Democrat Racism

Why does MA vote blue then? Only 5.31% of the population there is black.
What does that have to do it I just said
You said Democrats are slavery. Why is MA voting for slavery? You can't blame blacks when only 5% of the population is black.

Why are your neighbors not buying your bullshit? Probably because they know your bullshit tal about red states and small towns is utter crap. You can't run a big city like you do Mayberry.
When bad things happen in inner cities, the democrats can control the message, for instance if a black child was killed in Boston , Democrats will get a black “leader” sometimes a church Leader, they dictate the message. And blame republicans, or laws that need to change, ask for more police.
They never talk about the fatherless rate, or welfare, or education.. all the real reasons. That message gets out and if you question it they say you are not black you don’t understand..
democrats are fcuked up group

Because those aren't the real reasons. Excuse me, but I am black. I've had about enough of your ignorance. The majority of welfare recipients are white. Half of white families are single parent. 92 percent of all blacks graduate from high school than ever. 95 percent of whites do. More blacks are going to college or seeking post secondary education. Your opinion is wrong in every aspect.

Don't try arguing with me using what you heard last night on Hannity. Don't try quoting Thomas Sowell or some other black conservative. I've studied this stuff since I was 21 at least. That's 37 years. The problem is lack of investment in the black community and in the ideas of black entrepreneurs. There ain't no black Trump who can still borrow money after 5-6 bankruptcies.

All of what you call problems aren't when people have jobs and opportunities.

And let's try funding all the schools equally. Mayors have one vote on the city council. And I doubt if every city council in America is 100 percent democrat. Silly season is over. Just face the fact that your party is f-d up.

This bullshit argument that all high poverty and crime cities are run by Democrats argument is particularly annoying. Clearly it's a talking point they are going with right now like back when they were asking blacks, "what have you got to lose?" The answer is a lot. Fairness, equality, labor laws, social safety nets, medicare, etc.

I wonder how many people that worked on.

Maybe 8 percent. I live in a republican state ruined by republican policies. The whole state. Including the cities.
Why does MA vote blue then? Only 5.31% of the population there is black.
What does that have to do it I just said
You said Democrats are slavery. Why is MA voting for slavery? You can't blame blacks when only 5% of the population is black.

Why are your neighbors not buying your bullshit? Probably because they know your bullshit tal about red states and small towns is utter crap. You can't run a big city like you do Mayberry.
When bad things happen in inner cities, the democrats can control the message, for instance if a black child was killed in Boston , Democrats will get a black “leader” sometimes a church Leader, they dictate the message. And blame republicans, or laws that need to change, ask for more police.
They never talk about the fatherless rate, or welfare, or education.. all the real reasons. That message gets out and if you question it they say you are not black you don’t understand..
democrats are fcuked up group

Because those aren't the real reasons. Excuse me, but I am black. I've had about enough of your ignorance. The majority of welfare recipients are white. Half of white families are single parent. 92 percent of all blacks graduate from high school than ever. 95 percent of whites do. More blacks are going to college or seeking post secondary education. Your opinion is wrong in every aspect.

Don't try arguing with me using what you heard last night on Hannity. Don't try quoting Thomas Sowell or some other black conservative. I've studied this stuff since I was 21 at least. That's 37 years. The problem is lack of investment in the black community and in the ideas of black entrepreneurs. There ain't no black Trump who can still borrow money after 5-6 bankruptcies.

All of what you call problems aren't when people have jobs and opportunities.

And let's try funding all the schools equally. Mayors have one vote on the city council. And I doubt if every city council in America is 100 percent democrat. Silly season is over. Just face the fact that your party is f-d up.

This bullshit argument that all high poverty and crime cities are run by Democrats argument is particularly annoying. Clearly it's a talking point they are going with right now like back when they were asking blacks, "what have you got to lose?" The answer is a lot. Fairness, equality, labor laws, social safety nets, medicare, etc.

I wonder how many people that worked on.

