Democrat Racism

I know in most cities it’s the mayor that overseas the water and sewer.. not a govonor. But if you want to just hate republicans have fun wasting tax payers money on a law suit

Most cities don't have a Republican governor take them over and appoint an emergency financial manager. That means the mayor and city counsel aren't calling the shots. The governor is.

We are hating the people who allowed the people of flint to go on drinking lead water even after they knew.
It’s the mayors fault

Again, it doesn't matter how many times you repeat this, the governor made the call.
Sorry I just researched it.. water and sewer is under the jurisdiction of the mayor

You've researched nothing.
Prove me wrong
You said Democrats are slavery. Why is MA voting for slavery? You can't blame blacks when only 5% of the population is black.

Why are your neighbors not buying your bullshit? Probably because they know your bullshit tal about red states and small towns is utter crap. You can't run a big city like you do Mayberry.
When bad things happen in inner cities, the democrats can control the message, for instance if a black child was killed in Boston , Democrats will get a black “leader” sometimes a church Leader, they dictate the message. And blame republicans, or laws that need to change, ask for more police.
They never talk about the fatherless rate, or welfare, or education.. all the real reasons. That message gets out and if you question it they say you are not black you don’t understand..
democrats are fcuked up group

Because those aren't the real reasons. Excuse me, but I am black. I've had about enough of your ignorance. The majority of welfare recipients are white. Half of white families are single parent. 92 percent of all blacks graduate from high school than ever. 95 percent of whites do. More blacks are going to college or seeking post secondary education. Your opinion is wrong in every aspect.

Don't try arguing with me using what you heard last night on Hannity. Don't try quoting Thomas Sowell or some other black conservative. I've studied this stuff since I was 21 at least. That's 37 years. The problem is lack of investment in the black community and in the ideas of black entrepreneurs. There ain't no black Trump who can still borrow money after 5-6 bankruptcies.

All of what you call problems aren't when people have jobs and opportunities.

And let's try funding all the schools equally. Mayors have one vote on the city council. And I doubt if every city council in America is 100 percent democrat. Silly season is over. Just face the fact that your party is f-d up.

This bullshit argument that all high poverty and crime cities are run by Democrats argument is particularly annoying. Clearly it's a talking point they are going with right now like back when they were asking blacks, "what have you got to lose?" The answer is a lot. Fairness, equality, labor laws, social safety nets, medicare, etc.

I wonder how many people that worked on.

Strange how our friends never mention republican governors.
(High crime and broke southern states)
I think places like Memphis has higher crime than Chicago, the only city they seem to know about

Do you remember their argument in the past that race relations are much better in red states? But then you point out that in the South blacks are faced with the same problems blacks up north deal with. For example they'll tell you that in red states the only high crime and high poverty cities are also run by democrats. But right next to that poor black city is a rich white neighborhood and blacks are cut off from the economic opportunity.

Ok so southern blacks don't riot or don't have the same crime filled hoods like Detroit and Chicago but still they want to pretend that blacks and whites down south get along and racism and bias don't exist down there.

I think blacks down south are just more afraid they'll get lynched if they say anything. And clearly they are in the minority. If they weren't then those states wouldn't be so solidly red.

I'd be quiet too if I were a poor black in Mississippi. 95% of the whites in that state are Racist Republicans.

Also don't forget blacks left those red states for jobs. Then Republicans sent those high paying union jobs where blacks couldn't get them. Mexico.
Cool story,, only people getting lynched are conservatives.
Oh us poor whites. Do you feel demeaned, attacked or discriminated against? That's funny because I'm a successful white man and I don't feel discriminated against at all except for it feels like the rich are fucking us over. You know, rich liberals, RINO's, Deep State Republicans, companies like GE who because of OBAMA don't pay taxes, rich celebrities being treated differently because they have money and better lawyers. Guys like Robert Kraft and Jussie Smolletts. We now know rich people cheat to take seats in college that should have gone to your kid. But you don't complain about them you complain about poor blacks getting in instead of your kid. THey use race to divide us.

Lobbyists who have bribed our corrupt politicians to rig the system so that it favors the corporations who they lobby for.

The point is, you Republicans at times seem to understand the system is rigged. But you'll only admit it when it's a Jussie Smolletts or Aunt Becky because those aren't traditional "conservatives".

I do notice Republicans here will never fault corporations unless it's a union company or a bank. All other corporations can do no wrong even ones that hire illegals you fuckers defend. Weird.

You assume too much. I don't want to play your stupid partisan games.

Search my post history. You won't find a single instance of me defending unrestrained corporate greed. What on earth does having an anti-abortion stance have to do with being pro-interventionist war?, many republicans conflate social conservatism with economic and foreign policy as if they correlate in any way.

The right-left paradigm is bullshit. Politics is way more complicated than that.

When both parties care about the poor, middle and upper class, you can vote based on social wedge issues.

But what right leaning Americans did when Clinton gave us 8 great years and a great economy with a surplus is the Republicans convinced enough voters to vote based on social wedge issues. How bad could Bush fuck up right? 2 wars and a Great recession later...

Democats were the godless party. Today we are the racist party. We are the party that wants to take away your guns. We want trannys in bathrooms. We want to murder babies!!!

If it weren't for this stupid shit yall would have no reason to vote GOP.

And you don't even notice that since the 1970's the rich have gotten richer and the middle class has gotten poorer. Do you put 2 and 2 together? No. They tell you, "it's way more complicated than that" and they spin it so you think it's liberals who have hurt the middle class.

It couldn't possibly be the rich who have taken over our government the last few decades and gotten them to pass laws that favor them and hurt us. Hell, if we even suggest it you guys cry class warfare. Meanwhile it's them who waged war on us and we are losing.

Seriously, during the decades that the middle class has disappeared, the rich have gotten richer. You don't see the connection?

