Democrat Congressman Jamaal Bowman Caught ILLEGALLY Pulling Fire Alarm at Capitol Ahead of Continuing Resolution Vote

Here's another corrupt fucking lying democrat. Now we know who's the problem.
If you look at Rosa DeLauro's face for more than 3 seconds, it will make you permanently impotent.
What am idiot.
Yes Petecea, you am idiot.

The Democrat is just doing what Democrats like to do which is to screw with your life and demand that you pay for said screwing.
Man, YOU are really dumb....

Code of the District of Columbia

§ 22–1319. False alarms and false reports; hoax weapons.​

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to willfully or knowingly give a false alarm of fire within the District of Columbia, and any person or persons violating the provisions of this subsection shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01 or by imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Prosecutions for violation of the provisions of this subsection shall be on information filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia by the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia.
Thank you for answering a simple question.
C’mon’ Jamal. What are you, 12 years old?

It’s clear the Dems/ Marxists want to sabotage efforts by the Republicans to hold the tax and spend Dems accountable, but this really should be an offense that gets this loser arrested.

False narratives; a stolen election; a President who lies, reverse lies, and dodges questions when he shows his back and marches away from real questions; like what happened to the billion dollars income from the Foreign aid packages passed by House and Senate: Not all of the Democrats condone the snubbery and extortions pulled by the President who pretends he has dementia to protect him from his foul hits on the Treasury Department by way of the laundry that the Foreign Aid Packages have been for the "poorest man in the Senate" he professed to be a decade or so ago. If he's deaf to turning America into a Communist hellhole, how much is he bilking the Drug Cartel multibillionaires for opening the American border, or is that just another of his admirers' false conspiracy theory charges?
What a shame for MAGAts he didn't beat up Capitol police. They like that kind of thing.
Reminds me of when Floyd Rioters injured 700 policeman...for 4 months in Minneapolis and BIden did not say a word about the riots for 4 months. Then Nasty Kamala came on TV and told them to keep fighting! She had a bail fund set up to let the thugs out again so they break into more stores.
C’mon’ Jamal. What are you, 12 years old?

It’s clear the Dems/ Marxists want to sabotage efforts by the Republicans to hold the tax and spend Dems accountable, but this really should be an offense that gets this loser arrested.

What a stupid stunt
Reminds me of when Floyd Rioters injured 700 policeman...for 4 months in Minneapolis and BIden did not say a word about the riots for 4 months. Then Nasty Kamala came on TV and told them to keep fighting! She had a bail fund set up to let the thugs out again so they break into more stores.
And arrested and charged and con-victed too. You left that part out.

Rep. Bowman under investigation for pulling fire alarm before government funding vote​

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) pulled a fire alarm in the Cannon House Office Building on Saturday ahead of the House passing a stopgap measure to fund the government ahead of the midnight deadline, causing the building to be evacuated.
Republicans are accusing Bowman of intentionally trying to sabotage the vote, launching an investigation into the incident and preparing legislation to expel him from the House.
But Bowman says it was an accident.
“Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote,” a Bowman spokesperson said in a statement to The Hill. “The Congressman regrets any confusion.”
Bowman later said that he thought pulling the alarm would open the door, Axios and other outlets reported.


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And arrested and charged and con-victed too. You left that part out.
Police officers make an arrest during a rally calling for justice over the death of George Floyd, in Brooklyn, New York, on 1 June 2020. Brooklyn’s prosecutor dropped 83% of 136 more serious criminal cases, and Manhattan’s prosecutor dropped about 64% of nearly 1,000 cases. Photograph: Wong Maye-E/AP
Overpoliced, underprotectedUS policing

Most charges against George Floyd protesters dropped, analysis shows​

Some prosecutors and law enforcement observers say departments carried out mass arrests as crowd control tactic

The vast majority of citations and charges against George Floyd protesters were ultimately dropped, dismissed or otherwise not filed, according to a Guardian analysis of law enforcement records and media reports in a dozen jurisdictions around the nation.

But some prosecutors and law enforcement observers charge that departments carried out mass arrests as a crowd control tactic, as a means to silence peaceful protesters, and as a public relations strategy designed to turn the public against demonstrators by making them appear more violent than they were. And what’s more – some of the citing officers never witnessed the protests in the first place.
“It sends a message that you might get arrested if you express your views and first amendment rights,” said Vera Eidelman, staff attorney with the ACLU’s speech, privacy and technology project. “Police absolutely should not be relying on mass arrests to control a crowd or silence people who they disagree with.”
In most of a dozen jurisdictions examined, at least 90% of cases were dropped or dismissed. In some cities, like Dallas and Philadelphia, as many as 95% of citations were dropped or not prosecuted.