Strange how our friends never mention republican governors.
(High crime and broke southern states)
I think places like Memphis has higher crime than Chicago, the only city they seem to know about
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I doubt if this is dismissed.
I know in most cities it’s the mayor that overseas the water and sewer.. not a govonor. But if you want to just hate republicans have fun wasting tax payers money on a law suit

Most cities don't have a Republican governor take them over and appoint an emergency financial manager. That means the mayor and city counsel aren't calling the shots. The governor is.

We are hating the people who allowed the people of flint to go on drinking lead water even after they knew.
It’s the mayors fault

Again, it doesn't matter how many times you repeat this, the governor made the call.
Sorry I just researched it.. water and sewer is under the jurisdiction of the mayor

You've researched nothing.
I’m in the inner city of Boston,, I know what slavery looks like .. it’s democrats

Why does MA vote blue then? Only 5.31% of the population there is black.
What does that have to do it I just said
You said Democrats are slavery. Why is MA voting for slavery? You can't blame blacks when only 5% of the population is black.

Why are your neighbors not buying your bullshit? Probably because they know your bullshit tal about red states and small towns is utter crap. You can't run a big city like you do Mayberry.
When bad things happen in inner cities, the democrats can control the message, for instance if a black child was killed in Boston , Democrats will get a black “leader” sometimes a church Leader, they dictate the message. And blame republicans, or laws that need to change, ask for more police.
They never talk about the fatherless rate, or welfare, or education.. all the real reasons. That message gets out and if you question it they say you are not black you don’t understand..
democrats are fcuked up group

Give us an example of when something bad happened in an inner city and democrats wrongfully blamed republicans or the laws. Kind of vague don't you think? I'm sure there is a specific case you have in mind that sticks in your craw?
Every shooting that happens in black neighborhoods democrats try to blame NRA and gun rights people. And republican leaders.. that was pretty easy lol
I’m in the inner city of Boston,, I know what slavery looks like .. it’s democrats

Why does MA vote blue then? Only 5.31% of the population there is black.
What does that have to do it I just said
You said Democrats are slavery. Why is MA voting for slavery? You can't blame blacks when only 5% of the population is black.

Why are your neighbors not buying your bullshit? Probably because they know your bullshit tal about red states and small towns is utter crap. You can't run a big city like you do Mayberry.
When bad things happen in inner cities, the democrats can control the message, for instance if a black child was killed in Boston , Democrats will get a black “leader” sometimes a church Leader, they dictate the message. And blame republicans, or laws that need to change, ask for more police.
They never talk about the fatherless rate, or welfare, or education.. all the real reasons. That message gets out and if you question it they say you are not black you don’t understand..
democrats are fcuked up group

Because those aren't the real reasons. Excuse me, but I am black. I've had about enough of your ignorance. The majority of welfare recipients are white. Half of white families are single parent. 92 percent of all blacks graduate from high school than ever. 95 percent of whites do. More blacks are going to college or seeking post secondary education. Your opinion is wrong in every aspect.

Don't try arguing with me using what you heard last night on Hannity. Don't try quoting Thomas Sowell or some other black conservative. I've studied this stuff since I was 21 at least. That's 37 years. The problem is lack of investment in the black community and in the ideas of black entrepreneurs. There ain't no black Trump who can still borrow money after 5-6 bankruptcies.

All of what you call problems aren't when people have jobs and opportunities.

And let's try funding all the schools equally. State governments control education formulas Mayors have one vote on the city council. And I doubt if every city council in America is 100 percent democrat. Silly season is over. Just face the fact that your party is f-d up.
We make up up to 70% of of the population I hope more blacks aren’t on welfare then whites lol

Your issues is education you can’t grasp what you are talking about.
We have sunk billions in black schools and neighborhoods, Baltimore gets 16 thousand per child, and the education has gotten worse..

I went to these in schools after white flight in Boston.. I’m telling you what’s wrong a home without a father. A education system controlled by democrats is awful! I left school with out reading a book.
What is your iq?
Why does MA vote blue then? Only 5.31% of the population there is black.
What does that have to do it I just said
You said Democrats are slavery. Why is MA voting for slavery? You can't blame blacks when only 5% of the population is black.

