to keep a forum alive. Making a thread and then having to read a half dozen times that someone doesn't like you, think you are dumb or attack your spelling is a total waste of bandwidth. Who in the hell cares what someone thinks personally about someone else. Then there are the hijackers who respond to a post about Trump and answer with Hunter Biden or that Obama wasn't born here or that Clinton lied. If They do that, dump their stupid ass.
No. Just de-politicize it.
There is absolutely no polarized actions coming from the FBI , they are going after a total criminal who should be in a mental institute. if Not Jail. What is the FBI suppose to do. They go after criminals. That's what they are doing.
How did the FBI protect Americans, especially from 'people like me', by...

Violating the Constitution

Violating the Patriot Act

Defrauding the FISA Court

Illegally spying on Americans

Illegally spying on the Pres

Participating in the failed coup

Withholding exculpatory info proving the Innocense of Americans

FBI Director Mueller withholding evidence & putting innocent Americans in jail for years

The FBI conducting its own internal investigation, leaning there was nothing tothe Russian Collusion scam BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel, yet continuing to participate in the attempted take down of Trump (according to FBI Agent Page under oath)

Leaking classified info through a 3rd party to get it to the press to help Hillary's scam begin
- Comey admitted to this. He also testified under oath that McCabe leaked info

Gained possession and has hidden Hunter Biden's laptop, has protected tve Bkdrn family from the crimes that have been exposed

Colluded with the WH & DOJ to label parents as 'Domestic terrorists' for opposing CRT, Transgender, and liberal indoctrination in schools

PLEASE tell me how these documented, recorded, reported crimes and abuses of power have 'PROTECTED' American citizens, the Consttution, the Rule of Law, and this nation....

...and don't answer with the same debunked liberal lie that none of this ever happened.
I see you're name-calling, that deserves no response.
Defund the FBI yesterday! Enough is enough!:mad:

Here's an idea:
  • There are thousands of them and millions of us. Someone get a name and address sheet of all FBI employees and all of them get THEIR homes raided at 4AM, no one allowed inside, anything taken and no reasons given and see how THEY like it?! :smoke:

(I'm working on a similar plan where all the IRS employees get audited next year, but SHHH, mum's the word.) :SMILEW~130:
It is the FBI's job to go after obvious criminals.

Really? So what's the hold up then, we have a long list of obvious criminals needing gone after:
  1. Joe Biden
  2. Kammy Harris
  3. Barry Obumma
  4. Nancy Pelosi
  5. Adam Schiff
  6. Lois Lerner
  7. Brenner
  8. Clapper
  9. Holder
  10. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
  11. Many others to follow.
It is the FBI's job to go after obvious criminals . Everyone knows he just a mentally ill, criminal scum bag.

Then the FBI has to go after themselves, because under this thuggish, stolen Administration they are the real criminals!
Then why haven't they gone after Hillary?
They have , FbI has and congress has investigated her 8 times and every single time she has been found not guilty of any crime. You trying to compare the piece of shit, Trump with the actions of Hillary Clinton is a hoot. You people or so brain-dead , all the information on this is available everywhere. Just stay away from all the right wing liars media. Go directly to the FBI outcome in their investigation and go to the 8 committees put together by congress trying to get her for anything at all. Put together I will add by your own hate party and they couldn't find anything on her. They never even got close , You losers are a joke. You sold out your country you support domestic terrorist , you want to defund the police and you want to close the FBI. You are this countries biggest threat and enemy. You are no better than any Nazi group or white supremacists in this country.

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