Wealth inequality is soaring – here are the 10 reasons why it’s happening | Dominic Frisby

Hell, I can think of a few more ways they've gotten richer at our expense. Here's one. Illegal immigrants. It was corporations who want to pay low wages that first started hiring illegals. Before Reagan immigrants only came for migrant work like picking fruit. Soon places like Mara Lago started hiring illegals. Or the Hilton or Sheraton. So these corporations and rich people got richer and the middle class got poorer. Americans stop getting these jobs because rich corporations and owners could hire illegals for less.
Oh us poor whites. Do you feel demeaned, attacked or discriminated against? That's funny because I'm a successful white man and I don't feel discriminated against at all except for it feels like the rich are fucking us over. You know, rich liberals, RINO's, Deep State Republicans, companies like GE who because of OBAMA don't pay taxes, rich celebrities being treated differently because they have money and better lawyers. Guys like Robert Kraft and Jussie Smolletts. We now know rich people cheat to take seats in college that should have gone to your kid. But you don't complain about them you complain about poor blacks getting in instead of your kid. THey use race to divide us.

Lobbyists who have bribed our corrupt politicians to rig the system so that it favors the corporations who they lobby for.

The point is, you Republicans at times seem to understand the system is rigged. But you'll only admit it when it's a Jussie Smolletts or Aunt Becky because those aren't traditional "conservatives".

I do notice Republicans here will never fault corporations unless it's a union company or a bank. All other corporations can do no wrong even ones that hire illegals you fuckers defend. Weird.

You assume too much. I don't want to play your stupid partisan games.

Search my post history. You won't find a single instance of me defending unrestrained corporate greed. What on earth does having an anti-abortion stance have to do with being pro-interventionist war?, many republicans conflate social conservatism with economic and foreign policy as if they correlate in any way.

The right-left paradigm is bullshit. Politics is way more complicated than that.

When both parties care about the poor, middle and upper class, you can vote based on social wedge issues.

But what right leaning Americans did when Clinton gave us 8 great years and a great economy with a surplus is the Republicans convinced enough voters to vote based on social wedge issues. How bad could Bush fuck up right? 2 wars and a Great recession later...

Democats were the godless party. Today we are the racist party. We are the party that wants to take away your guns. We want trannys in bathrooms. We want to murder babies!!!

If it weren't for this stupid shit yall would have no reason to vote GOP.

And you don't even notice that since the 1970's the rich have gotten richer and the middle class has gotten poorer. Do you put 2 and 2 together? No. They tell you, "it's way more complicated than that" and they spin it so you think it's liberals who have hurt the middle class.

It couldn't possibly be the rich who have taken over our government the last few decades and gotten them to pass laws that favor them and hurt us. Hell, if we even suggest it you guys cry class warfare. Meanwhile it's them who waged war on us and we are losing.

Seriously, during the decades that the middle class has disappeared, the rich have gotten richer. You don't see the connection?

Wealth inequality is soaring – here are the 10 reasons why it’s happening | Dominic Frisby

Hell, I can think of a few more ways they've gotten richer at our expense. Here's one. Illegal immigrants. It was corporations who want to pay low wages that first started hiring illegals. Before Reagan immigrants only came for migrant work like picking fruit. Soon places like Mara Lago started hiring illegals. Or the Hilton or Sheraton. So these corporations and rich people got richer and the middle class got poorer. Americans stop getting these jobs because rich corporations and owners could hire illegals for less.

Shut the fuck up you democrat zealot. What you want is one party rule and if that happens those so-called "wedge issues" will be dead in the water. There is no such thing as a pro-life democrat.
There, I said it. Why is it that Democrat 'colored/black' skinned people are always considered victims by the old-white Democrats? Could it be that SOME 'colored/black' skinned people traded slavery for victimhood? True Conservatives are color-blind and everyone is considered equally by their contribution. Competence is rewarded in $$$$ it doesn't matter the color of the skin. My advice to 'colored/black' people is to STAY AWAY from the Democrat party. Remember, THEY were the original slave-holders. They STILL consider 'colored/black' people to be inferior.

Racism has always been a favorite democratic hat trick. Jim Crow was a democratic thing, as was the KKK. The democratic party was began by Andrew Jackson was was famous for his racism against native Americans and today the black democrats are about as racist as they come. In fact other than being stupid being racist is about all they are good at.
You lefties like to whine about that, and institute policies to push back on that.

It doesn't actually do shit against those in power of course.

It falls on the white middle class and white poor.

And when we point out that that is bullshit, you dismiss our real issues, because we are white.

And you wonder why we are pissed off.

You are starting to get it. The rich fuck with you too. Just because they are white doesn't mean they'll ever make you a CEO. That job is slated for their kids.

No one thinks that because the CEO's are white, that they will do shit for us. That is a delusion of the Left.

It's just a coincidence those rich people are all mostly white.

It is irrelevant that those people are white. They made their decisions with no regard for that. They don't care. I don't care. YOu liberals are the only ones that care about the race of the CEOs.

And they use race to divide you and the blacks.

It is not the CEO's that divide whites and blacks. It is liberals, rich and poor, that keep telling the blacks that the Evul REpublicans are out to get them.

They convince you it's blacks who are ruining white America when rich white men are 95% of the executive board room.

They are not convincing me of anything. YOu have this fantasy about what you think that I think, that you made up out of nothing.

That should tell you something. The system is rigged and the rich people (who just happen to be white) are keeping the system rigged and you seem to defend them because you feel that you benefit from this favoritism and you don't want things to change so that blacks and women get a fair chance to reach such levels.

I have no problem with blacks and women having upward mobility. That is you not having a clue about me or mine.

If you ever see me say something that makes you think that, you need to ask me to clarify it for you, because you totally and completely misunderstood me.

