Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump’s Tax Returns

Any attempt to "force" disclosure of his tax returns, whether directly or through the Director of the IRS will immediately be met with legal action, citing Executive Privilege and Fourth Amendment grounds. And the returns will not be produced.

Anyone thinking the Donald is cheating on his taxes must explain how, being audited every year by a bureaucracy that, in effect, hates him, he has never been charged with any income-tax related "crimes." Without this question being answered, the objections ring quite hollow.

The tax returns I would like to see are some of these thieves who come to Congress poor, then 20 years later have accumulated personal wealth of more than a hundred million on a government salary.
Any attempt to "force" disclosure of his tax returns, whether directly or through the Director of the IRS will immediately be met with legal action, citing Executive Privilege and Fourth Amendment grounds. And the returns will not be produced.

Anyone thinking the Donald is cheating on his taxes must explain how, being audited every year by a bureaucracy that, in effect, hates him, he has never been charged with any income-tax related "crimes." Without this question being answered, the objections ring quite hollow.

The tax returns I would like to see are some of these thieves who come to Congress poor, then 20 years later have accumulated personal wealth of more than a hundred million on a government salary.
It's not their income tax returns that would be revealing. These douchebags all profit from insider trading and being parties to deals that no non politician would ever have a chance of.
If they find

That he's in debt

Or is doing business with suspicious persons

It will matter.

Four Trumpers laughed at this post.

Does that mean that if his tax returns show those things they wouldn't care?

Tax returns don't show debt and they don't show interactions with individuals.

100 page PDF Financial Disclosure forms are filed annually showing all holdings, income and debt (detailed). No one has explained to me why this "required" filing is not good enough? All it does not show is Tax paid.

I have cut/pasted, linked etc.....but Liberal stay-at-home-commee-SSDI red posters usuall just run from that thread and start another one like this. I could name names if U Care DizzyDean.
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Any attempt to "force" disclosure of his tax returns, whether directly or through the Director of the IRS will immediately be met with legal action, citing Executive Privilege and Fourth Amendment grounds. And the returns will not be produced.

Anyone thinking the Donald is cheating on his taxes must explain how, being audited every year by a bureaucracy that, in effect, hates him, he has never been charged with any income-tax related "crimes." Without this question being answered, the objections ring quite hollow.

The tax returns I would like to see are some of these thieves who come to Congress poor, then 20 years later have accumulated personal wealth of more than a hundred million on a government salary.
It's not their income tax returns that would be revealing. These douchebags all profit from insider trading and being parties to deals that no non politician would ever have a chance of.
Wait...I think you just admitted that you think Trump is a crook and you're defending him hiding his tax returns from the American Public with the PeeWee Herman (they allll do itttt) Defense???
Any attempt to "force" disclosure of his tax returns, whether directly or through the Director of the IRS will immediately be met with legal action, citing Executive Privilege and Fourth Amendment grounds. And the returns will not be produced.

Anyone thinking the Donald is cheating on his taxes must explain how, being audited every year by a bureaucracy that, in effect, hates him, he has never been charged with any income-tax related "crimes." Without this question being answered, the objections ring quite hollow.

The tax returns I would like to see are some of these thieves who come to Congress poor, then 20 years later have accumulated personal wealth of more than a hundred million on a government salary.
It's not their income tax returns that would be revealing. These douchebags all profit from insider trading and being parties to deals that no non politician would ever have a chance of.
Wait...I think you just admitted that you think Trump is a crook and you're defending him hiding his tax returns from the American Public with the PeeWee Herman (they allll do itttt) Defense???
That LSD you're taking must be incredibly strong.
The problem is that the tax returns might be leaked to the public.

Congress may have the right to see them, just like the staff at the IRS.

The problem is with public exposition of them.

The chance of demagoguery is high.
returns were leaked. he paid more then obama and hillary.
That was one cherry picked return and are you sure he didn't get most back the following year with a refund? The man is a con artist No dirty trick is beneath him
heh - see what i mean?

don't matter shit what happens or where. you're gonna go WAH TRUMP SUCKS AND IS A LIAR!!!!

i'm sorry you got that much hate in you but it changes nothing that people "leaked" trumps returns and didn't find what they wanted. EVEN IF EVERY OTHER RETURN looked the same, you'd hate it and find something to say trump is still doing something wrong.

that's on you.
If trump paid a fair amount of taxes why not show them? He's nothing but a lying cheating con man and you folks are blind ?
You've already been told 10,000 times. How many times are you going to ask the same dumbass ingenuous question?
He's not actually looking for an answer.

