Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him

The President has no choice in who becomes the heads of those departments? Trump has to go with who the democrats want? Is this your position? :laugh:

I've explained my position, and you keep trying to twist my words. You're either in spin mode or your ignorant as to how nominee's are appointed. And what happens to Trumps people when they stick their necks out for him.

Fauci, a Trump guy.
Barr, a Trump guy.
Comer. A Trump guy.
Wray. A Trump guy.
Giuliani. A Trump guy.

That's the short list.
I've explained my position, and you keep trying to twist my words. You're either in spin mode or your ignorant as to how nominee's are appointed. And what happens to Trumps people when they stick their necks out for him.

Fauci, a Trump guy.
Barr, a Trump guy.
Comer. A Trump guy.
Wray. A Trump guy.
Giuliani. A Trump guy.

That's the short list.
Comer is AWESOME!!!

It is widely known that Trump made some bad picks based on recommendations. It really fucked him pretty good. Is there any reason you can think of that would cause him and his staff to make that same mistake again?
It's not rhetoric. It's facts. Die hard Trump supporters are a cult. They care more about Trump than the issues. They let him lie to their face about things they know ain't true. They let him get away with shoving leftist, unconstitutional crap down our throats for 4 years. They watched him hand over the house to Pelosi and cave to her for the next 2 years.

And they still support him. Put someone like Romney in the House house in 2016 and let him to that. (without all the sales pitches and childish name calling) and Romney would've been booted out of the presidency by the GOP. No election rigging needed.

Trumps and his record is why GOP voters didn't turn out for Romney. Because they were identical. Republicans don't like RINO's, unless his name is Trump.
Nah. It’s an opinion and a childishly vapid opinion at that.

Go away, kid.
Nah. It’s an opinion and a childishly vapid opinion at that.

Go away, kid.

You explain to me how Trump assaulted our 2A, increased the debt ceiling as many times as he did, increased the debt and the deficit as much as he did, and created the first covid mandates... Explain all of that and how he's still the GOP front runner?

The Loser and his cult tried. The most frivolous were summarily dismissed.

None of them actually made it into an actual court. That's the point. And it's a factual one. The courts didn't want to take them up. Regardless of the reasoning. If they were all bogus claims, then let them go to court and prove how bogus they were. But a judge dismissing or not wanting to hear arguments, "of, by and for the people," then it wasn't the American people who decided the claims were bogus. It was some judge.
You explain to me how Trump assaulted our 2A,

Assumes that he did.
increased the debt ceiling as many times as he did,
Ever hear of COVID?
increased the debt and the deficit as much as he did,
Repeating yourself isn’t a good form of argumentation.
and created the first covid mandates...
He was the one office when COVID struck and the proper reaction to it wasn’t yet a clear. Plus, he didn’t “do” it on his own.
Explain all of that and how he's still the GOP front runner?
I don’t owe a twink like you any explanations. But your question is still fucking stupid. If you don’t know by now why Trump is the front winner, nobody s going to be able to help you grasp it.
Assumes that he did.

He did. Because 2 years later, the court overruled it because it was deemed unconstitutional
Ever hear of COVID?

Yeah, I have. And Trump increased the debt ceiling twice before Covid. And wanted the suspension to be permanent.

Repeating yourself isn’t a good form of argumentation.

The debt, debt ceiling and the deficit are 3 different things.
He was the one office when COVID struck and the proper reaction to it wasn’t yet a clear. Plus, he didn’t “do” it on his own.

It was Trumps own executive order. So yeah, he did do it on his own. Fauci and no one else can issue EO's.
I don’t owe a twink like you any explanations. But your question is still fucking stupid. If you don’t know by now why Trump is the front winner, nobody s going to be able to help you grasp it.

Who TF is saying Trump isn't the front runner? The question was, how can a Republican president do so much leftist, unconstitutional crap, and still be the front runner? Because his cult don't pay attention to Trumps actual record.

Did you watch his last interview with Hannity? Trump is once again promising to pay down the national debt. (something he also promised in 2016). When asked how he was going to do that, he brought up oil and how much more oil we have than Saudi Arabia and how many trillions they have. So much that they don't have to finance anything.

Trump supporters can't put those two things together.
First off, He's lying about the US having more oil than Saudi. It's not even close.
And 2. Trump saying he would nationalize US oil to pay off the national debt. When asked how he would pay down off the debt, the first thing out of his mouth is oil. The government doesn't make enough off oil royalties to even put a dent in the debt. So he has to be saying he's going to nationalize oil here.

