Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump’s Tax Returns

Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?

can you be honest about why you want them? probably not, but let me try.

you want them so that the dems and the media can make up lies about what they say. Trump's tax returns are hundreds of pages of complex filings. He uses tax lawyers to prepare them and they are audited every year.

If the dems were to obtain them, they would pull out one or two pages, make up lies about what they say, and dominate the news cycle with those lies for weeks. We all know that is exactly what would happen and the country would get nothing done while that BS played out and in the end nothing illegal will be found.

If he was cheating don't you think the Obama IRS would have made a big deal of it in 2016? the media actually got his 2005 return and found nothing illegal, improper, ot not in compliance with the tax code.

This is but another ruse to take the attention away from the good economy, improved trade deals, high employment, and improved international relations. The dems are desperate, they have no one to run that has any credibility. This is a joke and you dems are the butt of it.
Did his money come from Russia ,,,, money laundering ?? and republicans can care less?? And you call yourselves Americans ? lol WHAT does Putin have on him?

If any of that was true, don't you think the IRS auditors would have found it? Are you now trying to claim that the IRS that targeted conservative groups was in Trump's pocket? Are you saying that the IRS under Obama was corrupt? Duh, you make zero sense.
Congress CAN subpoena them yea

Why does that terrify Trumpers so?

If there's nothing to hide....

The problem is that the tax returns might be leaked to the public.

Congress may have the right to see them, just like the staff at the IRS.

The problem is with public exposition of them.

The chance of demagoguery is high.
returns were leaked. he paid more then obama and hillary.
That was one cherry picked return and are you sure he didn't get most back the following year with a refund? The man is a con artist No dirty trick is beneath him

the IRS said they were in complete compliance with the tax code. Could we see Pelosi and Schumer's tax returns? How about Sharpton's? The IRS says he owes millions, why isn't he in jail for tax evasion?
Maybe because he made a deal to pay it off?

Sharpton? a private deal with the IRS? Got any evidence to support that foolish claim?
Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?

can you be honest about why you want them? probably not, but let me try.

you want them so that the dems and the media can make up lies about what they say. Trump's tax returns are hundreds of pages of complex filings. He uses tax lawyers to prepare them and they are audited every year.

If the dems were to obtain them, they would pull out one or two pages, make up lies about what they say, and dominate the news cycle with those lies for weeks. We all know that is exactly what would happen and the country would get nothing done while that BS played out and in the end nothing illegal will be found.

If he was cheating don't you think the Obama IRS would have made a big deal of it in 2016? the media actually got his 2005 return and found nothing illegal, improper, ot not in compliance with the tax code.

This is but another ruse to take the attention away from the good economy, improved trade deals, high employment, and improved international relations. The dems are desperate, they have no one to run that has any credibility. This is a joke and you dems are the butt of it.
Did his money come from Russia ,,,, money laundering ?? and republicans can care less?? And you call yourselves Americans ? lol WHAT does Putin have on him?

If any of that was true, don't you think the IRS auditors would have found it? Are you now trying to claim that the IRS that targeted conservative groups was in Trump's pocket? Are you saying that the IRS under Obama was corrupt? Duh, you make zero sense.
Come on man ,,You don't think Trump with teams of lawyers and CPA's couldn't twist laws underpay here over pay there ? The man has been an outright con man and like crime ,,,he doesn't pay And if he did pay some I bet it amounted to 15% or less BUT like Kirshner who doesn't pay he might not either Just for your own education google how kirshner gets away with paying anything
Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?

can you be honest about why you want them? probably not, but let me try.

you want them so that the dems and the media can make up lies about what they say. Trump's tax returns are hundreds of pages of complex filings. He uses tax lawyers to prepare them and they are audited every year.

If the dems were to obtain them, they would pull out one or two pages, make up lies about what they say, and dominate the news cycle with those lies for weeks. We all know that is exactly what would happen and the country would get nothing done while that BS played out and in the end nothing illegal will be found.

If he was cheating don't you think the Obama IRS would have made a big deal of it in 2016? the media actually got his 2005 return and found nothing illegal, improper, ot not in compliance with the tax code.

This is but another ruse to take the attention away from the good economy, improved trade deals, high employment, and improved international relations. The dems are desperate, they have no one to run that has any credibility. This is a joke and you dems are the butt of it.
Did his money come from Russia ,,,, money laundering ?? and republicans can care less?? And you call yourselves Americans ? lol WHAT does Putin have on him?

