DEM REP Waters: Trump investigation underway evidence not required for impeachment

No one has paid attention to maxine waters for years. She insists that Russia has invaded Korea.

"According to one U.S. official, national security aides have sought information about Polish incursions in Belarus, an eyebrow-raising request because little evidence of such activities appears to exist. Poland is among the Eastern European nations worried about Trump's friendlier tone on Russia."

On foreign policy, Trump still speaking campaign language
Honey, you've been sold a bill of goods. You've been sucking the dick of big government ever since you started promoting the idea you needed the biggest most powerful military in the world.

The military industrial complex is larger than the governments of most of the rest of the world. You export war to the rest of the world and you profit from it. You are dependent on perpetual war to keep the money flowing.

You've been sucking Republican dick and swallowing.

You can speak any way you want and I am not offended by it, but the PC left finds this to be perfectly acceptable while ostracizing and forcing apologies for merely noticing/mentioning a womans beauty...the only way that can be understood without calling the PC crowd loonies is that there has to be an underlying agenda being propagated here.

no one ostracizes anyone for observing a woman's beauty.

now focusing on her looks instead of her brain and denigrating the looks of the women you don't agree with... and thinking it's ok to grab women without their consent because some fat orange sociopath is rich....

those things aren't ok.

I hope that helps you, dearie

I don't recall any similar post from you about an actual rapist....

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart

Breitbart is your source???

I've read every one of those accounts. Broaddrick has told so many lies to so many people over the years, that it's impossible to know what is correct. Her actions and behaviour towards the Clintons over the years suggest that Republicans paid her to change her story. She lied to her husband and boyfriend at the time, to cover her consenual sex with Clinton. She denied in a Sworn Affidavit that Clinton raped her. She has not recanted that Affidavit.

No charges, no lawsuits, just a lot of "he made a pass at me" innuendo. All of it brought to you by a lying alt-right website.

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart
Honey, you've been sold a bill of goods. You've been sucking the dick of big government ever since you started promoting the idea you needed the biggest most powerful military in the world.

The military industrial complex is larger than the governments of most of the rest of the world. You export war to the rest of the world and you profit from it. You are dependent on perpetual war to keep the money flowing.

You've been sucking Republican dick and swallowing.

You can speak any way you want and I am not offended by it, but the PC left finds this to be perfectly acceptable while ostracizing and forcing apologies for merely noticing/mentioning a womans beauty...the only way that can be understood without calling the PC crowd loonies is that there has to be an underlying agenda being propagated here.

no one ostracizes anyone for observing a woman's beauty.

now focusing on her looks instead of her brain and denigrating the looks of the women you don't agree with... and thinking it's ok to grab women without their consent because some fat orange sociopath is rich....

those things aren't ok.

I hope that helps you, dearie

I don't recall any similar post from you about an actual rapist....

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart

Breitbart is your source???

I've read every one of those accounts. Broaddrick has told so many lies to so many people over the years, that it's impossible to know what is correct. Her actions and behaviour towards the Clintons over the years suggest that Republicans paid her to change her story. She lied to her husband and boyfriend at the time, to cover her consenual sex with Clinton. She denied in a Sworn Affidavit that Clinton raped her. She has not recanted that Affidavit.

No charges, no lawsuits, just a lot of "he made a pass at me" innuendo. All of it brought to you by a lying alt-right website.

NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?" Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?
Honey, you've been sold a bill of goods. You've been sucking the dick of big government ever since you started promoting the idea you needed the biggest most powerful military in the world.

The military industrial complex is larger than the governments of most of the rest of the world. You export war to the rest of the world and you profit from it. You are dependent on perpetual war to keep the money flowing.

You've been sucking Republican dick and swallowing.

You can speak any way you want and I am not offended by it, but the PC left finds this to be perfectly acceptable while ostracizing and forcing apologies for merely noticing/mentioning a womans beauty...the only way that can be understood without calling the PC crowd loonies is that there has to be an underlying agenda being propagated here.

no one ostracizes anyone for observing a woman's beauty.

now focusing on her looks instead of her brain and denigrating the looks of the women you don't agree with... and thinking it's ok to grab women without their consent because some fat orange sociopath is rich....

those things aren't ok.

I hope that helps you, dearie

I don't recall any similar post from you about an actual rapist....

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart

Breitbart is your source???