Why are your neighbors not buying your bullshit? Probably because they know your bullshit tal about red states and small towns is utter crap. You can't run a big city like you do Mayberry.
When bad things happen in inner cities, the democrats can control the message, for instance if a black child was killed in Boston , Democrats will get a black “leader” sometimes a church Leader, they dictate the message. And blame republicans, or laws that need to change, ask for more police.
They never talk about the fatherless rate, or welfare, or education.. all the real reasons. That message gets out and if you question it they say you are not black you don’t understand..
democrats are fcuked up group

Because those aren't the real reasons. Excuse me, but I am black. I've had about enough of your ignorance. The majority of welfare recipients are white. Half of white families are single parent. 92 percent of all blacks graduate from high school than ever. 95 percent of whites do. More blacks are going to college or seeking post secondary education. Your opinion is wrong in every aspect.

Don't try arguing with me using what you heard last night on Hannity. Don't try quoting Thomas Sowell or some other black conservative. I've studied this stuff since I was 21 at least. That's 37 years. The problem is lack of investment in the black community and in the ideas of black entrepreneurs. There ain't no black Trump who can still borrow money after 5-6 bankruptcies.

All of what you call problems aren't when people have jobs and opportunities.

And let's try funding all the schools equally. Mayors have one vote on the city council. And I doubt if every city council in America is 100 percent democrat. Silly season is over. Just face the fact that your party is f-d up.

This bullshit argument that all high poverty and crime cities are run by Democrats argument is particularly annoying. Clearly it's a talking point they are going with right now like back when they were asking blacks, "what have you got to lose?" The answer is a lot. Fairness, equality, labor laws, social safety nets, medicare, etc.

I wonder how many people that worked on.
No black neighborhoods for blacks have gotten worse for them because of Democrats
What does that have to do it I just said
You said Democrats are slavery. Why is MA voting for slavery? You can't blame blacks when only 5% of the population is black.

Why are your neighbors not buying your bullshit? Probably because they know your bullshit tal about red states and small towns is utter crap. You can't run a big city like you do Mayberry.
When bad things happen in inner cities, the democrats can control the message, for instance if a black child was killed in Boston , Democrats will get a black “leader” sometimes a church Leader, they dictate the message. And blame republicans, or laws that need to change, ask for more police.
They never talk about the fatherless rate, or welfare, or education.. all the real reasons. That message gets out and if you question it they say you are not black you don’t understand..
democrats are fcuked up group

Because those aren't the real reasons. Excuse me, but I am black. I've had about enough of your ignorance. The majority of welfare recipients are white. Half of white families are single parent. 92 percent of all blacks graduate from high school than ever. 95 percent of whites do. More blacks are going to college or seeking post secondary education. Your opinion is wrong in every aspect.

Don't try arguing with me using what you heard last night on Hannity. Don't try quoting Thomas Sowell or some other black conservative. I've studied this stuff since I was 21 at least. That's 37 years. The problem is lack of investment in the black community and in the ideas of black entrepreneurs. There ain't no black Trump who can still borrow money after 5-6 bankruptcies.

All of what you call problems aren't when people have jobs and opportunities.

And let's try funding all the schools equally. Mayors have one vote on the city council. And I doubt if every city council in America is 100 percent democrat. Silly season is over. Just face the fact that your party is f-d up.

This bullshit argument that all high poverty and crime cities are run by Democrats argument is particularly annoying. Clearly it's a talking point they are going with right now like back when they were asking blacks, "what have you got to lose?" The answer is a lot. Fairness, equality, labor laws, social safety nets, medicare, etc.

I wonder how many people that worked on.

Maybe 8 percent. I live in a republican state ruined by republican policies. The whole state. Including the cities.
What did they ruin?? Lol
There, I said it. Why is it that Democrat 'colored/black' skinned people are always considered victims by the old-white Democrats? Could it be that SOME 'colored/black' skinned people traded slavery for victimhood? True Conservatives are color-blind and everyone is considered equally by their contribution. Competence is rewarded in $$$$ it doesn't matter the color of the skin. My advice to 'colored/black' people is to STAY AWAY from the Democrat party. Remember, THEY were the original slave-holders. They STILL consider 'colored/black' people to be inferior.

