Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

If you actually read my quote I never say "extremely dangerous"...just because the guy added quotes doesn't mean that he accurately quoted the material.

Maybe you should read the quote before getting angry over what wasn't said.

Seriously, you guys seem to have the literacy level of a 4th grader.

Who the hell is angry? I stated a FACT. Anything a liberal doesn't agree with is "extremely dangerous". Tell me where I'm wrong. Please.
Well, I'm a liberal, I don't agree with Trump, and I don't consider Trump as extremely dangerous. I'm literally a living counter-example.

So, yeah, you are pretty wrong.

Apparently, your reading comprehension is not as good as you think sonny.
You said, "Anything a liberal doesn't agree with is "extremely dangerous". Tell me where I'm wrong."

I said, "Well, I'm a liberal, I don't agree with Trump, and I don't consider Trump as extremely dangerous."

If my reading comprehension is off, then please help me. How, exactly, are you right when me, a liberal, disagrees with Trump, and explicitly tells you that I don't find him extremely dangerous.

Perhaps I'm missing something here, but here you have somebody directly counter your statement and you refuse to acknowledge their opinion, still yelling (with fingers in ears I imagine) that the person you don't agree with is wrong...

Also, I felt like I've seen somewhere that you said you were a an ACTUAL vet let me just say that, if you are a vet...get your shit together and stop acting like a 5 year are seriously misrepresenting our brotherhood...if you are just a faker (and believe me, there are tons out there), please stop using that word to describe yourself...its becoming more and more stigmatized in recent years and I'd hate for some fake nutjob to keep running around further degrading the image of a lot of good men and women.

Sonny, I don't have to answer to any jerk off like you. 11B and 97B. Viet Nam 1965-66. Ashau Valley and Quang Tri. Retired in 1987. Thank you. I'll trade war stories with your sorry ass any day of the week. You're not fooling anyone. I've got more DD214's than you have hair on your balls.

Then you should know better than to act the way you do.
Drumpf calls for violence, asks his supporters to beat up people, pays no neck thugs to beat up people, says he wishes protesters would be hauled out on stretchers - there is violence at every single rally and he asks for more.

He attacks the first amendment and the right of assembly. He has said he will put an end to free speech.

Drumpf is against every single American priniciple.

But now, suddenly, its the "liberal's fault".

RWNJ traitors don't take responsibility for their own words. They lie, cheat and steal. So, of course Duh Donuld is their hero.

But, when protesters show up looking for trouble, you condone that.

Bull. Post a link where I said that.

OTOH, when Drumpf calls for violence, YOU condone that.

Drumpf is just reaping what he has sown.

Show me where you condemned protesters showing up looking for trouble.
Good Lord, FoxNews asked two protesters what they are protesting and they couldn't answer the question. They have no idea why they are there. LOL

That would indicate there was no security concern and that Rump is simply hiding to play "victim".
I thought Trump followers liked all the tough talk and appeals to mob violence. I guess they were just too fucking stupid to figure out that others might respond in kind.

You condemn Trump for his violent rhetoric, but condone behavior like this. It shows how poorly you believe in free speech, when only one side can exercise it but not the other.
Feel free to point to part where I condoned violence. Why do you dummies have to lie about everything all the time?

But I most certainly don't see you condemning the violence instigated by the protesters either. Would you like to take that opportunity now? Or are some types of violence acceptable while others are not?
Good Lord, FoxNews asked two protesters what they are protesting and they couldn't answer the question. They have no idea why they are there. LOL

That would indicate there was no security concern and that Rump is simply hiding to play "victim".
I thought Trump followers liked all the tough talk and appeals to mob violence. I guess they were just too fucking stupid to figure out that others might respond in kind.

You condemn Trump for his violent rhetoric, but condone behavior like this. It shows how poorly you believe in free speech, when only one side can exercise it but not the other.

the rubio/cruz/fox nazi wing of the rep party cant name a single event disrupted by Trump supporters because we are decent people unlike the nazi left.
Good Lord, FoxNews asked two protesters what they are protesting and they couldn't answer the question. They have no idea why they are there. LOL

That would indicate there was no security concern and that Rump is simply hiding to play "victim".
I thought Trump followers liked all the tough talk and appeals to mob violence. I guess they were just too fucking stupid to figure out that others might respond in kind.

I know you arent that stupid. Please tell me the events trump supporters have used nazi tactics to disrupt. You cant because there arent any
They called the tune, now they can pay the piper.
Who the hell is angry? I stated a FACT. Anything a liberal doesn't agree with is "extremely dangerous". Tell me where I'm wrong. Please.
Well, I'm a liberal, I don't agree with Trump, and I don't consider Trump as extremely dangerous. I'm literally a living counter-example.

