Democratic Party On Verge of 'Civil War'


Nancy Pelosi assumed the position of Speaker of the House and immediately affected a government shutdown by refusing to negotiate or compromise with the other 2 government entities that have a part in getting bills passed into law. Pelosi is refusing to do so in an attempt to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020, having no problem hurting Americans as long as she can score her 'political hit'.

Her own Democrats have begun to openly talk about how they oppose what she is doing and want to seek compromise - SOME OF THE DEMOCRATS HAVE ALREADY BROKEN RANKS AND HAVE BEGUN WORKING / NEGOTIATING WITH REPUBLICANS :

(D-MI) Rep. Elissa Slotkin:
"There’s a number of us on the Democratic side who are quite concerned that we’re not working on negotiated positions and taking the bull by the horns and trying to think about what it would look like”

I hope that we can all come to a compromise because that’s the way things get done

(D-NJ) Rep. Jeff Van Drew:
“If I had the opportunity to vote for some sort of a deal, I would

(D-NY) Rep. Anthony Brindisi (D-NY):
I’ve been meeting with several representatives from across the country, both Democrats and Republicans


Socialist Democrat Extremists introduced a Bill calling for the Impeachment of the President, despite having no evidence of having committed any crime, and openly declared thy did not need to wait for evidence / Mueller's final report to do so.

The newly-elected radicals have shown their hand - they want to Impeach Trump, crimes or not. The Older Democrats are trying to hold them down and prevent such action from being taken.

On all fronts Pelosi and Schumer are trying to hold the party together, stamp out fires that keep popping up and rein the radical - and moderate - newbies in.

'The 2018 midterms were a disaster for House Republicans. Democrats gained 40 seats, retook the majority, and, to our horror, Nancy Pelosi is speaker again. They were elected to stop Trump, to block him at every turn, and lead the effort for his impeachment and removal from office. Any Democrat who says otherwise is lying. The base demands Trump go at all costs. The younger, feistier Democrats say that openly. The older crew tries to downplay it, but ultimately that’s their goal. They’re banking heavily that the report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the DOJ’s Russia probe, finds something impeachable. Don’t hold your breath on that; the Russia collusion allegation has been what’s kept Democrats hopeful since 2016. Yet, while doing battle with the Trump White House is a top priority, the progressive Left also wants to clean house in the Democratic Party as well. The party elite is reportedly trying to rein in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), as they view her antics to be distracting, but they’re also not pleased that she’s willing to help boot fellow Democrats who are viewed as too moderate. Shots have been fired inside the ship.'

(D-MD) Majority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer is trying to present a solid picture of a United Democratic Party - “We are totally united — totally” - but that could not be farther from the truth right now....

Freshman Dems Turn on Pelosi Over Border Wall, Seek Deal with Trump

We're Not Even 30 Days Into 2019 And It Looks Like Democrats Are About To Have A Civil War

You stupid fucks will get sold any thing. The wall is insane the only people that should be happy about the wall are wall builders and the bar association. Oh yes I should be happy about the wall also the money to be made on right away appraisal and expert witness testimony will be so enormous yachts will be bought. Even if you funded it today it would be fifty years before the right of way court battles would be over. So if you want to fill the courts and make attorneys, appraisers , realtors and fence builders wildly wealthy while you get nothing in your life time have at it! Any one wanna go through your local DOT web site and look up rules and regulations regarding right of way purchase, relocation , condemnation, and eminent domain? Then look up court battles regarding those subject’s at the courts website. Talk about opening pandoras box. We will never stop paying for it all.
What's wrong with Americans making money building infrastructure?

You commies need to go dig a hole and commit hari kari.
You need a return on that investment in infrastucture. Walls are a money pit. They do nothing but cost. Again it will not be completed in your life time due to the court battles. The materials that are currently being discussed as being used for the wall have a short life span. The immigration crissis is now and will not always be this way. The cost benifit analysis on such a thing is laughable. Mean while our bridges,sewers and roads are in realy bad shape. These are things that return economic benefits not walls. You want to know real horror and be afraid of some real problems look at future traffic studies. A good percentage of America will be traveling at horse and buggy speeds in the near future.There is several trillions worth of up grades needed in these areas that will have a much larger impact on your life in the very near future. If Trump wants to be a great president he will drop the wall and go after the infrastructure bills he has proposed. If he does not get Dems support on those it will only be to spite him. I have not missed a county engineers association meeting in thirty years. I know both parties have dogs that will hunt in those bills.

