Democrat Version of "I Love America"

Never elect people who hate your country to run your country.
Funny how the only people in the whole world who agree with you nut jobs is the GOP b*******propaganda machine... were unable provide any link to your slander?

It was simply a lie?

I win again, huh?
Pick a fact we disagree on and Google it stupid. Start withwith anything you know about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc.

"Pick a fact we disagree on and Google it stupid. Start withwith anything you know about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc"

Sure thing, blanko.....

Hillary Clinton made sweeping promises about transparency at her family’s foundation before she was confirmed in 2009 as President Obama’s secretary of State.

During her confirmation hearing, the Clinton Foundation was mentioned 62 times as senators worried that foreign governments could use donations to the foundation to curry favor with the Clinton State Department.

Clinton said at the hearing that “all contributors will be disclosed,”….

…transparency promises ended up not being kept.

1. The Clinton Health Access Initiative didn’t disclose its donors annually.

2. The Clinton Health Access Initiative didn’t submit foreign government donations to State Department ethics officials for review.

3. The Clinton Foundation didn’t disclose a new $500,000 donation in 2010 from the Algerian government

4. The Clinton Foundation didn’t disclose $2.35 million of donations from a family foundation linked to a company with business before Clinton's State Department.

5. The Clinton Foundation was late in disclosing millions of dollars in speaking fees.

6. The Clinton Foundation hasn’t revealed all of the sources of money transferred from a Canadian charity.

7. Exact donation amounts and dates are unknown. Seven ways the Clinton Foundation failed to meet its transparency promises


Evidence has been revealed that as money was donated to the Clinton Foundation, donors were forced to steer funds directly to Bill Clinton.

“… top Bill Clinton aide Douglas Band … was a central player at the Clinton Foundation…

… Band also detailed a circle of enrichment in which he raised money for the Clinton Foundation from top-tier corporations such as Dow Chemical and Coca-Cola that were clients of his firm, Teneo, while pressing many of those same donors to provide personal income to the former president.

The memo, made public Wednesday by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, lays out the aggressive strategy behind lining up the consulting contracts and paid speaking engagements for Bill Clinton that added tens of millions of dollars to the family’s fortune, including during the years that Hillary Clinton led the State Department. It describes how Band helped run what he called “Bill Clinton Inc.,” obtaining “in-kind services for the President and his family — for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like.” Inside ‘Bill Clinton Inc.’: Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income

“Memo reveals interplay between Clinton Foundation, personal business

An internal memo released Wednesday by WikiLeaks reveals new details about the interplay between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton family’s personal business interests.

…Band describes his “unorthodox” role in raising money for the nonprofit foundation while simultaneously securing for-profit opportunities for the former president.

Questions about the overlapping interests between the State Department, the Clinton Foundation and the Clintons’ personal business interests have dogged Hillary Clinton

…..allegations of “pay-for-play,” accusing the former secretary of State of selling access to corporations and foreign governments that make donations to the Clinton Foundation or have paid her and Bill Clinton for private speeches.

In a previous email to Podesta, who was then acting as the temporary CEO of the foundation, Band worried that the press might catch wind of his role in Clinton World and misconstrue it.

“I'm starting to worry that if this story gets out, we are screwed,”…” Memo reveals interplay between Clinton Foundation, personal business

Did I just rip you a new one.......again?????
All investigated, nothing illegal. People just continue to pay the clintons for speeches and books. Horrible, just horrible, super duper...zzzzzzzzz z


Another beating for blanko??????

Sure thing.....

Once Hillary could no longer provide the ‘influence’ and had no future ability to do so…..guess what happened to the bribes….er, ‘donations.’

“The Clinton Foundation was little more than an influence-peddling scheme to enrich the Clintons, and had little if anything to do with "charity," either overseas or in the U.S.

…the Clinton Foundationmade a major announcement this week that went by with almost no notice: For all intents and purposes, it's closing its doors.

In a tax filing, the Clinton Global Initiative said it's firing 22 staffers and closing its offices, a result of the gusher of foreign money that kept the foundation afloat suddenly drying up after Hillary Clinton failed to win the presidency.”