If any of that was true, don't you think the IRS auditors would have found it? Are you now trying to claim that the IRS that targeted conservative groups was in Trump's pocket? Are you saying that the IRS under Obama was corrupt? Duh, you make zero sense.
Here RED I'll do your's and ice's job for you
Question: When will the federal authorities charge Al Sharpton with tax fraud? He owes millions after all.

You might actually want to learn about the federal tax code, questioner, before you ask leading questions.

The fact that you know (or claim to know) that Al Sharpton owes “millions” in back taxes, penalties and fines is that:

  1. He’s publicly acknowledged it.
  2. The IRS has filed liens against him
  3. The information of the liens is publicly available.
If the Internal Revenue Service either thought that Sharpton could not pay or would not, they would:

  1. File charges against him.
  2. Take him to court
  3. Seize his assets
  4. Imprison him if he’s convicted and if it appears that he isn’t living up to his commitments or is actively attempting to conceal income.
Since they are not doing that, it’s a safe assumption to believe that Mr. Sharpton has established a repayment plan and is actively meeting the requirements of that plan. If he was not, then he would now be facing serious charges and he would be in a great deal of trouble.

Again, your question implies that you have some knowledge of the tax code and how the Internal revenue Service operates. If you do, then you already know the answer and you are simply attempting to bash Sharpton for reasons unknown. If you don’t, then you really should learn the basics and then come back when you have a question that has merit.

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Trump could short circuit this by releasing his papers. Why wont he do this ?

He isn't required to. There is no law, nothing that says he has to turn over his tax returns. Why should he if it isn't required?
Why would he have a problem with it ? Other Presidents have been happy to do this .

There is no law requiring a Presidential candidate to release his tax information. So, if there is no law, why is he being required to? That makes no sense and what others want to do is fine, if it is not required, it should not be required.
Then why did you Trumptards drool at the mouth when Trump promised to all that he'd release them?

Why was that?

I never needed to see his returns, never cared. When I heard he was going to release, I still didn’t care. I didn’t vote for hm for a lot of other reasons, tax returns weren’t an issue for me. No law stating he had to release them, so why should Congress need to look at them?
Trump could short circuit this by releasing his papers. Why wont he do this ?

He isn't required to. There is no law, nothing that says he has to turn over his tax returns. Why should he if it isn't required?
Why would he have a problem with it ? Other Presidents have been happy to do this .

There is no law requiring a Presidential candidate to release his tax information. So, if there is no law, why is he being required to? That makes no sense and what others want to do is fine, if it is not required, it should not be required.
Then why did you Trumptards drool at the mouth when Trump promised to all that he'd release them?

Why was that?

I never needed to see his returns, never cared. When I heard he was going to release, I still didn’t care. I didn’t vote for hm for a lot of other reasons, tax returns weren’t an issue for me. No law stating he had to release them, so why should Congress need to look at them?
Because there is a question of money laundering along with other devious methods only those with many CPA's working for him would know
Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?

can you be honest about why you want them? probably not, but let me try.

you want them so that the dems and the media can make up lies about what they say. Trump's tax returns are hundreds of pages of complex filings. He uses tax lawyers to prepare them and they are audited every year.

If the dems were to obtain them, they would pull out one or two pages, make up lies about what they say, and dominate the news cycle with those lies for weeks. We all know that is exactly what would happen and the country would get nothing done while that BS played out and in the end nothing illegal will be found.

If he was cheating don't you think the Obama IRS would have made a big deal of it in 2016? the media actually got his 2005 return and found nothing illegal, improper, ot not in compliance with the tax code.

This is but another ruse to take the attention away from the good economy, improved trade deals, high employment, and improved international relations. The dems are desperate, they have no one to run that has any credibility. This is a joke and you dems are the butt of it.
Did his money come from Russia ,,,, money laundering ?? and republicans can care less?? And you call yourselves Americans ? lol WHAT does Putin have on him?
You just proved his case, moron.

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using mobile app
Trump could short circuit this by releasing his papers. Why wont he do this ?

He isn't required to. There is no law, nothing that says he has to turn over his tax returns. Why should he if it isn't required?
Why would he have a problem with it ? Other Presidents have been happy to do this .

There is no law requiring a Presidential candidate to release his tax information. So, if there is no law, why is he being required to? That makes no sense and what others want to do is fine, if it is not required, it should not be required.
It's not in the law PAP but presidents have shown them so people can see they're not lying cheating traitorous scumbags like trump is??

