Democrats and Republicans: Deaths at Benghazi Could Have Been Prevented

Deaths at Benghazi Could Have Been Prevented

This is what passes for commentary? Something could've been done.
Something could have been done to prevent 9.11 yet righties defend Bush for doing absolutely nothing to prevent it.

Well lefties defend Clinton and the whole thing was planned on his watch.

Oh and 9-11 has absofuckinglutelynothing to do with Benghazi. Deflection anyone??
Clinton was president on 9.11 and was powerless to prevent it. Bush, on the other hand, could have done something but chose to do nothing; allowing it to happen unabated.

And it's very relevant to Benghazi. There are some screaming over the deaths of 4 Americans because they feel Hillary failed to adequately protect them while they give Bush a pass even though his failure to protect us ended with almost 3,000 people killed. It's all about selective outrage.
Yes, prevented by not starting more wars and funding/arming brutal thugs. Our Ambassador was likely murdered by thugs with weapons that were supplied by the U.S. So it would be fair to say our Ambassador was murdered by his own Government.
There is ALWAYS some hypothetical scenario of perfect policy that could have prevented deaths.

Like not invading Iraq.

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