Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him

I agree with Trump on almost nothing, but at this point basic things like protecting us from criminals and foreign invasion are on the table my standards have changed. If you have lots of guns and live in a cave you're good. Otherwise, you may want to reassess your standards since basic rights are no longer recognized and if you are a crime victim you may be charged when the criminal isn't

It's binary now, for sure.

One supports the Democrat destruction of the USA as we know it or one fights to stop it.

That's it.
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Comparison of Executive Orders..
  • Donald Trump 220 January 20, 2017 – January 20, 2021
  • Joe Biden 126 As of December 8, 2023

As of December 8, 2023, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 126 executive orders, 164 presidential memoranda, 539 proclamations, and 107 notices.

NOTE: in 4 years Donald Trump signed a total of 570 proclamations from January 2017 to January 2021. Biden has signed in 3 years 539 proclamations or almost the same amount as Trump in 4 years.

Right… to the democrats, Executive orders were proof of an authoritarian dictator up until Biden got elected, then they just weren’t any more.

Why is that?
When your choice is being eaten by a lion or dying of cancer, you pick the cancer. Not picking is stupid
So with the lion it most likely be painful for sure, but quicker.
Whereas cancer MAY, I say "MAY" as deaths may be painful.
The degree of pain depends on different factors such as follows:

Type of cancer
Stage of cancer
Tolerance for pain
Cancer spreading to the bone is the most painful type of cancer. Pain can be caused by a tumor pressing on the nerves around the bone. As the tumor size increases, it can release chemicals that irritate the area around the tumor. Cancer may either start or spread to the bone. The degree of pain depends on different factors such as follows:
Though Trump did in fact stoke the fire, Josef Stolen poured gasoline all over it with over $5 trillion of additional money printing to fund their "infrastructure" and "inflation fighting" grifts...Why the fuck do you keep giving he and his fascist glee club a pass?

I don't give Biden a free pass. Not in the least. He's also a big spending, big government liberal.

But do republicans want someone who'll fix the over spending and oversized government? Or do they just wanna keep kicking the can with these big spending, big government politicians?

I wanna see the problem fixed. Even if that means the GOP getting their butts kicked for 4 elections in a row. In 20 years, do you wanna keep discussing this same exact problem we've been having with RINO's like Trump? Because I'll tell ya, we've been having this same conversation for decades already. Or completely fix the problem? RINO's ain't going to fix it. They ain't even going to repeal the crap the democrats shove through.

All of Trumps big talk and broken promises got us nowhere except in worse shape. And I'm sick of people like Ronna, Trump and McConnell taking the conservatism out of the Republican party. Conservatism made this country great to start with. RINO's and liberals are destroying it.
I don't give Biden a free pass. Not in the least. He's also a big spending, big government liberal.

But do republicans want someone who'll fix the over spending and oversized government? Or do they just wanna keep kicking the can with these big spending, big government politicians?
The ones in charge are good with the latter...That's a big reason why I dropped out altogether...Not a dime's worth.
I don't give Biden a free pass. Not in the least. He's also a big spending, big government liberal.

But do republicans want someone who'll fix the over spending and oversized government? Or do they just wanna keep kicking the can with these big spending, big government politicians?

I wanna see the problem fixed. Even if that means the GOP getting their butts kicked for 4 elections in a row. In 20 years, do you wanna keep discussing this same exact problem we've been having with RINO's like Trump? Because I'll tell ya, we've been having this same conversation for decades already. Or completely fix the problem? RINO's ain't going to fix it. They ain't even going to repeal the crap the democrats shove through.

All of Trumps big talk and broken promises got us nowhere except in worse shape. And I'm sick of people like Ronna, Trump and McConnell taking the conservatism out of the Republican party. Conservatism made this country great to start with. RINO's and liberals are destroying it.
Trump Broken promises?
First of all I don't believe a word of what you write as you don't prove it with links! So easy to do!
NOT ONE single link! Zero! Makes you totally unbelievable!

Also FACTS are hard to understand obviously by people like you so just look at the pictures while others may find the words helpful!

Now You tell me ... what president of the last 8 had the lowest overall Inflation rate?

Carter2Trump PIR.png

Hmmm... tell me what President in the last 62 years made the USA energy independent?

Trump was ONLY President U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years.
Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”
Hmmm... What President in the last 20 years was responsible for..
U.S. companies have repatriated $1 trillion since tax overhaul

For reference, the 2004 tax holiday, which provided a temporary one-year reduction in the repatriation tax rate, resulted in $312 billion repatriated in 2005,

Hmmm... finally... what two other presidents donated their presidential salaries to charities as Trump did?
Trump was not the first president to say “no thanks” to his paycheck. Before him, John F. Kennedy and Herbert Hoover donated their salaries ...

So without one shred of proof VERSUS what I've offered... show me where... as you wrote:
All of Trumps big talk and broken promises got us nowhere except in worse shape.
Lowest inflation in last 8 presidents..
Most money brought back from offshore that paid the treasury..
I truly don't understand people like "Yourstruly" who can make outlandish comments like..
"All of Trumps big talk and broken promises got us nowhere except in worse shape."
Lowest inflation since Carter... Biden's at 15%!
Energy independence first time in 62 years!
$1 trillion repatriated from off shore
1) which in turn paid TAXES that went unpaid
2) Paid back dividends ...which are again taxed...
3) Billions paid in new hires, new buildings, new plants, new markets!

And idiots like "Yourstruly" says Trump's big talk and broken promises!
Ignorance thy name is "Yourstruly" as well as others that don't provide the links like I have in the above!
When Trump fearmongers in the media cry out with one voice that Trump will weaponize the Justice Department and the courts, rig our elections, and shred the Constitution, it’s pure projection.
Because that’s exactly what they’re doing right now in a desperate bid to prevent Trump from winning office again.

So what did the dictator Biden do his very first day in office.
All the following done by Biden the first day and REVERSAL OF TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERs FIRST DAY!!!
Rejoin the World Health Organization
Set up a Covid office that reports directly to Biden
Rejoin the Paris climate accords
Revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and cancel other Trump administration energy rules
Nix the 1776 Commission
Unwind Trump’s changes to the census
Strengthen legal protections for “Dreamers”
Abolish the “Muslim ban”
Cancel the Trump administration’s interior enforcement rule
Halt construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall
Extend deportation protections for Liberians
Freeze Trump’s “midnight regulations”
Lemme guess, Babylon bee?

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