Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump’s Tax Returns

Democrats will hold the hearing instead of just trying to obtain the documents.

The secrecy of President Donald Trump’s tax returns will be the subject of a hearing next week, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced Thursday.

Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.

Trump was the first major presidential candidate in 40 years not to release tax returns, which would have revealed detailed information about his sources of income and how much tax he pays. Democrats vowed to get the returns themselves, but haven’t done it yet.

Pressure is building, with an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing a healthy majority of Americans support the move. Tax March, a coalition of liberal groups, has been pressuring Democrats to hurry up, and Democratic members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus have been getting antsy, too.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), the chairman of the tax committee, has said he wants time “to lay out a case” for the move and that staffers drafting the request are doing it “methodically” and need time.

Trump’s tax returns could show whether he evaded taxes, as a blockbuster New York Times report alleged that he and his father, Fred Trump, did for decades in the 20th century. The returns could also provide information about the sources of financing and debt at his multi-billion dollar real estate business.

As part of the public case, Democrats introduced legislation by Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) that would require presidential candidates to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has hinted that he will not comply with the Democrats’ request, which could get tied up in court for months.

More: Democrats Announce Hearing On Trump's Tax Returns

Well, slow but sure - hopefully. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin will likely be forced to turn them over. What do you think?

They originally wanted to find evidence of payments from Russia but now since they know that the Russian collusion is complete bullshit, they are dragging their feet. The LAST thing they need right now before an election season rolls around is for the public to know exactly how mush wasted time and money they spent on this witch hunt and that Trump was right all along. Don’t hold your breath waiting to see the tax returns.
the many other issues right now facing the country.

What issues would those be?

For me his administrations disregard for environmental policies and regulations such as the efforts to gut the clean water act, to loosen carbon regulations for corporations, to reduce the protections of protected public lands, and other issues regarding climate change are much much higher on my list of concerns than his tax returns are to be honest. Along with immigration, healthcare, education, foreign policy, and other key issues.

While we all want clean water, air and garbage reduced, the Global Warming crowd is running a con job. No matter what if you asked them how to raise or lower the "AVG" temperature lol! Where? They would not have a clue. They want your money to "study" it. 7 Ice Ages came and went before FordF-150, please explaine those weather patterns.

Most scientists and climate change advocates concede that climate does change naturally and has changed over the history of the planet, but is human activity adding to an already existing natural cycle which is resulting in an increase that goes beyond what nature would have naturally produced? That's the concern and there is a lot of evidence to support it.

Humans are polluting the air and water, that is a real problem that needs to be addressed. But when you create a fake link between pollution and climate you lose 80% of the people, because that link just isn't there.

Why cant you libs just focus on pollution and forget the AGW bullshit? Not cool enough? I really want to know.
His tax returns are not a priority or concern for me. There are so many other pressing issues for this country right now in my opinion.
Is the grabbing of pussy by a president one of them??

It was during the campaign amd it shows the character of the president but to be honest there’s very little to be done with that now beyond waiting for the 2020 election and then making it known that those types of actions are unacceptable.

and when Bill Clinton dropped his pants and said "suck this". Before, during, and after his campaign and time in the oval office, you never said a word. hypocrite, fricken hypocrite

I think I have a reasonable excuse for not saying a word when that happened considering I was born in 1992 and would have been roughly six years old.
His tax returns are not a priority or concern for me. There are so many other pressing issues for this country right now in my opinion.
Is the grabbing of pussy by a president one of them??

It was during the campaign amd it shows the character of the president but to be honest there’s very little to be done with that now beyond waiting for the 2020 election and then making it known that those types of actions are unacceptable.

and when Bill Clinton dropped his pants and said "suck this". Before, during, and after his campaign and time in the oval office, you never said a word. hypocrite, fricken hypocrite

I think I have a reasonable excuse for not saying a word when that happened considering I was born in 1992 and would have been roughly six years old.

then you need to study some unbiased history, if that still exists anywhere, because Bill Clinton was a rapist, womanizer, and sexual deviant.
the many other issues right now facing the country.

What issues would those be?

For me his administrations disregard for environmental policies and regulations such as the efforts to gut the clean water act, to loosen carbon regulations for corporations, to reduce the protections of protected public lands, and other issues regarding climate change are much much higher on my list of concerns than his tax returns are to be honest. Along with immigration, healthcare, education, foreign policy, and other key issues.

While we all want clean water, air and garbage reduced, the Global Warming crowd is running a con job. No matter what if you asked them how to raise or lower the "AVG" temperature lol! Where? They would not have a clue. They want your money to "study" it. 7 Ice Ages came and went before FordF-150, please explaine those weather patterns.