The Clinton Foundation Is Dead — But The Case Against Hillary Isn't | Investor's Business Daily

“Donations to the Clinton Foundation nose-dived last year amid Hillary Clinton’s presidential run, pay-to-play allegations, internal strife and a black mark from a charity watchdog.

Contributions fell by 37 percent to $108 million, down from $172 million in 2014, according to the group’s latest tax filings.

Not only did contributions drop, but so did revenue the Clintons brought in from speeches. That income fell to $357,500 from $3.6 million in 2014.” is illegal, you dope.
All investigated, no pay to play.zzzzzz were unable provide any link to your slander?

It was simply a lie?

I win again, huh?
Pick a fact we disagree on and Google it stupid. Start withwith anything you know about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc.

"Pick a fact we disagree on and Google it stupid. Start withwith anything you know about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc"

Sure thing, blanko.....

Hillary Clinton made sweeping promises about transparency at her family’s foundation before she was confirmed in 2009 as President Obama’s secretary of State.

During her confirmation hearing, the Clinton Foundation was mentioned 62 times as senators worried that foreign governments could use donations to the foundation to curry favor with the Clinton State Department.

Clinton said at the hearing that “all contributors will be disclosed,”….

…transparency promises ended up not being kept.

1. The Clinton Health Access Initiative didn’t disclose its donors annually.

2. The Clinton Health Access Initiative didn’t submit foreign government donations to State Department ethics officials for review.

3. The Clinton Foundation didn’t disclose a new $500,000 donation in 2010 from the Algerian government

4. The Clinton Foundation didn’t disclose $2.35 million of donations from a family foundation linked to a company with business before Clinton's State Department.

5. The Clinton Foundation was late in disclosing millions of dollars in speaking fees.

6. The Clinton Foundation hasn’t revealed all of the sources of money transferred from a Canadian charity.

7. Exact donation amounts and dates are unknown. Seven ways the Clinton Foundation failed to meet its transparency promises


Evidence has been revealed that as money was donated to the Clinton Foundation, donors were forced to steer funds directly to Bill Clinton.

“… top Bill Clinton aide Douglas Band … was a central player at the Clinton Foundation…

… Band also detailed a circle of enrichment in which he raised money for the Clinton Foundation from top-tier corporations such as Dow Chemical and Coca-Cola that were clients of his firm, Teneo, while pressing many of those same donors to provide personal income to the former president.

The memo, made public Wednesday by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, lays out the aggressive strategy behind lining up the consulting contracts and paid speaking engagements for Bill Clinton that added tens of millions of dollars to the family’s fortune, including during the years that Hillary Clinton led the State Department. It describes how Band helped run what he called “Bill Clinton Inc.,” obtaining “in-kind services for the President and his family — for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like.” Inside ‘Bill Clinton Inc.’: Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income

“Memo reveals interplay between Clinton Foundation, personal business

An internal memo released Wednesday by WikiLeaks reveals new details about the interplay between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton family’s personal business interests.

…Band describes his “unorthodox” role in raising money for the nonprofit foundation while simultaneously securing for-profit opportunities for the former president.

Questions about the overlapping interests between the State Department, the Clinton Foundation and the Clintons’ personal business interests have dogged Hillary Clinton

…..allegations of “pay-for-play,” accusing the former secretary of State of selling access to corporations and foreign governments that make donations to the Clinton Foundation or have paid her and Bill Clinton for private speeches.

In a previous email to Podesta, who was then acting as the temporary CEO of the foundation, Band worried that the press might catch wind of his role in Clinton World and misconstrue it.

“I'm starting to worry that if this story gets out, we are screwed,”…” Memo reveals interplay between Clinton Foundation, personal business

Did I just rip you a new one.......again?????
All investigated, nothing illegal. People just continue to pay the clintons for speeches and books. Horrible, just horrible, super duper...zzzzzzzzz z


Another beating for blanko??????

Sure thing.....

Once Hillary could no longer provide the ‘influence’ and had no future ability to do so…..guess what happened to the bribes….er, ‘donations.’

“The Clinton Foundation was little more than an influence-peddling scheme to enrich the Clintons, and had little if anything to do with "charity," either overseas or in the U.S.

…the Clinton Foundationmade a major announcement this week that went by with almost no notice: For all intents and purposes, it's closing its doors.