I guess AA doesn't benefit a white guy like you but it is a step in the right direction for the rest of America, which is really really diverse.

Odd that. NOt benefiting is not a big deal. If something does "not benefit me" I don't care about it.

Why are you justifying something that is just "not a benefit" to me?

It sounds like you are trying to implicitly admit that AA is at my expense.

But that contradicts the standard liberal position that discrimination for blacks is not discrimination against whites.

Which is obviously absurd of course.

Kudos for you if you are admitting that though.

And no. I am done paying for the crimes of other people's ancestors. I will not support AA and it's ilk.

I want equal and fair treatment. I cannot afford to be discriminated against, nor do I want that for my child.

No reason why the executive boardrooms are so so white and male dominated unless an unfair bias is at play.

Nice assumption. Of course there are plenty of other possible reasons.

You are probably like women. Women don't seem to give a shit about affirmative action until they realize they are the ones who benefit most from it. If you benefitted from AA then I bet you'd be all for it. But you aren't so you're not.

I generally dont' like to brag about what I would do in hypothetical circumstances.

It is easy to talk shit about what one would do, in the comfort of your living room, on a lap top.

In the same vein, it is equally wrong for you to cast aspersions on me, based on your assumptions what I would do in hypothetical circumstances.

Me and mine are discriminated against by AA, and it's associated programs and practices NOW.

I am not "all for it", because it is morally wrong, and it is wrong at our expense.

I know this is liberal college bullshit to you but this is what white male CEO's are doing because they realize in a country as diverse as ours, there is something wrong when 95% of the CEO's are white.

1. Your Appeal to Authority is noted and dismissed as a Logical Fallacy and thus an invalid argument.

2. Link to defend that number.

3. An unequal outcome is not proof of bias or discrimination, no matter how many times you assert that it is.

You can't explain it. And if you can, the reasons are problems that need to be corrected.

That sort of depends on the reasons.

No it's not because women put their family first

The fact that women, generally speaking, are far more likely to put far more emphasis on their family or personal life than their career, is certainly a large part of it.

and no it's not because blacks aren't smart enough.

Oh, you deny that the Education Gap exists?

These CEO's realize that a diverse country is not going to put up with the white privilege that is going on.

1. Your Appeal to Authority is noted and dismissed.

2. That fact that they might fear the political power of minorities is not an argument that it is right.

White male bias.

Repeating your assumptions, over and over again, is not a supporting argument.

So like half of the fortune 500 ceo's have signed the diversity pledge.

Your Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority and Appeal to Popularity is noted and rejected

They better or the diverse consumers won't buy their shit. That's about the only power we have anymore. Put pressure on their bottom line. Then maybe they'll act responsibily and fairly. And when they do it, you white poor men can cry all you want. You had your chance to climb the corporate latter. In fact most of the guys at the top are white men so quit your complaining.

  • I will check my own biases and take meaningful action to understand and mitigate them.
  • I will initiate meaningful, complex, and sometimes difficult, conversations with my friends and colleagues.
  • I will ask myself, “Do my actions and words reflect the value of inclusion?”
  • I will move outside my comfort zone to learn about the experiences and perspectives of others.
  • I will share my insights related to what I have learned.
The CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ aims to rally the business community to advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace by working collectively across organizations and sectors. It outlines a specific set of actions the undersigned companies will take to cultivate a trusting environment where all ideas are welcomed and employees feel comfortable and empowered to discuss diversity and inclusion.

All the signatories serve as leaders of their companies and have committed to implementing the following pledge within their workplaces. Where companies have already implemented one or several of the commitments, the undersigned commit to support other companies in doing the same.

The persistent inequities across our country underscore our urgent, national need to address and alleviate racial, ethnic and other tensions and to promote diversity within our communities. As leaders of some of America’s largest corporations, we manage thousands of employees and play a critical role in ensuring that inclusion is core to our workplace culture and that our businesses are representative of the communities we serve. Moreover, we know that diversity is good for the economy; it improves corporate performance, drives growth and enhances employee engagement.

Simply put, organizations with diverse teams perform better.

1. Please support your premise that diverse teams perform better.

2. What is currently causing the tension in our society That is what is tearing this nation apart.
You’re all so blind. Blaming us liberals when the rich and powerful are who’s holding you back. Deep state stuff

For my entire life, the message I have heard from the "Rich" on these issues, is the exact same as I hear from you, ie. we must do all we can to make up for the past by helping blacks and minorities today and in the future, and that this will somehow be wonderful for the nation as a whole.

THe idea that the "rich" has been inciting me to blame blacks, to divide us, is simply a fantasy in the minds of liberals, with no existence in the real world.

Your assumption that diverse teams perform better, is ideological dogma and I have never seen one lib seriously try to support it. As you did not either.

My point about what is tearing this nation apart stands. it is the assumption being pushed by you libs, that any unequal outcome, must be caused by discrimination by evul white men.
STFU. This is the same old white racist gibberish repeated by republicans here every day.

The Free Soil Party was a short-lived political party in the United States active in the 1848 and 1852 presidential elections as well as in some state elections. A single-issue party, its main purpose was to oppose the expansion of slavery into the Western territories, arguing that free men on free soil constituted a morally and economically superior system to slavery. It also sometimes worked to remove existing laws that discriminated against freed African Americans in states such as Ohio.[citation needed]

The party originated in New York after the state Democratic convention refused to endorse the Wilmot Proviso, a proposed law that would have banned slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico in the Mexican–American War. A faction of New York Democrats known as the Barnburners objected to slavery in the territories and opposed the 1848 Democratic nominee Lewis Cass. The Barnburners and other anti-slavery Democrats joined with some anti-slavery Whigs and the Liberty Party to form the Free Soil Party.

