Democracy is at risk

Just saying "don't do it," is not going to end it. We need to reorganize the government to properly deliberate issues. The three-part separation theory is improperly deployed and cannot handle the sophistication and diversity that the society has evolved to.
Very interesting point. What do you recommend?
I recommend that we begin figuring out the rules for deliberating issues here at USMB.

If not, then here at

I think campaign financing is a major player in the corruption. I’d start there
No. I highly recommend you start by recognizing a better separation schematic of the government. The checks and balances theory is probably a valid theory, but if there is any error in the separation schematic, then the balance of power is skewed and the checks on power are inaccurate.

Just because the guardians of the Constitution say that there are checks and balances, that does not mean they work correctly.
What do you think isn’t working correctly?
The entire government is a jalopy - it only works, because it is too big to fail. The principles described in the preamble are good, but the operations fail to achieve those goals, because it is a jalopy. You have heard politicians describe the Congress as "broken," they just don't know how to fix it. And it just goes on, and on.

It is quite possible that the Democrats are intent on breaking it completely, because that then will cause the commencement for reordering the government.
Congress is broken because those running it are more concerned with PR and fundraising than actually getting stuff done. That’s why our system is broken
Those are the symptoms of the diluting of the sovereignty of the legislative branch. It has been a slow erosion. The legislators/representatives have been corrupted by the outside forces that the checks and balances failed to guard.

There is another aspect to consider. What if there is no need for any new laws? What are the Congress members supposed to do to assure their constituents that they are doing what is necessary?

Do you think people watch their state and municipal politics as closely as the federal???
Last edited:
Many of these voting laws are an over reaction to start with.
Agreed. But our democracy is no where near at stake
But but but the government was almost overthrown on Jan 6th in the greatest threat to democracy since that attack on Pearl Harbor. :shok::shok::shok:
Civil War...
Meh, lets just divide the country and Dems can do whatever they want on their side of the border. Dems need us we don't need Dems we'll live happily ever after without Dems and the slime left.
If it weren't for the blue states you would be hurting and if it weren't for the Fed gov.
The federal government fucks us up the ass every day.

Keep your homo fantasies to yourself please!!!!
Many of these voting laws are an over reaction to start with.
Agreed. But our democracy is no where near at stake
But but but the government was almost overthrown on Jan 6th in the greatest threat to democracy since that attack on Pearl Harbor. :shok::shok::shok:
Civil War...
Meh, lets just divide the country and Dems can do whatever they want on their side of the border. Dems need us we don't need Dems we'll live happily ever after without Dems and the slime left.
If it weren't for the blue states you would be hurting and if it weren't for the Fed gov.
The federal government fucks us up the ass every day.
Speak for yourself buddy, I’m walking just fine. Go get yourself some lube
You're deluding yourself. We would all be much richer if we didn't have to turn over 50% of our income to one branch of government or another.

Any if you didn't pay taxes who would print the money that you love so much?
Banks, like they did a century ago.
How'd that work out?

There's a reason why people CHOSE to use federal currency.

Banks or anyone else can write their own notes...there's nothing to stop them or you.

Give it a shot a see how it works out!
Just saying "don't do it," is not going to end it. We need to reorganize the government to properly deliberate issues. The three-part separation theory is improperly deployed and cannot handle the sophistication and diversity that the society has evolved to.
Very interesting point. What do you recommend?
I recommend that we begin figuring out the rules for deliberating issues here at USMB.

If not, then here at

I think campaign financing is a major player in the corruption. I’d start there
No. I highly recommend you start by recognizing a better separation schematic of the government. The checks and balances theory is probably a valid theory, but if there is any error in the separation schematic, then the balance of power is skewed and the checks on power are inaccurate.

Just because the guardians of the Constitution say that there are checks and balances, that does not mean they work correctly.
What do you think isn’t working correctly?
The entire government is a jalopy - it only works, because it is too big to fail. The principles described in the preamble are good, but the operations fail to achieve those goals, because it is a jalopy. You have heard politicians describe the Congress as "broken," they just don't know how to fix it. And it just goes on, and on.

