Democrat motive for $15 minimum wage?

It used to be the responsibility of the individual to work him or herself up to higher wage jobs. Democrats want to change all that and punish businesses instead.

Not anymore. That guy slipping fries into the oil demands 30 bucks an hour.
No...only $15 an hour

A bargain

A robot can do that for pennies.
tax artificial persons not real persons!

Who do that. I aint paying AI anything.
I worked for minimum once-the rest of the time I got raises on merit-the lazy did not.
I worked minimum wage while I was in college in the early 70s
Made $2.10 an hour

For that $2.10 an hour, I was able to pay for my $650 a year tuition just working three months over the summer.

At today’s $7.25, it would take six months work to pay that tuition
I applaud your work ethic. If you take a job that pays minimum, then you plan the raises you think you should get or get another job. Or go to school like you did.
It is difficult for someone working only a few months a year to negotiate a higher wage. I could pay for a year of college working minimum wage, todays students can’t.

What if a minimum wage worker wants to save for a car?
When I made $2.10 an hour, it would have taken me six months to save up to buy a brand new car (around $2,000)

Today it would take a minimum wage worker over a year.

Buy gas for that car?
For $2.10 I could buy 7 gallons of gas in the early 70s
For $7.25 today you only get 2 1/2 gallons

It would take a $15 minimum wage just to have the buying power I had at $2.10 in the 70s
My point is there are ways for the go getters to do this-I worked full time while attending school. If a person stays at minimum making no effort to improve himself, he deserves it. You don't have to own a car or expensive cell phone either-never had one.
Minimum wage applies to ALL minimum wage workers, not just the go getters
As I have shown in multiple examples, the buying power of that minimum wage is half of what I had in the 1970s

It would take a $15 wage to duplicate what I had available in the 70s at $2.10 an hour
Apples and oranges-you can't compare eras equally-I worked before OSHA-I have scars from certain jobs and had operations from work accidents too. Got the day off but that was it-who do I complain to now? Some things were better, some worse.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
/—-/ In addition, Union contracts are tied to the minimum wage. So every dollar increase in the MW equals an automatic increase in union wages. (Not all, but many) then the Union takes dues and sends them to the DNC.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power
That's pure ignorance. When minimum wage increases, the price for everything increases.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power
That's pure ignorance. When minimum wage increases, the price for everything increases.
History shows it doesn’t
When CEO pay increases, does the price of a burger go up?
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power
That's pure ignorance. When minimum wage increases, the price for everything increases.
History shows it doesn’t
When CEO pay increases, does the price of a burger go up?
BS. I live in Washington state and our minimum wage is $12/hr. I've witnessed the increase in everything over the last 5 years when minimum wage was $9 to where it is now. It's common sense. I've seen fast food lunches go from $5 to $8 and $9 in that time. You're not dealing with reality. You must think the business owner is going to take the loss in paying higher wages instead of raising prices. Nope. Talk about a con game. There is no increase in buying power for the minimum wage worker, or for anyone.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power
That's pure ignorance. When minimum wage increases, the price for everything increases.
History shows it doesn’t
When CEO pay increases, does the price of a burger go up?
BS. I live in Washington state and our minimum wage is $12/hr. I've witnessed the increase in everything over the last 5 years when minimum wage was $9 to where it is now. It's common sense. I've seen fast food lunches go from $5 to $8 and $9 in that time. You're not dealing with reality. You must think the business owner is going to take the loss in paying higher wages instead of raising prices. Nope. Talk about a con game. There is no increase in buying power for the minimum wage worker, or for anyone.
Happening all over the country
Not just Washington
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power
That's pure ignorance. When minimum wage increases, the price for everything increases.
History shows it doesn’t
When CEO pay increases, does the price of a burger go up?
BS. I live in Washington state and our minimum wage is $12/hr. I've witnessed the increase in everything over the last 5 years when minimum wage was $9 to where it is now. It's common sense. I've seen fast food lunches go from $5 to $8 and $9 in that time. You're not dealing with reality. You must think the business owner is going to take the loss in paying higher wages instead of raising prices. Nope. Talk about a con game. There is no increase in buying power for the minimum wage worker, or for anyone.
Happening all over the country
Not just Washington
Yep, and it's nothing but a con game. Raising minimum wage doesn't increase the buying power of minimum wage workers. In fact, it hurts the buying power of retired seniors on fixed incomes.
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power
That's pure ignorance. When minimum wage increases, the price for everything increases.
History shows it doesn’t
When CEO pay increases, does the price of a burger go up?
BS. I live in Washington state and our minimum wage is $12/hr. I've witnessed the increase in everything over the last 5 years when minimum wage was $9 to where it is now. It's common sense. I've seen fast food lunches go from $5 to $8 and $9 in that time. You're not dealing with reality. You must think the business owner is going to take the loss in paying higher wages instead of raising prices. Nope. Talk about a con game. There is no increase in buying power for the minimum wage worker, or for anyone.
Happening all over the country
Not just Washington
Yep, and it's nothing but a con game. Raising minimum wage doesn't increase the buying power of minimum wage workers. In fact, it hurts the buying power of retired seniors on fixed incomes.
That money goes right into the economy. The assumption that minimum wage increases would be negated by a dollar for dollar inflation increase is a conservative myth
That's pure ignorance. When minimum wage increases, the price for everything increases.
History shows it doesn’t
When CEO pay increases, does the price of a burger go up?
BS. I live in Washington state and our minimum wage is $12/hr. I've witnessed the increase in everything over the last 5 years when minimum wage was $9 to where it is now. It's common sense. I've seen fast food lunches go from $5 to $8 and $9 in that time. You're not dealing with reality. You must think the business owner is going to take the loss in paying higher wages instead of raising prices. Nope. Talk about a con game. There is no increase in buying power for the minimum wage worker, or for anyone.
Happening all over the country
Not just Washington
Yep, and it's nothing but a con game. Raising minimum wage doesn't increase the buying power of minimum wage workers. In fact, it hurts the buying power of retired seniors on fixed incomes.
That money goes right into the economy. The assumption that minimum wage increases would be negated by a dollar for dollar inflation increase is a conservative myth