Might help if you knew the difference between an adjective and a noun.
Sort of destroys whatever your argument is

OR you should understand the written word.
This doesn't seem to be the case.

Yes it does, Democrats identify people by skin color then relegate them to 'victims' in order to keep them 'voting-victims.' This is why they champion no border walls and illegal aliens. They are the perfect victim voting block because Democrats promise them government cheese even though they're not citizens. Shameful really.
Dark colors = victims
white colors = racists
Uh-huh, right. That's why this board is flooded with conservatives making ill comments about brown people on a daily basis.

Oh the horror! People say mean words online. That's why we need to embrace Communism.

I notice you didn't deny it

The left claims to champion the plight of "minorities" thus embrace mass immigration as a means to attain their fictional multicultural utopia but the people they pander the most to, the muslims, the hispanics, blacks and yes the asians...are by their very nature, quite conservative.

The left doesn't give two shits about brown people. They are nothing more than a political tool for them.

I see a lot more conservatives desperately flailing around trying to prove to just how not racist they are than the opposite. Thankfully though, there's a growing segment of white America who are growing numb to the accusation. If not hating myself for being white and not celebrating the destruction of my heritage and culture makes me a Nazi then so be it. I'm a fucking Nazi.

so what are you going to do about it, Chang?
No, you see people responding to the Democrats' racism.
Uh-huh, right. That's why this board is flooded with conservatives making ill comments about brown people on a daily basis.

Oh the horror! People say mean words online. That's why we need to embrace Communism.

I notice you didn't deny it

The left claims to champion the plight of "minorities" thus embrace mass immigration as a means to attain their fictional multicultural utopia but the people they pander the most to, the muslims, the hispanics, blacks and yes the asians...are by their very nature, quite conservative.

The left doesn't give two shits about brown people. They are nothing more than a political tool for them.

I see a lot more conservatives desperately flailing around trying to prove to just how not racist they are than the opposite. Thankfully though, there's a growing segment of white America who are growing numb to the accusation. If not hating myself for being white and not celebrating the destruction of my heritage and culture makes me a Nazi then so be it. I'm a fucking Nazi.

so what are you going to do about it, Chang?

What am I going to do about what? The OP claimed the conservatives don't care about race. I pointed out he's full of shit and you confirmed it. Looks like you did everything for me.
What does that have to do it I just said
You said Democrats are slavery. Why is MA voting for slavery? You can't blame blacks when only 5% of the population is black.

Why are your neighbors not buying your bullshit? Probably because they know your bullshit tal about red states and small towns is utter crap. You can't run a big city like you do Mayberry.
When bad things happen in inner cities, the democrats can control the message, for instance if a black child was killed in Boston , Democrats will get a black “leader” sometimes a church Leader, they dictate the message. And blame republicans, or laws that need to change, ask for more police.
They never talk about the fatherless rate, or welfare, or education.. all the real reasons. That message gets out and if you question it they say you are not black you don’t understand..
democrats are fcuked up group

Because those aren't the real reasons. Excuse me, but I am black. I've had about enough of your ignorance. The majority of welfare recipients are white. Half of white families are single parent. 92 percent of all blacks graduate from high school than ever. 95 percent of whites do. More blacks are going to college or seeking post secondary education. Your opinion is wrong in every aspect.

Don't try arguing with me using what you heard last night on Hannity. Don't try quoting Thomas Sowell or some other black conservative. I've studied this stuff since I was 21 at least. That's 37 years. The problem is lack of investment in the black community and in the ideas of black entrepreneurs. There ain't no black Trump who can still borrow money after 5-6 bankruptcies.

All of what you call problems aren't when people have jobs and opportunities.

And let's try funding all the schools equally. Mayors have one vote on the city council. And I doubt if every city council in America is 100 percent democrat. Silly season is over. Just face the fact that your party is f-d up.

This bullshit argument that all high poverty and crime cities are run by Democrats argument is particularly annoying. Clearly it's a talking point they are going with right now like back when they were asking blacks, "what have you got to lose?" The answer is a lot. Fairness, equality, labor laws, social safety nets, medicare, etc.