It is quite possible that the Democrats are intent on breaking it completely, because that then will cause the commencement for reordering the government.
Congress is broken because those running it are more concerned with PR and fundraising than actually getting stuff done. That’s why our system is broken
Mitch, "The Bitch" is the main reason our government is so poor.
Many of these voting laws are an over reaction to start with.
Agreed. But our democracy is no where near at stake
But but but the government was almost overthrown on Jan 6th in the greatest threat to democracy since that attack on Pearl Harbor. :shok::shok::shok:
Civil War...
Meh, lets just divide the country and Dems can do whatever they want on their side of the border. Dems need us we don't need Dems we'll live happily ever after without Dems and the slime left.
If it weren't for the blue states you would be hurting and if it weren't for the Fed gov.
The federal government fucks us up the ass every day.
Speak for yourself buddy, I’m walking just fine. Go get yourself some lube
You're deluding yourself. We would all be much richer if we didn't have to turn over 50% of our income to one branch of government or another.

Any if you didn't pay taxes who would print the money that you love so much?
Banks, like they did a century ago.

Well 330 million people would never be rich with a few million floating around the economy.
Many of these voting laws are an over reaction to start with.
Agreed. But our democracy is no where near at stake

In one way I agree but when you consider who it is doing all of this and ask yourself why we keep electing them it leads to the conclusion.
That’s a campaign finance issue which I think needs huge reform as it fosters nothing but corruption
Okay, do you have an idea for reform, or do you just want to issue the complaint and then assign the legislators to write the reforms???

I can guarantee you that once you start trying to write the directive system for the campaign finance reform, you will be compelled to understand the government operations a little bit better than what you do now, and then you will realize that it would be better to reorganize the whole thing to get everything aligned correctly.

As it is everything in the government is integrated without format - it is very messy.
Many of these voting laws are an over reaction to start with.
Agreed. But our democracy is no where near at stake
But but but the government was almost overthrown on Jan 6th in the greatest threat to democracy since that attack on Pearl Harbor. :shok::shok::shok:
Civil War...
Meh, lets just divide the country and Dems can do whatever they want on their side of the border. Dems need us we don't need Dems we'll live happily ever after without Dems and the slime left.
If it weren't for the blue states you would be hurting and if it weren't for the Fed gov.
The federal government fucks us up the ass every day.
Speak for yourself buddy, I’m walking just fine. Go get yourself some lube
You're deluding yourself. We would all be much richer if we didn't have to turn over 50% of our income to one branch of government or another.
I’m doing just fine. It’s all relative.
Sorry if you’re struggling
It’s so funny to see what “crisis” the partisans and media pick next. Now the voting laws are threatening our democracy!!!! Haha. Chill out people. Fine to discuss the voting process, but this hyperbolic end of the world scenario that both sides are painting is nothing more than a marketing tactic. They do it with every topic. Don’t play their game. It’s getting old
Marketing? "Crisis"? Everything is a crisis. Those idiots who keep doing audits and recounts even though finding something is not going to happen if it hasn't yet. Then there are the ones who say Trumps coming back in August. Delusional as he is. What these miscreants want to do is change the rules on voting rules to give them the edge. Especially using terrorist groups loyal to Trump as poll watchers. The stuff the Republicans are trying is to pull a fix on 2022 and 2024. They can't win on their platform. They don't have one. There only goal is to steal power and hold it so they can do the bidding of their rich overlords whose money keeps them in power and to stop the agenda of programs for working people and tax increases on billionaires who pay jack shit in taxes. They have half the people fooled into thinking these fools represent them. The republicans do nothing. McConnell passed little legislation that helps anyone of us. But loads the pockets of his wealthy controllers. They don't even try to hide it anymore. They packed the courts with Right wing judges and gerrymandered districts to consolidate their power. Meanwhile the dems are arguing about the filibuster and reconsiliation. They don't have the balls. If the table was turned every bill would pass because the Republicans don't give a shit.
Many of these voting laws are an over reaction to start with.
Agreed. But our democracy is no where near at stake
But but but the government was almost overthrown on Jan 6th in the greatest threat to democracy since that attack on Pearl Harbor. :shok::shok::shok:
Civil War...
Meh, lets just divide the country and Dems can do whatever they want on their side of the border. Dems need us we don't need Dems we'll live happily ever after without Dems and the slime left.
If it weren't for the blue states you would be hurting and if it weren't for the Fed gov.
The federal government fucks us up the ass every day.
Speak for yourself buddy, I’m walking just fine. Go get yourself some lube
You're deluding yourself. We would all be much richer if we didn't have to turn over 50% of our income to one branch of government or another.

Any if you didn't pay taxes who would print the money that you love so much?
Banks, like they did a century ago.
How'd that work out?