Most scientists and climate change advocates concede that climate does change naturally and has changed over the history of the planet, but is human activity adding to an already existing natural cycle which is resulting in an increase that goes beyond what nature would have naturally produced? That's the concern and there is a lot of evidence to support it.

Humans are polluting the air and water, that is a real problem that needs to be addressed. But when you create a fake link between pollution and climate you lose 80% of the people, because that link just isn't there.

Why cant you libs just focus on pollution and forget the AGW bullshit? Not cool enough? I really want to know.

come on libs, tell us why fighting pollution isn't enough. Is it really about pollution or is it about your wanting to control the lives of everyone on earth? Try to be truthful for once in your miserable lives.
If they find

That he's in debt

Or is doing business with suspicious persons

It will matter.

/——/ If being in debt is illegal, 3/4 of the country will be locked up. Does anyone add business with “suspicious persons” on their tax return? Have you ever filed a tax return?
How about money laundering for Russia? Is that OK? Trumps sons said money was pouring in from Russia.

Makes sense...I’m sure those “laundering” money always openly talk it “pouring” in from the source. desperate Tardos as so fun to watch. Please don’t ever stop.
Why not?

Trump openly threatens witnesses.

He lies constantly to the American people.

He stood right up in front of the entire world with Vladimir Putin and called our intelligence agencies liars and said he believed Vladimir.

So yeah Trump is bold.

He told his base believe what I tell you not what you see or hear and they do.

President Trump hasn't threatened a soul, dean. Just because Admitted Liar Michael Cohen said his President threatened him, doesn't mean it happened.

Cohen is a self admitted, confessed Piece of Shit. The fiend worked as an attorney for years, taping and bugging his own clients to get dirt on them for blackmail or other purposes. I wouldn't put any weight on what the man has to say
There was no reason for Trump to bring up Cohen‘s wife and father-in-law. The reason he did that was because it was a threat. And a threat that Cohen got.
/——/ If being in debt is illegal, 3/4 of the country will be locked up. Does anyone add business with “suspicious persons” on their tax return? Have you ever filed a tax return?
How about money laundering for Russia? Is that OK? Trumps sons said money was pouring in from Russia.

Makes sense...I’m sure those “laundering” money always openly talk it “pouring” in from the source. desperate Tardos as so fun to watch. Please don’t ever stop.
Why not?

Trump openly threatens witnesses.

He lies constantly to the American people.

He stood right up in front of the entire world with Vladimir Putin and called our intelligence agencies liars and said he believed Vladimir.

So yeah Trump is bold.

He told his base believe what I tell you not what you see or hear and they do.

President Trump hasn't threatened a soul, dean. Just because Admitted Liar Michael Cohen said his President threatened him, doesn't mean it happened.

Cohen is a self admitted, confessed Piece of Shit. The fiend worked as an attorney for years, taping and bugging his own clients to get dirt on them for blackmail or other purposes. I wouldn't put any weight on what the man has to say
There was no reason for Trump to bring up Cohen‘s wife and father-in-law. The reason he did that was because it was a threat. And a threat that Cohen got.

Cohen's Wife and Father in Law have nothing to worry about if they are clean.
His tax returns are not a priority or concern for me. There are so many other pressing issues for this country right now in my opinion.
Is the grabbing of pussy by a president one of them??

It was during the campaign amd it shows the character of the president but to be honest there’s very little to be done with that now beyond waiting for the 2020 election and then making it known that those types of actions are unacceptable.

and when Bill Clinton dropped his pants and said "suck this". Before, during, and after his campaign and time in the oval office, you never said a word. hypocrite, fricken hypocrite
Did you show proof OR were all those women accusing Bill, paid off just like your repub friends said the 18 women who accuse the pos trump were Face it stupid, Trump is and was a lying pervert and he's all yours
His tax returns are not a priority or concern for me. There are so many other pressing issues for this country right now in my opinion.
Is the grabbing of pussy by a president one of them??

It was during the campaign amd it shows the character of the president but to be honest there’s very little to be done with that now beyond waiting for the 2020 election and then making it known that those types of actions are unacceptable.

and when Bill Clinton dropped his pants and said "suck this". Before, during, and after his campaign and time in the oval office, you never said a word. hypocrite, fricken hypocrite

I think I have a reasonable excuse for not saying a word when that happened considering I was born in 1992 and would have been roughly six years old.

then you need to study some unbiased history, if that still exists anywhere, because Bill Clinton was a rapist, womanizer, and sexual deviant.

Please remember that just because I think Trump’s comments and behavior was wrong doesn’t mean that I find a politician from the other side of the political aisle to be right or just. I didn’t comment about Clinton because he really wasn’t the topic or question I was responding to.
Is the grabbing of pussy by a president one of them??

