Democrat playbook never changes, HEEERE Comes the War on Women Again!

Yep! After being gone for four years after Romney lost, suddenly there's a war on women again. What could have happened to precipitate that???? Ooooooo let me think. . . .

Could it be Trump winning?????? I think so!!! Same old, dull playbook, they never learn. They just regurgitate the same failed crap.

Liberals revive anti-women narrative for the Trump era

The left is doubling down on its “war on women” narrative, organizing tens of thousands of demonstrators to converge on the nation’s capital for the Women’s March on Washington the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration.

The event, which will be attended by feminist icon Gloria Steinem and representatives from Planned Parenthood, aims to send the “bold message” that “women’s rights are human rights” to the unified Republican government on its first full day in office.

Pro-choice activists will spread that message nationwide ahead of the inauguration. The abortion rights coalition All* Above All is launching this week a six-figure ad campaign called “We Will Be BOLD. We Won’t Be PUNISHED” that condemns the president-elect’s stance on abortion and comments he made about women during the presidential race.

Debbie Brown, executive director of the conservative Colorado Women’s Alliance, accused the leftist activists of addressing women’s rights with a goal of disrupting any efforts for unity.

“They are reviving a War on Women 2.0 that focuses much more on division than collaboration,” Ms. Brown said.

Efforts like the Women’s March on Washington falsely claim to speak for all women, she said, pointing out that Mr. Trump won the majority of votes of white women.

Liberals revive anti-women narrative for the Trump era

Keep it up liberals. Keep running the same failed plays.

I applaud you!
Fuck women. They didn't vote for hillary so they get everything they get. Trump the pussy grabber hired Roger ailes who forced news women to have sex with him to climb the ladder or be fired. I have concluded women love to be treated like shit and taken care of. They deserve 75 cents to every dollar we make. They don't deserve to have the choice. The men who knock them up will have to pay for the children but no more abortions. Us white old men will decide for you. Or subservient women like Michelle bachman.

Who hates women more than men? Women!

And all those pro choice 18 year olds who didn't vote at all? Or any poor women with a kid on obamacare? Ha ha
So after hitting on 20 and busting, they have decided to double down and hit on 20 again....

It's all they have is the same tired old play book they have had for 50 years and going.

Even the Russian hacking the election is not new.

The tried the same thing after the Reagan election by claiming Reagan made a deal with the Iranians not to release the hostages until after the election. Not a shred of evidence for it has ever come out, yet it's the same bit. A "foreign power" interfering with our "due process" that should have elected a Democrat, yadda yadda yadda.
. Another idiotic playbook they love to play, is the accusations of racism, white supremacists, klu Klux Klan etc.against Trump..

Ok, so let's see now "the blacks" were known to have voted for Obama in the 90+ percentile range right ??? Well why didn't the conservatives steal a page from the leftist playbook, and accuse Obama of being associated with black supremacists, black racist, black radicals, Louis Farrakhan, Black Panthers etc. ?????? Hmmm. Now wouldn't anybody get a clue that if over 90% of a race voted for Obama, then one has to ask does Obama except the entire 90% in which includes those I have listed above ?? The libs want to associate Trump with the bad elements that might have been found as supporters, but did that make Trump them ??? Nope...

How come the libs didn't associate Obama with the bad elements among his supporters ?? Oh that's right it doesn't work that way does it ?? Only works in the direction they want it to, and only for their political purposes in order to gain or hold power. The war on women is just another attempt to try and bring a group against Trump in an effort to make him look like a monster is all. You would think that they would get tired after a while or get tired of looking like fools.

The right did do that !!!

They claimed it was racism that 90 % of blacks voted for obama .
It isn't?

No. was it racist when about the same % voted for John Kerry ?
. Ok so Trump's racist because a very small amount of radicals among the whites support Trump ? Why not apply the same standards to Obama ? Hmmm or were their way more radicals among the group that voted for Obama, and by this it put the democrats in damage control mode for 8 long years ??
Yep! After being gone for four years after Romney lost, suddenly there's a war on women again. What could have happened to precipitate that???? Ooooooo let me think. . . .

Could it be Trump winning?????? I think so!!! Same old, dull playbook, they never learn. They just regurgitate the same failed crap.

Liberals revive anti-women narrative for the Trump era

The left is doubling down on its “war on women” narrative, organizing tens of thousands of demonstrators to converge on the nation’s capital for the Women’s March on Washington the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration.

The event, which will be attended by feminist icon Gloria Steinem and representatives from Planned Parenthood, aims to send the “bold message” that “women’s rights are human rights” to the unified Republican government on its first full day in office.

Pro-choice activists will spread that message nationwide ahead of the inauguration. The abortion rights coalition All* Above All is launching this week a six-figure ad campaign called “We Will Be BOLD. We Won’t Be PUNISHED” that condemns the president-elect’s stance on abortion and comments he made about women during the presidential race.

Debbie Brown, executive director of the conservative Colorado Women’s Alliance, accused the leftist activists of addressing women’s rights with a goal of disrupting any efforts for unity.

“They are reviving a War on Women 2.0 that focuses much more on division than collaboration,” Ms. Brown said.

Efforts like the Women’s March on Washington falsely claim to speak for all women, she said, pointing out that Mr. Trump won the majority of votes of white women.

Liberals revive anti-women narrative for the Trump era

Keep it up liberals. Keep running the same failed plays.

