Democrat motive for $15 minimum wage?

Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?

Has it happened in Seattle?
Seattle is becoming a real shit hole too.

DemTardia Disease is spreading throughout the DemTard States.

But DemTards don't care as long as they don't get cut off from their supplies of Brown Latino Slaves and their children which they want to molest.
Did you say "real" crimes. Crossing into our country without going through the process is a REAL crime. Just because Democrats don't want it to be, doesn't make it so. Pass an open border law if you don't like it, but as it stands, you should be deported if you enter into our country illegally. Democrats have forgotten the definition of illegal. is called Trespassing

So then I guess you are ok with allowing trespassing on your personal property. Not only will they walk across, hunt or whatever else they please to do, but they will build a house as well, right on the corner of your property. Who cares, afterall, it is just trespassing. Call the cops and they will just ignore them because you may live in a trespassing free zone. Heck, they may even ask you to pay their doctor bills and to cast a vote in your HOA, with you paying the HOA fees of course. See the thing is, it is only fair because you have property with space for them and you have the financial means to help.

Funny, but Democrats would put a stop this nonsense very quickly if the scenario above played out on Pelosi's property. But, she likely either lives in a gated community or has a gate and a wall around her mansion.
I do not hunt them down and lock their children in cages
Umm, yes you do support locking illegals in detention centers, since that is US Law in place during The Obama Administration when he had a Democrat Super Majority. and has not changed due to DemTard Obstructionism.

Sorry, but your Lame Ass DemTard Congress and Dip Shit Moron Magic Muslim caused this with their Idiotic policies, and now we are forced to follow the laws YOU MADE.
No it wasn’t

Obama locked up criminals, Trump locks up Trespassers

Trespassing is a crime.
Illegal aliens are cheap labor, We killed off exploitation of cheap labor, IE, Slavery, back in 1865. Liberals have a new name for that TA DA! Diversity! Or as what liberals call it "undocumented immigrants". is it any wonder Hispanic illegal aliens get special treatment and sanctuary cities? To PRAPHRASE Wilde: the exploitation that has no name...
my ass they do. Brainwashed functional moron. They don't vote they don't get welfare they pay taxes they all work. They do get to go to school. Pass a national ID card and end this GOP scam. Idiot. Sorry just trying to get your attention LOL

I would consider it prettty special when they have broken our laws and don't have to pay the price and instead get sanctuary from the law in liberal areas. Only ignorant folks can't see this.
sanctuary law makes it possible for witnesses who are illegals to stop the real criminals without having to worry about being deported. Pass the damn ID card immigration law.

Did you say "real" crimes. Crossing into our country without going through the process is a REAL crime. Just because Democrats don't want it to be, doesn't make it so. Pass an open border law if you don't like it, but as it stands, you should be deported if you enter into our country illegally. Democrats have forgotten the definition of illegal. is called Trespassing

And is a crime.
$15 an hour will make LESS people dependent on Government support


tl ; dr is called Trespassing

So then I guess you are ok with allowing trespassing on your personal property. Not only will they walk across, hunt or whatever else they please to do, but they will build a house as well, right on the corner of your property. Who cares, afterall, it is just trespassing. Call the cops and they will just ignore them because you may live in a trespassing free zone. Heck, they may even ask you to pay their doctor bills and to cast a vote in your HOA, with you paying the HOA fees of course. See the thing is, it is only fair because you have property with space for them and you have the financial means to help.

Funny, but Democrats would put a stop this nonsense very quickly if the scenario above played out on Pelosi's property. But, she likely either lives in a gated community or has a gate and a wall around her mansion.
I do not hunt them down and lock their children in cages
Umm, yes you do support locking illegals in detention centers, since that is US Law in place during The Obama Administration when he had a Democrat Super Majority. and has not changed due to DemTard Obstructionism.

Sorry, but your Lame Ass DemTard Congress and Dip Shit Moron Magic Muslim caused this with their Idiotic policies, and now we are forced to follow the laws YOU MADE.
No it wasn’t

Obama locked up criminals, Trump locks up Trespassers

Trespassing is a crime.

So give them a $50 fine
my ass they do. Brainwashed functional moron. They don't vote they don't get welfare they pay taxes they all work. They do get to go to school. Pass a national ID card and end this GOP scam. Idiot. Sorry just trying to get your attention LOL

I would consider it prettty special when they have broken our laws and don't have to pay the price and instead get sanctuary from the law in liberal areas. Only ignorant folks can't see this.
sanctuary law makes it possible for witnesses who are illegals to stop the real criminals without having to worry about being deported. Pass the damn ID card immigration law.