It was during the campaign amd it shows the character of the president but to be honest there’s very little to be done with that now beyond waiting for the 2020 election and then making it known that those types of actions are unacceptable.

and when Bill Clinton dropped his pants and said "suck this". Before, during, and after his campaign and time in the oval office, you never said a word. hypocrite, fricken hypocrite

I think I have a reasonable excuse for not saying a word when that happened considering I was born in 1992 and would have been roughly six years old.

then you need to study some unbiased history, if that still exists anywhere, because Bill Clinton was a rapist, womanizer, and sexual deviant.

Please remember that just because I think Trump’s comments and behavior was wrong doesn’t mean that I find a politician from the other side of the political aisle to be right or just. I didn’t comment about Clinton because he really wasn’t the topic or question I was responding to.

Good point. But we did not think Trump was a perfect man when we elected him. We knew that he liked women, had been married and divorced more than once, and was not a slick speaking politician who could talk all day and say nothing (like Obama). We elected him because we believed that he could begin to fix the mess in DC and he is doing that. I personally don't care about the rest of it and neither do most americans.
It was during the campaign amd it shows the character of the president but to be honest there’s very little to be done with that now beyond waiting for the 2020 election and then making it known that those types of actions are unacceptable.

and when Bill Clinton dropped his pants and said "suck this". Before, during, and after his campaign and time in the oval office, you never said a word. hypocrite, fricken hypocrite

I think I have a reasonable excuse for not saying a word when that happened considering I was born in 1992 and would have been roughly six years old.

then you need to study some unbiased history, if that still exists anywhere, because Bill Clinton was a rapist, womanizer, and sexual deviant.

Please remember that just because I think Trump’s comments and behavior was wrong doesn’t mean that I find a politician from the other side of the political aisle to be right or just. I didn’t comment about Clinton because he really wasn’t the topic or question I was responding to.

Good point. But we did not think Trump was a perfect man when we elected him. We knew that he liked women, had been married and divorced more than once, and was not a slick speaking politician who could talk all day and say nothing (like Obama). We elected him because we believed that he could begin to fix the mess in DC and he is doing that. I personally don't care about the rest of it and neither do most americans.
Fixing the mess in Washington by having most of his people indicted or soon to be .... Having ties with Russia that might get his son indicted ? We know the republicans in congress are too cowardly to do anything about the vile pos but his time is coming soon enough
It's funny watching the tards who made all kinds of noise over Obama's school transcripts pretending they don't care about a president's tax returns.

They think no one knows what raging hypocrites they are.
Precedent is a bitch.
and when Bill Clinton dropped his pants and said "suck this". Before, during, and after his campaign and time in the oval office, you never said a word. hypocrite, fricken hypocrite

I think I have a reasonable excuse for not saying a word when that happened considering I was born in 1992 and would have been roughly six years old.

then you need to study some unbiased history, if that still exists anywhere, because Bill Clinton was a rapist, womanizer, and sexual deviant.

Please remember that just because I think Trump’s comments and behavior was wrong doesn’t mean that I find a politician from the other side of the political aisle to be right or just. I didn’t comment about Clinton because he really wasn’t the topic or question I was responding to.

Good point. But we did not think Trump was a perfect man when we elected him. We knew that he liked women, had been married and divorced more than once, and was not a slick speaking politician who could talk all day and say nothing (like Obama). We elected him because we believed that he could begin to fix the mess in DC and he is doing that. I personally don't care about the rest of it and neither do most americans.
Fixing the mess in Washington by having most of his people indicted or soon to be .... Having ties with Russia that might get his son indicted ? We know the republicans in congress are too cowardly to do anything about the vile pos but his time is coming soon enough

Wait 6 years and he'll be out of your hair with no effort on your part.
I think I have a reasonable excuse for not saying a word when that happened considering I was born in 1992 and would have been roughly six years old.

then you need to study some unbiased history, if that still exists anywhere, because Bill Clinton was a rapist, womanizer, and sexual deviant.

Please remember that just because I think Trump’s comments and behavior was wrong doesn’t mean that I find a politician from the other side of the political aisle to be right or just. I didn’t comment about Clinton because he really wasn’t the topic or question I was responding to.

Good point. But we did not think Trump was a perfect man when we elected him. We knew that he liked women, had been married and divorced more than once, and was not a slick speaking politician who could talk all day and say nothing (like Obama). We elected him because we believed that he could begin to fix the mess in DC and he is doing that. I personally don't care about the rest of it and neither do most americans.
Fixing the mess in Washington by having most of his people indicted or soon to be .... Having ties with Russia that might get his son indicted ? We know the republicans in congress are too cowardly to do anything about the vile pos but his time is coming soon enough

Wait 6 years and he'll be out of your hair with no effort on your part.
Do you really think hadit that those independents who voted for the disgrace of America Trump, will vote for him again ? Really ?? Say goodbye to the nitwit in 2020 if not sooner
the many other issues right now facing the country.

