Democrats Are About To Go Through Hell Now That The Senate Trial Is Over

The articles of impeachment sent over by the House Democrats had more accusation than evidence.
Nonsense. For example, the obstruction charge could not have had more and stronger evidence.

You've been a barrel of laughs this week.
And have done so with a bunch of attack poodles like you hanging from my ankles.

No attack from me. Merely affectionate correction to the unusually slow.
Nah, just another attack poodle who can't eke any relevant arguments out of his cult-addled brain.
As much as I agree with the premise, I doubt if there will be any meaningful legal retaliation even if it is justified. Democrats don't give a shit but republicans are generally timid. When you factor in the reality of the almost entire mainstream media becoming a willing propaganda arm of the democrat party the word "hell" is very unlikely.
Doug jones loses for sure
Yeah, as long as his opponent can avoid the curse of appearing with Trump in public right before the election.
What effect will Collins' manoeuvring have on her chances?
Good question. She took advantage of the political cover of knowing there would be 51 votes against.
Will she blow that away by voting for acquittal? She might make a private arrangement to be given dispensation in order to hold a Republican seat. But I don't think Individual1 would have the discipline to keep the deal...
The articles of impeachment sent over by the House Democrats had more accusation than evidence.
Nonsense. For example, the obstruction charge could not have had more and stronger evidence.

You’re joking right? You don’t believed that blatant bullshit you just posted do you? Oh that’s right, of course you do. Time to educate you again. Since BOTH sides had the option to go to the courts for a decision in their dispute, and only Trump took that LEGAL option, you have NO obstruction. Unless you’re charging Schitt for brains with obstructing himself. Your stupidity does not mean the President did anything wrong. He did not.
All Dems seem to have accomplished is pissing off the right and rallying support and voter turn out for president Trump and Republicans in 2020. The Dem base found this whole thing a snoozer.
What, you mean Individual1 has gained votes? I can't see any who voted Democrat or third party last time being enthused by the Orange Blob's performance. I can see a vastly increased Democratic voter turn out.

Get your eyes checked asap.

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