So, yeah, you are pretty wrong.

Apparently, your reading comprehension is not as good as you think sonny.
You said, "Anything a liberal doesn't agree with is "extremely dangerous". Tell me where I'm wrong."

I said, "Well, I'm a liberal, I don't agree with Trump, and I don't consider Trump as extremely dangerous."

If my reading comprehension is off, then please help me. How, exactly, are you right when me, a liberal, disagrees with Trump, and explicitly tells you that I don't find him extremely dangerous.

Perhaps I'm missing something here, but here you have somebody directly counter your statement and you refuse to acknowledge their opinion, still yelling (with fingers in ears I imagine) that the person you don't agree with is wrong...

Also, I felt like I've seen somewhere that you said you were a an ACTUAL vet let me just say that, if you are a vet...get your shit together and stop acting like a 5 year are seriously misrepresenting our brotherhood...if you are just a faker (and believe me, there are tons out there), please stop using that word to describe yourself...its becoming more and more stigmatized in recent years and I'd hate for some fake nutjob to keep running around further degrading the image of a lot of good men and women.

Sonny, I don't have to answer to any jerk off like you. 11B and 97B. Viet Nam 1965-66. Ashau Valley and Quang Tri. Retired in 1987. Thank you. I'll trade war stories with your sorry ass any day of the week. You're not fooling anyone. I've got more DD214's than you have hair on your balls.
You say that, you realize you only get one set of DD214's when you get out right...I'm glad you googled some stuff on the internet to keep up your fake persona...please stop degrading the image of actual vets. You can stir your crazy without having to try and take the honor away from people who actually have strapped gear on their backs and been shot at.

I was wondering about that. I got one DD214. I did photocopy it on occasion.
Good Lord, FoxNews asked two protesters what they are protesting and they couldn't answer the question. They have no idea why they are there. LOL

That would indicate there was no security concern and that Rump is simply hiding to play "victim".
I thought Trump followers liked all the tough talk and appeals to mob violence. I guess they were just too fucking stupid to figure out that others might respond in kind.

You condemn Trump for his violent rhetoric, but condone behavior like this. It shows how poorly you believe in free speech, when only one side can exercise it but not the other.

That's the left wing conception of free speech: speech for me but not for thee.
Well, like I stated earlier - America has awakened. I wouldn't go to any rallies with the idea of shutting it down anymore. It might be bad for one's health.

Just want you to know that when you defend violence then there will be a reaction.

But you think only one side should be able to violent. Lol

So you admit they are brownshirt thugs.

Yes Trump supporters are brown shirts. Yiu defended violence and now you put a flower in your hair.

When did I defend violence?

I'll show you.

When did you disagree with any violent attack that happened at any Trump rally?

Do you disagree with the violence at Trump rallies?

Now when you don't answer....the answer to your question will be apparent

See? You can't play that show me where game with me. I knew you would disappear and hope no one noticed your bullshit
Good Lord, FoxNews asked two protesters what they are protesting and they couldn't answer the question. They have no idea why they are there. LOL

That would indicate there was no security concern and that Rump is simply hiding to play "victim".
I thought Trump followers liked all the tough talk and appeals to mob violence. I guess they were just too fucking stupid to figure out that others might respond in kind.

You condemn Trump for his violent rhetoric, but condone behavior like this. It shows how poorly you believe in free speech, when only one side can exercise it but not the other.
Feel free to point to part where I condoned violence. Why do you dummies have to lie about everything all the time?

But I most certainly don't see you condemning the violence instigated by the protesters. Would you like to take that opportunity now?
they wont because unlike trump supporters who disrupt no ones rallies they are thugs.
Back in the day, it took two sides to make a fight. Apparently, at Trump rallies, only liberal protesters are needed for a fight. Maybe that is because Trump supporters are all Quakers, so the liberal protesters have to beat each other up.
Who the hell is angry? I stated a FACT. Anything a liberal doesn't agree with is "extremely dangerous". Tell me where I'm wrong. Please.
Well, I'm a liberal, I don't agree with Trump, and I don't consider Trump as extremely dangerous. I'm literally a living counter-example.

So, yeah, you are pretty wrong.

Apparently, your reading comprehension is not as good as you think sonny.
You said, "Anything a liberal doesn't agree with is "extremely dangerous". Tell me where I'm wrong."

I said, "Well, I'm a liberal, I don't agree with Trump, and I don't consider Trump as extremely dangerous."

If my reading comprehension is off, then please help me. How, exactly, are you right when me, a liberal, disagrees with Trump, and explicitly tells you that I don't find him extremely dangerous.

Perhaps I'm missing something here, but here you have somebody directly counter your statement and you refuse to acknowledge their opinion, still yelling (with fingers in ears I imagine) that the person you don't agree with is wrong...