Then change the law instead of playing juvenile games. This is where both parties lose me. Selectively deciding what is right and wrong with no reason other than to stick it to the other party. Six year olds on a playground and we have bigger problems than a tax return but hey politicians don’t want to solve problems, they just want re-elected and want to hold power. Disgusting.
Congress CAN subpoena them yea

Why does that terrify Trumpers so?

If there's nothing to hide....

The problem is that the tax returns might be leaked to the public.

Congress may have the right to see them, just like the staff at the IRS.

The problem is with public exposition of them.

The chance of demagoguery is high.
returns were leaked. he paid more then obama and hillary.
That was one cherry picked return and are you sure he didn't get most back the following year with a refund? The man is a con artist No dirty trick is beneath him
heh - see what i mean?

don't matter shit what happens or where. you're gonna go WAH TRUMP SUCKS AND IS A LIAR!!!!

i'm sorry you got that much hate in you but it changes nothing that people "leaked" trumps returns and didn't find what they wanted. EVEN IF EVERY OTHER RETURN looked the same, you'd hate it and find something to say trump is still doing something wrong.

that's on you.
Congress CAN subpoena them yea

Why does that terrify Trumpers so?

If there's nothing to hide....

The problem is that the tax returns might be leaked to the public.

Congress may have the right to see them, just like the staff at the IRS.

The problem is with public exposition of them.

The chance of demagoguery is high.
returns were leaked. he paid more then obama and hillary.
That was one cherry picked return and are you sure he didn't get most back the following year with a refund? The man is a con artist No dirty trick is beneath him

the IRS said they were in complete compliance with the tax code. Could we see Pelosi and Schumer's tax returns? How about Sharpton's? The IRS says he owes millions, why isn't he in jail for tax evasion?
Maybe because he made a deal to pay it off?
yea, that must be it.

lord the lengths you would go to that if ANYONE were doing it to obama (like birthers) you'd call them out for being stupider than a bucket full of bat shit.

yet here you are. lookin up at bat shit.
WHAT does Putin have on him?

Putin doesn’t have anything on Trump. Trump admires Putin for what he has done to help get him elected and Trump is hoping Putin will do it again in 2020. Trump also admires Kim Jong-un because he is a ruler free to do as he wishes which is a power Trump wants himself.

Birds of a feather flock together

Congress CAN subpoena them yea

Why does that terrify Trumpers so?

If there's nothing to hide....

The problem is that the tax returns might be leaked to the public.

Congress may have the right to see them, just like the staff at the IRS.

The problem is with public exposition of them.

The chance of demagoguery is high.
returns were leaked. he paid more then obama and hillary.
That was one cherry picked return and are you sure he didn't get most back the following year with a refund? The man is a con artist No dirty trick is beneath him
heh - see what i mean?

don't matter shit what happens or where. you're gonna go WAH TRUMP SUCKS AND IS A LIAR!!!!

i'm sorry you got that much hate in you but it changes nothing that people "leaked" trumps returns and didn't find what they wanted. EVEN IF EVERY OTHER RETURN looked the same, you'd hate it and find something to say trump is still doing something wrong.

that's on you.
If trump paid a fair amount of taxes why not show them? He's nothing but a lying cheating con man and you folks are blind ?
He isn't required to. There is no law, nothing that says he has to turn over his tax returns. Why should he if it isn't required?
Why would he have a problem with it ? Other Presidents have been happy to do this .

There is no law requiring a Presidential candidate to release his tax information. So, if there is no law, why is he being required to? That makes no sense and what others want to do is fine, if it is not required, it should not be required.
Then why did you Trumptards drool at the mouth when Trump promised to all that he'd release them?

Why was that?

I never needed to see his returns, never cared. When I heard he was going to release, I still didn’t care. I didn’t vote for hm for a lot of other reasons, tax returns weren’t an issue for me. No law stating he had to release them, so why should Congress need to look at them?
Because there is a question of money laundering along with other devious methods only those with many CPA's working for him would know

So? You without cause, without evidence Democrats believe their is money laundering, Gee, a Democrat not trusting a Republican, imagine that, so that gives the government the right to seize tax returns and open an investigation. You worry about a Trump-Russia connection and you don’t think think this House tactic isn’t like the KGB?

This is nothing but spite and hate, that is all that it is. Pelosi is on a mission to bring Trump down, not because he has done anything wrong but because he is a Republican and she hates him.

I am over the petty politics.
Congress CAN subpoena them yea

Why does that terrify Trumpers so?

If there's nothing to hide....

The problem is that the tax returns might be leaked to the public.