Free Soil Party - Wikipedia



I would consider a black man like Ben Carson my brother.

He is both a Christian and a conservative.

Can you say that about any white men?
Oh us poor whites. Do you feel demeaned, attacked or discriminated against? That's funny because I'm a successful white man and I don't feel discriminated against at all except for it feels like the rich are fucking us over. You know, rich liberals, RINO's, Deep State Republicans, companies like GE who because of OBAMA don't pay taxes, rich celebrities being treated differently because they have money and better lawyers. Guys like Robert Kraft and Jussie Smolletts. We now know rich people cheat to take seats in college that should have gone to your kid. But you don't complain about them you complain about poor blacks getting in instead of your kid. THey use race to divide us.

Lobbyists who have bribed our corrupt politicians to rig the system so that it favors the corporations who they lobby for.

The point is, you Republicans at times seem to understand the system is rigged. But you'll only admit it when it's a Jussie Smolletts or Aunt Becky because those aren't traditional "conservatives".

I do notice Republicans here will never fault corporations unless it's a union company or a bank. All other corporations can do no wrong even ones that hire illegals you fuckers defend. Weird.

You assume too much. I don't want to play your stupid partisan games.

Search my post history. You won't find a single instance of me defending unrestrained corporate greed. What on earth does having an anti-abortion stance have to do with being pro-interventionist war?, many republicans conflate social conservatism with economic and foreign policy as if they correlate in any way.

The right-left paradigm is bullshit. Politics is way more complicated than that.

When both parties care about the poor, middle and upper class, you can vote based on social wedge issues.

But what right leaning Americans did when Clinton gave us 8 great years and a great economy with a surplus is the Republicans convinced enough voters to vote based on social wedge issues. How bad could Bush fuck up right? 2 wars and a Great recession later...

Democats were the godless party. Today we are the racist party. We are the party that wants to take away your guns. We want trannys in bathrooms. We want to murder babies!!!

If it weren't for this stupid shit yall would have no reason to vote GOP.

And you don't even notice that since the 1970's the rich have gotten richer and the middle class has gotten poorer. Do you put 2 and 2 together? No. They tell you, "it's way more complicated than that" and they spin it so you think it's liberals who have hurt the middle class.

It couldn't possibly be the rich who have taken over our government the last few decades and gotten them to pass laws that favor them and hurt us. Hell, if we even suggest it you guys cry class warfare. Meanwhile it's them who waged war on us and we are losing.

Seriously, during the decades that the middle class has disappeared, the rich have gotten richer. You don't see the connection?

Wealth inequality is soaring – here are the 10 reasons why it’s happening | Dominic Frisby

Hell, I can think of a few more ways they've gotten richer at our expense. Here's one. Illegal immigrants. It was corporations who want to pay low wages that first started hiring illegals. Before Reagan immigrants only came for migrant work like picking fruit. Soon places like Mara Lago started hiring illegals. Or the Hilton or Sheraton. So these corporations and rich people got richer and the middle class got poorer. Americans stop getting these jobs because rich corporations and owners could hire illegals for less.
You been on here since 2008 and haven’t learned any thing smh
All people. The system is rigged black white christian atheist Jew man woman ...

And they use race to divide us.
Sure they do.

White people are the most restricted and most censored people in history while black supremacist psychobabble is considered brilliant academic scholarship.
That’s funny because everyone thriving in metro Detroit. All the CEOs, VPs, hiring managers, bosses, owners, etc... are all white.

Not just in Detroit....all over America as well.

The "poor, maligned" white MALE population represents 31% of the total population in America yet holds nearly 80% of executive positions in the workforce, and the vast majority of positions of power in politics.

You lefties like to whine about that, and institute policies to push back on that.

It doesn't actually do shit against those in power of course.

It falls on the white middle class and white poor.

And when we point out that that is bullshit, you dismiss our real issues, because we are white.

And you wonder why we are pissed off.

Frankly, I don't wonder or care if you are pissed off or not..

My point was, obviously, not to bring to your attention our angry, but to address your comment about our anger.


It's a fact. And pointing out a mathematical fact based on relative population size is not "whining"

Aw, geez, was I being dismissive? Geeze I wonder where I got that idea? D'uh.

When those of you on the extreme right, use the
"per capita" argument to support your version of logic, it is fair to do so. But when someone who is neutral or leans differently than you do does the same, it is immediately "unfair". There are not two sets of rules.

I'm not denying the numbers. I'm just saying they don't matter, nor do they prove discrimination.

Based on per capita, and the fact that 31% of the population in America from ONE demographic controls the majority of the wealth and power in this country there is no anti white discrimination....

Or it could prove that the rich and powerful have the wealth and power to protect themselves and theirs from the discrimination in question, while the middle class and poor whites, get fucked, and then told they are whiners when they rightfully speak out against the injustice.


As you self proclaimed "Patriots" have always echoed...."America is the land of opportunity" just like my own generation was told "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", maybe the so called "white poor and middle class, should do the same thing.

For generations there has been a national consensus including both sides of the political spectrum, to HELP blacks and minorities to do that. Whites have been voting for that, and for pro-AA political candidates for generations.

Your spin on this, is a slap in the face to the hundreds of millions of whites who have been supportive of you and yours for generations.

Which goes to show that our efforts were a foolish failure, and we should stop immediately..

When a previous history of privilege exists, equality feels like oppression.

Bull fucking shit. This is not equality. Your defense of discrimination makes you the bad guy.
You said Democrats are slavery. Why is MA voting for slavery? You can't blame blacks when only 5% of the population is black.