In a tax filing, the Clinton Global Initiative said it's firing 22 staffers and closing its offices, a result of the gusher of foreign money that kept the foundation afloat suddenly drying up after Hillary Clinton failed to win the presidency.”

The Clinton Foundation Is Dead — But The Case Against Hillary Isn't | Investor's Business Daily

“Donations to the Clinton Foundation nose-dived last year amid Hillary Clinton’s presidential run, pay-to-play allegations, internal strife and a black mark from a charity watchdog.

Contributions fell by 37 percent to $108 million, down from $172 million in 2014, according to the group’s latest tax filings.

Not only did contributions drop, but so did revenue the Clintons brought in from speeches. That income fell to $357,500 from $3.6 million in 2014.” is illegal, you dope.
All investigated, no pay to play.zzzzzz

Wrong again, blanko.....

She's a crook, you a liar.

Donations to Clinton Foundation plunged along with Hillary’s election defeat

Contributions to the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation fell by 42 percent, from $108 million to $63 million in 2016 — the year that Hillary Clinton lost her bid for president —

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton greenlighted the Russian purchase of Uranium One, a Canadian company with uranium assets in the US, at a time when many of the company’s owners had given a combined total of $145 million to the Clinton family charity.”

“…as soon as Clinton lost the election, many of the criticisms directed toward the Clinton Foundation were reaffirmed. Foreign governments began pulling out of annual donations, signaling the organization’s clout was predicated on donor access to the Clintons, rather than its philanthropic work.

pay-to-play schemes and the foundation’s corrupt management were exposed. On October 26, The Washington Post reported a memo detailed how the Clinton Foundation was used to boost Bill Clinton’s income.

The Clinton Foundation‘s downward trajectory ever since since Hillary Clinton’s election loss provides further testimony to claims that the organization was built on greed and the lust for power and wealth—not charity.” The Clinton Foundation Shuts Down Clinton Global Initiative
They love America.....sure they do.

But.....just to be sure, let's check:

"Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices"

Democrats' campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices

"Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats."

Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats.

"The Senate is undemocratic and it matters"

The Senate is undemocratic and it matters

"Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution”

Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution” | National Review

And....where it started....

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do, Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like.
Pick a fact we disagree on and Google it stupid. Start withwith anything you know about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc.

"Pick a fact we disagree on and Google it stupid. Start withwith anything you know about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc"

Sure thing, blanko.....

Hillary Clinton made sweeping promises about transparency at her family’s foundation before she was confirmed in 2009 as President Obama’s secretary of State.

During her confirmation hearing, the Clinton Foundation was mentioned 62 times as senators worried that foreign governments could use donations to the foundation to curry favor with the Clinton State Department.

Clinton said at the hearing that “all contributors will be disclosed,”….

…transparency promises ended up not being kept.

1. The Clinton Health Access Initiative didn’t disclose its donors annually.

2. The Clinton Health Access Initiative didn’t submit foreign government donations to State Department ethics officials for review.

3. The Clinton Foundation didn’t disclose a new $500,000 donation in 2010 from the Algerian government

4. The Clinton Foundation didn’t disclose $2.35 million of donations from a family foundation linked to a company with business before Clinton's State Department.

5. The Clinton Foundation was late in disclosing millions of dollars in speaking fees.

6. The Clinton Foundation hasn’t revealed all of the sources of money transferred from a Canadian charity.

7. Exact donation amounts and dates are unknown. Seven ways the Clinton Foundation failed to meet its transparency promises


Evidence has been revealed that as money was donated to the Clinton Foundation, donors were forced to steer funds directly to Bill Clinton.

“… top Bill Clinton aide Douglas Band … was a central player at the Clinton Foundation…

… Band also detailed a circle of enrichment in which he raised money for the Clinton Foundation from top-tier corporations such as Dow Chemical and Coca-Cola that were clients of his firm, Teneo, while pressing many of those same donors to provide personal income to the former president.

