Democrats about to chose a Muslim as chairman of their party

Democrat Campaign slogan for 2018.....2020.....2022....2024.....and Beyond.....:D

OP continues to run away. :gay:

Whelp --- my work is done. Yet another bogus point shot down by Question Man. :rock:

For the racist O/Poster........

[He] sais “neither Pagan nor Mahamedan [Muslim] nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the Commonwealth because of his religion.”
 — Thomas Jefferson, quoting John Locke, 1776

At a time when most Americans were uninformed, misinformed, or simply afraid of Islam, Thomas Jefferson imagined Muslims as future citizens of his new nation. His engagement with the faith began with the purchase of a Qur’an eleven years before he wrote the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson’s Qur’an survives still in the Library of Congress, serving as a symbol of his and early America’s complex relationship with Islam and its adherents. That relationship remains of signal importance to this day.
I dont have issues with muslims per se, i know several. I took classes in college about islam, so its not a ignorance issue.
Muslims are looked at with suspicion by people and unfortunately with good reason. Liberals live where everyone is the same regardless of their deeds, but most peoe live in reality where deeds have a cause and effect and consequences.

Segregation didnt end because of blacks, it ended because whites rebelled against it. Same with muslims, they have to get rid if the terrorists and until they do, they're gonna look bad.
First people do know his religion, why? Because the diversity craving democrats broadcast the fuck out of it.

Linky, Otis?
Because the only place I see it brought up is here.

First hes a muslim.....even put it as the first qualification. I know liberals well

econd.of all christians and Jews aren't blowing up and shooting and ramming trucks into people .

Some of them are.
But Keith Ellison isn't, as far as I know.

Your point?

Now your turn, link?

You can do it, the democrats have this slavish, SS devotion to diversity, but people will be like mot the right time and if there is another Muslim attack, you guys have some splainin to do

Actually it's gonna be you Association Fallacists who already have some splainin' to do.

But you won't. Because you can't.

Which is what I just asked you and you bailed.

What did you,ask? Do democrats not crow about diversity more than any single thing?

The OP can't either. That's why she's lurkng, ticking off an "agree" on your goes-nowhere post but unable to fix it.

Always plan ahead.

Im waiting.

Actually I'm waiting. Have been for the entire thread.
Waitkng on what ?
I have nothing against Islam. I don't care how people does not affect me or my life. However....radical Islam that is intent on widespread murder of people who have different views.

Fuck 'em. Bomb the shit out of them as Trump would say. :D
Keith Ellison is not only a muslim but a radical racist as well.

The Democrats have decided that the way to deal with their loss is to go further left and further into anti white, anti Christian racism.
And to top it off, Ellison is being proposed and strongly supported by non other than anti capitalistic, socialist nutjob, crazy uncle Bernie Sanders. Apparently Democraps have a very low learning curve.
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Democrats about to chose a Muslim as chairman of their party


Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I think you're the one who got the wrong message. Trump won this election in the Rust Belt, which has typically been a Democratic stronghold. He won it on economic promises. The xenophobia and bigotry of people like you played a much smaller role.
Exacty. Remind us again what the states were that Trump won? Clinton held on to the left coasts as usual, but lost most of the country including the rust belt, mostly because of a total repudiation Obama and the radical leftist social re-engineering, anti capitalistic, anti-Americanism globalism of the left.
He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
Islam is incompatible with freedom, democracy, women's rights, gays, and Western values.
And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.

Not baffled in the least. Minorities generally vote Democrat because they're stupid and easily conned.
Democrats about to chose a Muslim as chairman of their party


Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I think you're the one who got the wrong message. Trump won this election in the Rust Belt, which has typically been a Democratic stronghold. He won it on economic promises. The xenophobia and bigotry of people like you played a much smaller role.
He won it on economic promises, and he will not be able to keep those promises. And the Rust Belt will be even more rusty in about three years. Reality is going to be very hard on President Trump.
You really can't make this stuff up. The Dims plan to nominate a Muslim Congressman to head the DNC. Brilliant move!!!! :thup:

I mean...after getting killed in three out of the last 4 National elections why not dig the hole deeper...right?

F%@king Idiots. :lol:

Some Democrats look to Keith Ellison, first Muslim congressman, to lead charge against Trump

So why do you feel the need to point out that Ellison is a Muslim? Could it be that you are an unabashed bigot?

The joke's on you, assfuck.

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