Nancy Pelosi assumed the position of Speaker of the House and immediately affected a government shutdown by refusing to negotiate or compromise with the other 2 government entities that have a part in getting bills passed into law. Pelosi is refusing to do so in an attempt to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020, having no problem hurting Americans as long as she can score her 'political hit'.

Her own Democrats have begun to openly talk about how they oppose what she is doing and want to seek compromise - SOME OF THE DEMOCRATS HAVE ALREADY BROKEN RANKS AND HAVE BEGUN WORKING / NEGOTIATING WITH REPUBLICANS :

(D-MI) Rep. Elissa Slotkin:
"There’s a number of us on the Democratic side who are quite concerned that we’re not working on negotiated positions and taking the bull by the horns and trying to think about what it would look like”

I hope that we can all come to a compromise because that’s the way things get done

(D-NJ) Rep. Jeff Van Drew:
“If I had the opportunity to vote for some sort of a deal, I would

(D-NY) Rep. Anthony Brindisi (D-NY):
I’ve been meeting with several representatives from across the country, both Democrats and Republicans


Socialist Democrat Extremists introduced a Bill calling for the Impeachment of the President, despite having no evidence of having committed any crime, and openly declared thy did not need to wait for evidence / Mueller's final report to do so.

The newly-elected radicals have shown their hand - they want to Impeach Trump, crimes or not. The Older Democrats are trying to hold them down and prevent such action from being taken.

On all fronts Pelosi and Schumer are trying to hold the party together, stamp out fires that keep popping up and rein the radical - and moderate - newbies in.

'The 2018 midterms were a disaster for House Republicans. Democrats gained 40 seats, retook the majority, and, to our horror, Nancy Pelosi is speaker again. They were elected to stop Trump, to block him at every turn, and lead the effort for his impeachment and removal from office. Any Democrat who says otherwise is lying. The base demands Trump go at all costs. The younger, feistier Democrats say that openly. The older crew tries to downplay it, but ultimately that’s their goal. They’re banking heavily that the report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the DOJ’s Russia probe, finds something impeachable. Don’t hold your breath on that; the Russia collusion allegation has been what’s kept Democrats hopeful since 2016. Yet, while doing battle with the Trump White House is a top priority, the progressive Left also wants to clean house in the Democratic Party as well. The party elite is reportedly trying to rein in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), as they view her antics to be distracting, but they’re also not pleased that she’s willing to help boot fellow Democrats who are viewed as too moderate. Shots have been fired inside the ship.'

(D-MD) Majority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer is trying to present a solid picture of a United Democratic Party - “We are totally united — totally” - but that could not be farther from the truth right now....

Freshman Dems Turn on Pelosi Over Border Wall, Seek Deal with Trump

We're Not Even 30 Days Into 2019 And It Looks Like Democrats Are About To Have A Civil War


Breitbart and Don't make us laugh, you Russian piece of shit.

There will be no wall.

Nancy Pelosi assumed the position of Speaker of the House and immediately affected a government shutdown by refusing to negotiate or compromise with the other 2 government entities that have a part in getting bills passed into law. Pelosi is refusing to do so in an attempt to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020, having no problem hurting Americans as long as she can score her 'political hit'.

Her own Democrats have begun to openly talk about how they oppose what she is doing and want to seek compromise - SOME OF THE DEMOCRATS HAVE ALREADY BROKEN RANKS AND HAVE BEGUN WORKING / NEGOTIATING WITH REPUBLICANS :

(D-MI) Rep. Elissa Slotkin:
"There’s a number of us on the Democratic side who are quite concerned that we’re not working on negotiated positions and taking the bull by the horns and trying to think about what it would look like”

I hope that we can all come to a compromise because that’s the way things get done

(D-NJ) Rep. Jeff Van Drew:
“If I had the opportunity to vote for some sort of a deal, I would

(D-NY) Rep. Anthony Brindisi (D-NY):
I’ve been meeting with several representatives from across the country, both Democrats and Republicans


Socialist Democrat Extremists introduced a Bill calling for the Impeachment of the President, despite having no evidence of having committed any crime, and openly declared thy did not need to wait for evidence / Mueller's final report to do so.