Did you say "real" crimes. Crossing into our country without going through the process is a REAL crime. Just because Democrats don't want it to be, doesn't make it so. Pass an open border law if you don't like it, but as it stands, you should be deported if you enter into our country illegally. Democrats have forgotten the definition of illegal. is called Trespassing

And is a crime.
ButThe GOP gives them an open invitation to come here and work. We need an ID card like other countries have to end this stupid GOP scam, brainwashed functional moron. And originally in the 2010 Democratic comprehensive bill.
I would consider it prettty special when they have broken our laws and don't have to pay the price and instead get sanctuary from the law in liberal areas. Only ignorant folks can't see this.
sanctuary law makes it possible for witnesses who are illegals to stop the real criminals without having to worry about being deported. Pass the damn ID card immigration law.

Did you say "real" crimes. Crossing into our country without going through the process is a REAL crime. Just because Democrats don't want it to be, doesn't make it so. Pass an open border law if you don't like it, but as it stands, you should be deported if you enter into our country illegally. Democrats have forgotten the definition of illegal. is called Trespassing

And is a crime.
ButThe GOP gives them an open invitation to come here and work. We need an ID card like other countries have to end this stupid GOP scam, brainwashed functional moron. And originally in the 2010 Democratic comprehensive bill.
And the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing and is unamerican
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?

Has it happened in Seattle?
Seattle is becoming a real shit hole too.

DemTardia Disease is spreading throughout the DemTard States.

But DemTards don't care as long as they don't get cut off from their supplies of Brown Latino Slaves and their children which they want to molest.
It would help if the red States would act civilized. California and blue States have Medicaid etc. You people are so stupid. LOL not to mention racist brainwashed fools who vote for the greedy idiot Rich GOP rich every time LOL aaarrrggghhh
I do not hunt them down and lock their children in cages
Umm, yes you do support locking illegals in detention centers, since that is US Law in place during The Obama Administration when he had a Democrat Super Majority. and has not changed due to DemTard Obstructionism.

Sorry, but your Lame Ass DemTard Congress and Dip Shit Moron Magic Muslim caused this with their Idiotic policies, and now we are forced to follow the laws YOU MADE.
No it wasn’t

Obama locked up criminals, Trump locks up Trespassers

It's already been proven you are a liar, trollholio

Now you have to double down on stupid to show us how uninformed you are?

And BTW , why is your pole smoking party's Der Liphuckistan Leadership voting against beds for kids?


In this June 18, 2014 photo, two female detainees sleep in a holding cell, as the children are separated by age group and gender, at a US Customs and Border Protection center in Nogales, Arizona.

Recently released data on the number of arrests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) shows that they are arresting many fewer illegal immigrants under Trump’s administration than under President Obama’s, at least through June of 2018. During the first full 17 months of the Obama administration, from February 2009 through June 2010, ICE arrested 437,671 illegal immigrants. For the same first full 17 months of the Trump administration, ICE arrested 226,138 illegal immigrants, about half the number arrested during the same period in Obama’s administration.

President Barack Obama separated parents from their children at the border.

Obama prosecuted mothers for coming to the United States illegally. He fast tracked deportations. And yes, he housed unaccompanied children in tent cities.

Obama’s policy helped create the road map of enforcement that Trump has been following — and building on.

Obama took several actions that led to an outcry of fear and distrust, though his actions failed to get the attention the Trump administration has.

The White House declined to comment on specific actions of previous presidents. But a DHS official said it’s frustrating to be blamed for conditions at facilities that predate Trump and for creating new policies that were already in action.

A federal judge in California ruled that the Obama administration was violating a 20-year old case, known as Flores when it kept families detained for longer than 20 days. The Trump administration has used the Flores settlement as the backbone for the separation practice and Wednesday’s order will likely cause more court challenges to Flores.

Chris Chmielenski, Numbers USA’s director of content and activism, said the Obama administration was put “under incredible pressure” not to hold families. Chmielenski argued the administration didn’t fight hard enough. “It’s part of the reason we’re in the position we are in,” he said.

Obama took other controversial steps as well, including fighting to block efforts to require unaccompanied children to have legal representation and barring detained mothers with their children from being released on bond.

The administration also deported a teenage mother and her son back to Honduras soon after she attempted suicide at Texas family detention center.
All these people are looking for asylum from their GOP War on Drugs shitholecountries whichwe should be helping. They should be given a place or telephone number to call so they can get a date to go to court. 98% show up. This is a manufactured crisis from the conman to the dupes. A disgrace, brainwashed functional moron... GOP America is a bunch of crap only propaganda makes possible.
Fuck all those people. And Fuck you assholes who think Drugs, Pedophilia and Human Trafficking are OK.