There's a reason why people CHOSE to use federal currency.

Banks or anyone else can write their own notes...there's nothing to stop them or you.

Give it a shot a see how it works out!
It worked great. The dollar was worth about twice as much in 1913 as it was worth in 1789. On the other hand, the creation of the Federal Reserve led to black Friday.
Many of these voting laws are an over reaction to start with.
Agreed. But our democracy is no where near at stake
But but but the government was almost overthrown on Jan 6th in the greatest threat to democracy since that attack on Pearl Harbor. :shok::shok::shok:
Civil War...
Meh, lets just divide the country and Dems can do whatever they want on their side of the border. Dems need us we don't need Dems we'll live happily ever after without Dems and the slime left.
If it weren't for the blue states you would be hurting and if it weren't for the Fed gov.
The federal government fucks us up the ass every day.
Speak for yourself buddy, I’m walking just fine. Go get yourself some lube
You're deluding yourself. We would all be much richer if we didn't have to turn over 50% of our income to one branch of government or another.
I’m doing just fine. It’s all relative.
Sorry if you’re struggling
I'm not deluded that the government takes half of what I earn.
Just saying "don't do it," is not going to end it. We need to reorganize the government to properly deliberate issues. The three-part separation theory is improperly deployed and cannot handle the sophistication and diversity that the society has evolved to.
Very interesting point. What do you recommend?
I recommend that we begin figuring out the rules for deliberating issues here at USMB.

If not, then here at

I think campaign financing is a major player in the corruption. I’d start there
No. I highly recommend you start by recognizing a better separation schematic of the government. The checks and balances theory is probably a valid theory, but if there is any error in the separation schematic, then the balance of power is skewed and the checks on power are inaccurate.

Just because the guardians of the Constitution say that there are checks and balances, that does not mean they work correctly.
What do you think isn’t working correctly?
The entire government is a jalopy - it only works, because it is too big to fail. The principles described in the preamble are good, but the operations fail to achieve those goals, because it is a jalopy. You have heard politicians describe the Congress as "broken," they just don't know how to fix it. And it just goes on, and on.

It is quite possible that the Democrats are intent on breaking it completely, because that then will cause the commencement for reordering the government.
Congress is broken because those running it are more concerned with PR and fundraising than actually getting stuff done. That’s why our system is broken

Our system is broken because it requires 60 votes in the Senate to get anything done. If you have 60 votes, then you probably have 95+ votes. IT means nothing gets done without unanimous consent...that isn't how Democracy is supposed to work.

But this system of filibustering to stop all legislation works for the politicians. They can make any idiotic promises they want to the voters because they know that nothing ever gets passed. They pretend to fight the good fight, but never win...but they can always blame the other side.

If it weren't for the filibuster, politicians would have NO EXCUSE. They'd have to live up to their promises...then let the public judge the outcome.
I like the 60 vote requirement. It forces bipartisanship. Problem now is both sides as so polarized and the focus is all about power not legislation. Also the fact there there are only two parties holding power. Break them up and getting bipartisan legislation passed is easier
Many of these voting laws are an over reaction to start with.
Agreed. But our democracy is no where near at stake
But but but the government was almost overthrown on Jan 6th in the greatest threat to democracy since that attack on Pearl Harbor. :shok::shok::shok:
Civil War...
Meh, lets just divide the country and Dems can do whatever they want on their side of the border. Dems need us we don't need Dems we'll live happily ever after without Dems and the slime left.
If it weren't for the blue states you would be hurting and if it weren't for the Fed gov.
The federal government fucks us up the ass every day.
Speak for yourself buddy, I’m walking just fine. Go get yourself some lube
You're deluding yourself. We would all be much richer if we didn't have to turn over 50% of our income to one branch of government or another.

Any if you didn't pay taxes who would print the money that you love so much?
Banks, like they did a century ago.
How'd that work out?

There's a reason why people CHOSE to use federal currency.

Banks or anyone else can write their own notes...there's nothing to stop them or you.

Give it a shot a see how it works out!
It worked great. The dollar was worth about twice as much in 1913 as it was worth in 1789. On the other hand, the creation of the Federal Reserve led to black Friday.