The newly-elected radicals have shown their hand - they want to Impeach Trump, crimes or not. The Older Democrats are trying to hold them down and prevent such action from being taken.

On all fronts Pelosi and Schumer are trying to hold the party together, stamp out fires that keep popping up and rein the radical - and moderate - newbies in.

'The 2018 midterms were a disaster for House Republicans. Democrats gained 40 seats, retook the majority, and, to our horror, Nancy Pelosi is speaker again. They were elected to stop Trump, to block him at every turn, and lead the effort for his impeachment and removal from office. Any Democrat who says otherwise is lying. The base demands Trump go at all costs. The younger, feistier Democrats say that openly. The older crew tries to downplay it, but ultimately that’s their goal. They’re banking heavily that the report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the DOJ’s Russia probe, finds something impeachable. Don’t hold your breath on that; the Russia collusion allegation has been what’s kept Democrats hopeful since 2016. Yet, while doing battle with the Trump White House is a top priority, the progressive Left also wants to clean house in the Democratic Party as well. The party elite is reportedly trying to rein in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), as they view her antics to be distracting, but they’re also not pleased that she’s willing to help boot fellow Democrats who are viewed as too moderate. Shots have been fired inside the ship.'

(D-MD) Majority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer is trying to present a solid picture of a United Democratic Party - “We are totally united — totally” - but that could not be farther from the truth right now....

Freshman Dems Turn on Pelosi Over Border Wall, Seek Deal with Trump

We're Not Even 30 Days Into 2019 And It Looks Like Democrats Are About To Have A Civil War

You stupid fucks will get sold any thing. The wall is insane the only people that should be happy about the wall are wall builders and the bar association. Oh yes I should be happy about the wall also the money to be made on right away appraisal and expert witness testimony will be so enormous yachts will be bought. Even if you funded it today it would be fifty years before the right of way court battles would be over. So if you want to fill the courts and make attorneys, appraisers , realtors and fence builders wildly wealthy while you get nothing in your life time have at it! Any one wanna go through your local DOT web site and look up rules and regulations regarding right of way purchase, relocation , condemnation, and eminent domain? Then look up court battles regarding those subject’s at the courts website. Talk about opening pandoras box. We will never stop paying for it all.

It cost more to support your stank ass, and your stanky friends lazy stank ass than building any wall.
It's the same bill the Republicans passed in the Senate in December.

And it isn't "no one" who has called for a floor vote. It's MCCONNELL who will not let it come to a floor vote. Precisely because he knows his REPUBLICAN Senate will pass it.

So there's your real intraparty civil war. One fuckwit blocking his entire party from voting on a bill, on behalf of another fuckwit.
The presiding officer of the Senate may not use the power to recognize senators to control the flow of business. If no senator holds the floor, any senator seeking recognition has a right to be recognized, and then, usually, to speak for as long as he or she wishes (but only twice a day on the same question). Once recognized, a senator can move to call up any measure or offer any amendment or motion that is in order. Senate rules do not permit a majority to end debate and vote on a pending question.

McConnell isn't the presiding officer of the Senate. He just runs the show.
Breitbart and Don't make us laugh, you Russian piece of shit.


By the way, Dear, in case you haven't heard by now, the only Russians we had to worry about were the ones giving Hillary Millions of dollars, the ones Hillary and Obama gave our uranium to, the ones who conned snowflakes like you into organizing and marching for them, and the ones Hillary paid for their help in trying to win in 2016.

So why don't you let go of your rabid hate, finally accept the results of the 2016 election, and join us in a place the rest of us like to call 'REALITY'?!


