Democratic Party Looking Good for 2020 White House Run

Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, White, age 78
Elizabeth Fauxcahontas Warren, race? , age 71
Bernie Commie Sanders, White, age 78
Hillary What Does It Matter Clinton, White, age 72

All career politicians.
All White.
All old.

I can understand why young Democrats are so excited, said no one ever.
Donald Trump, age 71.

White and old. And morbidly obese.

Yet he is your President, not Hillary, who is old, unhealthy and batshit crazy.
We are supposed to be able to trust the POTUS.

OBAMA said adding $4 trillion to the debt was unpatriotic.

He said Bush took out a credit card from the bank of China in the names of our children.

Well....what the fuck did Obama do with the debt? He added $10 trillion. He took out a credit card from the bank of China in our children’s names.

Here is that video, in case you missed it.

Old rich white people....the people of the Democrat party.
Says a member of the party of old, white men.

Just how old is that Republican Congress anyway?:
The average age of Members of the 114th Congress is among the highest of any Congress in recent U.S. history



Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, White, age 78
Elizabeth Fauxcahontas Warren, race? , age 71
Bernie Commie Sanders, White, age 78
Hillary What Does It Matter Clinton, White, age 72

All career politicians.
All White.
All old.

I can understand why young Democrats are so excited, said no one ever.
Donald Trump, age 71.

White and old. And morbidly obese.
Exactly. I just can't see the dems being stupid enough to run someone worse than him twice. Well, with the dems anything's possible. LOL

I'm not a big Harris fan, but she might cause him to have a cerebral hemorrhage live on TV.
We are supposed to be able to trust the POTUS.

OBAMA said adding $4 trillion to the debt was unpatriotic.

He said Bush took out a credit card from the bank of China in the names of our children.

Well....what the fuck did Obama do with the debt? He added $10 trillion. He took out a credit card from the bank of China in our children’s names.

Here is that video, in case you missed it.

You blithering idiot, look at the tax bills. Vote 3rd party I don't care, but take your partisan blind head out of your ass.
We are supposed to be able to trust the POTUS.


Since when? When was the last POTUS that was trustworthy?

Lets see...

The last guy said we could keep our doctor...lied

The guy before that said that Iraq had WMDs and was a threat to the US...lied

The guy before that said he did not have sexual relations with that woman...lied.

The guy before that said "read my lips, no new taxes"....lied

The guy before that said he didn't sell arms to Iran...lied.

Do I need to go on? If you trust the POTUS you are an idiot.
We are supposed to be able to trust the POTUS.

OBAMA said adding $4 trillion to the debt was unpatriotic.

He said Bush took out a credit card from the bank of China in the names of our children.

Well....what the fuck did Obama do with the debt? He added $10 trillion. He took out a credit card from the bank of China in our children’s names.

Here is that video, in case you missed it.

You blithering idiot, look at the tax bills. Vote 3rd party I don't care, but take your partisan blind head out of your ass.

I’m taking Obama at his word.

Watch the video and then explain how he is not a hypocrite.

Thanks for the compliments. The more you cry like a bleeding twat, the more obvious it is that you are really fucking stupid. Can you watch that video and see that Obama did exactly what he blamed Bush for doing?

You are the partisan with his head up his dickhole. Just watch the video, you lying fuck.

A story from 2013! Holy fuck that is funny!

Jan 20, 2009...10,626,877,048,913.08
Jan 20, 2017...19,947,304,555,212.49

For those not good with math that is not double.

Derp,derp derp.

For those not good at math, Obama is unpatriotic by his own words.

Listening to barry is like listening to a fucking Frenchman. With all of the “UMM’s” pauses and the like. Hes a fucking piece of shit... lol

If he simply applies his own standards to himself, he is an awful POTUS.


Once again, no argument from me. So, what is your point? Why are we talking about Obama when he is no longer the POTUS?

Mainly because someone felt Obama "nearly" doubling the debt while he was POTUS was no big deal.
A story from 2013! Holy fuck that is funny!

Jan 20, 2009...10,626,877,048,913.08
Jan 20, 2017...19,947,304,555,212.49

For those not good with math that is not double.

Derp,derp derp.

For those not good at math, Obama is unpatriotic by his own words.