The memo, made public Wednesday by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, lays out the aggressive strategy behind lining up the consulting contracts and paid speaking engagements for Bill Clinton that added tens of millions of dollars to the family’s fortune, including during the years that Hillary Clinton led the State Department. It describes how Band helped run what he called “Bill Clinton Inc.,” obtaining “in-kind services for the President and his family — for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like.” Inside ‘Bill Clinton Inc.’: Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income

“Memo reveals interplay between Clinton Foundation, personal business

An internal memo released Wednesday by WikiLeaks reveals new details about the interplay between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton family’s personal business interests.

…Band describes his “unorthodox” role in raising money for the nonprofit foundation while simultaneously securing for-profit opportunities for the former president.

Questions about the overlapping interests between the State Department, the Clinton Foundation and the Clintons’ personal business interests have dogged Hillary Clinton

…..allegations of “pay-for-play,” accusing the former secretary of State of selling access to corporations and foreign governments that make donations to the Clinton Foundation or have paid her and Bill Clinton for private speeches.

In a previous email to Podesta, who was then acting as the temporary CEO of the foundation, Band worried that the press might catch wind of his role in Clinton World and misconstrue it.

“I'm starting to worry that if this story gets out, we are screwed,”…” Memo reveals interplay between Clinton Foundation, personal business

Did I just rip you a new one.......again?????
All investigated, nothing illegal. People just continue to pay the clintons for speeches and books. Horrible, just horrible, super duper...zzzzzzzzz z


Another beating for blanko??????

Sure thing.....

Once Hillary could no longer provide the ‘influence’ and had no future ability to do so…..guess what happened to the bribes….er, ‘donations.’

“The Clinton Foundation was little more than an influence-peddling scheme to enrich the Clintons, and had little if anything to do with "charity," either overseas or in the U.S.

…the Clinton Foundationmade a major announcement this week that went by with almost no notice: For all intents and purposes, it's closing its doors.

In a tax filing, the Clinton Global Initiative said it's firing 22 staffers and closing its offices, a result of the gusher of foreign money that kept the foundation afloat suddenly drying up after Hillary Clinton failed to win the presidency.”

The Clinton Foundation Is Dead — But The Case Against Hillary Isn't | Investor's Business Daily

“Donations to the Clinton Foundation nose-dived last year amid Hillary Clinton’s presidential run, pay-to-play allegations, internal strife and a black mark from a charity watchdog.

Contributions fell by 37 percent to $108 million, down from $172 million in 2014, according to the group’s latest tax filings.

Not only did contributions drop, but so did revenue the Clintons brought in from speeches. That income fell to $357,500 from $3.6 million in 2014.” is illegal, you dope.
All investigated, no pay to play.zzzzzz

Wrong again, blanko.....

She's a crook, you a liar.

Donations to Clinton Foundation plunged along with Hillary’s election defeat

Contributions to the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation fell by 42 percent, from $108 million to $63 million in 2016 — the year that Hillary Clinton lost her bid for president —

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton greenlighted the Russian purchase of Uranium One, a Canadian company with uranium assets in the US, at a time when many of the company’s owners had given a combined total of $145 million to the Clinton family charity.”

“…as soon as Clinton lost the election, many of the criticisms directed toward the Clinton Foundation were reaffirmed. Foreign governments began pulling out of annual donations, signaling the organization’s clout was predicated on donor access to the Clintons, rather than its philanthropic work.

pay-to-play schemes and the foundation’s corrupt management were exposed. On October 26, The Washington Post reported a memo detailed how the Clinton Foundation was used to boost Bill Clinton’s income.

The Clinton Foundation‘s downward trajectory ever since since Hillary Clinton’s election loss provides further testimony to claims that the organization was built on greed and the lust for power and wealth—not charity.” The Clinton Foundation Shuts Down Clinton Global Initiative

Which is nothing new. Perhaps we should look at all of the money Republicans are raking in. Clearly this is about access.

There was nothing wrong with Uranium One. Clinton did not have the power to start or stop it.
They love America.....sure they do.

But.....just to be sure, let's check:

"Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices"

Democrats' campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices

"Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats."

Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats.

"The Senate is undemocratic and it matters"

The Senate is undemocratic and it matters

"Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution”

Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution” | National Review

And....where it started....

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do, Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like.

1. "Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do,..."

Yeah, it does.

America was founded based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.


