Democrat Race Baiting Season .. again

A lot of poorer school districts have the newest teachers, the oldest run down schools and a suppressed tax base. Let alone these students have their own challenges, financial, family, bad neighborhoods. I don't think it's an easy fix but insulting their intelligence obviously isn't the answer.

For starters, schools shouldn't heavily rely on property taxes, schools should be funded on a per pupil bases at the state level, leaving room for areas that cost more. I'd like to see poorer school districts build up their college prep courses, many of them simply don't because they don't have the resources. However it's not schools alone that is going to fix this, raising the minimum wage, school lunch programs, safety net programs for families so assholes like you don't compare their grades with wealthier areas that do not suffer from the same challenges.

:laugh: .. you almost made it through with a reasonable argument but alas residual anger and unknowable conclusions lost it for you..

You haven't provided anything. At first you were calling democrats and liberals racists and now you are implying poor kids are just stupid.

Anyway, not my problem you can't prove a point.

There's a big difference between being poorly educated by Democrat policy failures and just plain ole stupid. I never implied poor kids are just stupid, you're the one that implied that, I just didn't play in your obvious ruse.

Although judging by generations of poorly educated minority folks in Democrat ghetto's I'm willing to listen to your myopic excuses and conclusions.

And there's a bigger difference between making a rational point and making a Composition Fallacy.
Coming from a Left wing lunatic................LOL


Nope. Coming from the OP. From the beginning of this thread, and long before in his others.

See boy-meets-dog story.
While the Democrats have minorities stuck in their ghetto's with poor education, few jobs, dependence on taxpayers stolen taxes with hideous housing and lifestyle they're promoting fear and lies that Trump is a racist. I think it's pretty obvious who the racists in the country are, the inaction of the Democratic Party on these issues is obvious.

1992 called. It wants its racial stereotypes back.
:laugh: .. you almost made it through with a reasonable argument but alas residual anger and unknowable conclusions lost it for you..

You haven't provided anything. At first you were calling democrats and liberals racists and now you are implying poor kids are just stupid.

Anyway, not my problem you can't prove a point.

There's a big difference between being poorly educated by Democrat policy failures and just plain ole stupid. I never implied poor kids are just stupid, you're the one that implied that, I just didn't play in your obvious ruse.

Although judging by generations of poorly educated minority folks in Democrat ghetto's I'm willing to listen to your myopic excuses and conclusions.

And there's a bigger difference between making a rational point and making a Composition Fallacy.
Coming from a Left wing lunatic................LOL


Nope. Coming from the OP. From the beginning of this thread, and long before in his others.

See boy-meets-dog story.
What does that have to do with your party doing this BS every election................I heard the Nazi's released the fat man at the rock concert..................different thread...................

Thought the evil Nazi's at that concert were gonna eat him........terrible just terrible................How dare they raise their right hands................geesh............
You too can be a liberal racist piece of shit. Just quit your job and start bitching that you don't have enough free stuff.

You sad little man. Wanting to get noticed, but people just ignore you.
You haven't provided anything. At first you were calling democrats and liberals racists and now you are implying poor kids are just stupid.

Anyway, not my problem you can't prove a point.

There's a big difference between being poorly educated by Democrat policy failures and just plain ole stupid. I never implied poor kids are just stupid, you're the one that implied that, I just didn't play in your obvious ruse.

Although judging by generations of poorly educated minority folks in Democrat ghetto's I'm willing to listen to your myopic excuses and conclusions.

And there's a bigger difference between making a rational point and making a Composition Fallacy.
Coming from a Left wing lunatic................LOL


Nope. Coming from the OP. From the beginning of this thread, and long before in his others.

See boy-meets-dog story.
What does that have to do with your party doing this BS every election................I heard the Nazi's released the fat man at the rock concert..................different thread...................

Thought the evil Nazi's at that concert were gonna eat him........terrible just terrible................How dare they raise their right hands................geesh............

My "party"? :lmao:

What do I look like -- Lesley Gore? I don't have a "party".
Do you?
:laugh: .. you almost made it through with a reasonable argument but alas residual anger and unknowable conclusions lost it for you..

You haven't provided anything. At first you were calling democrats and liberals racists and now you are implying poor kids are just stupid.

Anyway, not my problem you can't prove a point.

There's a big difference between being poorly educated by Democrat policy failures and just plain ole stupid. I never implied poor kids are just stupid, you're the one that implied that, I just didn't play in your obvious ruse.

Although judging by generations of poorly educated minority folks in Democrat ghetto's I'm willing to listen to your myopic excuses and conclusions.

And there's a bigger difference between making a rational point and making a Composition Fallacy.
Coming from a Left wing lunatic................LOL


Nope. Coming from the OP. From the beginning of this thread, and long before in his others.

See boy-meets-dog story.
You mean boy-meets-boy story - doncha?
Ya know what's racists ? Accusing all minorities of being on welfare . And that's a conservative talking point !

U wonder why you can't attract minorities ?
I don't know any conservatives who have ever made that claim.

You wonder why everyone thinks left wingers are a bunch of lying douche bags.
There's a big difference between being poorly educated by Democrat policy failures and just plain ole stupid. I never implied poor kids are just stupid, you're the one that implied that, I just didn't play in your obvious ruse.

Although judging by generations of poorly educated minority folks in Democrat ghetto's I'm willing to listen to your myopic excuses and conclusions.

And there's a bigger difference between making a rational point and making a Composition Fallacy.
Coming from a Left wing lunatic................LOL


Nope. Coming from the OP. From the beginning of this thread, and long before in his others.

See boy-meets-dog story.
What does that have to do with your party doing this BS every election................I heard the Nazi's released the fat man at the rock concert..................different thread...................

Thought the evil Nazi's at that concert were gonna eat him........terrible just terrible................How dare they raise their right hands................geesh............

My "party"? :lmao:

What do I look like -- Lesley Gore? I don't have a "party".
Do you?

Psssssst. You're a Democratic Socialist Party Member, a reliable tiny kind...:popcorn:
Last edited:
You haven't provided anything. At first you were calling democrats and liberals racists and now you are implying poor kids are just stupid.

Anyway, not my problem you can't prove a point.

There's a big difference between being poorly educated by Democrat policy failures and just plain ole stupid. I never implied poor kids are just stupid, you're the one that implied that, I just didn't play in your obvious ruse.

Although judging by generations of poorly educated minority folks in Democrat ghetto's I'm willing to listen to your myopic excuses and conclusions.

And there's a bigger difference between making a rational point and making a Composition Fallacy.
Coming from a Left wing lunatic................LOL


Nope. Coming from the OP. From the beginning of this thread, and long before in his others.

See boy-meets-dog story.
You mean boy-meets-boy story - doncha?

Nope. I didn't write anything like that but I can see how you get my post mixed up with your bedside reading -- they're both in English.

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