He's just bitching at every opportunity.
Democrats sure have some screwed up priorities.
Sometimes i begin to have a little bit of respect for Liberal Loons but then you see a thread like this proving they don't know crap about Taxes, income or filings or forms or debt.

I think we are dealing with thise who have fixed Govt income and do not file Tax forms. Perhaps 1040EZ for some?

Regular 1040 Tax forms show Income on line 1? (a total from a variety of sources, no details). Other lines point to schedule(s) where other income may be added in (Complicated). Also other lines for IRA money withdrawn, SS income etc.

Then, income adjustment(s) taken off. Never have much here?

Next, Deductions. Now $24K married joint which simplifies for most all. Conveniently above typical interest, property tax, and state tax total levels for mid-upper-level CA job and home. Goodbye Schedule A?

At some point you end up with taxable income. You caculate tax owed (or use table). Subtract Tax witheld....owe more? Get refund.....not done yet, you may have credits or penalties.

Thank you DJT for pushing this through.
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Pelosi is on a mission to bring Trump down

And so are millions of Americans; of which I am one.

So you believe in mob rule. Sorry, we are a nation of laws and this road that this nation is going down is rule by polls, that is extremely dangerous.

If taxes are required to show to run for President, then why is it not a law? If it was a law, I’d be all for Trump showing his taxes however this is a witch-hunt for a man Democrats hate and just pure hate and petty politics, I don’t think Democrats are any better than Trump or Republicans as they seek the low ground.
I think any such law would violate the 4th Amendment.
That would explain a lot.
Democrats sure have some screwed up priorities.
Wanting to see the President's tax returns as every other President has shown for the last 40 years is a screwed up priority?

I ask again.

What is he hiding?
He is saving them until Jan 2021? Or he will trade 1 page of 1year for 10 miles of 30' double Wall right now. Or Obamas' real Kenyan birth certificate gets you 10 pages. 100 pages for College admission paperwork showing foreign born student admission.
Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?

can you be honest about why you want them? probably not, but let me try.

you want them so that the dems and the media can make up lies about what they say. Trump's tax returns are hundreds of pages of complex filings. He uses tax lawyers to prepare them and they are audited every year.

If the dems were to obtain them, they would pull out one or two pages, make up lies about what they say, and dominate the news cycle with those lies for weeks. We all know that is exactly what would happen and the country would get nothing done while that BS played out and in the end nothing illegal will be found.

If he was cheating don't you think the Obama IRS would have made a big deal of it in 2016? the media actually got his 2005 return and found nothing illegal, improper, ot not in compliance with the tax code.

This is but another ruse to take the attention away from the good economy, improved trade deals, high employment, and improved international relations. The dems are desperate, they have no one to run that has any credibility. This is a joke and you dems are the butt of it.
Did his money come from Russia ,,,, money laundering ?? and republicans can care less?? And you call yourselves Americans ? lol WHAT does Putin have on him?
You don't even know what money laundering is. Only cash received as proceeds in the commission of a crime can be "laundered." So what illegal received cash did Trump launder? The fact that he received cash from a Russian doesn't make it illegal, dumbfuck.
If Trump could only get finance from Russian sources then that would create an obligation. That must be concern for all of us in the West. Far better for Trump to have full disclosure and then people can see that he is the paragon that you seem to think he is.
Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?

can you be honest about why you want them? probably not, but let me try.

you want them so that the dems and the media can make up lies about what they say. Trump's tax returns are hundreds of pages of complex filings. He uses tax lawyers to prepare them and they are audited every year.

If the dems were to obtain them, they would pull out one or two pages, make up lies about what they say, and dominate the news cycle with those lies for weeks. We all know that is exactly what would happen and the country would get nothing done while that BS played out and in the end nothing illegal will be found.

If he was cheating don't you think the Obama IRS would have made a big deal of it in 2016? the media actually got his 2005 return and found nothing illegal, improper, ot not in compliance with the tax code.