Your LibTard DemNazi Sanctuary Cities are littered with Human Feces, Heroin Needles and Homeless Illegal Criminals.

Other LibTard Cities a woman or child will get raped by your LibTard Islamic Radical Allies who practice Sharia Law, or as I like to call it, Toilet Paper to wipe your ass with.

Fuck LibTardia, Fuck Socialism, Fuck The Dem Tard Party...

But mostly FUCK YOU and your BULLSHIT LIES.

Let's cut Foreign Aide to Zero World Wide, and then let's take care of American Citizens, and Shoot everyone else.

If that's not ok with you, then you can help deport these parasites.
They all work like crazy. But it is great to get the racist bigot get off my lawn Outlook. Nobody is for pedophilia illegal drugs, brainwashed functional moron. Everything you know is garbage propaganda, racist bigot.
$15 an hour will make LESS people dependent on Government support

Another excellent comment from the dupes.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?

Has it happened in Seattle?
Seattle is becoming a real shit hole too.

DemTardia Disease is spreading throughout the DemTard States.

But DemTards don't care as long as they don't get cut off from their supplies of Brown Latino Slaves and their children which they want to molest.

Will there be a time before you die that you will speak in English instead of conserva-gibberish?
CBO estimates 1.3 to 3.7 million jobs lost from $15/hr minimum wage. More Democrat voters! Yay!
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power

$15 would more than recoup. Highest it's ever been in 2019$ terms is $11 in the 60's.

So why the fuck are we talking about $15 on a Federal level when our current minimum wage has been inflation battered $7.25 for a decade. How about a cool $10 first?
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power

$15 would more than recoup. Highest it's ever been in 2019$ terms is $11 in the 60's.

So why the fuck are we talking about $15 on a Federal level when our current minimum wage has been inflation battered $7.25 for a decade. How about a cool $10 first?
Incrementally raise it
$10 at first
Then $12.50 and link future increases to inflation
Congress has shown they can’t be trusted to look out after low wage earners. They do a good job looking out for the rich though
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power

$15 would more than recoup. Highest it's ever been in 2019$ terms is $11 in the 60's.

So why the fuck are we talking about $15 on a Federal level when our current minimum wage has been inflation battered $7.25 for a decade. How about a cool $10 first?
Incrementally raise it
$10 at first
Then $12.50 and link future increases to inflation
Congress has shown they can’t be trusted to look out after low wage earners. They do a good job looking out for the rich though

I'm there with you, but Democrats running for office keep talking about national $15 minimum wage
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power

$15 would more than recoup. Highest it's ever been in 2019$ terms is $11 in the 60's.

So why the fuck are we talking about $15 on a Federal level when our current minimum wage has been inflation battered $7.25 for a decade. How about a cool $10 first?
Incrementally raise it
$10 at first
Then $12.50 and link future increases to inflation
Congress has shown they can’t be trusted to look out after low wage earners. They do a good job looking out for the rich though

So, you'll incrementally raise inflation and SLOWLY put people out of work. Very wise....not.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power

$15 would more than recoup. Highest it's ever been in 2019$ terms is $11 in the 60's.

So why the fuck are we talking about $15 on a Federal level when our current minimum wage has been inflation battered $7.25 for a decade. How about a cool $10 first?
Incrementally raise it
$10 at first
Then $12.50 and link future increases to inflation
Congress has shown they can’t be trusted to look out after low wage earners. They do a good job looking out for the rich though

I'm there with you, but Democrats running for office keep talking about national $15 minimum wage
Realistically, they will not demand it tomorrow
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power

$15 would more than recoup. Highest it's ever been in 2019$ terms is $11 in the 60's.

So why the fuck are we talking about $15 on a Federal level when our current minimum wage has been inflation battered $7.25 for a decade. How about a cool $10 first?
Incrementally raise it
$10 at first
Then $12.50 and link future increases to inflation
Congress has shown they can’t be trusted to look out after low wage earners. They do a good job looking out for the rich though

So, you'll incrementally raise inflation and SLOWLY put people out of work. Very wise....not.

So your position is that minimum wage should never have been increased

We have a booming economy. Our businesses are more than capable of raising the wage for our lowest paid workers
So your position is that minimum wage should never have been increased

My position is that there should be NO federal minimum wage. With such great variations in the cost of living, why not leave that determination to the states/localities?

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