Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him

Democrats have nothing to fear, Trump never seeks an eye for an eye.

Trump is a counter-puncher who always hits back 4X harder than first hit himself, and continuously redoubles his efforts against all resistance to do whatever it takes to succeed using obstacles to inspire him to just work harder, so democrats should expect that when Trump gets back into office to treat them like the IDF treats HAMAS and to lay waste to them all like one takes out a badger with a .460 magnum Weatherby elephant gun, decapitate their skulls, then shit down their bare necks with all of the fury of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Good days lay ahead to live for. :smoke:

Except for the fact that Trump is a weak ass RINO. He constantly caved to Pelosi. If Trump's counter punch is so tough, then wtf did he do to Pelosi after the first impeachment? Nothing. What did he do to Hillary for the whole Russia Russia Russia crap? Or Schiff. Did he counter punch schiff with anything?

Nothing. Trump is all talk.
Except for the fact that Trump is a weak ass RINO. He constantly caved to Pelosi. If Trump's counter punch is so tough, then wtf did he do to Pelosi after the first impeachment? Nothing. What did he do to Hillary for the whole Russia Russia Russia crap? Or Schiff. Did he counter punch schiff with anything?

Nothing. Trump is all talk.
in all fairness he did have a 2nd term to consider,, not to mention all the establishment people working against him,,,

he was litterally the cat thrown into the dog pen,, not many people really liked him from both sides,,
in all fairness he did have a 2nd term to consider,, not to mention all the establishment people working against him,,,

he was litterally the cat thrown into the dog pen,, not many people really liked him from both sides,,

He had 4 years to take on the deep state, and did nothing but reauthorize their agencies unconstitutional BS.

When they used FISA to spy on his campaign, did he veto it and demand they removed section 702? Nope.

Trump didn't even try to counter punch Pelosi and schiff for the first impeachment.
The week after the election, Trump said he wasn't going to "lock her up."

Face it man, Trump is a weak ass RINO's with a good sales pitch. That's it.
He had 4 years to take on the deep state, and did nothing but reauthorize their agencies unconstitutional BS.

When they used FISA to spy on his campaign, did he veto it and demand they removed section 702? Nope.

Trump didn't even try to counter punch Pelosi and schiff for the first impeachment.
The week after the election, Trump said he wasn't going to "lock her up."

Face it man, Trump is a weak ass RINO's with a good sales pitch. That's it.
theres a lot of truth in that and among the reasons I didnt vote for him,,

maybe if he gets back in he might be pissed off enough to do what needs done,,,

we sure arent going to like any of the other options,,

so this time i will vote for him,,
theres a lot of truth in that and among the reasons I didnt vote for him,,

maybe if he gets back in he might be pissed off enough to do what needs done,,,

we sure arent going to like any of the other options,,

so this time i will vote for him,,

It doesn't matter how pissed he is. Because he can't go at this revenge fantasy alone. He's going to have to appoint people in positions that can get things done for him. A DOJ, AG, FBI director and others.
Those have to be confirmed by the Senate.

If the dems keep the senate, he'll have one hell of a time getting anyone that's a MAGA person confirmed
And even if the GOP takes the senate, he won't be able to find many that'll take those positions and stick their necks out for him. Because all the ones before, either were in legal troubles or had to turn on Trump. (or simply wouldn't take the fall for him)

He's toxic, and anyone in a position to fill those positions know it. Barr wasn't a bade choice. But look at him now. Disgraced in the GOP. Same as Wray. The list of Trumps people that went down, is long.

And this ain't some conspiracy. It's human nature. If you know working for some is not going to end well, you simply choose not to do it.
It doesn't matter how pissed he is. Because he can't go at this revenge fantasy alone. He's going to have to appoint people in positions that can get things done for him. A DOJ, AG, FBI director and others.
Those have to be confirmed by the Senate.

If the dems keep the senate, he'll have one hell of a time getting anyone that's a MAGA person confirmed
And even if the GOP takes the senate, he won't be able to find many that'll take those positions and stick their necks out for him. Because all the ones before, either were in legal troubles or had to turn on Trump. (or simply wouldn't take the fall for him)

He's toxic, and anyone in a position to fill those positions know it. Barr wasn't a bade choice. But look at him now. Disgraced in the GOP. Same as Wray. The list of Trumps people that went down, is long.
for yrs people have told me to vote for the least smelly bowl of shit,,

next yr that will be trump,,,
for yrs people have told me to vote for the least smelly bowl of shit,,

next yr that will be trump,,,

If voting worked, they wouldn't let us do it. I can't see how voting for any evil somehow constitutes ones civil duty.
If you ever stop voting for smelly shit, politics take on a whole new song.
so you dont vote??

I've never missed a general election vote. And only a couple of mid terms. Up until 2016, that is. Most of the ones before that were wasted 3rd party or write in votes. (Except in the primaries, I always voted Republican). But when the GOP would kick the only actual conservative under the bus, they would lose my support.

I'll vote in the primaries again (as always). But if it's Trump and Biden again, screw it. I'm not selling my soul and my one little vote for either one of those liberals.
I've never missed a general election vote. And only a couple of mid terms. Up until 2016, that is. Most of the ones before that were wasted 3rd party or write in votes. (Except in the primaries, I always voted Republican). But when the GOP would kick the only actual conservative under the bus, they would lose my support.

I'll vote in the primaries again (as always). But if it's Trump and Biden again, screw it. I'm not selling my soul and my one little vote for either one of those liberals.
thats been my course up to now,,

since trump has both establishments losing thier collective minds over him, and exposed so much of what the progs in both parties have been doing, he will get my vote this time,,

I dont expect anything of substance to change in a meaning ful way but you never know,,

after that I will most likely go back to voting constitution party,,

the mises caucus guys are looking pretty good though
I've never missed a general election vote. And only a couple of mid terms. Up until 2016, that is. Most of the ones before that were wasted 3rd party or write in votes. (Except in the primaries, I always voted Republican). But when the GOP would kick the only actual conservative under the bus, they would lose my support.

I'll vote in the primaries again (as always). But if it's Trump and Biden again, screw it. I'm not selling my soul and my one little vote for either one of those liberals.

You are a piss poor judge of people.
thats been my course up to now,,

since trump has both establishments losing thier collective minds over him, and exposed so much of what the progs in both parties have been doing, he will get my vote this time,,

I dont expect anything of substance to change in a meaning ful way but you never know,,

after that I will most likely go back to voting constitution party,,

the mises caucus guys are looking pretty good though

Trumps a swamp creature who simply wants to be king toad. He lied about everything under the sun. He's supposed to be the super deal maker, and can't get one deal done that makes anything better of any of us.

The 8% inflation we seen in Biden's first year, Trump did that. The lower inflation, doable prices that we seen during Trump, "we did that" too.
The cheap gas prices during Trump, he didn't do that. Russia and Saudi's oil price war did that.

And what sucks is now prices are equalizing, the price of gas is coming down. And in a year, things will look pretty good. And Biden will take credit for something that "we did."

I dumped the LP when that moron did the strip dance at the LP's national convention. I heard about the Mises Caucus trying to clean out all those leftist retards that invaded the party. But I've yet to hear any gains they've made.

Honestly, I think either the R's or D's infiltrated the party leadership like the did the 07 Tea Party and the OW's.

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