You, because thinking isn't your strong suit, fail to realize you've been tricked into subscribing to the Germanic concepts of Hegel and Marx....these:

The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Although I wasn't born in this country, and I assume you were, I am clearly more of an American than you are.

2. "Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like."


Why....that's simply blasphemy!!!!!!
"Pick a fact we disagree on and Google it stupid. Start withwith anything you know about Hillary Obama the foundation etc etc"

Sure thing, blanko.....

Hillary Clinton made sweeping promises about transparency at her family’s foundation before she was confirmed in 2009 as President Obama’s secretary of State.

During her confirmation hearing, the Clinton Foundation was mentioned 62 times as senators worried that foreign governments could use donations to the foundation to curry favor with the Clinton State Department.

Clinton said at the hearing that “all contributors will be disclosed,”….

…transparency promises ended up not being kept.

1. The Clinton Health Access Initiative didn’t disclose its donors annually.

2. The Clinton Health Access Initiative didn’t submit foreign government donations to State Department ethics officials for review.

3. The Clinton Foundation didn’t disclose a new $500,000 donation in 2010 from the Algerian government

4. The Clinton Foundation didn’t disclose $2.35 million of donations from a family foundation linked to a company with business before Clinton's State Department.

5. The Clinton Foundation was late in disclosing millions of dollars in speaking fees.

6. The Clinton Foundation hasn’t revealed all of the sources of money transferred from a Canadian charity.

7. Exact donation amounts and dates are unknown. Seven ways the Clinton Foundation failed to meet its transparency promises


Evidence has been revealed that as money was donated to the Clinton Foundation, donors were forced to steer funds directly to Bill Clinton.

“… top Bill Clinton aide Douglas Band … was a central player at the Clinton Foundation…

… Band also detailed a circle of enrichment in which he raised money for the Clinton Foundation from top-tier corporations such as Dow Chemical and Coca-Cola that were clients of his firm, Teneo, while pressing many of those same donors to provide personal income to the former president.

The memo, made public Wednesday by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, lays out the aggressive strategy behind lining up the consulting contracts and paid speaking engagements for Bill Clinton that added tens of millions of dollars to the family’s fortune, including during the years that Hillary Clinton led the State Department. It describes how Band helped run what he called “Bill Clinton Inc.,” obtaining “in-kind services for the President and his family — for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like.” Inside ‘Bill Clinton Inc.’: Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income

“Memo reveals interplay between Clinton Foundation, personal business

An internal memo released Wednesday by WikiLeaks reveals new details about the interplay between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton family’s personal business interests.

…Band describes his “unorthodox” role in raising money for the nonprofit foundation while simultaneously securing for-profit opportunities for the former president.

Questions about the overlapping interests between the State Department, the Clinton Foundation and the Clintons’ personal business interests have dogged Hillary Clinton

…..allegations of “pay-for-play,” accusing the former secretary of State of selling access to corporations and foreign governments that make donations to the Clinton Foundation or have paid her and Bill Clinton for private speeches.

In a previous email to Podesta, who was then acting as the temporary CEO of the foundation, Band worried that the press might catch wind of his role in Clinton World and misconstrue it.

“I'm starting to worry that if this story gets out, we are screwed,”…” Memo reveals interplay between Clinton Foundation, personal business

Did I just rip you a new one.......again?????
All investigated, nothing illegal. People just continue to pay the clintons for speeches and books. Horrible, just horrible, super duper...zzzzzzzzz z


Another beating for blanko??????

Sure thing.....

Once Hillary could no longer provide the ‘influence’ and had no future ability to do so…..guess what happened to the bribes….er, ‘donations.’

“The Clinton Foundation was little more than an influence-peddling scheme to enrich the Clintons, and had little if anything to do with "charity," either overseas or in the U.S.

…the Clinton Foundationmade a major announcement this week that went by with almost no notice: For all intents and purposes, it's closing its doors.

In a tax filing, the Clinton Global Initiative said it's firing 22 staffers and closing its offices, a result of the gusher of foreign money that kept the foundation afloat suddenly drying up after Hillary Clinton failed to win the presidency.”

The Clinton Foundation Is Dead — But The Case Against Hillary Isn't | Investor's Business Daily

“Donations to the Clinton Foundation nose-dived last year amid Hillary Clinton’s presidential run, pay-to-play allegations, internal strife and a black mark from a charity watchdog.

