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Democrat Principles: Then and Now


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.The ideology and principles of the Founders have never changed. Reality forced them to postpone ending slavery, but the plan always existed.

It is interesting to note that the iniquity of the Democrats never changed, either.

Even the times before the Civil War found the Democrats espousing socialism.

Today, it is the defining principle of the Democrat Party.

2. Today, "[t]he most striking difference between Democrats and Republicans is not their views on #MeToo, affirmative action, or the Supreme Court: It’s how they view the economy. Republicans deplore socialism. More than half of Democrats, though, view socialism favorably, according to Gallup.

3. The Democratic Party’s left flank is turning the midterm elections into a referendum on capitalism. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and dozens of other federal and state candidates protest that our economic system is unjust and needs an overhaul.

4. ...Warren has introduced the Accountable Capitalism Act, which would give workers control of 40% of corporate-board seats and a veto over many decisions. It would also compel boards to focus on murky “community and societal factors” instead of maximizing profitability. Investors won’t put their money into an enterprise under those conditions."
Socialism Tops Agenda Of D'crats

5. In the above we see the results of allowing the Left to control our institutions of learning, and replace learning with indoctrination.

6. Case in point.....government school never told you what a failure socialism/communism/Progressivism has been everywhere it has been instituted.

7. Here's something else they never taught you.
George Fitzhugh (November 4, 1806 – July 30, 1881) was the Democrat social theorist who published racial and slavery-based sociological theories in the antebellum era.

8. " What society needed was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."

"Socialism," Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully land perfectly attains. [...] Socialism is already slavery in all save the master... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.”
Fitzhugh, George (1854 Sociology for the South, p. 48)

9. Southern Democrat theoretician George Fitzhugh made that interesting admission about two related desires of the Democrats: Slavery and Socialism.

The two hallmarks of the Democrat Party......socialism, and slavery.

10. Democrat State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.

Democrat NY Attorney General continued.....

"Ex: [DEMOCRAT] Schneiderman called me ‘brown slave,’ slapped me until I called him ‘Master’

...and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said.


“He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”


Did I mention....

The Democrat Party has always ....ALWAYS.....been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship....

......and socialism.
Don't need to go back that far....Men like JFK, Hubert Humphrey, and William Proxmire would be derided as right wing reactionaries today.

The amazing truth is that the Democrat Party of today is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than to JFK.
1.The ideology and principles of the Founders have never changed. Reality forced them to postpone ending slavery, but the plan always existed.

It is interesting to note that the iniquity of the Democrats never changed, either.

Even the times before the Civil War found the Democrats espousing socialism.

Today, it is the defining principle of the Democrat Party.

2. Today, "[t]he most striking difference between Democrats and Republicans is not their views on #MeToo, affirmative action, or the Supreme Court: It’s how they view the economy. Republicans deplore socialism. More than half of Democrats, though, view socialism favorably, according to Gallup.

3. The Democratic Party’s left flank is turning the midterm elections into a referendum on capitalism. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and dozens of other federal and state candidates protest that our economic system is unjust and needs an overhaul.

4. ...Warren has introduced the Accountable Capitalism Act, which would give workers control of 40% of corporate-board seats and a veto over many decisions. It would also compel boards to focus on murky “community and societal factors” instead of maximizing profitability. Investors won’t put their money into an enterprise under those conditions."
Socialism Tops Agenda Of D'crats

5. In the above we see the results of allowing the Left to control our institutions of learning, and replace learning with indoctrination.

6. Case in point.....government school never told you what a failure socialism/communism/Progressivism has been everywhere it has been instituted.

7. Here's something else they never taught you.
George Fitzhugh (November 4, 1806 – July 30, 1881) was the Democrat social theorist who published racial and slavery-based sociological theories in the antebellum era.

8. " What society needed was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."

"Socialism," Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully land perfectly attains. [...] Socialism is already slavery in all save the master... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.”
Fitzhugh, George (1854 Sociology for the South, p. 48)

9. Southern Democrat theoretician George Fitzhugh made that interesting admission about two related desires of the Democrats: Slavery and Socialism.

The two hallmarks of the Democrat Party......socialism, and slavery.

10. Democrat State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.

Democrat NY Attorney General continued.....

"Ex: [DEMOCRAT] Schneiderman called me ‘brown slave,’ slapped me until I called him ‘Master’

...and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said.


“He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”


Did I mention....

The Democrat Party has always ....ALWAYS.....been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship....

......and socialism.
So who would you call today’s Confederates? Because we know they’re not in the Democratic Party.
1.The ideology and principles of the Founders have never changed. Reality forced them to postpone ending slavery, but the plan always existed.

It is interesting to note that the iniquity of the Democrats never changed, either.

Even the times before the Civil War found the Democrats espousing socialism.

Today, it is the defining principle of the Democrat Party.

2. Today, "[t]he most striking difference between Democrats and Republicans is not their views on #MeToo, affirmative action, or the Supreme Court: It’s how they view the economy. Republicans deplore socialism. More than half of Democrats, though, view socialism favorably, according to Gallup.

3. The Democratic Party’s left flank is turning the midterm elections into a referendum on capitalism. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and dozens of other federal and state candidates protest that our economic system is unjust and needs an overhaul.

4. ...Warren has introduced the Accountable Capitalism Act, which would give workers control of 40% of corporate-board seats and a veto over many decisions. It would also compel boards to focus on murky “community and societal factors” instead of maximizing profitability. Investors won’t put their money into an enterprise under those conditions."
Socialism Tops Agenda Of D'crats

5. In the above we see the results of allowing the Left to control our institutions of learning, and replace learning with indoctrination.