I've read every one of those accounts. Broaddrick has told so many lies to so many people over the years, that it's impossible to know what is correct. Her actions and behaviour towards the Clintons over the years suggest that Republicans paid her to change her story. She lied to her husband and boyfriend at the time, to cover her consenual sex with Clinton. She denied in a Sworn Affidavit that Clinton raped her. She has not recanted that Affidavit.

No charges, no lawsuits, just a lot of "he made a pass at me" innuendo. All of it brought to you by a lying alt-right website.

NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?" Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

Juanita Broadderick’s accusation of rape only came after Ken Starr and the FBI sat her down and threatened to charge her with perjury if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Jones trial wherein, under oath, she swore that Bill Clinton did not rape her. They also promised her immunity if she changed her story. A coerced allegation carries about as much weight as a coerced confession.

Ken Start has publically apoligized to the Clintons for his role in what he correctly perceives as a witch hunt against the Clintons.

Republicans went after Clinton’s affairs because they had nothing else on him and even then, they had to trump up a charge of sexual harassment which the judge dismissed with prejudice.

It is always foolish to try to project today’s standards on behaviour from years past. If you want to revisit past peccadillos by Presidents, perhaps you should look into the Founding Fathers owned slaves? Or the racism of Roosevelt in forced relocation of Americans of Japanese ancestry into interment camps.

They’re are so many actions by past leaders in many parts of the world which wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny under today’s mores.

This goes right on down to Roy Moore, whose behaviour in courting underage girls wasn’t necessarily illegal at the time he did it but was still considered creepy by his co-workers.
You can speak any way you want and I am not offended by it, but the PC left finds this to be perfectly acceptable while ostracizing and forcing apologies for merely noticing/mentioning a womans beauty...the only way that can be understood without calling the PC crowd loonies is that there has to be an underlying agenda being propagated here.

no one ostracizes anyone for observing a woman's beauty.

now focusing on her looks instead of her brain and denigrating the looks of the women you don't agree with... and thinking it's ok to grab women without their consent because some fat orange sociopath is rich....

those things aren't ok.

I hope that helps you, dearie

I don't recall any similar post from you about an actual rapist....

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart

Breitbart is your source???

I've read every one of those accounts. Broaddrick has told so many lies to so many people over the years, that it's impossible to know what is correct. Her actions and behaviour towards the Clintons over the years suggest that Republicans paid her to change her story. She lied to her husband and boyfriend at the time, to cover her consenual sex with Clinton. She denied in a Sworn Affidavit that Clinton raped her. She has not recanted that Affidavit.

No charges, no lawsuits, just a lot of "he made a pass at me" innuendo. All of it brought to you by a lying alt-right website.

NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?" Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

Juanita Broadderick’s accusation of rape only came after Ken Starr and the FBI sat her down and threatened to charge her with perjury if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Jones trial wherein, under oath, she swore that Bill Clinton did not rape her. They also promised her immunity if she changed her story. A coerced allegation carries about as much weight as a coerced confession.

Ken Start has publically apoligized to the Clintons for his role in what he correctly perceives as a witch hunt against the Clintons.

Republicans went after Clinton’s affairs because they had nothing else on him and even then, they had to trump up a charge of sexual harassment which the judge dismissed with prejudice.

It is always foolish to try to project today’s standards on behaviour from years past. If you want to revisit past peccadillos by Presidents, perhaps you should look into the Founding Fathers owned slaves? Or the racism of Roosevelt in forced relocation of Americans of Japanese ancestry into interment camps.

They’re are so many actions by past leaders in many parts of the world which wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny under today’s mores.

This goes right on down to Roy Moore, whose behaviour in courting underage girls wasn’t necessarily illegal at the time he did it but was still considered creepy by his co-workers.

I quoted the house organ for Liberalism, Inc.....the NYSlimes.

Your post is simply one more example of the fact that the least intelligent are Liberal acolytes....many of keep up with the alterations in the propaganda.

We have learned from the Times and from your post...

a. The Left now admits what we on the Right always said about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton


b. you are a low-life moron.

Any questions?
no one ostracizes anyone for observing a woman's beauty.

now focusing on her looks instead of her brain and denigrating the looks of the women you don't agree with... and thinking it's ok to grab women without their consent because some fat orange sociopath is rich....

those things aren't ok.

I hope that helps you, dearie

I don't recall any similar post from you about an actual rapist....