Contributions fell by 37 percent to $108 million, down from $172 million in 2014, according to the group’s latest tax filings.

Not only did contributions drop, but so did revenue the Clintons brought in from speeches. That income fell to $357,500 from $3.6 million in 2014.” is illegal, you dope.
All investigated, no pay to play.zzzzzz

Wrong again, blanko.....

She's a crook, you a liar.

Donations to Clinton Foundation plunged along with Hillary’s election defeat

Contributions to the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation fell by 42 percent, from $108 million to $63 million in 2016 — the year that Hillary Clinton lost her bid for president —

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton greenlighted the Russian purchase of Uranium One, a Canadian company with uranium assets in the US, at a time when many of the company’s owners had given a combined total of $145 million to the Clinton family charity.”

“…as soon as Clinton lost the election, many of the criticisms directed toward the Clinton Foundation were reaffirmed. Foreign governments began pulling out of annual donations, signaling the organization’s clout was predicated on donor access to the Clintons, rather than its philanthropic work.

pay-to-play schemes and the foundation’s corrupt management were exposed. On October 26, The Washington Post reported a memo detailed how the Clinton Foundation was used to boost Bill Clinton’s income.

The Clinton Foundation‘s downward trajectory ever since since Hillary Clinton’s election loss provides further testimony to claims that the organization was built on greed and the lust for power and wealth—not charity.” The Clinton Foundation Shuts Down Clinton Global Initiative

Which is nothing new. Perhaps we should look at all of the money Republicans are raking in. Clearly this is about access.

There was nothing wrong with Uranium One. Clinton did not have the power to start or stop it.

"There was nothing wrong with Uranium One. Clinton did not have the power to start or stop it."

You're a moron.

You know less than nothing....a reliable Democrat voter.

Let me prove that I know soooooo much more than you do.

Do you know who Frank Giustra is?

He’s the uranium dealer who bought the Clintons and used their influence to make a killing in the uranium mine industry.

“This comes from the Kazakh head of their atomic agency saying that Senator Clinton refused to meet with Kazakh officials unless and until they granted uranium concessions to Frank Giustra, who ended up giving more than $100 million to the Clinton Foundation,” Schweizer said on Thursday.

...the Uranium One deal, in which the U.S. ceded 20 percent of its uranium assets to Russia, to $145 million in donations that stakeholders in the Russian company made to the Clinton Foundation prior to the deal.

Clinton at the time was secretary of state in the Obama administration…and represented the State Department on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) that approved the 2010 deal. Only the president had the power to suspend or stop the deal.” Clinton extorted nuclear officials in the uranium deal, a Breitbart editor says on Fox News

Selling out America and its strategic asset, uranium?

Would the Clintons do that????

You betcha’!!!!
They love America.....sure they do.

But.....just to be sure, let's check:

"Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices"

Democrats' campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices

"Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats."

Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats.

"The Senate is undemocratic and it matters"

The Senate is undemocratic and it matters

"Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution”

Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution” | National Review

And....where it started....

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do, Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like.

1. "Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do,..."

Yeah, it does.

America was founded based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.


You, because thinking isn't your strong suit, fail to realize you've been tricked into subscribing to the Germanic concepts of Hegel and Marx....these:

The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Although I wasn't born in this country, and I assume you were, I am clearly more of an American than you are.

2. "Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like."


Why....that's simply blasphemy!!!!!!
Actually, you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron. Poor America....
They love America.....sure they do.

But.....just to be sure, let's check:

"Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices"

Democrats' campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices

"Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats."

Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats.

"The Senate is undemocratic and it matters"

The Senate is undemocratic and it matters

"Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution”

Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution” | National Review

And....where it started....

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do, Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like.

1. "Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do,..."

Yeah, it does.

America was founded based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.


You, because thinking isn't your strong suit, fail to realize you've been tricked into subscribing to the Germanic concepts of Hegel and Marx....these:

The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Although I wasn't born in this country, and I assume you were, I am clearly more of an American than you are.

2. "Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like."


Why....that's simply blasphemy!!!!!!
Actually, you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron. Poor America....