You want our government owning the oil & gas industry in this country?
He did. Because 2 years later, the court overruled it because it was deemed unconstitutional

Yeah, I have. And Trump increased the debt ceiling twice before Covid. And wanted the suspension to be permanent.

The debt, debt ceiling and the deficit are 3 different things.

It was Trumps own executive order. So yeah, he did do it on his own. Fauci and no one else can issue EO's.

Who TF is saying Trump isn't the front runner? The question was, how can a Republican president do so much leftist, unconstitutional crap, and still be the front runner? Because his cult don't pay attention to Trumps actual record.

Did you watch his last interview with Hannity? Trump is once again promising to pay down the national debt. (something he also promised in 2016). When asked how he was going to do that, he brought up oil and how much more oil we have than Saudi Arabia and how many trillions they have. So much that they don't have to finance anything.

Trump supporters can't put those two things together.
First off, He's lying about the US having more oil than Saudi. It's not even close.
And 2. Trump saying he would nationalize US oil to pay off the national debt. When asked how he would pay down off the debt, the first thing out of his mouth is oil. The government doesn't make enough off oil royalties to even put a dent in the debt. So he has to be saying he's going to nationalize oil here.

You want our government owning the oil & gas industry in this country?
I’m sorry. Were you attempting to make a point?
None of them actually made it into an actual court. That's the point. And it's a factual one. The courts didn't want to take them up. Regardless of the reasoning. If they were all bogus claims, then let them go to court and prove how bogus they were. But a judge dismissing or not wanting to hear arguments, "of, by and for the people," then it wasn't the American people who decided the claims were bogus. It was some judge.
Judges, Trump-appointees included, do not waste the court's time with frivolous claims.

That all 50 states - many after recounts, audits, and investigations - certified their election results is consistent with there being no credible evidence that would merit adjudications of dozens of baseless challenges.

Even the Supreme Court with its Trump appointees and conservative majority would not pander to the Loser:

  • Several Republican politicians, led by Rep. Mike Kelly, asked the US Supreme Court to block the certification of Pennsylvania's election results. The court turned down the case.
  • Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin in the US Supreme Court seeking to overturn their election results. The Supreme Court rejected the case.
  • The Trump campaign asked the US Supreme Court to overturn three decisions from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court over various technical rules regarding absentee and mail-in ballots. The court rejected the case on February 22, declaring it moot.
The Loser persists in denying reality, but has contrived no evidence for his fake claim of a stolen election. Nor has he accused anyone in his imaginary vast conspiracy of stealing his bogus "Landslide!"

There are no challenges to the election in any judicial or legislative body anywhere in the land.

Neither intimidation of governors and secretaries of state, nor fake elector schemes in several states, nor an attack by goons on outnumbered police defending democracy were able to pervert the will of the People.

Last edited:
It's not rhetoric. It's facts. Die hard Trump supporters are a cult. They care more about Trump than the issues. They let him lie to their face about things they know ain't true. They let him get away with shoving leftist, unconstitutional crap down our throats for 4 years. They watched him hand over the house to Pelosi and cave to her for the next 2 years.

And they still support him. Put someone like Romney in the House house in 2016 and let him to that. (without all the sales pitches and childish name calling) and Romney would've been booted out of the presidency by the GOP. No election rigging needed.

Trumps and his record is why GOP voters didn't turn out for Romney. Because they were identical. Republicans don't like RINO's, unless his name is Trump.
YOU ARE A LIAR when you write..
They watched him hand over the house to Pelosi and cave to her for the next 2 years.
She was speaker starting in 2007!
GEEZ why make a statement without finding out if it is true FIRST?
Nancy Patricia Pelosi (/pəˈloʊsi/ pə-LOH-see; née D'Alesandro; born March 26, 1940) is an American politician who served as the 52nd speaker of the United States House of Representatives
from 2007 to 2011 and again from 2019 to 2023.
When Trump fearmongers in the media cry out with one voice that Trump will weaponize the Justice Department and the courts, rig our elections, and shred the Constitution, it’s pure projection.
Because that’s exactly what they’re doing right now in a desperate bid to prevent Trump from winning office again.

So what did the dictator Biden do his very first day in office.
All the following done by Biden the first day and REVERSAL OF TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERs FIRST DAY!!!
Rejoin the World Health Organization
Set up a Covid office that reports directly to Biden
Rejoin the Paris climate accords
Revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and cancel other Trump administration energy rules
Nix the 1776 Commission
Unwind Trump’s changes to the census
Strengthen legal protections for “Dreamers”
Abolish the “Muslim ban”
Cancel the Trump administration’s interior enforcement rule
Halt construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall
Extend deportation protections for Liberians
Freeze Trump’s “midnight regulations”
Trump won’t return the favor.