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart

Breitbart is your source???

I've read every one of those accounts. Broaddrick has told so many lies to so many people over the years, that it's impossible to know what is correct. Her actions and behaviour towards the Clintons over the years suggest that Republicans paid her to change her story. She lied to her husband and boyfriend at the time, to cover her consenual sex with Clinton. She denied in a Sworn Affidavit that Clinton raped her. She has not recanted that Affidavit.

No charges, no lawsuits, just a lot of "he made a pass at me" innuendo. All of it brought to you by a lying alt-right website.

NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?" Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

Juanita Broadderick’s accusation of rape only came after Ken Starr and the FBI sat her down and threatened to charge her with perjury if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Jones trial wherein, under oath, she swore that Bill Clinton did not rape her. They also promised her immunity if she changed her story. A coerced allegation carries about as much weight as a coerced confession.

Ken Start has publically apoligized to the Clintons for his role in what he correctly perceives as a witch hunt against the Clintons.

Republicans went after Clinton’s affairs because they had nothing else on him and even then, they had to trump up a charge of sexual harassment which the judge dismissed with prejudice.

It is always foolish to try to project today’s standards on behaviour from years past. If you want to revisit past peccadillos by Presidents, perhaps you should look into the Founding Fathers owned slaves? Or the racism of Roosevelt in forced relocation of Americans of Japanese ancestry into interment camps.

They’re are so many actions by past leaders in many parts of the world which wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny under today’s mores.

This goes right on down to Roy Moore, whose behaviour in courting underage girls wasn’t necessarily illegal at the time he did it but was still considered creepy by his co-workers.

I quoted the house organ for Liberalism, Inc.....the NYSlimes.

Your post is simply one more example of the fact that the least intelligent are Liberal acolytes....many of keep up with the alterations in the propaganda.

We have learned from the Times and from your post...

a. The Left now admits what we on the Right always said about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton


b. you are a low-life moron.

Any questions?

her post is 100% accurate and is 100% capable of being substantiated.

you're a hack and a liar, loon.

but its cute how you think you're smart.
Nobody takes impeachment talk seriously except the k00ks.

Geez there ever a day in your life you're not miserable?:dunno:
I don't recall any similar post from you about an actual rapist....

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart

Breitbart is your source???

I've read every one of those accounts. Broaddrick has told so many lies to so many people over the years, that it's impossible to know what is correct. Her actions and behaviour towards the Clintons over the years suggest that Republicans paid her to change her story. She lied to her husband and boyfriend at the time, to cover her consenual sex with Clinton. She denied in a Sworn Affidavit that Clinton raped her. She has not recanted that Affidavit.

No charges, no lawsuits, just a lot of "he made a pass at me" innuendo. All of it brought to you by a lying alt-right website.

NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?" Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

Juanita Broadderick’s accusation of rape only came after Ken Starr and the FBI sat her down and threatened to charge her with perjury if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Jones trial wherein, under oath, she swore that Bill Clinton did not rape her. They also promised her immunity if she changed her story. A coerced allegation carries about as much weight as a coerced confession.

Ken Start has publically apoligized to the Clintons for his role in what he correctly perceives as a witch hunt against the Clintons.

Republicans went after Clinton’s affairs because they had nothing else on him and even then, they had to trump up a charge of sexual harassment which the judge dismissed with prejudice.

It is always foolish to try to project today’s standards on behaviour from years past. If you want to revisit past peccadillos by Presidents, perhaps you should look into the Founding Fathers owned slaves? Or the racism of Roosevelt in forced relocation of Americans of Japanese ancestry into interment camps.

They’re are so many actions by past leaders in many parts of the world which wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny under today’s mores.

This goes right on down to Roy Moore, whose behaviour in courting underage girls wasn’t necessarily illegal at the time he did it but was still considered creepy by his co-workers.

I quoted the house organ for Liberalism, Inc.....the NYSlimes.

Your post is simply one more example of the fact that the least intelligent are Liberal acolytes....many of keep up with the alterations in the propaganda.

We have learned from the Times and from your post...

a. The Left now admits what we on the Right always said about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton


b. you are a low-life moron.

Any questions?

her post is 100% accurate and is 100% capable of being substantiated.

you're a hack and a liar, loon.

but its cute how you think you're smart.

Well...I am cute, and I am smart.....and I actually have to agree with the NYTimes on this:

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?