I wonder how many people that worked on.

Strange how our friends never mention republican governors.
(High crime and broke southern states)
I think places like Memphis has higher crime than Chicago, the only city they seem to know about

Do you remember their argument in the past that race relations are much better in red states? But then you point out that in the South blacks are faced with the same problems blacks up north deal with. For example they'll tell you that in red states the only high crime and high poverty cities are also run by democrats. But right next to that poor black city is a rich white neighborhood and blacks are cut off from the economic opportunity.

Ok so southern blacks don't riot or don't have the same crime filled hoods like Detroit and Chicago but still they want to pretend that blacks and whites down south get along and racism and bias don't exist down there.

I think blacks down south are just more afraid they'll get lynched if they say anything. And clearly they are in the minority. If they weren't then those states wouldn't be so solidly red.

I'd be quiet too if I were a poor black in Mississippi. 95% of the whites in that state are Racist Republicans.

Also don't forget blacks left those red states for jobs. Then Republicans sent those high paying union jobs where blacks couldn't get them. Mexico.
Why does MA vote blue then? Only 5.31% of the population there is black.
What does that have to do it I just said
You said Democrats are slavery. Why is MA voting for slavery? You can't blame blacks when only 5% of the population is black.

Why are your neighbors not buying your bullshit? Probably because they know your bullshit tal about red states and small towns is utter crap. You can't run a big city like you do Mayberry.
When bad things happen in inner cities, the democrats can control the message, for instance if a black child was killed in Boston , Democrats will get a black “leader” sometimes a church Leader, they dictate the message. And blame republicans, or laws that need to change, ask for more police.
They never talk about the fatherless rate, or welfare, or education.. all the real reasons. That message gets out and if you question it they say you are not black you don’t understand..
democrats are fcuked up group

Give us an example of when something bad happened in an inner city and democrats wrongfully blamed republicans or the laws. Kind of vague don't you think? I'm sure there is a specific case you have in mind that sticks in your craw?
Every shooting that happens in black neighborhoods democrats try to blame NRA and gun rights people. And republican leaders.. that was pretty easy lol

Actually the NRA never comes up when it's a shooting in a black city. We talk about gang violence but never the NRA. So you are just pulling shit out of your ass I see.

We only bring up the NRA and gun legislation when white people get shot in mass shootings.

Example. Nipsey Hussle was just murdered in the hood. I have seen no national news discussing gun legislation or the NRA. Have you?
Uh-huh, right. That's why this board is flooded with conservatives making ill comments about brown people on a daily basis.

Oh the horror! People say mean words online. That's why we need to embrace Communism.

I notice you didn't deny it

The left claims to champion the plight of "minorities" thus embrace mass immigration as a means to attain their fictional multicultural utopia but the people they pander the most to, the muslims, the hispanics, blacks and yes the asians...are by their very nature, quite conservative.

The left doesn't give two shits about brown people. They are nothing more than a political tool for them.

I see a lot more conservatives desperately flailing around trying to prove to just how not racist they are than the opposite. Thankfully though, there's a growing segment of white America who are growing numb to the accusation. If not hating myself for being white and not celebrating the destruction of my heritage and culture makes me a Nazi then so be it. I'm a fucking Nazi.

so what are you going to do about it, Chang?

What am I going to do about what? The OP claimed the conservatives don't care about race. I pointed out he's full of shit and you confirmed it. Looks like you did everything for me.

Conservatives don't care about race. It's all about money. Take for example Ben Carson. He doesn't care about race and his neighbors don't either.

Republicans also don't really care about sexuality either. They only use gays as a wedge issue to divide us. Just ask Kaitlyn Jenner. He's a die hard Republican who cut off his penis. They only bring up this shit to sucker poor folk into voting Republican.

So you are correct. Conservatives don't care about race. But they know many poor Americans do and they use that to con stupid poor and middle class Americans into voting against their own financial interests. Sad really.
Uh-huh, right. That's why this board is flooded with conservatives making ill comments about brown people on a daily basis.

Oh the horror! People say mean words online. That's why we need to embrace Communism.