It did work.........As long as you understand that money would be very limited and people wouldn't be getting rich.
Just saying "don't do it," is not going to end it. We need to reorganize the government to properly deliberate issues. The three-part separation theory is improperly deployed and cannot handle the sophistication and diversity that the society has evolved to.
Very interesting point. What do you recommend?
I recommend that we begin figuring out the rules for deliberating issues here at USMB.

If not, then here at

I think campaign financing is a major player in the corruption. I’d start there
No. I highly recommend you start by recognizing a better separation schematic of the government. The checks and balances theory is probably a valid theory, but if there is any error in the separation schematic, then the balance of power is skewed and the checks on power are inaccurate.

Just because the guardians of the Constitution say that there are checks and balances, that does not mean they work correctly.
What do you think isn’t working correctly?
The entire government is a jalopy - it only works, because it is too big to fail. The principles described in the preamble are good, but the operations fail to achieve those goals, because it is a jalopy. You have heard politicians describe the Congress as "broken," they just don't know how to fix it. And it just goes on, and on.

It is quite possible that the Democrats are intent on breaking it completely, because that then will cause the commencement for reordering the government.
Congress is broken because those running it are more concerned with PR and fundraising than actually getting stuff done. That’s why our system is broken
Those are the symptoms of the diluting of the sovereignty of the legislative branch. It has been a slow erosion. The legislators/representatives have been corrupted by the outside forces that the checks and balances failed to guard.
Corruption comes from the millions of dollars needed to be raised to win elections
Just saying "don't do it," is not going to end it. We need to reorganize the government to properly deliberate issues. The three-part separation theory is improperly deployed and cannot handle the sophistication and diversity that the society has evolved to.
Very interesting point. What do you recommend?
I recommend that we begin figuring out the rules for deliberating issues here at USMB.

If not, then here at

I think campaign financing is a major player in the corruption. I’d start there
No. I highly recommend you start by recognizing a better separation schematic of the government. The checks and balances theory is probably a valid theory, but if there is any error in the separation schematic, then the balance of power is skewed and the checks on power are inaccurate.

Just because the guardians of the Constitution say that there are checks and balances, that does not mean they work correctly.
What do you think isn’t working correctly?
The entire government is a jalopy - it only works, because it is too big to fail. The principles described in the preamble are good, but the operations fail to achieve those goals, because it is a jalopy. You have heard politicians describe the Congress as "broken," they just don't know how to fix it. And it just goes on, and on.

It is quite possible that the Democrats are intent on breaking it completely, because that then will cause the commencement for reordering the government.
Congress is broken because those running it are more concerned with PR and fundraising than actually getting stuff done. That’s why our system is broken
Mitch, "The Bitch" is the main reason our government is so poor.
Agreed. Mitch sucks balls
Just saying "don't do it," is not going to end it. We need to reorganize the government to properly deliberate issues. The three-part separation theory is improperly deployed and cannot handle the sophistication and diversity that the society has evolved to.
Very interesting point. What do you recommend?
I recommend that we begin figuring out the rules for deliberating issues here at USMB.

If not, then here at

I think campaign financing is a major player in the corruption. I’d start there
No. I highly recommend you start by recognizing a better separation schematic of the government. The checks and balances theory is probably a valid theory, but if there is any error in the separation schematic, then the balance of power is skewed and the checks on power are inaccurate.

Just because the guardians of the Constitution say that there are checks and balances, that does not mean they work correctly.
What do you think isn’t working correctly?
The entire government is a jalopy - it only works, because it is too big to fail. The principles described in the preamble are good, but the operations fail to achieve those goals, because it is a jalopy. You have heard politicians describe the Congress as "broken," they just don't know how to fix it. And it just goes on, and on.

It is quite possible that the Democrats are intent on breaking it completely, because that then will cause the commencement for reordering the government.
Congress is broken because those running it are more concerned with PR and fundraising than actually getting stuff done. That’s why our system is broken
Those are the symptoms of the diluting of the sovereignty of the legislative branch. It has been a slow erosion. The legislators/representatives have been corrupted by the outside forces that the checks and balances failed to guard.
Corruption comes from the millions of dollars needed to be raised to win elections
Corruption comes from having the power to dispense trillions of dollars.
Just saying "don't do it," is not going to end it. We need to reorganize the government to properly deliberate issues. The three-part separation theory is improperly deployed and cannot handle the sophistication and diversity that the society has evolved to.
Very interesting point. What do you recommend?
I recommend that we begin figuring out the rules for deliberating issues here at USMB.