Here's a plan, blanko....

Let's let the readers of our individual posts make the decision.....

They love America.....sure they do.

But.....just to be sure, let's check:

"Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices"

Democrats' campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices

"Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats."

Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats.

"The Senate is undemocratic and it matters"

The Senate is undemocratic and it matters

"Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution”

Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution” | National Review

And....where it started....

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do, Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like.

Yeah, um, if you think everything that makes the country what it is should be abolished and replaced, then by definition, you DON'T love the country. That would be like me telling my husband, "I want to change the color of your hair, the color of your eyes, bleach your skin, make you six inches taller, you really need to watch sports instead of playing video games, and could you try to speak a little higher and with maybe a British accent? I love you so much!" How do you love something without liking a single thing about it?
What do you mean link, dum dum?
How many times has Trump's military parade been reported nitwit.
Deanie Boy, please provide a:link: of Pres. Trump saying that he want's our military soldiers to imitate the goose step march like they do in North Korea. (as you stated on Post #6)

Or just admit that you are lying once again as usual. ... :cool:
Last edited:
They love America.....sure they do.

But.....just to be sure, let's check:

"Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices"

Democrats' campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices

"Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats."

Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats.

"The Senate is undemocratic and it matters"

The Senate is undemocratic and it matters

"Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution”

Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution” | National Review

And....where it started....

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do, Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like.

Yeah, um, if you think everything that makes the country what it is should be abolished and replaced, then by definition, you DON'T love the country. That would be like me telling my husband, "I want to change the color of your hair, the color of your eyes, bleach your skin, make you six inches taller, you really need to watch sports instead of playing video games, and could you try to speak a little higher and with maybe a British accent? I love you so much!" How do you love something without liking a single thing about it?

.....and change your gender.....
What do you mean link, dum dum?
How many times has Trump's military parade been reported nitwit.
Deanie Boy, provide a:link: of Pres. Trump saying that he want's our military soldiers to goose step march like they do in North Korea.

Or just admit that you are lying once again as usual. ... :cool:

He doesn't realize how his posts allow us Americans to destroy the Left's talking points.
They love America.....sure they do.

But.....just to be sure, let's check:

"Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices"

Democrats' campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices

"Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats."

Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats.

"The Senate is undemocratic and it matters"

The Senate is undemocratic and it matters

"Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution”

Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution” | National Review

And....where it started....

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do, Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like.

1. "Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do,..."

Yeah, it does.

America was founded based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.


You, because thinking isn't your strong suit, fail to realize you've been tricked into subscribing to the Germanic concepts of Hegel and Marx....these:

The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Although I wasn't born in this country, and I assume you were, I am clearly more of an American than you are.

2. "Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like."


Why....that's simply blasphemy!!!!!!
Actually, you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron. Poor America....

Here's a plan, blanko....

Let's let the readers of our individual posts make the decision.....

My intelligent well informed supporters vs your brainwashed functional morons? Whatever, super duper... LOL
They love America.....sure they do.

But.....just to be sure, let's check:

"Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices"

Democrats' campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices

"Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats."

Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats.

"The Senate is undemocratic and it matters"

The Senate is undemocratic and it matters

"Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution”

Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution” | National Review

And....where it started....

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do, Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like.

Yeah, um, if you think everything that makes the country what it is should be abolished and replaced, then by definition, you DON'T love the country. That would be like me telling my husband, "I want to change the color of your hair, the color of your eyes, bleach your skin, make you six inches taller, you really need to watch sports instead of playing video games, and could you try to speak a little higher and with maybe a British accent? I love you so much!" How do you love something without liking a single thing about it?

.....and change your gender.....

No, that is not something I would EVER ask for, even in a hypothetical. ;)
They love America.....sure they do.

But.....just to be sure, let's check:

"Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices"

Democrats' campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices

"Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats."

Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats.

"The Senate is undemocratic and it matters"

The Senate is undemocratic and it matters

"Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution”

Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution” | National Review

And....where it started....

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do, Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like.

1. "Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do,..."

Yeah, it does.

America was founded based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.


You, because thinking isn't your strong suit, fail to realize you've been tricked into subscribing to the Germanic concepts of Hegel and Marx....these:

The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Although I wasn't born in this country, and I assume you were, I am clearly more of an American than you are.

