Deir Ezzor in focus of ISIS offensive plans


Nov 14, 2012
After days of fighting, ISIS, using about 14000 fighters, has cut off the connection from the government held Deir Ezzor to the air base. The army prepares for a counter assault.


"With ISIS splitting the government held areas of Deir Ezzor in two, the pro-government forces has now begun its counterattack against the terrorist group.

The first stage of the counterattack involves the Syrian and Russian air forces pulverizing ISIS positions before the ground troops storm the weakened positions. Because of this strategy, no gains has been made as the Syrian Army has not begun their offensive.

An inside source with direct contact to Major General Issam Zahreddine has quoted him as saying that the morale of the soldiers is extremely high despite some of the setbacks faced earlier in the day.

Zahredinne then went onto say that the air forces are doing a great job and that the Syrian Army will win this battle against ISIS.

The Syrian Army will be looking to quickly end the siege on the air base or the city will face a humanitarian disaster as most of the food and supplies that reach civilians in Deir Ezzor are delivered to the airbase.

Meanwhile, the Director of Health in Deir Ezzor has said that in the last few days he has seen only 25 killed Syrian Army killed and a further 45 injured show up at Assad Hospital. This contradicts the exaggerated ISIS claims."

Syrian Army to begin counterattack against ISIS in Deir Ezzor with Russian air cover

"It has been estimated that as many as 14,000 ISIS fighters are participating in this operation to capture Deir Ezzor from government forces."
ISIS successfully splits Deir Ezzor enclave in two
Without the U.S. air support that ISIS had in September when ISIS succeeded in retaking Palmyra and split the Government forces at Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Army and the Russian air force should be able to eliminate the ISIS threat.
Without the U.S. air support that ISIS had in September when ISIS succeeded in retaking Palmyra and split the Government forces at Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Army and the Russian air force should be able to eliminate the ISIS threat.
You are confusing things. The siege of the airport is new.
The army makes good progress ahead of expected new ISIS offensive.
Meanwhile, the UN has restarted to drop supplies for the besieged citizens of government controlled Deir Ezzor.

"As a result of this advance, the Syrian Arab Army was able to end the full siege of the Deir Ezzor Airport; however, they still cannot access their supply road due to the Islamic State’s fire control over this road."
Siege of Deir Ezzor Airport almost lifted as Syrian government forces continue to advance

"The United Nations has restarted air drops of food to civilians in the ISIS-besieged city of Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria, the U.N. World Food Program (WFP) announced on Tuesday.

Reuters continued explaining that despite the interruption to WFP air drops, Syrian government helicopters managed to bring in some food and medicine, as well as evacuating wounded troops, the U.N. humanitarian office said in a report on Saturday.

The bakery in the east of Deir Ezzor has also stopped working because of a lack of flour and fuel, although Russian helicopters brought in two days of bread supplies two weeks ago, the U.N. said."
UN begins dropping aid to civilians in Deir Ezzor

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