6. Case in point.....government school never told you what a failure socialism/communism/Progressivism has been everywhere it has been instituted.

7. Here's something else they never taught you.
George Fitzhugh (November 4, 1806 – July 30, 1881) was the Democrat social theorist who published racial and slavery-based sociological theories in the antebellum era.

8. " What society needed was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."

"Socialism," Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully land perfectly attains. [...] Socialism is already slavery in all save the master... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.”
Fitzhugh, George (1854 Sociology for the South, p. 48)

9. Southern Democrat theoretician George Fitzhugh made that interesting admission about two related desires of the Democrats: Slavery and Socialism.

The two hallmarks of the Democrat Party......socialism, and slavery.

10. Democrat State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.

Democrat NY Attorney General continued.....

"Ex: [DEMOCRAT] Schneiderman called me ‘brown slave,’ slapped me until I called him ‘Master’

...and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said.


“He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”


Did I mention....

The Democrat Party has always ....ALWAYS.....been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship....

......and socialism.
So who would you call today’s Confederates? Because we know they’re not in the Democratic Party.

Of course, there are none.....you're simply lying again.

But...if you mean the KKK, today we call them 'Antifa' and both groups are allied with the Democrats.
11. The Founders didn't give their imprimatur to the idea of slavery.
Quite the contrary.

The institution of slavery is both prehistoric and universal. The question facing the Founders was to either have a nation, or dispense with the concept of slavery, that the Brits forced on the continent 150 years before America became a nation.
They knew they'd have to postpone that battle if they wanted ratification.

12. Was Slavery North vs South?
No….Democrats vs Republicans

Over the issue of slavery. Northern Democrat Stephen Douglas presidential candidate made his feelings clear:
“Now, I do not believe that the Almighty ever intended the negro to be the equal of the white man. …. He belongs to an inferior race, and must always occupy an inferior position.

I believe this government was made on the white basis. I believe it was made by white men for the benefit of white men and their posterity for ever; and I am in favor of confining citizenship to white men, ….”
In the First Debate with Lincoln
In the First Debate with Lincoln by Stephen Arnold Douglas. America: II. (1818-1865). Vol. IX. Bryan, William Jennings, ed. 1906. The World's Famous Orations

That was Stephen Douglas, Northern Democrat, stating his party’s position.

It remains true to this very day.....even black Democrats follow that doctrine:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

Trump.....the very opposite.
"Black unemployment falls to the lowest level since 1972
  • The unemployment rate for blacks fell to 5.9 percent in May, hitting the lowest level since the government started to record that data in 1972.
  • May's decline in black unemployment also extended a streak that started in January." Black unemployment falls to the lowest level since 1972
13. The battle over slavery was not North vs South....
...it was Democrats vs Americans

On the other hand, there were numerous antislavery factions that ‘reverberated in the South during and after the American Revolution.” D’Souza, “Death of a Nation: Plantation Politics and the Making of the Democratic Party," p. 52

George Mason of Gunston Hall (1725-1792) is perhaps best recognized as the principle author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights written in 1776… Mason's views on slavery are revealed in his writings. He intensely disliked and disapproved of the institution and argued against it. He wrote:

[Slavery is a] slow Poison, which is daily contaminating the Minds & Morals of our People.

Patrick Henry: “I believe a time will come when an oppo[rtunity] will be offered to abolish this lamentable Evil.”

Democrats were aghast!!!!!

Look how grumpy the Dems have been since we pried their slaves away from ‘em!
1.The ideology and principles of the Founders have never changed. Reality forced them to postpone ending slavery, but the plan always existed.

It is interesting to note that the iniquity of the Democrats never changed, either.

Even the times before the Civil War found the Democrats espousing socialism.

Today, it is the defining principle of the Democrat Party.

2. Today, "[t]he most striking difference between Democrats and Republicans is not their views on #MeToo, affirmative action, or the Supreme Court: It’s how they view the economy. Republicans deplore socialism. More than half of Democrats, though, view socialism favorably, according to Gallup.

3. The Democratic Party’s left flank is turning the midterm elections into a referendum on capitalism. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and dozens of other federal and state candidates protest that our economic system is unjust and needs an overhaul.

4. ...Warren has introduced the Accountable Capitalism Act, which would give workers control of 40% of corporate-board seats and a veto over many decisions. It would also compel boards to focus on murky “community and societal factors” instead of maximizing profitability. Investors won’t put their money into an enterprise under those conditions."
Socialism Tops Agenda Of D'crats

5. In the above we see the results of allowing the Left to control our institutions of learning, and replace learning with indoctrination.

6. Case in point.....government school never told you what a failure socialism/communism/Progressivism has been everywhere it has been instituted.

7. Here's something else they never taught you.
George Fitzhugh (November 4, 1806 – July 30, 1881) was the Democrat social theorist who published racial and slavery-based sociological theories in the antebellum era.

8. " What society needed was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."

"Socialism," Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully land perfectly attains. [...] Socialism is already slavery in all save the master... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.”
Fitzhugh, George (1854 Sociology for the South, p. 48)

9. Southern Democrat theoretician George Fitzhugh made that interesting admission about two related desires of the Democrats: Slavery and Socialism.

The two hallmarks of the Democrat Party......socialism, and slavery.

10. Democrat State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.

Democrat NY Attorney General continued.....

"Ex: [DEMOCRAT] Schneiderman called me ‘brown slave,’ slapped me until I called him ‘Master’

...and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said.


“He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”


Did I mention....

The Democrat Party has always ....ALWAYS.....been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship....

......and socialism.
So who would you call today’s Confederates? Because we know they’re not in the Democratic Party.
How are the confederates any different from any black movement you support?

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