Why are your neighbors not buying your bullshit? Probably because they know your bullshit tal about red states and small towns is utter crap. You can't run a big city like you do Mayberry.
When bad things happen in inner cities, the democrats can control the message, for instance if a black child was killed in Boston , Democrats will get a black “leader” sometimes a church Leader, they dictate the message. And blame republicans, or laws that need to change, ask for more police.
They never talk about the fatherless rate, or welfare, or education.. all the real reasons. That message gets out and if you question it they say you are not black you don’t understand..
democrats are fcuked up group

Because those aren't the real reasons. Excuse me, but I am black. I've had about enough of your ignorance. The majority of welfare recipients are white. Half of white families are single parent. 92 percent of all blacks graduate from high school than ever. 95 percent of whites do. More blacks are going to college or seeking post secondary education. Your opinion is wrong in every aspect.

Don't try arguing with me using what you heard last night on Hannity. Don't try quoting Thomas Sowell or some other black conservative. I've studied this stuff since I was 21 at least. That's 37 years. The problem is lack of investment in the black community and in the ideas of black entrepreneurs. There ain't no black Trump who can still borrow money after 5-6 bankruptcies.

All of what you call problems aren't when people have jobs and opportunities.

And let's try funding all the schools equally. Mayors have one vote on the city council. And I doubt if every city council in America is 100 percent democrat. Silly season is over. Just face the fact that your party is f-d up.

This bullshit argument that all high poverty and crime cities are run by Democrats argument is particularly annoying. Clearly it's a talking point they are going with right now like back when they were asking blacks, "what have you got to lose?" The answer is a lot. Fairness, equality, labor laws, social safety nets, medicare, etc.

I wonder how many people that worked on.

Strange how our friends never mention republican governors.
(High crime and broke southern states)
I think places like Memphis has higher crime than Chicago, the only city they seem to know about

Do you remember their argument in the past that race relations are much better in red states? But then you point out that in the South blacks are faced with the same problems blacks up north deal with. For example they'll tell you that in red states the only high crime and high poverty cities are also run by democrats. But right next to that poor black city is a rich white neighborhood and blacks are cut off from the economic opportunity.

Ok so southern blacks don't riot or don't have the same crime filled hoods like Detroit and Chicago but still they want to pretend that blacks and whites down south get along and racism and bias don't exist down there.

I think blacks down south are just more afraid they'll get lynched if they say anything. And clearly they are in the minority. If they weren't then those states wouldn't be so solidly red.

I'd be quiet too if I were a poor black in Mississippi. 95% of the whites in that state are Racist Republicans.

Also don't forget blacks left those red states for jobs. Then Republicans sent those high paying union jobs where blacks couldn't get them. Mexico.

Exactly. Miami is in the south and there have been riots.
When bad things happen in inner cities, the democrats can control the message, for instance if a black child was killed in Boston , Democrats will get a black “leader” sometimes a church Leader, they dictate the message. And blame republicans, or laws that need to change, ask for more police.
They never talk about the fatherless rate, or welfare, or education.. all the real reasons. That message gets out and if you question it they say you are not black you don’t understand..
democrats are fcuked up group

Because those aren't the real reasons. Excuse me, but I am black. I've had about enough of your ignorance. The majority of welfare recipients are white. Half of white families are single parent. 92 percent of all blacks graduate from high school than ever. 95 percent of whites do. More blacks are going to college or seeking post secondary education. Your opinion is wrong in every aspect.

Don't try arguing with me using what you heard last night on Hannity. Don't try quoting Thomas Sowell or some other black conservative. I've studied this stuff since I was 21 at least. That's 37 years. The problem is lack of investment in the black community and in the ideas of black entrepreneurs. There ain't no black Trump who can still borrow money after 5-6 bankruptcies.

All of what you call problems aren't when people have jobs and opportunities.

And let's try funding all the schools equally. Mayors have one vote on the city council. And I doubt if every city council in America is 100 percent democrat. Silly season is over. Just face the fact that your party is f-d up.

This bullshit argument that all high poverty and crime cities are run by Democrats argument is particularly annoying. Clearly it's a talking point they are going with right now like back when they were asking blacks, "what have you got to lose?" The answer is a lot. Fairness, equality, labor laws, social safety nets, medicare, etc.

I wonder how many people that worked on.

Strange how our friends never mention republican governors.
(High crime and broke southern states)
I think places like Memphis has higher crime than Chicago, the only city they seem to know about

Do you remember their argument in the past that race relations are much better in red states? But then you point out that in the South blacks are faced with the same problems blacks up north deal with. For example they'll tell you that in red states the only high crime and high poverty cities are also run by democrats. But right next to that poor black city is a rich white neighborhood and blacks are cut off from the economic opportunity.

Ok so southern blacks don't riot or don't have the same crime filled hoods like Detroit and Chicago but still they want to pretend that blacks and whites down south get along and racism and bias don't exist down there.

I think blacks down south are just more afraid they'll get lynched if they say anything. And clearly they are in the minority. If they weren't then those states wouldn't be so solidly red.

I'd be quiet too if I were a poor black in Mississippi. 95% of the whites in that state are Racist Republicans.

Also don't forget blacks left those red states for jobs. Then Republicans sent those high paying union jobs where blacks couldn't get them. Mexico.

Exactly. Miami is in the south and there have been riots.
To funny a tourist town haha
Uh-huh, right. That's why this board is flooded with conservatives making ill comments about brown people on a daily basis.

Oh the horror! People say mean words online. That's why we need to embrace Communism.

I notice you didn't deny it

The left claims to champion the plight of "minorities" thus embrace mass immigration as a means to attain their fictional multicultural utopia but the people they pander the most to, the muslims, the hispanics, blacks and yes the asians...are by their very nature, quite conservative.

The left doesn't give two shits about brown people. They are nothing more than a political tool for them.