Congress may have the right to see them, just like the staff at the IRS.

The problem is with public exposition of them.

The chance of demagoguery is high.
returns were leaked. he paid more then obama and hillary.
That was one cherry picked return and are you sure he didn't get most back the following year with a refund? The man is a con artist No dirty trick is beneath him
heh - see what i mean?

don't matter shit what happens or where. you're gonna go WAH TRUMP SUCKS AND IS A LIAR!!!!

i'm sorry you got that much hate in you but it changes nothing that people "leaked" trumps returns and didn't find what they wanted. EVEN IF EVERY OTHER RETURN looked the same, you'd hate it and find something to say trump is still doing something wrong.

that's on you.
If trump paid a fair amount of taxes why not show them? He's nothing but a lying cheating con man and you folks are blind ?

He does, he shows them to the IRS...dumbass.
If they find

That he's in debt

Or is doing business with suspicious persons

It will matter.

/——/ If being in debt is illegal, 3/4 of the country will be locked up. Does anyone add business with “suspicious persons” on their tax return? Have you ever filed a tax return?
How about money laundering for Russia? Is that OK? Trumps sons said money was pouring in from Russia.
Why would he have a problem with it ? Other Presidents have been happy to do this .

There is no law requiring a Presidential candidate to release his tax information. So, if there is no law, why is he being required to? That makes no sense and what others want to do is fine, if it is not required, it should not be required.
Then why did you Trumptards drool at the mouth when Trump promised to all that he'd release them?

Why was that?

I never needed to see his returns, never cared. When I heard he was going to release, I still didn’t care. I didn’t vote for hm for a lot of other reasons, tax returns weren’t an issue for me. No law stating he had to release them, so why should Congress need to look at them?
Because there is a question of money laundering along with other devious methods only those with many CPA's working for him would know

So? You without cause, without evidence Democrats believe their is money laundering, Gee, a Democrat not trusting a Republican, imagine that, so that gives the government the right to seize tax returns and open an investigation. You worry about a Trump-Russia connection and you don’t think think this House tactic isn’t like the KGB?

This is nothing but spite and hate, that is all that it is. Pelosi is on a mission to bring Trump down, not because he has done anything wrong but because he is a Republican and she hates him.

I am over the petty politics.
Without cause?

Fine. Let’s see the tax returns and clear that up.

What are you afraid of?
There is no law requiring a Presidential candidate to release his tax information. So, if there is no law, why is he being required to? That makes no sense and what others want to do is fine, if it is not required, it should not be required.
Then why did you Trumptards drool at the mouth when Trump promised to all that he'd release them?

Why was that?

I never needed to see his returns, never cared. When I heard he was going to release, I still didn’t care. I didn’t vote for hm for a lot of other reasons, tax returns weren’t an issue for me. No law stating he had to release them, so why should Congress need to look at them?
Because there is a question of money laundering along with other devious methods only those with many CPA's working for him would know

So? You without cause, without evidence Democrats believe their is money laundering, Gee, a Democrat not trusting a Republican, imagine that, so that gives the government the right to seize tax returns and open an investigation. You worry about a Trump-Russia connection and you don’t think think this House tactic isn’t like the KGB?

This is nothing but spite and hate, that is all that it is. Pelosi is on a mission to bring Trump down, not because he has done anything wrong but because he is a Republican and she hates him.

I am over the petty politics.
Without cause?

Fine. Let’s see the tax returns and clear that up.

What are you afraid of?

WTF, are you more qualified than the IRS?
Congress CAN subpoena them yea

Why does that terrify Trumpers so?

If there's nothing to hide....

The problem is that the tax returns might be leaked to the public.

Congress may have the right to see them, just like the staff at the IRS.

The problem is with public exposition of them.

The chance of demagoguery is high.
returns were leaked. he paid more then obama and hillary.
That was one cherry picked return and are you sure he didn't get most back the following year with a refund? The man is a con artist No dirty trick is beneath him
heh - see what i mean?

don't matter shit what happens or where. you're gonna go WAH TRUMP SUCKS AND IS A LIAR!!!!

i'm sorry you got that much hate in you but it changes nothing that people "leaked" trumps returns and didn't find what they wanted. EVEN IF EVERY OTHER RETURN looked the same, you'd hate it and find something to say trump is still doing something wrong.

that's on you.
If trump paid a fair amount of taxes why not show them? He's nothing but a lying cheating con man and you folks are blind ?
i can clearly see no matter what he shows youll bitch.
like a bitch.

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