...the most important escalators were the Democrats. They had an opportunity, with Al Gore waiting in the wings, to show a predator the door and establish some moral common ground for a polarizing country.

And what they did instead — turning their party into an accessory to Clinton’s appetites, shamelessly abandoning feminist principle, smearing victims and blithely ignoring his most credible accuser, all because Republicans funded the investigations and they’re prudes and it’s all just Sexual McCarthyism — feels in the cold clarity of hindsight like a great act of partisan deformation." Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

The Democrats.....
"...turning their party into an accessory to Clinton’s appetites, shamelessly abandoning feminist principle, smearing victims and blithely ignoring his most credible accuser,..."

Exactly what we on the Right have said all along.
I don't recall any similar post from you about an actual rapist....

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time - Breitbart

Breitbart is your source???

I've read every one of those accounts. Broaddrick has told so many lies to so many people over the years, that it's impossible to know what is correct. Her actions and behaviour towards the Clintons over the years suggest that Republicans paid her to change her story. She lied to her husband and boyfriend at the time, to cover her consenual sex with Clinton. She denied in a Sworn Affidavit that Clinton raped her. She has not recanted that Affidavit.

No charges, no lawsuits, just a lot of "he made a pass at me" innuendo. All of it brought to you by a lying alt-right website.

NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?" Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

Juanita Broadderick’s accusation of rape only came after Ken Starr and the FBI sat her down and threatened to charge her with perjury if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Jones trial wherein, under oath, she swore that Bill Clinton did not rape her. They also promised her immunity if she changed her story. A coerced allegation carries about as much weight as a coerced confession.

Ken Start has publically apoligized to the Clintons for his role in what he correctly perceives as a witch hunt against the Clintons.

Republicans went after Clinton’s affairs because they had nothing else on him and even then, they had to trump up a charge of sexual harassment which the judge dismissed with prejudice.

It is always foolish to try to project today’s standards on behaviour from years past. If you want to revisit past peccadillos by Presidents, perhaps you should look into the Founding Fathers owned slaves? Or the racism of Roosevelt in forced relocation of Americans of Japanese ancestry into interment camps.

They’re are so many actions by past leaders in many parts of the world which wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny under today’s mores.

This goes right on down to Roy Moore, whose behaviour in courting underage girls wasn’t necessarily illegal at the time he did it but was still considered creepy by his co-workers.

I quoted the house organ for Liberalism, Inc.....the NYSlimes.

Your post is simply one more example of the fact that the least intelligent are Liberal acolytes....many of keep up with the alterations in the propaganda.

We have learned from the Times and from your post...

a. The Left now admits what we on the Right always said about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton


b. you are a low-life moron.

Any questions?

her post is 100% accurate and is 100% capable of being substantiated.

you're a hack and a liar, loon.

but its cute how you think you're smart.

"With all the scandals in the news, liberals are turning on President Clinton. MSNBC’s Chris Hayes reckons that the “center left” is “overdue for a real reckoning” with Mr. Clinton. The Times’ Michelle Goldberg says, “I believe Juanita,” a reference to Mrs. Broaddrick, who in the late 1990s alleged that in 1978, Mr. Clinton, then Arkansas’ attorney-general, raped her at a hotel. Mr. Clinton has long denied the charge. Chelsea Handler tweets an apology to Mrs. Broaddrick. Ross Douthat, referring to the special prosecutor who turned Mr. Clinton over to Congress for impeachment for perjury and obstruction, asks, “What if Ken Starr was right?”

‘Juanita’s News’ - The New York Sun
Considering that even Ken Starr believes he was wrong in his persecution of the Clintons, an opinion piece in a tabloid newspaper is of no value.

Furthermore, in her sworn Affidavit, Juanita Broaddrick denied Clinton raped her and requested that she be allowed to live in peace. At the time of the incident, she was married to one man and having an affair with another. She told them both that Bill Clinton raped her. Was that just to explain the “mouse” on her lip?

Broadderick then publically denied Clinton raped her to the press, in TV interviews, and in her sworn Affidavit. She also volunteered to work on several of his political campaigns. Volunteered? Who volunteers to help their rapist win ever higher political offices.