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Nancy Pelosi assumed the position of Speaker of the House and immediately affected a government shutdown by refusing to negotiate or compromise with the other 2 government entities that have a part in getting bills passed into law. Pelosi is refusing to do so in an attempt to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020, having no problem hurting Americans as long as she can score her 'political hit'.

Her own Democrats have begun to openly talk about how they oppose what she is doing and want to seek compromise - SOME OF THE DEMOCRATS HAVE ALREADY BROKEN RANKS AND HAVE BEGUN WORKING / NEGOTIATING WITH REPUBLICANS :

(D-MI) Rep. Elissa Slotkin:
"There’s a number of us on the Democratic side who are quite concerned that we’re not working on negotiated positions and taking the bull by the horns and trying to think about what it would look like”

I hope that we can all come to a compromise because that’s the way things get done

(D-NJ) Rep. Jeff Van Drew:
“If I had the opportunity to vote for some sort of a deal, I would

(D-NY) Rep. Anthony Brindisi (D-NY):
I’ve been meeting with several representatives from across the country, both Democrats and Republicans


Socialist Democrat Extremists introduced a Bill calling for the Impeachment of the President, despite having no evidence of having committed any crime, and openly declared thy did not need to wait for evidence / Mueller's final report to do so.

The newly-elected radicals have shown their hand - they want to Impeach Trump, crimes or not. The Older Democrats are trying to hold them down and prevent such action from being taken.

On all fronts Pelosi and Schumer are trying to hold the party together, stamp out fires that keep popping up and rein the radical - and moderate - newbies in.

'The 2018 midterms were a disaster for House Republicans. Democrats gained 40 seats, retook the majority, and, to our horror, Nancy Pelosi is speaker again. They were elected to stop Trump, to block him at every turn, and lead the effort for his impeachment and removal from office. Any Democrat who says otherwise is lying. The base demands Trump go at all costs. The younger, feistier Democrats say that openly. The older crew tries to downplay it, but ultimately that’s their goal. They’re banking heavily that the report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the DOJ’s Russia probe, finds something impeachable. Don’t hold your breath on that; the Russia collusion allegation has been what’s kept Democrats hopeful since 2016. Yet, while doing battle with the Trump White House is a top priority, the progressive Left also wants to clean house in the Democratic Party as well. The party elite is reportedly trying to rein in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), as they view her antics to be distracting, but they’re also not pleased that she’s willing to help boot fellow Democrats who are viewed as too moderate. Shots have been fired inside the ship.'

(D-MD) Majority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer is trying to present a solid picture of a United Democratic Party - “We are totally united — totally” - but that could not be farther from the truth right now....

Freshman Dems Turn on Pelosi Over Border Wall, Seek Deal with Trump

We're Not Even 30 Days Into 2019 And It Looks Like Democrats Are About To Have A Civil War

Trump lovers are pathetic and they also hate memory..

Remember Paul Ryan?

GOP revolts multiply against retiring Ryan

Remember John Boehner?

House speaker John Boehner to resign after battle with conservatives

Let me know when Pelosi feels like she is forced to resign before you start talking about a civil war....or keep looking stupid as usual
Let me know when Pelosi feels like she is forced to resign before you start talking about a civil war....or keep looking stupid as usual
Who said Pelosi was being asked to resign?

And how am I going to look stupid pointing out the fact that while Pelosi and Hoyer standing up and declaring Democrats are totally unified in refusing to talk to / negotiate with Republicans / the President House Democrats can be seen sneaking out the back to go negotiate and compromise with Republicans?!

Bwuhahahaha........ You snowflakes are so emotional yet not too bright. :p
You need a return on that investment in infrastucture.



Obama: "No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects" - CBS News

"With unemployment hovering near 10 percent nearly two years after President Obama signed his economic stimulus package, Mr. Obama is acknowledging that, despite his campaign promises, "there's no such thing as shovel-ready projects."