2. "Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like."


Why....that's simply blasphemy!!!!!!
Actually, you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron. Poor America....

Here's a plan, blanko....

Let's let the readers of our individual posts make the decision.....

My intelligent well informed supporters vs your brainwashed functional morons? Whatever, super duper... LOL

Pretty feeble response, blanko
Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do, Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like.

1. "Just because someone has a different view of how the country should be does not mean they love America any more or less than you do,..."

Yeah, it does.

America was founded based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.


You, because thinking isn't your strong suit, fail to realize you've been tricked into subscribing to the Germanic concepts of Hegel and Marx....these:

The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Although I wasn't born in this country, and I assume you were, I am clearly more of an American than you are.

2. "Nobody died and made you king of what America should look like."


Why....that's simply blasphemy!!!!!!
Actually, you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron. Poor America....

Here's a plan, blanko....

Let's let the readers of our individual posts make the decision.....

My intelligent well informed supporters vs your brainwashed functional morons? Whatever, super duper... LOL

Pretty feeble response, blanko
Just the facts, ma'am.
They love America.....sure they do.

But.....just to be sure, let's check:

"Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices"

Democrats' campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices

"Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats."

Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats.

"The Senate is undemocratic and it matters"

The Senate is undemocratic and it matters

"Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution”

Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution” | National Review

And....where it started....

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

Putting anotherf woman abuser on the USSC after he lied under oath lessens the credibility of the USSC.
They love America.....sure they do.

But.....just to be sure, let's check:

"Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices"

Democrats' campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices

"Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats."

Abolish the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats.

"The Senate is undemocratic and it matters"

The Senate is undemocratic and it matters

"Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution”

Ginsburg: “I Would Not Look to the U.S. Constitution” | National Review

And....where it started....

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

Putting anotherf woman abuser on the USSC after he lied under oath lessens the credibility of the USSC.


Kavanaugh didn't, so you must mean this:

The nut Ford lied about

1. Teaching someone to take lie detector test

New sworn statement alleges Ford lied under oath about prepping someone for a polygraph New sworn statement alleges Ford lied under oath about prepping someone for a polygraph

2. A separate door in her house

Renovation Records Undercut Ford's Exit-Door AccountFord testified, pushed her to say she wanted the door to alleviate symptoms of “claustrophobia” and “panic attacks" she still suffered from an attempted rape allegedly perpetrated by Kavanaugh in high school during the early 1980s.

"Is that the reason for the second door — front door -- is claustrophobia?” asked Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. “Correct,” Ford replied.

Ford never specified when the renovation took place, leaving a possible impression that it and the therapy session happened around the same time.

But documents reveal the door was installed years before as part of an addition, and has been used by renters and even a marriage counseling business.” https://www.realclearinvestigations...uments_undermine_fords_exit_door_account.html

3.Being afraid to fly, “…it was presented as a terror so overwhelming, so uncontrollable, as to prevent her from traveling by air under any circumstances. No – Professordoktor Ford, we were led to believe, would need to drive from Palo Alto to Washington to testify before the Senate Judicial Committee.

This claim fell apart in short order after it was revealed that Ford had lived for a year in Honolulu, a city effectively unreachable except by air, had vacationed in Tahiti and other areas of the Pacific, and regularly flew from California to the east coast to visit family. In light of all this, the “driving” claim became a running social media joke, with bogus reports of which was the last town she had driven through. “

4. Blasey Ford allowed the public and the committee to believe that she was a psychologist in the full meaning of the term. She specifically told the committee that she was a “research psychologist”. She also made the claim on her university web site page, and in several other cases. The legacy media (for instance, theWashington Post and the Atlantic) dropped the “research’ part and repeatedly asserted that she was a licensed psychologist, with no request for a correction from the Blasey Ford camp.

In fact, she is no such thing. While she has done the course work, and was awarded a doctorate in the field, she still lacks certification. To qualify as a “psychologist” in the state of California (and every other state in the union), an individual must serve a one-year residency and pass several rigorous examinations. Blasey Ford has not done so. She is, ipso facto, not a psychologist.

Clear, RealDumb????

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