I don’t know what happened in that hotel room and neither do you. But I can see why Broaddrick would lie to both of the men in her life about what happened. The woman has proven to be an unreliable witness at best, changing her story to suit the occasion, but she did not publically cry rape until Starr and the FBI threatened to throw her in jail if she didn’t.
Considering that even Ken Starr believes he was wrong in his persecution of the Clintons, an opinion piece in a tabloid newspaper is of no value.

Furthermore, in her sworn Affidavit, Juanita Broaddrick denied Clinton raped her and requested that she be allowed to live in peace. At the time of the incident, she was married to one man and having an affair with another. She told them both that Bill Clinton raped her. Was that just to explain the “mouse” on her lip?

Broadderick then publically denied Clinton raped her to the press, in TV interviews, and in her sworn Affidavit. She also volunteered to work on several of his political campaigns. Volunteered? Who volunteers to help their rapist win ever higher political offices.

I don’t know what happened in that hotel room and neither do you. But I can see why Broaddrick would lie to both of the men in her life about what happened. The woman has proven to be an unreliable witness at best, changing her story to suit the occasion, but she did not publically cry rape until Starr and the FBI threatened to throw her in jail if she didn’t.

And here is another Leftwing organ admitting the truth:

"Clinton Is Guilty: Broaddrick's initial denials indicate only that she shunned publicity. That's why she never reported the rape; rebuffed advances from Clinton's political enemies who, in 1992, urged her to go public; and lied to Paula Jones' lawyers. She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators. (At the time, it was reasonable to suspect she'd be hauled before a grand jury.)

She granted media interviews only after her name was released by Paula Jones' lawyers, and after tabloids printed wildly untrue stories about her. Given her aversion to politics and celebrity, Broaddrick would seem to have little or nothing to gain by falsely accusing Clinton of rape. Clinton, on the other hand, has plenty to gain from falsely denying her charges."
Is Juanita Broaddrick Telling the Truth?

After all your years of lies?
Really hurts, huh?
Breitbart is your source???

I've read every one of those accounts. Broaddrick has told so many lies to so many people over the years, that it's impossible to know what is correct. Her actions and behaviour towards the Clintons over the years suggest that Republicans paid her to change her story. She lied to her husband and boyfriend at the time, to cover her consenual sex with Clinton. She denied in a Sworn Affidavit that Clinton raped her. She has not recanted that Affidavit.

No charges, no lawsuits, just a lot of "he made a pass at me" innuendo. All of it brought to you by a lying alt-right website.

NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?" Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

Juanita Broadderick’s accusation of rape only came after Ken Starr and the FBI sat her down and threatened to charge her with perjury if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Jones trial wherein, under oath, she swore that Bill Clinton did not rape her. They also promised her immunity if she changed her story. A coerced allegation carries about as much weight as a coerced confession.

Ken Start has publically apoligized to the Clintons for his role in what he correctly perceives as a witch hunt against the Clintons.

Republicans went after Clinton’s affairs because they had nothing else on him and even then, they had to trump up a charge of sexual harassment which the judge dismissed with prejudice.

It is always foolish to try to project today’s standards on behaviour from years past. If you want to revisit past peccadillos by Presidents, perhaps you should look into the Founding Fathers owned slaves? Or the racism of Roosevelt in forced relocation of Americans of Japanese ancestry into interment camps.

They’re are so many actions by past leaders in many parts of the world which wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny under today’s mores.

This goes right on down to Roy Moore, whose behaviour in courting underage girls wasn’t necessarily illegal at the time he did it but was still considered creepy by his co-workers.

I quoted the house organ for Liberalism, Inc.....the NYSlimes.

Your post is simply one more example of the fact that the least intelligent are Liberal acolytes....many of keep up with the alterations in the propaganda.

We have learned from the Times and from your post...

a. The Left now admits what we on the Right always said about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton


b. you are a low-life moron.

Any questions?

her post is 100% accurate and is 100% capable of being substantiated.

you're a hack and a liar, loon.

but its cute how you think you're smart.

Well...I am cute, and I am smart.....and I actually have to agree with the NYTimes on this:

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?

...the most important escalators were the Democrats. They had an opportunity, with Al Gore waiting in the wings, to show a predator the door and establish some moral common ground for a polarizing country.

And what they did instead — turning their party into an accessory to Clinton’s appetites, shamelessly abandoning feminist principle, smearing victims and blithely ignoring his most credible accuser, all because Republicans funded the investigations and they’re prudes and it’s all just Sexual McCarthyism — feels in the cold clarity of hindsight like a great act of partisan deformation." Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

The Democrats.....
"...turning their party into an accessory to Clinton’s appetites, shamelessly abandoning feminist principle, smearing victims and blithely ignoring his most credible accuser,..."