I see a lot more conservatives desperately flailing around trying to prove to just how not racist they are than the opposite. Thankfully though, there's a growing segment of white America who are growing numb to the accusation. If not hating myself for being white and not celebrating the destruction of my heritage and culture makes me a Nazi then so be it. I'm a fucking Nazi.

so what are you going to do about it, Chang?
No, you see people responding to the Democrats' racism.

That too. When the left demeans, attacks and discriminates against white people for being white they don't see it as racism. They see it as justice.

You are attacked for being a racist. Not for being white.
Because those aren't the real reasons. Excuse me, but I am black. I've had about enough of your ignorance. The majority of welfare recipients are white. Half of white families are single parent. 92 percent of all blacks graduate from high school than ever. 95 percent of whites do. More blacks are going to college or seeking post secondary education. Your opinion is wrong in every aspect.

Don't try arguing with me using what you heard last night on Hannity. Don't try quoting Thomas Sowell or some other black conservative. I've studied this stuff since I was 21 at least. That's 37 years. The problem is lack of investment in the black community and in the ideas of black entrepreneurs. There ain't no black Trump who can still borrow money after 5-6 bankruptcies.

All of what you call problems aren't when people have jobs and opportunities.

And let's try funding all the schools equally. Mayors have one vote on the city council. And I doubt if every city council in America is 100 percent democrat. Silly season is over. Just face the fact that your party is f-d up.

This bullshit argument that all high poverty and crime cities are run by Democrats argument is particularly annoying. Clearly it's a talking point they are going with right now like back when they were asking blacks, "what have you got to lose?" The answer is a lot. Fairness, equality, labor laws, social safety nets, medicare, etc.

I wonder how many people that worked on.

Strange how our friends never mention republican governors.
(High crime and broke southern states)
I think places like Memphis has higher crime than Chicago, the only city they seem to know about

Do you remember their argument in the past that race relations are much better in red states? But then you point out that in the South blacks are faced with the same problems blacks up north deal with. For example they'll tell you that in red states the only high crime and high poverty cities are also run by democrats. But right next to that poor black city is a rich white neighborhood and blacks are cut off from the economic opportunity.

Ok so southern blacks don't riot or don't have the same crime filled hoods like Detroit and Chicago but still they want to pretend that blacks and whites down south get along and racism and bias don't exist down there.

I think blacks down south are just more afraid they'll get lynched if they say anything. And clearly they are in the minority. If they weren't then those states wouldn't be so solidly red.

I'd be quiet too if I were a poor black in Mississippi. 95% of the whites in that state are Racist Republicans.

Also don't forget blacks left those red states for jobs. Then Republicans sent those high paying union jobs where blacks couldn't get them. Mexico.

Exactly. Miami is in the south and there have been riots.
To funny a tourist town haha

Seems like there are at least 6 million people who aren't tourists in that area fruity.
Democrats hide their racism because they need the votes. Here’s an example of that......

Lisanti used the racial slur in late January, in a conversation with black and white lawmakers at a cigar bar in Annapolis. She told another white lawmaker that when he campaigned in Prince George’s on behalf of a candidate last fall, he was door-knocking in a “n----- district,” said Del. Jay Walker (D-Prince George’s), who witnessed the comment and represents the district in question.
None of the lawmakers who witnessed the comment made a formal complaint to House Speaker Michael E. Busch (D-Anne Arundel) or publicly criticized Lisanti.

Yawn! We know who the democrats are who are racists. Republicans are controlled by racists and it is reflected in your policies.

Name 1?

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Democrats hide their racism because they need the votes. Here’s an example of that......

Lisanti used the racial slur in late January, in a conversation with black and white lawmakers at a cigar bar in Annapolis. She told another white lawmaker that when he campaigned in Prince George’s on behalf of a candidate last fall, he was door-knocking in a “n----- district,” said Del. Jay Walker (D-Prince George’s), who witnessed the comment and represents the district in question.
None of the lawmakers who witnessed the comment made a formal complaint to House Speaker Michael E. Busch (D-Anne Arundel) or publicly criticized Lisanti.

Yawn! We know who the democrats are who are racists. Republicans are controlled by racists and it is reflected in your policies.

Name 1?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No. I read shitloads of racist bullshit by republicans here and you think I have to show your racist ass a policy to prove republicans are racists. You have to be out of your mind.
Democrats hide their racism because they need the votes. Here’s an example of that......

Lisanti used the racial slur in late January, in a conversation with black and white lawmakers at a cigar bar in Annapolis. She told another white lawmaker that when he campaigned in Prince George’s on behalf of a candidate last fall, he was door-knocking in a “n----- district,” said Del. Jay Walker (D-Prince George’s), who witnessed the comment and represents the district in question.
None of the lawmakers who witnessed the comment made a formal complaint to House Speaker Michael E. Busch (D-Anne Arundel) or publicly criticized Lisanti.

Yawn! We know who the democrats are who are racists. Republicans are controlled by racists and it is reflected in your policies.

Name 1?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No. I read shitloads of racist bullshit by republicans here and you think I have to show your racist ass a policy to prove republicans are racists. You have to be out of your mind.

Lol thought so

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh the horror! People say mean words online. That's why we need to embrace Communism.

I notice you didn't deny it

The left claims to champion the plight of "minorities" thus embrace mass immigration as a means to attain their fictional multicultural utopia but the people they pander the most to, the muslims, the hispanics, blacks and yes the asians...are by their very nature, quite conservative.

The left doesn't give two shits about brown people. They are nothing more than a political tool for them.

I see a lot more conservatives desperately flailing around trying to prove to just how not racist they are than the opposite. Thankfully though, there's a growing segment of white America who are growing numb to the accusation. If not hating myself for being white and not celebrating the destruction of my heritage and culture makes me a Nazi then so be it. I'm a fucking Nazi.

so what are you going to do about it, Chang?
No, you see people responding to the Democrats' racism.

