
Nobody is stopping that from happening, but you knew that when you wrote it.
How about we just drop American history altogether because what DeSantis is doing is indoctrination.
Go DeSantis Go! It's about time our politicians stopped pandering to minorities.

They're not pandering to minorities.

They're pandering to white suburban Lefty Karens who have gone coo coo with the woke nonsense.

Check out this story, for example - from deep blue Connecticut:

White Lefties want to segregate everyone while telling minorities they're helplessly oppressed. It's the bigotry of low expectations.

And a lot of the people on here fall for the BS like mindless zombie hordes.
QUEER THEORY has nothing to do with AA studies.


The Leftist media wants to keep this issue nebulous and vague, so they can just virtue signal their outrage and moral superiority over the red hatted rubes.

But when you get into specifics, the obvious common sense assessment is practically nobody wants this woke bullshit.

It's all an illusion.
Can't have colored folk teaching African and African American history to black kids in college. It just isn't.....

Exhibit A of someone who has no idea what they're talking about.

Fact: Black history is still being taught. They just removed shit like "Queer and Feminist Theory" from the course, as well as glowing reviews of Black Lives Matter. In other words, blatantly biased politics and ideology that has no basis for existing in an AP History curriculum have been extricated.

The rest of the course is completely intact.

It's all fucking bologna, but we have total hacks like this person who don't bother to do even the most rudimentary research outside of what CNN or NY Times preaches to them.

And these organizations were subsumed by the Woke Mind Virus years ago now, absolute shadows of their former selves.
How about we just drop American history altogether because what DeSantis is doing is indoctrination.
It's the American history taught in schools 80 years ago, it's the history that should be taught to our children.
It's the American history taught in schools 80 years ago, it's the history that should be taught to our children.

Wrong, because it's not accurate history. You want to indoctrinate.
Exhibit A of someone who has no idea what they're talking about.

Fact: Black history is still being taught. They just removed shit like "Queer and Feminist Theory" from the course, as well as glowing reviews of Black Lives Matter. In other words, blatantly biased politics and ideology that has no basis for existing in an AP History curriculum have been extricated.

The rest of the course is completely intact.

It's all fucking bologna, but we have total hacks like this person who don't bother to do even the most rudimentary research outside of what CNN or NY Times preaches to them.

And these organizations were subsumed by the Woke Mind Virus years ago now, absolute shadows of their former selves.
Wrong. Important information is missing. There is nothing wrong with Black Lives Matter. Except they are black and refuse to bow to whites. The general American history courses contain blatantly biased politics and ideology. But there are whites who cannot deal with the truth
We were founded as a white Christian country.
Wrong. The country was stolen in a series of acts of naked aggression and the first amendment tells us that what rounding you imagine was done without declaring a national religion. Whites like you have lied to yourself about this for 247 years now.

The Leftist media wants to keep this issue nebulous and vague, so they can just virtue signal their outrage and moral superiority over the red hatted rubes.

But when you get into specifics, the obvious common sense assessment is practically nobody wants this woke bullshit.

It's all an illusion.
You're wrong. What people don't want is to continue being taught CWST.
Why are you right wingers so scared of your kids being taught complete history?
Wrong. Important information is missing. There is nothing wrong with Black Lives Matter. Except they are

A) A terrorist group that destroys minority small businesses, attacks police, and is responsible for outright vandalism and murder.

B) Proud cultural Marxists who advocate the dissolution of the nuclear family

C) Advocating for the abolishment of prisons

D) Advocating for the segregation of people by race in schools and hospitals

E) Shameless grifters who spend their multi-million dollar donations on frivolous mansions, fancy cars, and other luxuries that have fuck all to do with "equity and inclusion"

F) All Of The Above (And Then Some!)


If you picked F, congratulations! Someone's been paying attention and isn't a mindless NPC zombie who simply excepts surface level corporate "News" as their objective reality. You are adept at utilizing the internet!

If you picked G....I'm sorry - you're clearly a hopeless Lefty who is stuck in a mind prison where it's always May 2020, and lockdowns and riots are for social justice forever!

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