Also, I felt like I've seen somewhere that you said you were a an ACTUAL vet let me just say that, if you are a vet...get your shit together and stop acting like a 5 year are seriously misrepresenting our brotherhood...if you are just a faker (and believe me, there are tons out there), please stop using that word to describe yourself...its becoming more and more stigmatized in recent years and I'd hate for some fake nutjob to keep running around further degrading the image of a lot of good men and women.

Sonny, I don't have to answer to any jerk off like you. 11B and 97B. Viet Nam 1965-66. Ashau Valley and Quang Tri. Retired in 1987. Thank you. I'll trade war stories with your sorry ass any day of the week. You're not fooling anyone. I've got more DD214's than you have hair on your balls.

Then you should know better than to act the way you do.

Oh, I'm sorry, I should just sit back and let you pussies talk all the shit you want - Fuck you AND the horse you rode in on.
Is there really that much difference between Trump and Hillary? Both are assholes. Neither are fit to be president. Really crappy choices the dems and reps have given the people.
Trump is 10,000 times better than Hillary.
2009, Chicago Tea Partiers disrupt a Democratic rep's town hall meeting:


You mean they used their freedom of speech to petition their representative? And you oppose that?

I think the analogy flew over your jellysmeared head.

Those Representatives didn't send a flunky out to say "the Congressman has met with security and decided to go home and watch reruns of The Apprentice". Rather they showed up to face whatever happened.

Rump on the other hand.... well let's just say Megyn Kelly comes to mind. :gay:
Good Lord, FoxNews asked two protesters what they are protesting and they couldn't answer the question. They have no idea why they are there. LOL

That would indicate there was no security concern and that Rump is simply hiding to play "victim".
I thought Trump followers liked all the tough talk and appeals to mob violence. I guess they were just too fucking stupid to figure out that others might respond in kind.

You condemn Trump for his violent rhetoric, but condone behavior like this. It shows how poorly you believe in free speech, when only one side can exercise it but not the other.

That's the left wing conception of free speech: speech for me but not for thee.

The Declaration of Independence champions rebellion doesn't it?
Well, I'm a liberal, I don't agree with Trump, and I don't consider Trump as extremely dangerous. I'm literally a living counter-example.

So, yeah, you are pretty wrong.

Apparently, your reading comprehension is not as good as you think sonny.
You said, "Anything a liberal doesn't agree with is "extremely dangerous". Tell me where I'm wrong."

I said, "Well, I'm a liberal, I don't agree with Trump, and I don't consider Trump as extremely dangerous."

If my reading comprehension is off, then please help me. How, exactly, are you right when me, a liberal, disagrees with Trump, and explicitly tells you that I don't find him extremely dangerous.

Perhaps I'm missing something here, but here you have somebody directly counter your statement and you refuse to acknowledge their opinion, still yelling (with fingers in ears I imagine) that the person you don't agree with is wrong...

Also, I felt like I've seen somewhere that you said you were a an ACTUAL vet let me just say that, if you are a vet...get your shit together and stop acting like a 5 year are seriously misrepresenting our brotherhood...if you are just a faker (and believe me, there are tons out there), please stop using that word to describe yourself...its becoming more and more stigmatized in recent years and I'd hate for some fake nutjob to keep running around further degrading the image of a lot of good men and women.

Sonny, I don't have to answer to any jerk off like you. 11B and 97B. Viet Nam 1965-66. Ashau Valley and Quang Tri. Retired in 1987. Thank you. I'll trade war stories with your sorry ass any day of the week. You're not fooling anyone. I've got more DD214's than you have hair on your balls.

Then you should know better than to act the way you do.

Oh, I'm sorry, I should just sit back and let you pussies talk all the shit you want - Fuck you AND the horse you rode in on.
Amen brother.................Oh shit.............Might have offended their atheist asses...........
Trump rally postponed; security concerns cited

Libs showing their true colors. So much for non-violent peace myth. Liberals planning these protest like radical Muslims plan attacks. Libs are just terrorist building up to disrupt America freedoms.

Violence is not called for so if there is violence then I agree, but they cancelled postponed due to protests, not because violence happened. It is ok to trump if protesters get roughed up. I don't agree with violence on either side.

Most of the violence has come from the trump caimpagn, punch them in the nose. Rough them up, I will pay your legal fees. Get them out of here, police should be able to rough them up like the old days.

It seems trump does not like dissent and it is their constitutional right to protest peacefully. Trump got scared and cancelled.

Trump has attacked freedom of speech, he verbally attacks protesters, and calls for violence against them. He is the one stirring the pot, and emotions, then complains about the hate filled rhetoric he himself cause.

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