So why not raise the minimum to $30? If it helps the economy so much, that seems like a no brainer. It is rather obvious that not much thought has been put into the $15 wage because our country has much different costs of living from state to state. It is an arbitrary number thought up by left-wingers to get votes from the lower class. Unfortunately, we have many middle class folks who are too ignorant to see the ploy. Stop falling for the nonsense.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.
Guess how they will vote?

That has got to be one of the most ridiculous posts and logic I've seen from you far right radical extremists.

There will always be entry level jobs. Just because an employer has to pay a living wage doesn't mean there will no longer be the need for entry level positions. Where do you get this garbage anyway?

All you have to do is look at the unemployment rate in Seattle where the minimum wage is 15 dollars an hour to see the results of a living minimum wage.

The unemployment rate in Seattle is 2.6%. According to you, unemployment should be rampant but we have much lower unemployment than in the very conservative Spokane County where the minimum wage isn't 15 dollars an hour. The unemployment rate there is 5%. Basically nearly twice the rate as Seattle.

In the years leading up to the 15 dollar minimum wage you far right radical extremists were screaming that it would destroy Seattle and no one would have jobs. You all said it would destroy small businesses. All of what you all said would happen, didn't happen. All of what people like me said would happen, did happen.

Anyone who actually believes low wages is good for our nation is either out of their mind or lying through their teeth.

Seattle, WA Unemployment Rate

Spokane County unemployment rate drops to 5% in May
That's pure ignorance. When minimum wage increases, the price for everything increases.
History shows it doesn’t
When CEO pay increases, does the price of a burger go up?
BS. I live in Washington state and our minimum wage is $12/hr. I've witnessed the increase in everything over the last 5 years when minimum wage was $9 to where it is now. It's common sense. I've seen fast food lunches go from $5 to $8 and $9 in that time. You're not dealing with reality. You must think the business owner is going to take the loss in paying higher wages instead of raising prices. Nope. Talk about a con game. There is no increase in buying power for the minimum wage worker, or for anyone.
Happening all over the country
Not just Washington
Yep, and it's nothing but a con game. Raising minimum wage doesn't increase the buying power of minimum wage workers. In fact, it hurts the buying power of retired seniors on fixed incomes.
That money goes right into the economy. The assumption that minimum wage increases would be negated by a dollar for dollar inflation increase is a conservative myth
You're not dealing with reality. A senior living on a thousand a month loses buying power every time prices go up. Every time seniors get a cost of living raise their Medicare increase takes it.
Sure it has. Many states and municipalities have higher min wage than the federal one. So the only question is why must you LIE to press your "Worker's Paradise" narrative, Comrade?
Some do, many don’t. Time to look at the interests of min wage workers instead of employers who are exploiting them
You claimed "A wage that hasn’t been raised in ten years" in the knowledge that states and municipal gov'ts have indeed raised their mins.