Exactly what we on the Right have said all along.

cute? smart? meh... you're a compulsive liar. I think that makes you not too smart
NYTimes: a day late and a dollar short...

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?" Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

Juanita Broadderick’s accusation of rape only came after Ken Starr and the FBI sat her down and threatened to charge her with perjury if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Jones trial wherein, under oath, she swore that Bill Clinton did not rape her. They also promised her immunity if she changed her story. A coerced allegation carries about as much weight as a coerced confession.

Ken Start has publically apoligized to the Clintons for his role in what he correctly perceives as a witch hunt against the Clintons.

Republicans went after Clinton’s affairs because they had nothing else on him and even then, they had to trump up a charge of sexual harassment which the judge dismissed with prejudice.

It is always foolish to try to project today’s standards on behaviour from years past. If you want to revisit past peccadillos by Presidents, perhaps you should look into the Founding Fathers owned slaves? Or the racism of Roosevelt in forced relocation of Americans of Japanese ancestry into interment camps.

They’re are so many actions by past leaders in many parts of the world which wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny under today’s mores.

This goes right on down to Roy Moore, whose behaviour in courting underage girls wasn’t necessarily illegal at the time he did it but was still considered creepy by his co-workers.

I quoted the house organ for Liberalism, Inc.....the NYSlimes.

Your post is simply one more example of the fact that the least intelligent are Liberal acolytes....many of keep up with the alterations in the propaganda.

We have learned from the Times and from your post...

a. The Left now admits what we on the Right always said about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton


b. you are a low-life moron.

Any questions?

her post is 100% accurate and is 100% capable of being substantiated.

you're a hack and a liar, loon.

but its cute how you think you're smart.

Well...I am cute, and I am smart.....and I actually have to agree with the NYTimes on this:

"But with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, we know what happened: A president being sued for sexual harassment tried to buy off a mistress-turned-potential-witness with White House favors, and then committed perjury serious enough to merit disbarment. Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

The longer I spent with these old stories, the more I came back to a question: If exploiting a willing intern is a serious enough abuse of power to warrant resignation, why is obstructing justice in a sexual harassment case not serious enough to warrant impeachment? Especially when the behavior is part of a longstanding pattern that also may extend to rape? Would any feminist today hesitate to take a similar opportunity to remove a predatory studio head or C.E.O.?

...the most important escalators were the Democrats. They had an opportunity, with Al Gore waiting in the wings, to show a predator the door and establish some moral common ground for a polarizing country.

And what they did instead — turning their party into an accessory to Clinton’s appetites, shamelessly abandoning feminist principle, smearing victims and blithely ignoring his most credible accuser, all because Republicans funded the investigations and they’re prudes and it’s all just Sexual McCarthyism — feels in the cold clarity of hindsight like a great act of partisan deformation." Opinion | What if Ken Starr Was Right?

The Democrats.....
"...turning their party into an accessory to Clinton’s appetites, shamelessly abandoning feminist principle, smearing victims and blithely ignoring his most credible accuser,..."

Exactly what we on the Right have said all along.

cute? smart? meh... you're a compulsive liar. I think that makes you not too smart

I checked your seem to have forgotten to produce any lie.

Short term memory loss again?
and now an added bonus LOL



EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton Still Silent About Flights On Pedophile’s Sex Plane
Considering that even Ken Starr believes he was wrong in his persecution of the Clintons, an opinion piece in a tabloid newspaper is of no value.

Furthermore, in her sworn Affidavit, Juanita Broaddrick denied Clinton raped her and requested that she be allowed to live in peace. At the time of the incident, she was married to one man and having an affair with another. She told them both that Bill Clinton raped her. Was that just to explain the “mouse” on her lip?

Broadderick then publically denied Clinton raped her to the press, in TV interviews, and in her sworn Affidavit. She also volunteered to work on several of his political campaigns. Volunteered? Who volunteers to help their rapist win ever higher political offices.

I don’t know what happened in that hotel room and neither do you. But I can see why Broaddrick would lie to both of the men in her life about what happened. The woman has proven to be an unreliable witness at best, changing her story to suit the occasion, but she did not publically cry rape until Starr and the FBI threatened to throw her in jail if she didn’t.