Look at those rules and regs at your local DOT and you will see until the right of way is bought and secured there is no such thing as shovel ready project's. You spend your money how you want. I am retiring in two years and it is some one elses problem. I have already bought a plane and will buy a boat soon because I am worried that very soon alot of bridges will no longer be passable. We either fix this soon or we will be fucked. Seems like a better place to spend the money. All I have to say is I will still be getting where I want to go. I am not sure as to wether or not the quote you are referring to was a lie or a mistake. Most people do n ot know what goes into a project such as a public wall or road construction. This is where Donald Trump could or should have an advantage over the typical president, he has built things and should know the red tape involved and that most of it should be there, but not all. You get him in private and ask him what he does first on his projects and he will tell you. No roads,bridges, or sewers you have no project. I have a large swath of land in florida that is currently occupied by squatters on it. I have spent exactly zero dollars getting them off the land. I have no roads,sewers,bridges. So no project! Now when roads,sewers bridges get there, I will be doing some down right nasty shit to get those squatters off. Fuck the wall! Roads, sewers, bridges, it's what Trump realy wants, it's what I realy want, it's what you should realy want. We do not get it because it is not controverial but it is what we need. Put roads,sewers and bridges beside the wall and give me some time to study it you might get me on board. Until then lets move on to buisness that matters.
Breitbart and Don't make us laugh, you Russian piece of shit.
There will be no wall.

And exactly HOW does the flow of criminals, drug mules and the horrors of human trafficking, that a wall would help curb tremendously, give you so much joy?
Democrats think negotiating means you give us everything we want, and we tell you to pump sand.

None of those Dems are listening. They walked out on the first meeting, and they boycotted everything else. Last time they met with Trump they said "open the government and fuck your wall".
Trump said "I have nothing to say then.....bye!!!"

Nancy Pelosi assumed the position of Speaker of the House and immediately affected a government shutdown by refusing to negotiate or compromise with the other 2 government entities that have a part in getting bills passed into law. Pelosi is refusing to do so in an attempt to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020, having no problem hurting Americans as long as she can score her 'political hit'.

Her own Democrats have begun to openly talk about how they oppose what she is doing and want to seek compromise - SOME OF THE DEMOCRATS HAVE ALREADY BROKEN RANKS AND HAVE BEGUN WORKING / NEGOTIATING WITH REPUBLICANS :

(D-MI) Rep. Elissa Slotkin:
"There’s a number of us on the Democratic side who are quite concerned that we’re not working on negotiated positions and taking the bull by the horns and trying to think about what it would look like”

I hope that we can all come to a compromise because that’s the way things get done

(D-NJ) Rep. Jeff Van Drew:
“If I had the opportunity to vote for some sort of a deal, I would

(D-NY) Rep. Anthony Brindisi (D-NY):
I’ve been meeting with several representatives from across the country, both Democrats and Republicans


Socialist Democrat Extremists introduced a Bill calling for the Impeachment of the President, despite having no evidence of having committed any crime, and openly declared thy did not need to wait for evidence / Mueller's final report to do so.

The newly-elected radicals have shown their hand - they want to Impeach Trump, crimes or not. The Older Democrats are trying to hold them down and prevent such action from being taken.

On all fronts Pelosi and Schumer are trying to hold the party together, stamp out fires that keep popping up and rein the radical - and moderate - newbies in.

'The 2018 midterms were a disaster for House Republicans. Democrats gained 40 seats, retook the majority, and, to our horror, Nancy Pelosi is speaker again. They were elected to stop Trump, to block him at every turn, and lead the effort for his impeachment and removal from office. Any Democrat who says otherwise is lying. The base demands Trump go at all costs. The younger, feistier Democrats say that openly. The older crew tries to downplay it, but ultimately that’s their goal. They’re banking heavily that the report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the DOJ’s Russia probe, finds something impeachable. Don’t hold your breath on that; the Russia collusion allegation has been what’s kept Democrats hopeful since 2016. Yet, while doing battle with the Trump White House is a top priority, the progressive Left also wants to clean house in the Democratic Party as well. The party elite is reportedly trying to rein in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), as they view her antics to be distracting, but they’re also not pleased that she’s willing to help boot fellow Democrats who are viewed as too moderate. Shots have been fired inside the ship.'

(D-MD) Majority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer is trying to present a solid picture of a United Democratic Party - “We are totally united — totally” - but that could not be farther from the truth right now....