That too. When the left demeans, attacks and discriminates against white people for being white they don't see it as racism. They see it as justice.

You are attacked for being a racist. Not for being white.

The left has been attacking white society since long before I became racist.
Sure they do.

White people are the most restricted and most censored people in history while black supremacist psychobabble is considered brilliant academic scholarship.
That’s funny because everyone thriving in metro Detroit. All the CEOs, VPs, hiring managers, bosses, owners, etc... are all white.

Not just in Detroit....all over America as well.

The "poor, maligned" white MALE population represents 31% of the total population in America yet holds nearly 80% of executive positions in the workforce, and the vast majority of positions of power in politics.

You lefties like to whine about that, and institute policies to push back on that.

It doesn't actually do shit against those in power of course.

It falls on the white middle class and white poor.

And when we point out that that is bullshit, you dismiss our real issues, because we are white.

And you wonder why we are pissed off.

Frankly, I don't wonder or care if you are pissed off or not..

My point was, obviously, not to bring to your attention our angry, but to address your comment about our anger.


It's a fact. And pointing out a mathematical fact based on relative population size is not "whining"

Aw, geez, was I being dismissive? Geeze I wonder where I got that idea? D'uh.

When those of you on the extreme right, use the
"per capita" argument to support your version of logic, it is fair to do so. But when someone who is neutral or leans differently than you do does the same, it is immediately "unfair". There are not two sets of rules.

I'm not denying the numbers. I'm just saying they don't matter, nor do they prove discrimination.

Based on per capita, and the fact that 31% of the population in America from ONE demographic controls the majority of the wealth and power in this country there is no anti white discrimination....

Or it could prove that the rich and powerful have the wealth and power to protect themselves and theirs from the discrimination in question, while the middle class and poor whites, get fucked, and then told they are whiners when they rightfully speak out against the injustice.


As you self proclaimed "Patriots" have always echoed...."America is the land of opportunity" just like my own generation was told "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", maybe the so called "white poor and middle class, should do the same thing.

For generations there has been a national consensus including both sides of the political spectrum, to HELP blacks and minorities to do that. Whites have been voting for that, and for pro-AA political candidates for generations.

Your spin on this, is a slap in the face to the hundreds of millions of whites who have been supportive of you and yours for generations.

Which goes to show that our efforts were a foolish failure, and we should stop immediately..

When a previous history of privilege exists, equality feels like oppression.

Bull fucking shit. This is not equality. Your defense of discrimination makes you the bad guy.
Sure they do.

White people are the most restricted and most censored people in history while black supremacist psychobabble is considered brilliant academic scholarship.
That’s funny because everyone thriving in metro Detroit. All the CEOs, VPs, hiring managers, bosses, owners, etc... are all white.

Not just in Detroit....all over America as well.

The "poor, maligned" white MALE population represents 31% of the total population in America yet holds nearly 80% of executive positions in the workforce, and the vast majority of positions of power in politics.

You lefties like to whine about that, and institute policies to push back on that.

It doesn't actually do shit against those in power of course.

It falls on the white middle class and white poor.

And when we point out that that is bullshit, you dismiss our real issues, because we are white.

And you wonder why we are pissed off.

Frankly, I don't wonder or care if you are pissed off or not..

My point was, obviously, not to bring to your attention our angry, but to address your comment about our anger.


It's a fact. And pointing out a mathematical fact based on relative population size is not "whining"

Aw, geez, was I being dismissive? Geeze I wonder where I got that idea? D'uh.

When those of you on the extreme right, use the
"per capita" argument to support your version of logic, it is fair to do so. But when someone who is neutral or leans differently than you do does the same, it is immediately "unfair". There are not two sets of rules.

I'm not denying the numbers. I'm just saying they don't matter, nor do they prove discrimination.

Based on per capita, and the fact that 31% of the population in America from ONE demographic controls the majority of the wealth and power in this country there is no anti white discrimination....

Or it could prove that the rich and powerful have the wealth and power to protect themselves and theirs from the discrimination in question, while the middle class and poor whites, get fucked, and then told they are whiners when they rightfully speak out against the injustice.


As you self proclaimed "Patriots" have always echoed...."America is the land of opportunity" just like my own generation was told "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", maybe the so called "white poor and middle class, should do the same thing.

For generations there has been a national consensus including both sides of the political spectrum, to HELP blacks and minorities to do that. Whites have been voting for that, and for pro-AA political candidates for generations.

Your spin on this, is a slap in the face to the hundreds of millions of whites who have been supportive of you and yours for generations.

Which goes to show that our efforts were a foolish failure, and we should stop immediately..

When a previous history of privilege exists, equality feels like oppression.

Bull fucking shit. This is not equality. Your defense of discrimination makes you the bad guy.
Sure they do.

White people are the most restricted and most censored people in history while black supremacist psychobabble is considered brilliant academic scholarship.
That’s funny because everyone thriving in metro Detroit. All the CEOs, VPs, hiring managers, bosses, owners, etc... are all white.

Not just in Detroit....all over America as well.

The "poor, maligned" white MALE population represents 31% of the total population in America yet holds nearly 80% of executive positions in the workforce, and the vast majority of positions of power in politics.

You lefties like to whine about that, and institute policies to push back on that.

It doesn't actually do shit against those in power of course.

It falls on the white middle class and white poor.

And when we point out that that is bullshit, you dismiss our real issues, because we are white.

And you wonder why we are pissed off.

Frankly, I don't wonder or care if you are pissed off or not..

My point was, obviously, not to bring to your attention our angry, but to address your comment about our anger.


It's a fact. And pointing out a mathematical fact based on relative population size is not "whining"

Aw, geez, was I being dismissive? Geeze I wonder where I got that idea? D'uh.

