Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

Why are you against them
Expressing Themsleves ? Mr free speech?
Why doesn't Trump just get out there and punch some protesters in the face. He's always talking about how much he'd enjoy doing would be a perfect opportunity.

I would love to see that. However, he has "guys" to do that......damn, it's nice to be rich. Just ask Hillary.
i wonder if the angry supporters are aware that Obama and Hillary are in charge? so how can the problems in Chicago be Trumps fault?
This was sponsored by MOVE ON.............last election SEIU thugs threatened people going to rallies.................

Same shit different election.
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

well, that would be Trump and his followers who threaten to beat up people who disagree with them.
Trump just got the Bully's Worst Nightmare- people willing to fight back.

I am SOOOOO Proud of my city tonight.

Proud of a bunch of thugs? That speaks volumes about you....asshole
Yeah, I know...when things go good you say it'll increase votes. When things go bad you say it'll increase votes.
One of the largest turnouts for GOP primaries in ages..........45000 in Pennsylvania swapped from the Dem to GOP since the beginning of the yea...............Dem primaries low..............

You figure it out...............People are jumping off the Hilary states that almost always go Dem..................Hey........Hillary has a following of FBI agents though........Look on the bright side.

Yeah I know...2 years ago you said the same thing "largest turnout"

Then 2 years before that.

Then 2 years before that.
Your not dealing with RINO's this time.................It isn't a pillow fight anymore..............your tactics will be used against you with this candidate.

You said that last time too. You need new material lol
This is what happens when we select the wrong black person to be president. Obama has done nothing but divide the country and divide it to a point where a person can not have free speech unless he is a minority. This will give Trump many many votes. I may even change my mind and vote for him.
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

well, that would be Trump and his followers who threaten to beat up people who disagree with them.
Trump just got the Bully's Worst Nightmare- people willing to fight back.

I am SOOOOO Proud of my city tonight.

No, they don't do that. What they do is throw trespassers out of Trump's rallies when they attempt to disrupt them. No one goes to Hillary rallies, so it's not a problem there.
The BLM movement and their puppet masters can shove their little protest where the sun doesn't shine...............Too bad no water cannon action tonight to see how some slide down the pavement.

Here, want a trip down memory lane?


What does that have to do with the Trump event?
I brought it up............I wanted to see the BLM people washed down the street with a water cannon...............didn't happen............too damned bad.
And now I know why I voted for Trump. Sure, he hasn't helped the atmosphere with his comments, but never has he stooped so low as to encourage his supporters to shut down other people's rallies.

Hey liberals, this is what a safe space on steroids looks like.

You know - I wasn't a Trump supporter until this shit started up. Now? I'm all in for the Trumpster. I like his style. Looks like he will be the nominee - and I can dig it!
Typical violent left wingers shutting down opposition speech.

This is why the backlash is coming and it's coming hard.​
Wow. Watching this on the news now. Liberals are one angry, violent group. No doubt. Trump just gained more votes tonight.
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?
I'm a liberal and, while I think Trump is an extremist dangerously close in a lot of his views to other extreme radicals, I also support free speech.

I think that it is in bad taste to create a hostile environment not open for discussion, now with that said I honestly think that Trump's supporters should have been allowed to peaceably assemble AS WELL AS Trumps protesters been allowed to peaceably protest. I'm not sure who organized the event nor exactly how hostile the crowds seemed to be but either the event was planned by an idiot without enough resources available, or the people attending needed to chill their jets.

Bingo. And by backing out à la Megyn Kelly, Rump is tacitly admitting that he's not willing to chill those jets. After all, that sort of angst is exactly what he thrives on, so he's in effect admitting that he's made of blusterfluff. Only this and nothing more.

Interestingly when he disassociated from that fledgling third party 16 years ago he denounced David Duke as the "anger vote". And now look where he is.
I am not necessarily blaming Trump. I haven't really seen any coverage over the crowds before the event...if the atmosphere is pretty charged, an appearance by the guy that the people disagree over would likely increase tensions, not relieve them.

I'll just repeat this again, either the even organizer was an idiot (not having enough security on hand, nor able to properly rope off / account for designated areas for the protesters outside of the venue of the rally), or the crowds (not saying one side or another, again, we have no least any that I've seen, I'd be more than happy if somebody had a link to how the crowds appeared) needed to tone it down.

That (the logistics) may well be, as you say we don't know those details. What I'm saying is the guy in whose hands lies, because he's got their unwavering personality-cult devotion, the power to defuse the whole situation ------ chooses not to go that route. It indicates he sees more benefit in keeping the flames hot than in quenching them.

He could have used the moment as a springboard to a far more exalted atmosphere than what's hanging in the air after yesterday ---- but he chose not to do that and instead maintain the divisive one.

Which is after all predictable, since that --- the atmosphere of friction --- is what serves the self-interest of Numero Uno, while OTOH playing peacemaker offers nothing to that same ego-feed.
The protesters against Trump - entitled to their opinions to be sure - have not represented themselves well during all this at all. Shameful really.
Thousands of normal, people came to listen to a presidential candidate. Then there were protesters that didn't quietly protest outside, they were violent thugs.

Nope. No one goes to hear a political speech. They go to hear Drumpf attack, call names, lie, bellow and bloviate.

There has been violence at every single one of his "rallies" and he has asked for more violence.

He is against the US. He is against the constitution, the right to assembly, the right to free speech and against every founding principle. For those reasons, stoopid stuff ^^ might be right because RWNJs are against the US as well.
And now I know why I voted for Trump. Sure, he hasn't helped the atmosphere with his comments, but never has he stooped so low as to encourage his supporters to shut down other people's rallies.

Hey liberals, this is what a safe space on steroids looks like.


If this is the reason for supporting a candidate you're one of the easily manipulated.
There needs to be more illiterate, woman beating, racist thugs like chris brown standing up against Trump ! Ghetto trash and drug addicts Unite !!!
Why are you against them
Expressing Themsleves ? Mr free speech?
Why doesn't Trump just get out there and punch some protesters in the face. He's always talking about how much he'd enjoy doing would be a perfect opportunity.

I would love to see that. However, he has "guys" to do that......damn, it's nice to be rich. Just ask Hillary.
He's had guys to do that for him his whole life. That's why he's such a craven, cowardly, chickenshit, draft dodging, dilettante, cock sucker.
And now I know why I voted for Trump. Sure, he hasn't helped the atmosphere with his comments, but never has he stooped so low as to encourage his supporters to shut down other people's rallies.

Hey liberals, this is what a safe space on steroids looks like.

You know - I wasn't a Trump supporter until this shit started up. Now? I'm all in for the Trumpster. I like his style. Looks like he will be the nominee - and I can dig it!

Yeah, I think this just clinched it for Trump. It had exactly the opposite effect the thugs wanted.

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