If not, then here at

I think campaign financing is a major player in the corruption. I’d start there
No. I highly recommend you start by recognizing a better separation schematic of the government. The checks and balances theory is probably a valid theory, but if there is any error in the separation schematic, then the balance of power is skewed and the checks on power are inaccurate.

Just because the guardians of the Constitution say that there are checks and balances, that does not mean they work correctly.
What do you think isn’t working correctly?
The entire government is a jalopy - it only works, because it is too big to fail. The principles described in the preamble are good, but the operations fail to achieve those goals, because it is a jalopy. You have heard politicians describe the Congress as "broken," they just don't know how to fix it. And it just goes on, and on.

It is quite possible that the Democrats are intent on breaking it completely, because that then will cause the commencement for reordering the government.
Congress is broken because those running it are more concerned with PR and fundraising than actually getting stuff done. That’s why our system is broken

Our system is broken because it requires 60 votes in the Senate to get anything done. If you have 60 votes, then you probably have 95+ votes. IT means nothing gets done without unanimous consent...that isn't how Democracy is supposed to work.

But this system of filibustering to stop all legislation works for the politicians. They can make any idiotic promises they want to the voters because they know that nothing ever gets passed. They pretend to fight the good fight, but never win...but they can always blame the other side.

If it weren't for the filibuster, politicians would have NO EXCUSE. They'd have to live up to their promises...then let the public judge the outcome.
I like the 60 vote requirement. It forces bipartisanship. Problem now is both sides as so polarized and the focus is all about power not legislation. Also the fact there there are only two parties holding power. Break them up and getting bipartisan legislation passed is easier
How do you break them up?
Many of these voting laws are an over reaction to start with.
Agreed. But our democracy is no where near at stake
But but but the government was almost overthrown on Jan 6th in the greatest threat to democracy since that attack on Pearl Harbor. :shok::shok::shok:
Civil War...
Meh, lets just divide the country and Dems can do whatever they want on their side of the border. Dems need us we don't need Dems we'll live happily ever after without Dems and the slime left.
If it weren't for the blue states you would be hurting and if it weren't for the Fed gov.
The federal government fucks us up the ass every day.
Speak for yourself buddy, I’m walking just fine. Go get yourself some lube
You're deluding yourself. We would all be much richer if we didn't have to turn over 50% of our income to one branch of government or another.

Any if you didn't pay taxes who would print the money that you love so much?
Banks, like they did a century ago.
How'd that work out?

There's a reason why people CHOSE to use federal currency.

Banks or anyone else can write their own notes...there's nothing to stop them or you.

Give it a shot a see how it works out!
It worked great. The dollar was worth about twice as much in 1913 as it was worth in 1789. On the other hand, the creation of the Federal Reserve led to black Friday.

It did work.........As long as you understand that money would be very limited and people wouldn't be getting rich.
John D. Rockefeller didn't get rich? Andrew Carnegie? J. P. Morgan?
Just saying "don't do it," is not going to end it. We need to reorganize the government to properly deliberate issues. The three-part separation theory is improperly deployed and cannot handle the sophistication and diversity that the society has evolved to.
Very interesting point. What do you recommend?
I recommend that we begin figuring out the rules for deliberating issues here at USMB.

If not, then here at

I think campaign financing is a major player in the corruption. I’d start there
No. I highly recommend you start by recognizing a better separation schematic of the government. The checks and balances theory is probably a valid theory, but if there is any error in the separation schematic, then the balance of power is skewed and the checks on power are inaccurate.

Just because the guardians of the Constitution say that there are checks and balances, that does not mean they work correctly.
What do you think isn’t working correctly?
The entire government is a jalopy - it only works, because it is too big to fail. The principles described in the preamble are good, but the operations fail to achieve those goals, because it is a jalopy. You have heard politicians describe the Congress as "broken," they just don't know how to fix it. And it just goes on, and on.

It is quite possible that the Democrats are intent on breaking it completely, because that then will cause the commencement for reordering the government.
Congress is broken because those running it are more concerned with PR and fundraising than actually getting stuff done. That’s why our system is broken
Those are the symptoms of the diluting of the sovereignty of the legislative branch. It has been a slow erosion. The legislators/representatives have been corrupted by the outside forces that the checks and balances failed to guard.
Corruption comes from the millions of dollars needed to be raised to win elections
Corruption comes from having the power to dispense trillions of dollars.
Corruption comes from the inadequate checks on power.

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