Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him


BTW. I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative. I don't have a team anymore since the GOP outlawed conservatism.

Now there's just RINOism. And Trumps the KING Rino.

Trump is no conservative for sure. But we are so far beyond that. I'm a libertarian and voted third party for decades, but take a trip to Seattle and say you don't get it and I'll say you aren't conservative, you are clueless.

We had a vacation with friends from Seattle this week. They were terrified to leave ANYTHING in their car in the middle of the mountains. That is Biden's America.

The question is if you're going to turn your liberty over to others to defend or if you're going to help. Sounds so far like you are leaving it up to the rest of us to figure it out for you
but what about if you have other choices than those two?? and those choices dont seem to involve death??

We do have other choices, that's why I didn't vote for either party for decades. But since people only vote for the two and Democrats are now literally trying to destroy us, I'm rooting for cancer
That's the options of picking Republicans or democrats. It's stupid to choose either one. Why would you even consider choosing one of those? Because they told you too?

You got to the super market for some hamburger meat, and one package is rotten. The other is rotten with sprinkles. The obvious choice it to walk out of that store.
One freedom we have left in this country is not being forced to choose being eaten by a lion or cancer.

The election is their game and their rules. Rule #1 is they always win. Sometimes you just gotta choose NOT to play their game. Choosing a bad candidate just because he's a little less bad than the other is extreme anti American and very unpatriotic. You're helping to perpetuate the downfall of this country.

OK, so instead of the terrible Republicans and even worse Democrats you vote for a third party candidate you like who gets 1.5% of the vote. OK, you pick up the story from here. Saying you'll let the Democrats win just proves you're lying about not being a Democrat, but walk me to how you ride that 1.5% vote to freedom
Trump is no conservative for sure. But we are so far beyond that. I'm a libertarian and voted third party for decades, but take a trip to Seattle and say you don't get it and I'll say you aren't conservative, you are clueless.

We had a vacation with friends from Seattle this week. They were terrified to leave ANYTHING in their car in the middle of the mountains. That is Biden's America.

The question is if you're going to turn your liberty over to others to defend or if you're going to help. Sounds so far like you are leaving it up to the rest of us to figure it out for you
Trump was 180 degrees different from Biden on at least two if not more areas that Biden has made direct statements and I quote:
Destroying fossil fuels, Biden... Trump "drill, drill, drill"!
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Trump "drill, drill, drill"!
Trump was ONLY President U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years. Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957

Remember when Biden told illegals to "surge to the border"???
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

More Caught Illegally Crossing Southern Border in 1 Year of Biden
Than Entire Trump Presidency

“President Joe Biden has wasted no time making changes to the nation’s immigration and border policies, many of them a 180-degree reversal of former President Donald Trump’s restrictive policies,” The Arizona Republic reported.
So with the lion it most likely be painful for sure, but quicker.
Whereas cancer MAY, I say "MAY" as deaths may be painful.
The degree of pain depends on different factors such as follows:

Type of cancer
Stage of cancer
Tolerance for pain
Cancer spreading to the bone is the most painful type of cancer. Pain can be caused by a tumor pressing on the nerves around the bone. As the tumor size increases, it can release chemicals that irritate the area around the tumor. Cancer may either start or spread to the bone. The degree of pain depends on different factors such as follows:

You're taking my analogy further than I intended it, but that's true.

The point of cancer in the analogy is that it's fatal but you have time to figure it out. Democrats are focused on our destruction and we have been far too slow to react, me included.

Talking to real life leftists, it's incredible how they don't connect their policies with the clear result of those policies. Our friends from Seattle were so upset about what's happening to their city and their lives, but just don't see how obviously it is connected to their choices.

The crime and other results of Democrat activists just happened, they have no idea why. It's incredible
We do have other choices, that's why I didn't vote for either party for decades. But since people only vote for the two and Democrats are now literally trying to destroy us, I'm rooting for cancer
yeah god forbid we vote for a cure or something that doesnt seem like they want us dead,,
yeah god forbid we vote for a cure or something that doesnt seem like they want us dead,,

Democrats opposed the Covid shot under Trump, then destroyed us if we didn't take it under Biden. Women and children are being raped, murdered and sold into slavery on our southern border. Democrats support our enemies over our country and believe we are the greatest threat on the planet. Then there's our cities, shit.

I meant Democrats are a threat to our lives literally. It's time to fight back. Anyone who goes off into third parties or don't vote to stop it deserve what they get it's so obvious what the Democrat party is doing to us at this point
Democrats opposed the Covid shot under Trump, then destroyed us if we didn't take it under Biden. Women and children are being raped, murdered and sold into slavery on our southern border. Democrats support our enemies over our country and believe we are the greatest threat on the planet. Then there's our cities, shit.

I meant Democrats are a threat to our lives literally. It's time to fight back. Anyone who goes off into third parties or don't vote to stop it deserve what they get it's so obvious what the Democrat party is doing to us at this point
you really sound like youre in a death cult planning your own mass deaths,,

kinda sad when you think about it,, more so when we think about all the innocent people you are taking with you..
you really sound like youre in a death cult planning your own mass deaths,,

kinda sad when you think about it,, more so when we think about all the innocent people you are taking with you..