I notice you didn't deny it

The left claims to champion the plight of "minorities" thus embrace mass immigration as a means to attain their fictional multicultural utopia but the people they pander the most to, the muslims, the hispanics, blacks and yes the asians...are by their very nature, quite conservative.

The left doesn't give two shits about brown people. They are nothing more than a political tool for them.

I see a lot more conservatives desperately flailing around trying to prove to just how not racist they are than the opposite. Thankfully though, there's a growing segment of white America who are growing numb to the accusation. If not hating myself for being white and not celebrating the destruction of my heritage and culture makes me a Nazi then so be it. I'm a fucking Nazi.

so what are you going to do about it, Chang?
No, you see people responding to the Democrats' racism.

That too. When the left demeans, attacks and discriminates against white people for being white they don't see it as racism. They see it as justice.
Uh-huh, right. That's why this board is flooded with conservatives making ill comments about brown people on a daily basis.

Oh the horror! People say mean words online. That's why we need to embrace Communism.

I notice you didn't deny it

The left claims to champion the plight of "minorities" thus embrace mass immigration as a means to attain their fictional multicultural utopia but the people they pander the most to, the muslims, the hispanics, blacks and yes the asians...are by their very nature, quite conservative.

The left doesn't give two shits about brown people. They are nothing more than a political tool for them.

I see a lot more conservatives desperately flailing around trying to prove to just how not racist they are than the opposite. Thankfully though, there's a growing segment of white America who are growing numb to the accusation. If not hating myself for being white and not celebrating the destruction of my heritage and culture makes me a Nazi then so be it. I'm a fucking Nazi.

so what are you going to do about it, Chang?

What am I going to do about what? The OP claimed the conservatives don't care about race. I pointed out he's full of shit and you confirmed it. Looks like you did everything for me.

The OP doesn't speak for all "conservatives" and neither do I.

If he wants to be silly and indulge in self deceit about being "color blind" then I can't stop him. But I can laugh at him for pandering to people who will never, ever ever ever vote republican or turn christian.
Uh-huh, right. That's why this board is flooded with conservatives making ill comments about brown people on a daily basis.

Oh the horror! People say mean words online. That's why we need to embrace Communism.

I notice you didn't deny it

The left claims to champion the plight of "minorities" thus embrace mass immigration as a means to attain their fictional multicultural utopia but the people they pander the most to, the muslims, the hispanics, blacks and yes the asians...are by their very nature, quite conservative.

The left doesn't give two shits about brown people. They are nothing more than a political tool for them.

I see a lot more conservatives desperately flailing around trying to prove to just how not racist they are than the opposite. Thankfully though, there's a growing segment of white America who are growing numb to the accusation. If not hating myself for being white and not celebrating the destruction of my heritage and culture makes me a Nazi then so be it. I'm a fucking Nazi.

so what are you going to do about it, Chang?
No, you see people responding to the Democrats' racism.

That too. When the left demeans, attacks and discriminates against white people for being white they don't see it as racism. They see it as justice.

Oh us poor whites. Do you feel demeaned, attacked or discriminated against? That's funny because I'm a successful white man and I don't feel discriminated against at all except for it feels like the rich are fucking us over. You know, rich liberals, RINO's, Deep State Republicans, companies like GE who because of OBAMA don't pay taxes, rich celebrities being treated differently because they have money and better lawyers. Guys like Robert Kraft and Jussie Smolletts. We now know rich people cheat to take seats in college that should have gone to your kid. But you don't complain about them you complain about poor blacks getting in instead of your kid. THey use race to divide us.

Lobbyists who have bribed our corrupt politicians to rig the system so that it favors the corporations who they lobby for.

The point is, you Republicans at times seem to understand the system is rigged. But you'll only admit it when it's a Jussie Smolletts or Aunt Becky because those aren't traditional "conservatives".

