Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him

When Trump fearmongers in the media cry out with one voice that Trump will weaponize the Justice Department and the courts, rig our elections, and shred the Constitution, itā€™s pure projection.
Because thatā€™s exactly what theyā€™re doing right now in a desperate bid to prevent Trump from winning office again.

So what did the dictator Biden do his very first day in office.
All the following done by Biden the first day and REVERSAL OF TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERs FIRST DAY!!!
Rejoin the World Health Organization
Set up a Covid office that reports directly to Biden
Rejoin the Paris climate accords
Revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and cancel other Trump administration energy rules
Nix the 1776 Commission
Unwind Trumpā€™s changes to the census
Strengthen legal protections for ā€œDreamersā€
Abolish the ā€œMuslim banā€
Cancel the Trump administrationā€™s interior enforcement rule
Halt construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall
Extend deportation protections for Liberians
Freeze Trumpā€™s ā€œmidnight regulationsā€

Nobody is afraid of Trump.

In the slightest.

But he's afraid. Very afraid. And he should be. He's going to die in prison.
Suck another bag of stale old dicks, fulltard.

I donā€™t have the time or crayon supply to explain things to a moron like you. Suffice it to say: criminal cases are supposed to be about actual alleged crimes. Here, they arenā€™t.

Now, go play in traffic.
Fuck off, Trump asseater. Trump is guilty & you know it.

Try not to soil yourself thinking about it.
Fuck off, Trump asseater. Trump is guilty & you know it

Suck some more hobo dicks. Theyā€™ll build a cardboard house in your name.

No. I donā€™t ā€œknowā€ any such thing. You sure donā€™t. You merely believe it because youā€™re a total hack and want to believe it.
Try not to soil yourself thinking about it.
You soil yourself every moment of every day.

Now, back on topic:

Gfy. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘
Suck some more hobo dicks. Theyā€™ll build a cardboard house in your name.

No. I donā€™t ā€œknowā€ any such thing. You sure donā€™t. You merely believe it because youā€™re a total hack and want to believe it.

You soil yourself every moment of every day.

Now, back on topic:

Gfy. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘
That whiff of Trump's ass still turns you on. And Jack Smith continues to rattle your cage but you ain't seen nothing yet, Trump lapdpg.

Keep bleeevin'.
That whiff of Trump's ass still turns you on. And Jack Smith continues to rattle your cage but you ain't seen nothing yet, Trump lapdpg.

Keep bleeevin'.
Man you are addicted to your dreams of feces.

Jack Smith is only your present boi friend because heā€™s giving you an illusion of what you want.

Anyway, get back down on some hobo cock. They miss you.
Chris Christie recommended Wray.
Unfortunately, Trump took his recommendation to heart. Hopefully, Trump has come to recognize who the Swamp Creatures really are and doesn't make the same series of fatal errors he did the first time.
Unfortunately, Trump took his recommendation to heart. Hopefully, Trump has come to recognize who the Swamp Creatures really are and doesn't make the same series of fatal errors he did the first time.
Trump will be less acceptable of advice coming from anyone from the DC beltway.
We can hope!! This would include his mostly woke daughter and son-in-law. He'd do well to pick Mark Dice as an adviser.
Interesting. Secretary of State Tucker Carlson, Director of FBI Dan Bongino, Attorney General Mark Levin. Those three would make the left go unhinged
Every sight I looked at had the USA below anyone else. You find one (after how many) that says the US is on top.

Yeah na.

Oil Reserves by Country

The US is 11th

Top 10 Countries With Largest Oil Reserves

Has the US at 9th

List of countries by proven oil reserves

Has the US at 8th

Which Countries Have the Worldā€™s Largest Proven Oil Reserves?

9th place again.

A) "Every sight"??? There is no "web sight"... but it is "web site"!
B) Ranking nations by the most likely
  • estimate for existing fields,
  • discoveries and as-of-yet
  • undiscovered fields (proved, probable. possible and undiscovered),
the United States is at the top of the list with 264 billion barrels of recoverable oil reserves, followed by Russia with 256 billion, Saudi Arabia with 212 billion, Canada with 167 billion, Iran with 143 billion, and Brazil with 120 billion (Table 1).
Unfortunately, Trump took his recommendation to heart. Hopefully, Trump has come to recognize who the Swamp Creatures really are and doesn't make the same series of fatal errors he did the first time.
All the people you defend are the swamp creatures, moron.
Fuck your fat orange terrorist leader. You think there was world peace under Trump? Then you are dumber than shit.
There was, and your leftist shitmongers are threatening on this very forum of violence if Trump is elected. Bunch of projecting hypocrites. Extreme dishonest Democrats

Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him​

Democrats have nothing to fear, Trump never seeks an eye for an eye.

Trump is a counter-puncher who always hits back 4X harder than first hit himself, and continuously redoubles his efforts against all resistance to do whatever it takes to succeed using obstacles to inspire him to just work harder, so democrats should expect that when Trump gets back into office to treat them like the IDF treats HAMAS and to lay waste to them all like one takes out a badger with a .460 magnum Weatherby elephant gun, decapitate their skulls, then shit down their bare necks with all of the fury of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Good days lay ahead to live for. :smoke:

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