Democrats Are About To Go Through Hell Now That The Senate Trial Is Over

Democrats Are About To Go Through Hell Now That The Senate Trial Is Over

Democrats are about to go through hell now that the Senate trial is over
1 Feb 2020 ~ By Eddie Scarry
Now that the Senate trial is over, I hope Democrats have plenty of water and aspirin in preparation for the raging impeachment headache they're about to endure... This absolutely anticlimactic impeachment is going to do nothing but frustrate and depress Democratic voters, who were hoping for some sign that their hatred of Trump would bear fruit. How is that going to work out for the 2020 Democratic candidates who need all those people to turn out for them?... True, Democrats can say that Trump was impeached, but, if he wins reelection, and he likely will, impeachment and three dollars will get them a Happy Meal. I don't envy the Democrats right now.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are following a scorched earth program tearing down everything as they go.
They say Trump is illegitimate, they say the vote against witnesses made the Senate illegitimate. They say Trump’s voters are illegitimate.
The Democrats are on a scorched Earth Path, the loss of the impeachment means they'll do it again and destroy everything in their way. It will lead to the end of our Republic.
If you think it's bad now, Bernie will not win the DNC presidential primaries because they've sold the nomination to Mini Mike. He's pledged to spend one billion dollars of his own money, think how this frees up for the Democrats to spend in other places. They could knock off a senator or two and hold the house which allows them to go after impeachment again.
Their big mistake was the methods they used in their House Committees by not allowing witnesses for the defense. Had Schiff allowed witnesses on both sides the trial in the Senate would have been different. Schiff has become the Ahab of PMS/DSA Democrat Left and we know how that story ended. Moby Dick destroyed him, and the ship.

Actually the only thing they've managed to accomplish is their own destruction. Anyone with any brains at all or any love for this country will no longer have anything to do with them. The only thing they'll net out of the mess they created for themselves is a loss of seats in both houses and loss of consideration with the American public as a viable political party. The signs are already there. It began with walk away and it will end in the 2020 election. Any fool can see it. You'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see it. It shows up in the number of once upon a time were democrats in the crowds at Trump's rallies while the turn out for all the Democrat functions are pathetically sparce and few in number. That's why the Democrats are now turning their backs on and talking down democracy itself. They're done and they know it so its scorched earth from here on out till they're reduced to a footnote in 2020.
I expect that the Republican Senate's abdication of their duties is going to be bad for them as more evidence comes out after the trial. It isn't the Democrats that will have the headache. They will be able to say "we tried, but Republicans weren't interested in the truth".
Whatever fictions the democrats come up with now will only be white noise. Factually, the democrats have torn themselves apart. The Bernie voters are hanging on by a thread and a protest. They can only show their displeasure by not voting and vandalizing instead. Which means a Trump steamroll in November.

Do you even realize the razor thin margins that Trump won by? 80,000 votes spread across 3 states. Do you think Trump has done anything to pick up supporters? Do you think people who thought Hillary had it in the bag and felt comfortable voting a third party candidate like Jill, fiend of the Kremlin, Stein are going to do that again?

A huge majority of Americans wanted witnesses and evidence in the Senate trial, you know, like they do in every trial everywhere (except authoritarian countries of course...ahem). Majorities of Democrats, Independents and Republicans. When the evidence that Republicans tried so very hard to hide from the American people does come out through FOIA requests, leaks from that sieve of a White House, former staffers, etc., who do you think that's going to be bad for?

Democrats Are About To Go Through Hell Now That The Senate Trial Is Over

Democrats are about to go through hell now that the Senate trial is over
1 Feb 2020 ~ By Eddie Scarry
Now that the Senate trial is over, I hope Democrats have plenty of water and aspirin in preparation for the raging impeachment headache they're about to endure... This absolutely anticlimactic impeachment is going to do nothing but frustrate and depress Democratic voters, who were hoping for some sign that their hatred of Trump would bear fruit. How is that going to work out for the 2020 Democratic candidates who need all those people to turn out for them?... True, Democrats can say that Trump was impeached, but, if he wins reelection, and he likely will, impeachment and three dollars will get them a Happy Meal. I don't envy the Democrats right now.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are following a scorched earth program tearing down everything as they go.
They say Trump is illegitimate, they say the vote against witnesses made the Senate illegitimate. They say Trump’s voters are illegitimate.
The Democrats are on a scorched Earth Path, the loss of the impeachment means they'll do it again and destroy everything in their way. It will lead to the end of our Republic.
If you think it's bad now, Bernie will not win the DNC presidential primaries because they've sold the nomination to Mini Mike. He's pledged to spend one billion dollars of his own money, think how this frees up for the Democrats to spend in other places. They could knock off a senator or two and hold the house which allows them to go after impeachment again.
Their big mistake was the methods they used in their House Committees by not allowing witnesses for the defense. Had Schiff allowed witnesses on both sides the trial in the Senate would have been different. Schiff has become the Ahab of PMS/DSA Democrat Left and we know how that story ended. Moby Dick destroyed him, and the ship.
A washington examiner opinion piece.

I expect that the Republican Senate's abdication of their duties is going to be bad for them as more evidence comes out after the trial. It isn't the Democrats that will have the headache. They will be able to say "we tried, but Republicans weren't interested in the truth".
Whatever fictions the democrats come up with now will only be white noise. Factually, the democrats have torn themselves apart. The Bernie voters are hanging on by a thread and a protest. They can only show their displeasure by not voting and vandalizing instead. Which means a Trump steamroll in November.
You are a delusional, well-trained, bootlicking nitwit. LOL.
Don't be so sure. If these Dem voters really think that Trump was guilty then they were just given the motivation to turn out in droves to take back the Senate.
Dems are in for a rude awakening in November 2020. Trump did nothing wrong. Americans love Trump.


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All Dems seem to have accomplished is pissing off the right and rallying support and voter turn out for president Trump and Republicans in 2020. The Dem base found this whole thing a snoozer.
What, you mean Individual1 has gained votes? I can't see any who voted Democrat or third party last time being enthused by the Orange Blob's performance. I can see a vastly increased Democratic voter turn out.
Obviously not. Worst impeachment case ever in terms of how the House executed it. What did Schiff say that was real?
Enough for the defence counsel to accept Individual1 committed the alleged acts.
Show us on the doll where Adam Schiff touched you.
I expect that the Republican Senate's abdication of their duties is going to be bad for them as more evidence comes out after the trial. It isn't the Democrats that will have the headache. They will be able to say "we tried, but Republicans weren't interested in the truth".

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