And here is another Leftwing organ admitting the truth:

"Clinton Is Guilty: Broaddrick's initial denials indicate only that she shunned publicity. That's why she never reported the rape; rebuffed advances from Clinton's political enemies who, in 1992, urged her to go public; and lied to Paula Jones' lawyers. She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators. (At the time, it was reasonable to suspect she'd be hauled before a grand jury.)

She granted media interviews only after her name was released by Paula Jones' lawyers, and after tabloids printed wildly untrue stories about her. Given her aversion to politics and celebrity, Broaddrick would seem to have little or nothing to gain by falsely accusing Clinton of rape. Clinton, on the other hand, has plenty to gain from falsely denying her charges."
Is Juanita Broaddrick Telling the Truth?

After all your years of lies?
Really hurts, huh?

Who’s lying? Hard to tell. And your little synopsis ignores Ken Starr’s threat of charges if she didn’t recant.

You’re cherry picking your facts here, leaving out her marriage and affair - which is motive to lie to both those men. You’re also leaving out her subsequent volunteer work on Bill Clinton’s political campaigns.

Her volunteering to work on Bill Clinton’s behalf is the biggest red flag in her story, other than she didn’t accuse Clinton of rape until after she was threatened with perjury charges. None of Roy Moore’s accusers worked to get him elected to any job.

I know of women who have worked at paid jobs with those who raped them. It didn’t end well. I know of NO ONE who volunteered to help their rapist do anything, much less run for public office.

So between the ever changing narrative, the threat of charges hanging over her head, and her proven record of being a liar and a cheat, I’m not buying it.

Sad as well as pathetic how all of Clintons stunts were totally over looked, forgotten etc. Yet he still put him on a perch just like his rapist supporter wife.

This couldn't be more true --> 7. "Bill Clinton: A Reckoning
Feminists saved the 42nd president of the United States in the 1990s. They were on the wrong side of history;is it finally time to make things right?

History instructs us that for countless men, the ability to possess women sexually is not a spoil of power; it’s the point of power.
Considering that even Ken Starr believes he was wrong in his persecution of the Clintons, an opinion piece in a tabloid newspaper is of no value.

Furthermore, in her sworn Affidavit, Juanita Broaddrick denied Clinton raped her and requested that she be allowed to live in peace. At the time of the incident, she was married to one man and having an affair with another. She told them both that Bill Clinton raped her. Was that just to explain the “mouse” on her lip?

Broadderick then publically denied Clinton raped her to the press, in TV interviews, and in her sworn Affidavit. She also volunteered to work on several of his political campaigns. Volunteered? Who volunteers to help their rapist win ever higher political offices.

I don’t know what happened in that hotel room and neither do you. But I can see why Broaddrick would lie to both of the men in her life about what happened. The woman has proven to be an unreliable witness at best, changing her story to suit the occasion, but she did not publically cry rape until Starr and the FBI threatened to throw her in jail if she didn’t.

And here is another Leftwing organ admitting the truth:

"Clinton Is Guilty: Broaddrick's initial denials indicate only that she shunned publicity. That's why she never reported the rape; rebuffed advances from Clinton's political enemies who, in 1992, urged her to go public; and lied to Paula Jones' lawyers. She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators. (At the time, it was reasonable to suspect she'd be hauled before a grand jury.)

She granted media interviews only after her name was released by Paula Jones' lawyers, and after tabloids printed wildly untrue stories about her. Given her aversion to politics and celebrity, Broaddrick would seem to have little or nothing to gain by falsely accusing Clinton of rape. Clinton, on the other hand, has plenty to gain from falsely denying her charges."
Is Juanita Broaddrick Telling the Truth?

After all your years of lies?
Really hurts, huh?

Who’s lying? Hard to tell. And your little synopsis ignores Ken Starr’s threat of charges if she didn’t recant.

You’re cherry picking your facts here, leaving out her marriage and affair - which is motive to lie to both those men. You’re also leaving out her subsequent volunteer work on Bill Clinton’s political campaigns.

Her volunteering to work on Bill Clinton’s behalf is the biggest red flag in her story, other than she didn’t accuse Clinton of rape until after she was threatened with perjury charges. None of Roy Moore’s accusers worked to get him elected to any job.

I know of women who have worked at paid jobs with those who raped them. It didn’t end well. I know of NO ONE who volunteered to help their rapist do anything, much less run for public office.