What issues would those be?

For me his administrations disregard for environmental policies and regulations such as the efforts to gut the clean water act, to loosen carbon regulations for corporations, to reduce the protections of protected public lands, and other issues regarding climate change are much much higher on my list of concerns than his tax returns are to be honest. Along with immigration, healthcare, education, foreign policy, and other key issues.

While we all want clean water, air and garbage reduced, the Global Warming crowd is running a con job. No matter what if you asked them how to raise or lower the "AVG" temperature lol! Where? They would not have a clue. They want your money to "study" it. 7 Ice Ages came and went before FordF-150, please explaine those weather patterns.

Most scientists and climate change advocates concede that climate does change naturally and has changed over the history of the planet, but is human activity adding to an already existing natural cycle which is resulting in an increase that goes beyond what nature would have naturally produced? That's the concern and there is a lot of evidence to support it.

Humans are polluting the air and water, that is a real problem that needs to be addressed. But when you create a fake link between pollution and climate you lose 80% of the people, because that link just isn't there.

Why cant you libs just focus on pollution and forget the AGW bullshit? Not cool enough? I really want to know.

OH please it's simpler than that.

If the left TRULY believed that pollution was a problem that could end the Earth they would shouting "enough we can't over populate this country" but they don't .

Not to mention the very obvious. Who can take a guy who flies in on a private plane and then needs 4 up armored Suburbans to get from the airport to the convention center when he says "we have to stop burning fossil fuels?" LOL
then you need to study some unbiased history, if that still exists anywhere, because Bill Clinton was a rapist, womanizer, and sexual deviant.

Please remember that just because I think Trump’s comments and behavior was wrong doesn’t mean that I find a politician from the other side of the political aisle to be right or just. I didn’t comment about Clinton because he really wasn’t the topic or question I was responding to.

Good point. But we did not think Trump was a perfect man when we elected him. We knew that he liked women, had been married and divorced more than once, and was not a slick speaking politician who could talk all day and say nothing (like Obama). We elected him because we believed that he could begin to fix the mess in DC and he is doing that. I personally don't care about the rest of it and neither do most americans.
Fixing the mess in Washington by having most of his people indicted or soon to be .... Having ties with Russia that might get his son indicted ? We know the republicans in congress are too cowardly to do anything about the vile pos but his time is coming soon enough

Wait 6 years and he'll be out of your hair with no effort on your part.
Do you really think hadit that those independents who voted for the disgrace of America Trump, will vote for him again ? Really ?? Say goodbye to the nitwit in 2020 if not sooner

They will if the democrats can't come up with a better candidate and the libertarians can't move off pot.
I'm sure everything about tiny donnie's tax returns are on the up and up. Once we can all see that thru the Congressional Hearings, we can put that issue to rest.
then you need to study some unbiased history, if that still exists anywhere, because Bill Clinton was a rapist, womanizer, and sexual deviant.

Please remember that just because I think Trump’s comments and behavior was wrong doesn’t mean that I find a politician from the other side of the political aisle to be right or just. I didn’t comment about Clinton because he really wasn’t the topic or question I was responding to.

Good point. But we did not think Trump was a perfect man when we elected him. We knew that he liked women, had been married and divorced more than once, and was not a slick speaking politician who could talk all day and say nothing (like Obama). We elected him because we believed that he could begin to fix the mess in DC and he is doing that. I personally don't care about the rest of it and neither do most americans.
Fixing the mess in Washington by having most of his people indicted or soon to be .... Having ties with Russia that might get his son indicted ? We know the republicans in congress are too cowardly to do anything about the vile pos but his time is coming soon enough

Wait 6 years and he'll be out of your hair with no effort on your part.
Do you really think hadit that those independents who voted for the disgrace of America Trump, will vote for him again ? Really ?? Say goodbye to the nitwit in 2020 if not sooner
In your marxist dreams.
I'm sure everything about tiny donnie's tax returns are on the up and up. Once we can all see that thru the Congressional Hearings, we can put that issue to rest.
They're easy to find. They're in the same drawer as obamas college records.
I'm sure everything about tiny donnie's tax returns are on the up and up. Once we can all see that thru the Congressional Hearings, we can put that issue to rest.
They're easy to find. They're in the same drawer as obamas college records.
I was not aware that Former President Obama was still renting a large space in conservative republican heads.

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