This is but another ruse to take the attention away from the good economy, improved trade deals, high employment, and improved international relations. The dems are desperate, they have no one to run that has any credibility. This is a joke and you dems are the butt of it.
Did his money come from Russia ,,,, money laundering ?? and republicans can care less?? And you call yourselves Americans ? lol WHAT does Putin have on him?
You don't even know what money laundering is. Only cash received as proceeds in the commission of a crime can be "laundered." So what illegal received cash did Trump launder? The fact that he received cash from a Russian doesn't make it illegal, dumbfuck.
If Trump could only get finance from Russian sources then that would create an obligation. That must be concern for all of us in the West. Far better for Trump to have full disclosure and then people can see that he is the paragon that you seem to think he is.

It is all in the Financial Disclosure. All debts are listed. Mortgage debt owed to Banks mostly. Give it up Jeeves, worry about ruining England.
Pelosi is on a mission to bring Trump down

And so are millions of Americans; of which I am one.

So you believe in mob rule. Sorry, we are a nation of laws and this road that this nation is going down is rule by polls, that is extremely dangerous.

If taxes are required to show to run for President, then why is it not a law? If it was a law, I’d be all for Trump showing his taxes however this is a witch-hunt for a man Democrats hate and just pure hate and petty politics, I don’t think Democrats are any better than Trump or Republicans as they seek the low ground.
/——/ You are such a troll. Professional politicians tailor their tax returns to pass public scrutiny. Trump is a businessman who filed his taxes so he wouldn’t get audited. Now he’s president, you libtards want to comb through his taxes and find something to twist and distort to put him on the definite. With 600 pages, I’m sure you scumbags could invent a new scandal everyday. Hope that explains it.
Democrats sure have some screwed up priorities.
Wanting to see the President's tax returns as every other President has shown for the last 40 years is a screwed up priority?

I ask again.

What is he hiding?

In a word the matter is esoteric.

Had to look it up.

  1. intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?

can you be honest about why you want them? probably not, but let me try.

you want them so that the dems and the media can make up lies about what they say. Trump's tax returns are hundreds of pages of complex filings. He uses tax lawyers to prepare them and they are audited every year.

If the dems were to obtain them, they would pull out one or two pages, make up lies about what they say, and dominate the news cycle with those lies for weeks. We all know that is exactly what would happen and the country would get nothing done while that BS played out and in the end nothing illegal will be found.

If he was cheating don't you think the Obama IRS would have made a big deal of it in 2016? the media actually got his 2005 return and found nothing illegal, improper, ot not in compliance with the tax code.

This is but another ruse to take the attention away from the good economy, improved trade deals, high employment, and improved international relations. The dems are desperate, they have no one to run that has any credibility. This is a joke and you dems are the butt of it.
Did his money come from Russia ,,,, money laundering ?? and republicans can care less?? And you call yourselves Americans ? lol WHAT does Putin have on him?
You don't even know what money laundering is. Only cash received as proceeds in the commission of a crime can be "laundered." So what illegal received cash did Trump launder? The fact that he received cash from a Russian doesn't make it illegal, dumbfuck.
If Trump could only get finance from Russian sources then that would create an obligation. That must be concern for all of us in the West. Far better for Trump to have full disclosure and then people can see that he is the paragon that you seem to think he is.
The horseshit spews like a vast geyser from you. Trump's tax returns will become grist for the leftwing spin machine, and everyone knows it. There is no conceivable way he could benefit by releasing them.
His tax returns are not a priority or concern for me. There are so many other pressing issues for this country right now in my opinion.
Pelosi is on a mission to bring Trump down

And so are millions of Americans; of which I am one.

So you believe in mob rule. Sorry, we are a nation of laws and this road that this nation is going down is rule by polls, that is extremely dangerous.

If taxes are required to show to run for President, then why is it not a law? If it was a law, I’d be all for Trump showing his taxes however this is a witch-hunt for a man Democrats hate and just pure hate and petty politics, I don’t think Democrats are any better than Trump or Republicans as they seek the low ground.
/——/ You are such a troll. Professional politicians tailor their tax returns to pass public scrutiny. Trump is a businessman who filed his taxes so he wouldn’t get audited. Now he’s president, you libtards want to comb through his taxes and find something to twist and distort to put him on the definite. With 600 pages, I’m sure you scumbags could invent a new scandal everyday. Hope that explains it.
WTF are you talking about, HE claims he has been audited every year for decades

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