Freshman Dems Turn on Pelosi Over Border Wall, Seek Deal with Trump

We're Not Even 30 Days Into 2019 And It Looks Like Democrats Are About To Have A Civil War

You stupid fucks will get sold any thing. The wall is insane the only people that should be happy about the wall are wall builders and the bar association. Oh yes I should be happy about the wall also the money to be made on right away appraisal and expert witness testimony will be so enormous yachts will be bought. Even if you funded it today it would be fifty years before the right of way court battles would be over. So if you want to fill the courts and make attorneys, appraisers , realtors and fence builders wildly wealthy while you get nothing in your life time have at it! Any one wanna go through your local DOT web site and look up rules and regulations regarding right of way purchase, relocation , condemnation, and eminent domain? Then look up court battles regarding those subject’s at the courts website. Talk about opening pandoras box. We will never stop paying for it all.

It cost more to support your stank ass, and your stanky friends lazy stank ass than building any wall.
KDF or worse KGB. Subversive any way you look at it.
You need a return on that investment in infrastucture.



Obama: "No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects" - CBS News

"With unemployment hovering near 10 percent nearly two years after President Obama signed his economic stimulus package, Mr. Obama is acknowledging that, despite his campaign promises, "there's no such thing as shovel-ready projects."

The Wall pays for itself in the form of seizure of more Mexican Drug Cartel money and assets, and in the form of taxing remittances which will be coming down the pike soon.

It's like a turnpike if they would ever build it. The initial funding might come from the taxpayers but after that it will produce a net profit every year. Just cutting down on the number of illegals will help pay for it.
What a difference a couple of years make...

Dems are in EXACTLY the position that Republicans were in 2015/2016.

Cracks in the armor...a HUGE (and growing...) field of candidates...and NO MESSAGE..

Gonna be an iteresting primary for the Dems...

But they DO have a message: Health care for all! Better schools, a fair deal for working people. If you haven't heard, it you haven't been listening.
Democrats think negotiating means you give us everything we want, and we tell you to pump sand.

None of those Dems are listening. They walked out on the first meeting, and they boycotted everything else. Last time they met with Trump they said "open the government and fuck your wall".
Trump said "I have nothing to say then.....bye!!!"
Why couldn't Trump negotiate his way into having Mexico pay for that wall?

His negotiating skills are trash, it aint Pelosi's or anyone else's responsibility to help Trump save face with his idiot cult followers
All Democrat breaches will be healed immediately upon Hillary's declaration that she WILL be the party candidate for 2020. The few not healed will fall into such despair that they'll commit suicide in some bizarre manner that defies forensic explanation. See, unity quickly and spectacularly restored!
They just had a far leftist on Fox talking about how they will primary "moderate" democraps in 2020 LOL....awesome! Nationalist GOP candidates vs Communist Democraps...can't wait!
They just had a far leftist on Fox talking about how they will primary "moderate" democraps in 2020 LOL....awesome! Nationalist GOP candidates vs Communist Democraps...can't wait!
So when so-called conservative candidates primary against "establishment" republicans, that isn't a civil war?

But when progressive candidates primary establishment corporate democrats, that is a civil war?

Wow, you would think Neo-Nazi confederate types are planning to primary democrats -- but fortunately, they are all running as Republicans

Virginia Republicans just nominated an alt-right hero to run for Senate
They just had a far leftist on Fox talking about how they will primary "moderate" democraps in 2020 LOL....awesome! Nationalist GOP candidates vs Communist Democraps...can't wait!
So when so-called conservative candidates primary against "establishment" republicans, that isn't a civil war?

But when progressive candidates primary establishment corporate democrats, that is a civil war?

Wow, you would think Neo-Nazi confederate types are planning to primary democrats -- but fortunately, they are all running as Republicans

Virginia Republicans just nominated an alt-right hero to run for Senate
The people RUNNING against the establishment clowns were the actual conservatives, the tea party were conservatives trying to take back the party from RINO'S who were nothing more than democrats in republicans clothing so sure if you wanna call it a civil war go ahead,and Vox is not a legitimate news source Corey Stewart is a great American and I hope a future politician in America.

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