In Houston, about 93% of citations were dropped; in Los Angeles, about 93% of citations were not filed. The prosecutor’s office in San Francisco dismissed all 127 cases related to “peaceful protest-related charges”, though data for more serious citations was not available.
Officials did not file charges for nearly all low-level offenses, like disobeying curfews, while they most often pursued cases with strong evidence of more serious crimes, like assault or looting. Still, data shows that a majority of felony charges were also dropped, which some prosecutors said was due to a lack of evidence.
The analysis does not include federal charges, and the figures are estimates that will change as the remaining cases play out in court. Police sent citations to a patchwork of agencies and departments in different cities where prosecutors, mayors or city attorneys largely made the call to drop charges.
Mayors in every city except Detroit dropped all citations over which they had jurisdiction. The administration of Mayor Mike Duggan, a former prosecutor, pursued a high number of low-level misdemeanor charges or ordinance violations, even though the demonstrations were largely peaceful. But district court judge Larry Williams Jr dismissed more than 100 cases because police refused to provide basic evidence, such as body-cam footage.

In most instances, Detroit officers who wrote tickets were not at the protests and didn’t actually witness the alleged crimes, said the National Lawyers Guild and Detroit Justice Center attorney Rubina Mustafa. Instead of continuing to attempt to prosecute with shoddy evidence, the city earlier this year dropped nearly 300 more citations, but has still pursued dozens of charges against protest organizers. All told, 93% of Detroit cases have been dropped.
Among those still facing charges is the Detroit Will Breathe organizer Tristan Taylor, who said the mass arrests across the country are “all about intimidation” of people who vocally oppose police brutality: “It says something about the nature of policing when that’s a uniform tactic.”
Officers arrest a protester near the police station in Detroit, Michigan, on 30 May 2020.

Officers arrest a protester near the police station in Detroit, Michigan, on 30 May 2020. Photograph: Seth Herald/AFP/Getty Images
The mass arrests were also part of a public relations campaign by Duggan and the Detroit police chief, James Craig, to paint the protesters as violent agitators and undermine their messaging, a strategy used by police in cities across the nation, said Tyler Crawford, the National Lawyers Guild director of mass defense.
“What they try to do is spin it and say ‘Look at how unlawful protesters are as is evidenced by all of these arrests that we’ve made,’” he said. “Then they hope people have stopped paying attention after six, 10, 12 months when prosecutors say, ‘Hey, we’ve got to drop these charges because these people shouldn’t have been arrested.’”
In Dallas, where more than 95% of cases were not filed, police represent an exception. The department dropped about 675 charges stemming from one protest because “the spirit of service to which the Dallas police department is committed would not be exemplified by moving forward with charges,” leadership explained in an August report. Still, it sent nearly 200 charges to the prosecutor’s office, of which about 85% were dropped or had not been filed as of September, though a department spokesperson did not know the outcome of eight cases.

In Philadelphia, police sent over 1,700 charges to the city and the office of the district attorney, Larry Krasner. Mayor Jim Kenney and Krasner dropped or are poised to drop about 95% of the charges, including all ordinance violations. Krasner is handling a large portion of the more serious misdemeanors and felonies with a restorative justice program that involves dropping charges upon completion of the program. It includes a mix of meeting with victims, community service and referrals to job and education programs. Only about 80 of the most serious charges have so far been filed.
“Police were making arrests as a form of crowd control, so in many instances there were no criminal charges to file,” a Krasner spokesperson, Jane Roh, said. “In other instances, there was simply not enough information to proceed on opening a criminal case.”
The number of dropped cases are also relatively high in cities that witnessed more violence. In Minneapolis, where Floyd was killed, more than 90% of cases were dropped by November, though a local Black Lives Matter leader told the Guardian that hundreds of charges that police made since then remain in legal limbo. Portland has also seen recent violent clashes between protesters and law enforcement. Still, only 15% of nearly 1,100 cases have been filed and 82% have been rejected by the Multnomah county prosecutor, Mike Schmidt.
Minneapolis state patrol arrest protesters on 7 October 2020.

Minneapolis state patrol arrest protesters on 7 October 2020. Photograph: Kerem Yucel/AFP/Getty Images
In New York City, more than 5,000 summonses that police wrote citywide for low-level offenses were dismissed by a summons court, according to the court’s chief clerk. Though the precise percentage is unclear, the National Lawyers Guild attorney Gideon Oliver, who coordinated defense for many of those cited, said the “vast majority”, if not all, of summonses were or will be dismissed. Meanwhile, Brooklyn’s prosecutor dropped 83% of 136 more serious criminal cases, and Manhattan’s prosecutor dropped about 64% of nearly 1,000 cases.

The mass arrests overwhelmed already strained criminal justice systems by forcing them to contend with processing thousands of protesters. That resulted in delayed arraignments and kept high numbers of inmates crowded in small New York jails for up to days at a time during the pandemic, Crawford said.
“The police response created this whole additional public health crisis that wasn’t something people talked about much, but, in the moment, that was one of the biggest issues we were concerned about,” he said.
Moreover, forcing the criminal justice system to process thousands of cases based on flimsy evidence that probably would not result in prosecutions represented an enormous waste of tax dollars and time, observers said.
“That’s not what the government should be doing,” Eidelman said. “It points to an excessive use of governmental authority.
He says it was an accident, as he thought it would open a door.

What a liar...

"Bowman’s office said it was an accident, and the congressman told reporters later Saturday: “I was trying to get to a door. I thought the alarm would open the door and I pulled the fire alarm to open the door by accident.”

“I was just trying to get to my vote and the door that’s usually open wasn’t open, it was closed,” Bowman added."

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