Democrat Election Strategy: Buy Absentee Ballots


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I predict that a major factor in next year's elections will be a Democrat-sponsored drive to reward people for registering to vote and requesting absentee ballots, with further rewards for bringing those ballots into "voter assistance centers" where they can be "helped" in filling them out and mailing them. What a wonderful public service!
Simply saying that I am not going to abolish the epa, ssi, medicare, VA, Energy department, etc is quite enough of a strategy to beat you. lol
Absentee ballots have always been the favorite method of Republican vote fraud. First, there's no guarantee at all that the person named on the ballot is the person who filled it out, other than an easily forged signature. Second, there's no guarantee that the person didn't fill out the ballot under duress or coercion, such as with a bullied spouse or confused elderly person.

So, that's another reason why Republicans squeal about voter ID fraud that never happens. That big lie deflects attention away from the precious, precious absentee ballot fraud that Republicans depend on so heavily.

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