I do notice Republicans here will never fault corporations unless it's a union company or a bank. All other corporations can do no wrong even ones that hire illegals you fuckers defend. Weird.
Oh us poor whites. Do you feel demeaned, attacked or discriminated against? That's funny because I'm a successful white man and I don't feel discriminated against at all except for it feels like the rich are fucking us over. You know, rich liberals, RINO's, Deep State Republicans, companies like GE who because of OBAMA don't pay taxes, rich celebrities being treated differently because they have money and better lawyers. Guys like Robert Kraft and Jussie Smolletts. We now know rich people cheat to take seats in college that should have gone to your kid. But you don't complain about them you complain about poor blacks getting in instead of your kid. THey use race to divide us.

Lobbyists who have bribed our corrupt politicians to rig the system so that it favors the corporations who they lobby for.

The point is, you Republicans at times seem to understand the system is rigged. But you'll only admit it when it's a Jussie Smolletts or Aunt Becky because those aren't traditional "conservatives".

I do notice Republicans here will never fault corporations unless it's a union company or a bank. All other corporations can do no wrong even ones that hire illegals you fuckers defend. Weird.

You assume too much. I don't want to play your stupid partisan games.

Search my post history. You won't find a single instance of me defending unrestrained corporate greed. What on earth does having an anti-abortion stance have to do with being pro-interventionist war?, many republicans conflate social conservatism with economic and foreign policy as if they correlate in any way.

The right-left paradigm is bullshit. Politics is way more complicated than that.
What does that have to do it I just said
You said Democrats are slavery. Why is MA voting for slavery? You can't blame blacks when only 5% of the population is black.

Why are your neighbors not buying your bullshit? Probably because they know your bullshit tal about red states and small towns is utter crap. You can't run a big city like you do Mayberry.
When bad things happen in inner cities, the democrats can control the message, for instance if a black child was killed in Boston , Democrats will get a black “leader” sometimes a church Leader, they dictate the message. And blame republicans, or laws that need to change, ask for more police.
They never talk about the fatherless rate, or welfare, or education.. all the real reasons. That message gets out and if you question it they say you are not black you don’t understand..
democrats are fcuked up group

Give us an example of when something bad happened in an inner city and democrats wrongfully blamed republicans or the laws. Kind of vague don't you think? I'm sure there is a specific case you have in mind that sticks in your craw?
Every shooting that happens in black neighborhoods democrats try to blame NRA and gun rights people. And republican leaders.. that was pretty easy lol

Actually the NRA never comes up when it's a shooting in a black city. We talk about gang violence but never the NRA. So you are just pulling shit out of your ass I see.

We only bring up the NRA and gun legislation when white people get shot in mass shootings.

Example. Nipsey Hussle was just murdered in the hood. I have seen no national news discussing gun legislation or the NRA. Have you?
Yes it has.. and it’s aleays brought up in Chicago
Uh-huh, right. That's why this board is flooded with conservatives making ill comments about brown people on a daily basis.

Oh the horror! People say mean words online. That's why we need to embrace Communism.

I notice you didn't deny it

The left claims to champion the plight of "minorities" thus embrace mass immigration as a means to attain their fictional multicultural utopia but the people they pander the most to, the muslims, the hispanics, blacks and yes the asians...are by their very nature, quite conservative.

The left doesn't give two shits about brown people. They are nothing more than a political tool for them.

I see a lot more conservatives desperately flailing around trying to prove to just how not racist they are than the opposite. Thankfully though, there's a growing segment of white America who are growing numb to the accusation. If not hating myself for being white and not celebrating the destruction of my heritage and culture makes me a Nazi then so be it. I'm a fucking Nazi.

so what are you going to do about it, Chang?

What am I going to do about what? The OP claimed the conservatives don't care about race. I pointed out he's full of shit and you confirmed it. Looks like you did everything for me.

Conservatives don't care about race. It's all about money. Take for example Ben Carson. He doesn't care about race and his neighbors don't either.

Republicans also don't really care about sexuality either. They only use gays as a wedge issue to divide us. Just ask Kaitlyn Jenner. He's a die hard Republican who cut off his penis. They only bring up this shit to sucker poor folk into voting Republican.

So you are correct. Conservatives don't care about race. But they know many poor Americans do and they use that to con stupid poor and middle class Americans into voting against their own financial interests. Sad really.
Is that racisim to care about a race?? Why not treat everyone equal?

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