When those of you on the extreme right, use the
"per capita" argument to support your version of logic, it is fair to do so. But when someone who is neutral or leans differently than you do does the same, it is immediately "unfair". There are not two sets of rules.

I'm not denying the numbers. I'm just saying they don't matter, nor do they prove discrimination.

Based on per capita, and the fact that 31% of the population in America from ONE demographic controls the majority of the wealth and power in this country there is no anti white discrimination....

Or it could prove that the rich and powerful have the wealth and power to protect themselves and theirs from the discrimination in question, while the middle class and poor whites, get fucked, and then told they are whiners when they rightfully speak out against the injustice.


As you self proclaimed "Patriots" have always echoed...."America is the land of opportunity" just like my own generation was told "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", maybe the so called "white poor and middle class, should do the same thing.

For generations there has been a national consensus including both sides of the political spectrum, to HELP blacks and minorities to do that. Whites have been voting for that, and for pro-AA political candidates for generations.

Your spin on this, is a slap in the face to the hundreds of millions of whites who have been supportive of you and yours for generations.

Which goes to show that our efforts were a foolish failure, and we should stop immediately..

When a previous history of privilege exists, equality feels like oppression.

Bull fucking shit. This is not equality. Your defense of discrimination makes you the bad guy.

Dismissing truth as 'bullshit", makes YOU dishonest.

There is no evidence of any discrimination. There is not a mass scale displacement of whites happening in the workforce or in colleges.

Unemployment rates, average pay rate, average college admission rate, and student body numbers, align or even exceed representation based on relative size of the white population compared to other groups on average.

Especially the black population, whose presence seems to disturb you.

Until you prove otherwise, your point is moot.

Yes....this is equality. Just not the version of what equality should look like to some individuals.

If you consider that a slap in the face of the 'hundreds of millions' of whites who supposedly have supported, "me and mine for generations", then get a tissue and start naming who they are, because "me and mine" have taken care of OURSELVES, for as far back as I can trace in my family tree.

Just what do you propose to "stop"? There is nothing that you nor those in the same financial bracket or less than you, can do to stop anything.

As you have implied, you are powerless because of "favoritism of "minorities by the left".....roflmao.

As far as whites participation in supporting AA, my parents nor did any of their siblings benefit from it, nor did I. I did not get a free education, or free shelter or any other "free shit", like you stereotyping bigots on this site often imply about the majority of black people.

I worked two jobs to pay for my education, and put my own kids through college, and plan on doing the same for my grandchildren.

I don't owe anyone shit, as far as gratitude and most people that I know don't either.

In fact, just as many, if not more white households have likely benefited from AA, due to the rise in white females earning more and having equal access to more management positions on average now than in past generations.

Former military personnel have benefitted from AA and the handicapped have benefitted from AA.

AA is not just a black and white initiative.

The initial benefits from AA that SOME blacks received at its introduction were received decades ago. And no, both political parties do not currently support the initiative.

I have said to you before, that you believe any positive gain by any black citizen in America, is at the expense of a white citizen, which in turn should be viewed with gratitude by every black citizen.

That is not equality either, that's self serving, egotistical bullshit

And It's really just a coded way of you stating a much different belief than you claim that you have.

You think that poor white and middle class people are victims who are getting screwed?

Going back to per capita yet again:

The AVERAGE white household in America has a higher net worth than nearly every other demographic except for Asians. So, on a relative basis, the people that you believe are victims, are far better off than the average family when compared side by side.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Addressing America's Most Pressing Epidemic

If you really believe that poor and middle class whites are getting screwed, then perhaps you should consider redirecting your political support towards voting out the very same fat cats that you voted in?
Last edited:
This bullshit argument that all high poverty and crime cities are run by Democrats argument is particularly annoying. Clearly it's a talking point they are going with right now like back when they were asking blacks, "what have you got to lose?" The answer is a lot. Fairness, equality, labor laws, social safety nets, medicare, etc.

I wonder how many people that worked on.

Strange how our friends never mention republican governors.
(High crime and broke southern states)
I think places like Memphis has higher crime than Chicago, the only city they seem to know about

Do you remember their argument in the past that race relations are much better in red states? But then you point out that in the South blacks are faced with the same problems blacks up north deal with. For example they'll tell you that in red states the only high crime and high poverty cities are also run by democrats. But right next to that poor black city is a rich white neighborhood and blacks are cut off from the economic opportunity.

Ok so southern blacks don't riot or don't have the same crime filled hoods like Detroit and Chicago but still they want to pretend that blacks and whites down south get along and racism and bias don't exist down there.

I think blacks down south are just more afraid they'll get lynched if they say anything. And clearly they are in the minority. If they weren't then those states wouldn't be so solidly red.

I'd be quiet too if I were a poor black in Mississippi. 95% of the whites in that state are Racist Republicans.

Also don't forget blacks left those red states for jobs. Then Republicans sent those high paying union jobs where blacks couldn't get them. Mexico.

Exactly. Miami is in the south and there have been riots.
To funny a tourist town haha

Seems like there are at least 6 million people who aren't tourists in that area fruity.
lol yea no tourist in Miami haha
I notice you didn't deny it

The left doesn't give two shits about brown people. They are nothing more than a political tool for them.

I see a lot more conservatives desperately flailing around trying to prove to just how not racist they are than the opposite. Thankfully though, there's a growing segment of white America who are growing numb to the accusation. If not hating myself for being white and not celebrating the destruction of my heritage and culture makes me a Nazi then so be it. I'm a fucking Nazi.

so what are you going to do about it, Chang?
No, you see people responding to the Democrats' racism.

That too. When the left demeans, attacks and discriminates against white people for being white they don't see it as racism. They see it as justice.

You are attacked for being a racist. Not for being white.

The left has been attacking white society since long before I became racist.
You mean they started fighting back

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