Yes it is, no it isn't, those are the only answers you provide, zero content to support it or how you save yourself voting for a candidate who gets 1.5% of the vote.

Not offended, just bored. Later, my friend
Yes it is, no it isn't, those are the only answers you provide, zero content to support it or how you save yourself voting for a candidate who gets 1.5% of the vote.

Not offended, just bored. Later, my friend
not seeing why not voting for someone thats stabbed the country in the back everytime they got elected is a bad thing,,

more so when you argue it will result in my death,,

just be happy I side with repubes most of the time against dems, cause lets face it the only redeeming value of a repube is hes not a democrat,, thats just not enough to get my vote,,
maybe try harder to tell the truth next time and not stab me in the back,,
not seeing why not voting for someone thats stabbed the country in the back everytime they got elected is a bad thing,,

more so when you argue it will result in my death,,

just be happy I side with repubes most of the time against dems, cause lets face it the only redeeming value of a repube is hes not a democrat,, thats just not enough to get my vote,,
maybe try harder to tell the truth next time and not stab me in the back,,

I'll be glad to discuss this further if you read what I said and respond to it. Agreeing with me is not required, but ignoring my points and asking me to repeat them is dull and I'm out unless you want to acknowledge and respond to my arguments like I did yours. Again, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO AGREE. But you do have to ACKNOWLEDGE AND RESPOND TO MY POINTS.

You still don't get it, do you? Be honest
I'll be glad to discuss this further if you read what I said and respond to it. Agreeing with me is not required, but ignoring my points and asking me to repeat them is dull and I'm out unless you want to acknowledge and respond to my arguments like I did yours. Again, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO AGREE. But you do have to ACKNOWLEDGE AND RESPOND TO MY POINTS.

You still don't get it, do you? Be honest
I did read them and you dont have to repeat them,,

you say your republican form of death is better than the dem form of death,,

I choose to not to join your death cult,,
From your link it reads like Biden talks
Presidential Document, and of presidential document type Executive Order","total_pages":1,"results":[{"citation":"88 FR 83809","document_number":"2023-26569","end_page":83812,"html_url":"Federal Register :: Request Access","pdf_url":"","type":"Presidential Document","subtype":"Executive Order","publication_date":"2023-12-01","signing_date":"2023-11-27","start_page":83809,"title":"Interagency Security Committee","disposition_notes":null,"executive_order_number":"14111","full_text_xml_url":"","body_html_url":"","json_url":""},{"citation":"88 FR 75191","document_number":"2023-24283","end_page":75226,"html_url":"Federal Register :: Request Access","pdf_url":"","type":"Presidential Document","subtype":"Executive Order","publication_date":"2023-11-
Let's get one thing straight, you do not make up 91 felonies out of thin air.
OK, so instead of the terrible Republicans and even worse Democrats you vote for a third party candidate you like who gets 1.5% of the vote. OK, you pick up the story from here. Saying you'll let the Democrats win just proves you're lying about not being a Democrat, but walk me to how you ride that 1.5% vote to freedom

The problem is no one wants to do the hard work of starting a 3rd party from the ground up. They want EZ mode where by some miracle a 3rd party person wins the Presidency and somehow this will magically result in a viable 3rd party.

Win your village
Win your town
Win your City
Win your County
Win your State
Get Senators and Representatives elected.
THEN go for the Presidency.
Let's get one thing straight, you do not make up 91 felonies out of thin air.

The Soviets made shit up like that all the time.

And you can indict a ham sandwich in the US if you really put your mind to it.

Also, of those 80 or so are the same supposed crime broken down into multiple steps to make it seem like a bigger deal.

Now go blow of a Hamas "freedom fighter" while getting pegged by Kamala.
The problem is no one wants to do the hard work of starting a 3rd party from the ground up. They want EZ mode where by some miracle a 3rd party person wins the Presidency and somehow this will magically result in a viable 3rd party.

Win your village
Win your town
Win your City
Win your County
Win your State
Get Senators and Representatives elected.
THEN go for the Presidency.
3rd party already exist,, the problem is the 2 main parties are death cults that claim our death is better than their death so join us,,

would be better if one of those parties actually stood for the constitution,,
3rd party already exist,, the problem is the 2 main parties are death cults that claim our death is better than their death so join us,,

would be better if one of those parties actually stood for the constitution,,

They exist as scattered local fragments, "national" offices with no constituents, and wishful thinking by people outside the binary system.
The Soviets made shit up like that all the time.

And you can indict a ham sandwich in the US if you really put your mind to it.

Also, of those 80 or so are the same supposed crime broken down into multiple steps to make it seem like a bigger deal.

Now go blow of a Hamas "freedom fighter" while getting pegged by Kamala.
91 felony counts is the real deal, you fucked up POS Trump kiss-ass!
I did read them and you dont have to repeat them,,

you say your republican form of death is better than the dem form of death,,

I choose to not to join your death cult,,

So you read my posts, understood my answer, and just repeated the question not indicating that you grasped anything. Got it. My thoughts ...


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