Hell hit them back ten times harder.
He did. Because 2 years later, the court overruled it because it was deemed unconstitutional

Yeah, I have. And Trump increased the debt ceiling twice before Covid. And wanted the suspension to be permanent.

The debt, debt ceiling and the deficit are 3 different things.

It was Trumps own executive order. So yeah, he did do it on his own. Fauci and no one else can issue EO's.

Who TF is saying Trump isn't the front runner? The question was, how can a Republican president do so much leftist, unconstitutional crap, and still be the front runner? Because his cult don't pay attention to Trumps actual record.

Did you watch his last interview with Hannity? Trump is once again promising to pay down the national debt. (something he also promised in 2016). When asked how he was going to do that, he brought up oil and how much more oil we have than Saudi Arabia and how many trillions they have. So much that they don't have to finance anything.

Trump supporters can't put those two things together.
First off, He's lying about the US having more oil than Saudi. It's not even close.
And 2. Trump saying he would nationalize US oil to pay off the national debt. When asked how he would pay down off the debt, the first thing out of his mouth is oil. The government doesn't make enough off oil royalties to even put a dent in the debt. So he has to be saying he's going to nationalize oil here.

You want our government owning the oil & gas industry in this country?

You wrote with NO LINKS or substantiation ...

First off, He's lying about the US having more oil than Saudi. It's not even close.
the United States is at the top of the list with 264 billion barrels of recoverable oil reserves, followed by Russia with 256 billion, Saudi Arabia with 212 billion, Canada with 167 billion, Iran with 143 billion, and Brazil with 120 billion (Table 1).

I really don't understand why people like you make dumb ass comments that just a few minutes research will show you are full of CRAP! THE USA has the most recoverable oil!
You wrote with NO LINKS or substantiation ...

the United States is at the top of the list with 264 billion barrels of recoverable oil reserves, followed by Russia with 256 billion, Saudi Arabia with 212 billion, Canada with 167 billion, Iran with 143 billion, and Brazil with 120 billion (Table 1).

I really don't understand why people like you make dumb ass comments that just a few minutes research will show you are full of CRAP! THE USA has the most recoverable oil!

Every sight I looked at had the USA below anyone else. You find one (after how many) that says the US is on top.

Yeah na.

Oil Reserves by Country

The US is 11th

Top 10 Countries With Largest Oil Reserves

Has the US at 9th

List of countries by proven oil reserves

Has the US at 8th

Which Countries Have the World’s Largest Proven Oil Reserves?

9th place again.

YOU ARE A LIAR when you write..

She was speaker starting in 2007!
GEEZ why make a statement without finding out if it is true FIRST?
Nancy Patricia Pelosi (/pəˈloʊsi/ pə-LOH-see; née D'Alesandro; born March 26, 1940) is an American politician who served as the 52nd speaker of the United States House of Representatives
from 2007 to 2011 and again from 2019 to 2023.

Pelosi took up the gavel again in 2019. She was speaker for the last two years of Trumps presidency.
WTF are you talking about?
Think he's better then the rest of us, right idiot?

Sent by god!
You’re too stupid to breathe.

He won’t go to prison because no “conviction” will ever withstand legal scrutiny.

Damn, you’re fucking dumb.
You’re too stupid to breathe.

He won’t go to prison because no “conviction” will ever withstand legal scrutiny.

Damn, you’re fucking dumb.
Keep dreaming, halftard. But I get it. Trump's & your only hope is that he beats these cases on a technicality. You don't give a fuck that he's guilty, only that judges toss the convictions on the above.

But people who do give a fuck about this Country hope that judges at trial do everything by the book so that your orange puss face doesn't beat the rap down the road.

Oh btw, Trump suckhole. Trump convictions pending appeal(s) will pretty much have the same effect on him, which will drive him up a fucking wall waiting for a decision. And you'll be soiling yourself every day over your boi.
Keep dreaming, halftard. But I get it. Trump's & your only hope is that he beats these cases on a technicality. You don't give a fuck that he's guilty, only that judges toss the convictions on the above.

But people who do give a fuck about this Country hope that judges at trial do everything by the book so that your orange puss face doesn't beat the rap down the road.

Oh btw, Trump suckhole. Trump convictions pending appeal(s) will pretty much have the same effect on him, which will drive him up a fucking wall waiting for a decision. And you'll be soiling yourself every day over your boi.
Suck another bag of stale old dicks, fulltard.

I don’t have the time or crayon supply to explain things to a moron like you. Suffice it to say: criminal cases are supposed to be about actual alleged crimes. Here, they aren’t.

Now, go play in traffic.

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