Listening to barry is like listening to a fucking Frenchman. With all of the “UMM’s” pauses and the like. Hes a fucking piece of shit... lol

If he simply applies his own standards to himself, he is an awful POTUS.


Once again, no argument from me. So, what is your point? Why are we talking about Obama when he is no longer the POTUS?

Mainly because someone felt Obama "nearly" doubling the debt while he was POTUS was no big deal.

Well it sure as hell was not me, so why does he keep talking about Obama to me?
Bush adds $4 trillion to the debt, Obama blasts hm as unpatriotic.

Then Obama adds roughly $10 trillion to the debt.


What a loopy Kunt Obama is...along with every single person who voted for him and Hillary. Stupid fucking Kunts.

A story from 2013! Holy fuck that is funny!

Jan 20, 2009...10,626,877,048,913.08
Jan 20, 2017...19,947,304,555,212.49

For those not good with math that is not double.

Excuuuuse me, how fricken close to double can you get.
Obama’s Dismal Fiscal Legacy

As a statistician by trade, I am a stickler about such things.

And yes, Obama sucked.
But why do none of you partisan hacks complain about Reagan who came close to tripling the national debt? Or GH Bush who came very close to doubling it in just 4 years?

This is the problem with our country, when the chosen party does it, all is good and right and when the other party does it it is the end of the world.

Hyper-partisanship will be the downfall of this nation.

Yes, hyper-partisanship will be the downfall of this nation, and with your head so far up Obama's rear you're well on your way.

Please find me one post where I have supported Obama, just one?

You are so fucking stupid. You are another one who thinks anyone that does not lick Trump's ass is an Obama supporter.

Holy fuck you people are tired and boring. Get some new material.

Yup, I'm sure you are tired of hearing the same ol thing, maybe you should change your message.
I’d really like to see Hillary run again in 2020.

It’s only fair since Putin rigged the last election. Hillary should get a Mulligan.

Maybe add Oprah as VP.
2020 is going to be another race between two corrupt, old, white, pathological liars.

So I will probably eschew voting on the federal level again.
Derp,derp derp.

For those not good at math, Obama is unpatriotic by his own words.

Listening to barry is like listening to a fucking Frenchman. With all of the “UMM’s” pauses and the like. Hes a fucking piece of shit... lol

If he simply applies his own standards to himself, he is an awful POTUS.


Once again, no argument from me. So, what is your point? Why are we talking about Obama when he is no longer the POTUS?

Mainly because someone felt Obama "nearly" doubling the debt while he was POTUS was no big deal.

Well it sure as hell was not me, so why does he keep talking about Obama to me?

May want to check post #29 in this thread....or someone must have hacked your account.
Once again, no argument from me. So, what is your point? Why are we talking about Obama when he is no longer the POTUS?
When Trump is done with him and he's just a distant memory, we'll stop talking about him.

We have 7 more years of blaming Obama. Dims better get good helmets. It’s going to be a rough 7 years.

Everything that happens until 2024 is Obama’s fault. Obama taught us that himself.
Bush adds $4 trillion to the debt, Obama blasts hm as unpatriotic.

Then Obama adds roughly $10 trillion to the debt.


What a loopy Kunt Obama is...along with every single person who voted for him and Hillary. Stupid fucking Kunts.

On Jan 20, 2001...5,727,776,738,304.64
On Jan 20, 2009...10,626,877,048,913.08

Bush II increased the debt by 86%, Obama by 88%. You should be pissed at both of them, but you are too stupid and too partisan to be so.
Obama said it’s unpatriotic to raise the debt $4 trillion.

So what did he do with the debt?

Is Obama a patriot?

Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, White, age 78
Elizabeth Fauxcahontas Warren, race? , age 71
Bernie Commie Sanders, White, age 78
Hillary What Does It Matter Clinton, White, age 72

All career politicians.
All White.
All old.

I can understand why young Democrats are so excited, said no one ever.

awwwww..... how cute desperate trumptards are.

like the internet trolls you are, you're incapable of having disagreements without sounding like you belong on a kindergarden playground.... just like the embarrassing orange sociopath you voted for.

So you disagree with the OP's assessment? Really? Y'all are supposed to hate old rich white folks. Guess you didn't get the memo. :rofl:

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