I applaud you!
Fuck women. They didn't vote for hillary so they get everything they get. Trump the pussy grabber hired Roger ailes who forced news women to have sex with him to climb the ladder or be fired. I have concluded women love to be treated like shit and taken care of. They deserve 75 cents to every dollar we make. They don't deserve to have the choice. The men who knock them up will have to pay for the children but no more abortions. Us white old men will decide for you. Or subservient women like Michelle bachman.

Who hates women more than men? Women!

And all those pro choice 18 year olds who didn't vote at all? Or any poor women with a kid on obamacare? Ha ha
. Did you take time to even breath during that rant ??. LOL
Yep! After being gone for four years after Romney lost, suddenly there's a war on women again. What could have happened to precipitate that???? Ooooooo let me think. . . .

Could it be Trump winning?????? I think so!!! Same old, dull playbook, they never learn. They just regurgitate the same failed crap.

Liberals revive anti-women narrative for the Trump era

The left is doubling down on its “war on women” narrative, organizing tens of thousands of demonstrators to converge on the nation’s capital for the Women’s March on Washington the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration.

The event, which will be attended by feminist icon Gloria Steinem and representatives from Planned Parenthood, aims to send the “bold message” that “women’s rights are human rights” to the unified Republican government on its first full day in office.

Pro-choice activists will spread that message nationwide ahead of the inauguration. The abortion rights coalition All* Above All is launching this week a six-figure ad campaign called “We Will Be BOLD. We Won’t Be PUNISHED” that condemns the president-elect’s stance on abortion and comments he made about women during the presidential race.

Debbie Brown, executive director of the conservative Colorado Women’s Alliance, accused the leftist activists of addressing women’s rights with a goal of disrupting any efforts for unity.

“They are reviving a War on Women 2.0 that focuses much more on division than collaboration,” Ms. Brown said.

Efforts like the Women’s March on Washington falsely claim to speak for all women, she said, pointing out that Mr. Trump won the majority of votes of white women.

Liberals revive anti-women narrative for the Trump era

Keep it up liberals. Keep running the same failed plays.

I applaud you!
Fuck women. They didn't vote for hillary so they get everything they get. Trump the pussy grabber hired Roger ailes who forced news women to have sex with him to climb the ladder or be fired. I have concluded women love to be treated like shit and taken care of. They deserve 75 cents to every dollar we make. They don't deserve to have the choice. The men who knock them up will have to pay for the children but no more abortions. Us white old men will decide for you. Or subservient women like Michelle bachman.

Who hates women more than men? Women!

And all those pro choice 18 year olds who didn't vote at all? Or any poor women with a kid on obamacare? Ha ha

This is a liberal talking people.

How DARE women not vote for their betters and their chosen masters, the liberals.

Woman live just as much on a plantation in the liberal mind as blacks and when they don't vote as Master dictates look at the rage.
Yep! After being gone for four years after Romney lost, suddenly there's a war on women again. What could have happened to precipitate that???? Ooooooo let me think. . . .

Could it be Trump winning?????? I think so!!! Same old, dull playbook, they never learn. They just regurgitate the same failed crap.

Liberals revive anti-women narrative for the Trump era

The left is doubling down on its “war on women” narrative, organizing tens of thousands of demonstrators to converge on the nation’s capital for the Women’s March on Washington the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration.

The event, which will be attended by feminist icon Gloria Steinem and representatives from Planned Parenthood, aims to send the “bold message” that “women’s rights are human rights” to the unified Republican government on its first full day in office.

Pro-choice activists will spread that message nationwide ahead of the inauguration. The abortion rights coalition All* Above All is launching this week a six-figure ad campaign called “We Will Be BOLD. We Won’t Be PUNISHED” that condemns the president-elect’s stance on abortion and comments he made about women during the presidential race.

Debbie Brown, executive director of the conservative Colorado Women’s Alliance, accused the leftist activists of addressing women’s rights with a goal of disrupting any efforts for unity.

“They are reviving a War on Women 2.0 that focuses much more on division than collaboration,” Ms. Brown said.

Efforts like the Women’s March on Washington falsely claim to speak for all women, she said, pointing out that Mr. Trump won the majority of votes of white women.

Liberals revive anti-women narrative for the Trump era

Keep it up liberals. Keep running the same failed plays.

I applaud you!
Fuck women. They didn't vote for hillary so they get everything they get. Trump the pussy grabber hired Roger ailes who forced news women to have sex with him to climb the ladder or be fired. I have concluded women love to be treated like shit and taken care of. They deserve 75 cents to every dollar we make. They don't deserve to have the choice. The men who knock them up will have to pay for the children but no more abortions. Us white old men will decide for you. Or subservient women like Michelle bachman.

Who hates women more than men? Women!

And all those pro choice 18 year olds who didn't vote at all? Or any poor women with a kid on obamacare? Ha ha

This is a liberal talking people.

How DARE women not vote for their betters and their chosen masters, the liberals.

Woman live just as much on a plantation in the liberal mind as blacks and when they don't vote as Master dictates look at the rage.

Ha ha! What percent of teachers are women? The vast majority. Republicans are going to take away their pensions and break their unions. I fucking love it. Enjoy being off the plantation with the rest of us. And I hope teachers in the future only get paid for 8 months of work since they only work 8 months.

1-5 teachers voted for Trump. They deserve what they get. You all do.
Morals, and the lack there of has done the Democrats in. Take it to the bank and cash it.

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