So between the ever changing narrative, the threat of charges hanging over her head, and her proven record of being a liar and a cheat, I’m not buying it.

1. Had it not been for Trump's election....none of this would be happening!
With Hillary running, the whole rape-apologist program of the Democrats came to the the forefront....and they had to pretend that Trump was on the same level (the gutter) as Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Here's the 'divide:' the Democrats with at least a double digit IQ are ready to admit the truth, the rape history that the Right has been revealing about Clinton for...what....decades.

You, a total dunce, are still fighting the war you've lost.

2. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic


3. On the other side....lying low-life can't keep up with the program.
Considering that even Ken Starr believes he was wrong in his persecution of the Clintons, an opinion piece in a tabloid newspaper is of no value.

Furthermore, in her sworn Affidavit, Juanita Broaddrick denied Clinton raped her and requested that she be allowed to live in peace. At the time of the incident, she was married to one man and having an affair with another. She told them both that Bill Clinton raped her. Was that just to explain the “mouse” on her lip?

Broadderick then publically denied Clinton raped her to the press, in TV interviews, and in her sworn Affidavit. She also volunteered to work on several of his political campaigns. Volunteered? Who volunteers to help their rapist win ever higher political offices.

I don’t know what happened in that hotel room and neither do you. But I can see why Broaddrick would lie to both of the men in her life about what happened. The woman has proven to be an unreliable witness at best, changing her story to suit the occasion, but she did not publically cry rape until Starr and the FBI threatened to throw her in jail if she didn’t.

And here is another Leftwing organ admitting the truth:

"Clinton Is Guilty: Broaddrick's initial denials indicate only that she shunned publicity. That's why she never reported the rape; rebuffed advances from Clinton's political enemies who, in 1992, urged her to go public; and lied to Paula Jones' lawyers. She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators. (At the time, it was reasonable to suspect she'd be hauled before a grand jury.)

She granted media interviews only after her name was released by Paula Jones' lawyers, and after tabloids printed wildly untrue stories about her. Given her aversion to politics and celebrity, Broaddrick would seem to have little or nothing to gain by falsely accusing Clinton of rape. Clinton, on the other hand, has plenty to gain from falsely denying her charges."
Is Juanita Broaddrick Telling the Truth?

After all your years of lies?
Really hurts, huh?

Who’s lying? Hard to tell. And your little synopsis ignores Ken Starr’s threat of charges if she didn’t recant.

You’re cherry picking your facts here, leaving out her marriage and affair - which is motive to lie to both those men. You’re also leaving out her subsequent volunteer work on Bill Clinton’s political campaigns.

Her volunteering to work on Bill Clinton’s behalf is the biggest red flag in her story, other than she didn’t accuse Clinton of rape until after she was threatened with perjury charges. None of Roy Moore’s accusers worked to get him elected to any job.

I know of women who have worked at paid jobs with those who raped them. It didn’t end well. I know of NO ONE who volunteered to help their rapist do anything, much less run for public office.

So between the ever changing narrative, the threat of charges hanging over her head, and her proven record of being a liar and a cheat, I’m not buying it.

1. Had it not been for Trump's election....none of this would be happening!
With Hillary running, the whole rape-apologist program of the Democrats came to the the forefront....and they had to pretend that Trump was on the same level (the gutter) as Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Here's the 'divide:' the Democrats with at least a double digit IQ are ready to admit the truth, the rape history that the Right has been revealing about Clinton for...what....decades.

You, a total dunce, are still fighting the war you've lost.

2. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic


3. On the other side....lying low-life can't keep up with the program.

What utter bullshit. Broaddrick was the only woman to accuse Clinton of rape and only after being threatened with jail if she didn’t. Lewinsky and Flowers were willing participants. Jones and Willey turned him down and he didn’t rape either of them.

Paula Jones simply wanted an apology for being slandered in a magazine article but Republicans manufactured the whole “sexual harassment” case because that’s all they had to go after him with. The judge threw the case out - with prejudice which was just short of labelling it “malicious prosecution”.

Jones was out through the wringer for four years at the end of which she got $200,000 - or $50,000 per year, and no apology. The Republican Party lawyer’s kept the rest.

Bill Clinton is an opportunist, and an adulterer but the consistent thread in all of his advances was that he did take “No” for an answer.

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