Democrats are going into the 2018 elections, and it doesnt look good for them..


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
MSN has polls out and here are a few responses. The moderates are going to make a difference. They see what the left is wanting to do to this great country and they don't like it.

Poll Results
How do you view President Trump’s stance on immigration issues?
Too tough
Too lenient
About right

Total responses: 630,969 votes

Who bears most of the blame that the Dreamer issue has not been settled?
Democrats in Congress
Republicans in Congress
27% President Trump

Total responses: 234,310 votes

Who is most responsible for Trump’s border wall not being fully funded?
Democrats in Congress
Republicans in Congress
President Trump

Total responses: 215,784 votes

The flow of legal immigrants into the US should:
Stay the same

Total responses: 287,882 votes

Which party do you most ID with?
Strong Democrat
Lean Democrat
Somewhere in the middle
Lean Republican
Strong Republican

Total responses: 198,032 votes
Polls don't mean much anymore, but surely a poll from MSN showing the blaming on Democrats cannot be good for their prospects. Especially since now cities in Cali a fighting back against Sanctuary Cities right as Trump is demanding a Wall.

Where is the link to this poll by the way?
This caravan bullshit will push enough moderates into the Republican camp to maintain a majority in Congress. They think they can just walk across the border and invade our country. Only an idiot liberal would sit and cheer them on while they drag our country into the toilet.
This caravan bullshit will push enough moderates into the Republican camp to maintain a majority in Congress. They think they can just walk across the border and invade our country. Only an idiot liberal would sit and cheer them on while they drag our country into the toilet.

Did I miss the part where they had crossed into our country? Caravan ---> LoL
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats. Trump and the Democrats are more responsible for the wall not being funded than the Republicans who control Congress? :eusa_eh:
This caravan bullshit will push enough moderates into the Republican camp to maintain a majority in Congress. They think they can just walk across the border and invade our country. Only an idiot liberal would sit and cheer them on while they drag our country into the toilet.

Did I miss the part where they had crossed into our country? Caravan ---> LoL
Did I say they did?
Polls don't mean much anymore, but surely a poll from MSN showing the blaming on Democrats cannot be good for their prospects. Especially since now cities in Cali a fighting back against Sanctuary Cities right as Trump is demanding a Wall.

Where is the link to this poll by the way?
I have set up my MSN homepage to give me daily polls and their results. Not sure how you would set up your MSN homepage.
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats. Trump and the Democrats are more responsible for the wall not being funded than the Republicans who control Congress? :eusa_eh:
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats.
Hitlery said the same thing about those who didn't vote for her, and look what she ended up with. Keep it up, losers, we love it when you hate the moderates so much...
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats. Trump and the Democrats are more responsible for the wall not being funded than the Republicans who control Congress? :eusa_eh:
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats.
Hitlery said the same thing about those who didn't vote for her, and look what she ended up with. Keep it up, losers, we love it when you hate the moderates so much...

Again, you partisan faggot. Have you ever responded to a post without deflecting onto something that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic? How about addressing what I actually said, you brain dead cock goblin.
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats. Trump and the Democrats are more responsible for the wall not being funded than the Republicans who control Congress? :eusa_eh:
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats.
Hitlery said the same thing about those who didn't vote for her, and look what she ended up with. Keep it up, losers, we love it when you hate the moderates so much...

Again, you partisan faggot. Have you ever responded to a post without deflecting onto something that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic? How about addressing what I actually said, you brain dead cock goblin.
You are just a miserable angry, queer who doesn't like it that 2018 is going to lose more seats to Republicans, because you even hate moderates..Nice job using Rules for Radicals, but I know about liberals and the only good liberal is the one at the bottom of the ocean.
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats. Trump and the Democrats are more responsible for the wall not being funded than the Republicans who control Congress? :eusa_eh:
Who ever answered these poll questions are asshats.
Hitlery said the same thing about those who didn't vote for her, and look what she ended up with. Keep it up, losers, we love it when you hate the moderates so much...

Again, you partisan faggot. Have you ever responded to a post without deflecting onto something that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic? How about addressing what I actually said, you brain dead cock goblin.
You are just a miserable angry, queer who doesn't like it that 2018 is going to lose more seats to Republicans, because you even hate moderates..Nice job using Rules for Radicals, but I know about liberals and the only good liberal is the one at the bottom of the ocean.

Not going to address my original point, eh? You really are the most worthless hack on this board. :lol:
The problem is probably going to be that the asshat Turtle McConnell tied the party to having the asinine tax cuts as their primary issue, and they are going back for another bite before the election. Not for more cuts, but to make the individual tax cuts permanent, and most of the money went to the 1%, so the cuts aren't thrilling a lot of voters even with the growing economy. That is, beyond partisan spin, there's no reason to give Trump credit, he is personally unpopular because of his behaviors, and the protectionist trade policies will cause some pain even if there's job growth. And imo, there won't even be that.

However, I think a lot of people still see the dems as the party of identity politics and a party not much interested in white people who suffered in the great recession. So, like your link said, the gop shouldn't suffer too much in rural areas. Unless agriculture exports tank.
This caravan bullshit will push enough moderates into the Republican camp to maintain a majority in Congress. They think they can just walk across the border and invade our country. Only an idiot liberal would sit and cheer them on while they drag our country into the toilet.
In our family we have a professional carpet layer.
For the last year every time he goes to the office to pick up his worksheet there have been half a dozen illegals hanging around the loading ramp. They are willing to work for a quarter of what the professional is getting long as they are paid in cash.
They are like vultures waiting for the professional to call in sick. If he does he knows the chances of getting more work is almost nil.
How is this good for the country?

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