Once more for the LYING, brain-dead leftard: this country doesn't need more big, greasy, corrupt central gov't control over domestic issues.
The GOP is the swamp, brainwashed functional moron.

You are the one who is brainwashed. Let me guess, you actually believe the Democrats when they tell you that you didn't get a tax cut from Trump. If they say it enough, the sheep believe it.
Yes in the entire world of respected journalists and law enforcement, only High School grad ex Coke head DJs like rush and Sean know the truth....
$15 an hour will make LESS people dependent on Government support

So naive and ignorant. This is not how it works. Remember how Democrats have said that raising taxes(tarriffs) on corporations is just a tax on the consumer? Well, corporations do pass along their expenses and that includes to a VERY large extent, their payroll. Many times, these companies will automate because the long term cost of the payroll surpasses the cost of automation. These un-skilled folks with then be out of a job entirely. For those who keep their jobs, they will be paying more for the products they buy and their net gain is minimal if at all.

Keep in mind, many of these low-skilled jobs are taken by teenagers to earn extra money. Sorry, but $15/hr mandatory wage (31k/yr) for a McDonald's drive-thru worker or an ice cream scooper in most states is ridiculous. These jobs require very little skill if any. If you want to make 31k, learn a skill.
and of course Republicans will make that as expensive and difficult as possible in order to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share....
You are the one who is brainwashed. Let me guess, you actually believe the Democrats when they tell you that you didn't get a tax cut from Trump. If they say it enough, the sheep believe it.
Yes in the entire world of respected journalists and law enforcement, only High School grad ex Coke head DJs like rush and Sean know the truth....
WTF do L.E. officers and journalists know about your tax break? WTF is wrong with you?
And WTF are "respected journalists" these days? Lemme guess ... anyone at CNN/PMSNBC? :laughing0301:
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$15 an hour will make LESS people dependent on Government support

So naive and ignorant. This is not how it works. Remember how Democrats have said that raising taxes(tarriffs) on corporations is just a tax on the consumer? Well, corporations do pass along their expenses and that includes to a VERY large extent, their payroll. Many times, these companies will automate because the long term cost of the payroll surpasses the cost of automation. These un-skilled folks with then be out of a job entirely. For those who keep their jobs, they will be paying more for the products they buy and their net gain is minimal if at all.

Keep in mind, many of these low-skilled jobs are taken by teenagers to earn extra money. Sorry, but $15/hr mandatory wage (31k/yr) for a McDonald's drive-thru worker or an ice cream scooper in most states is ridiculous. These jobs require very little skill if any. If you want to make 31k, learn a skill.
and of course Republicans will make that as expensive and difficult as possible in order to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share....
But then the truth is this admin is working to make non-4 yr training and apprenticeships more available and more affordable.

So why is it you never know the facts but are always quick to sell your class warfare, Comrade Franco?

Commie much?
History shows it doesn’t
When CEO pay increases, does the price of a burger go up?
BS. I live in Washington state and our minimum wage is $12/hr. I've witnessed the increase in everything over the last 5 years when minimum wage was $9 to where it is now. It's common sense. I've seen fast food lunches go from $5 to $8 and $9 in that time. You're not dealing with reality. You must think the business owner is going to take the loss in paying higher wages instead of raising prices. Nope. Talk about a con game. There is no increase in buying power for the minimum wage worker, or for anyone.
Happening all over the country
Not just Washington
Yep, and it's nothing but a con game. Raising minimum wage doesn't increase the buying power of minimum wage workers. In fact, it hurts the buying power of retired seniors on fixed incomes.
That money goes right into the economy. The assumption that minimum wage increases would be negated by a dollar for dollar inflation increase is a conservative myth
You're not dealing with reality. A senior living on a thousand a month loses buying power every time prices go up. Every time seniors get a cost of living raise their Medicare increase takes it.
you GOP dupes will come up with all kinds of garbage arguments that have nothing to do with reality. The important thing for you is to save the rich. Brainwashed functional morons. By the way retired people who earn less than 1300 some dollars get Medicaid to cover the rest Medicare does not. Of course that is in civilized Democratic states. you are a brainwashed functional moron.

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